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    af Tom Kitwood
    288,95 kr.

    Tom Kitwoods teorier underbygger den udvikling, demensplejen i Danmark har undergået gennem de seneste årtier. Tendensen har været at betone hjemlige og fleksible rammer med plads til den enkeltes udtryk samt respekt for personens historie.For Kitwood er den demenslidende i centrum. Han opstiller en forståelsesramme, der inkluderer den dementes personlighed, biografi og det neurologiske forfald som givne faktorer, der påvirkes af det fysiske helbred og det socialpsykiske miljø.Bogen er oversat af mag.scient., ph.d. Nina Johnsen og redigeret og bearbejdet af cand.psyk. Dorte Høeg.

  • af Tom Kitwood
    446,95 kr.

    The original Dementia Reconsidered: The Person Comes First by Tom Kitwood was published by Open University Press in 1997. It was a seminal text in the field of dementia studies and is still cited and referenced as core reading on person-centred dementia care. Tom died unexpectedly, just 12 months after the book was published. This book continues to inspire many people to challenge simplistic paradigms about dementia. Since the original book was written, however, there have been many changes in our understanding of dementia.The editor of this new edition, Dawn Brooker was mentored by Tom Kitwood. She has drawn together a remarkable group of writers to provide a commentary on Kitwood's work. This new edition reproduces the original chapters but provides extra content from subject experts to update the book to a contemporary level.Dementia Reconsidered Re-visited is an ideal main text or supplementary text for all those studying or working in nursing, medicine, psychiatry, psychology, occupational therapy, social work, adult education, gerontology and health and social care more generally."This important book does three things. It brings to a new generation the insight and vision of Tom Kitwood. It highlights the remarkable progress we have made in recent years. But most important of all it reminds us what still needs to be done if we are to fully respect the rights of people with dementia and their family care-givers. Kitwood inspired Alzheimer's Society to knit together research, care, and societal change. We are now re-inspired to make sure all progress is evidenced and evaluated for its impact. We must realise the enormous opportunities the digital age offers people affected by dementia but in doing so constantly listen to and learn from their many and varied voices across nations and cultures."Jeremy Hughes CBE, Chief Executive, Alzheimer's Society, UK

  • af Tom Kitwood
    1.444,95 kr.

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