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  • af Tove Jansson
    63,94 kr.

    Mumifamilien har mange venner og bekendte blandt Mumidalens sælsomme væsner. I denne samling af små historier møder vi blandt andet Nini, som er blevet usynlig og får hjælp fra Mumifamilien til at blive synlig igen. Og Mumrikken fortæller om et mærkeligt væsen, der taler samme sprog som ham, og om et gammelt familiemedlem, der ejede mange smukke ting.Tove Jansson (1914-2001) var en finlandssvensk forfatter, kunstner og tegner. Hun er mest kendt for sine fortællinger om mumitroldene, som er oversat til mere end 35 sprog – heriblandt dansk. Tove Jansson har modtaget adskillige priser og hædersbevisninger, blandt andet H.C. Andersen Prisen, Selma Lagerlöfs litteraturpris, Finlandspriset og Svenska Akademiens Store Pris.

  • af Tove Jansson
    Stream i Appen

    Lækker gavebog, der indeholder ni historier om livet i Mumidalen, hvor vi møder Mumitrolden, Lille My, Snorkfrøkenen, Mumrikken og alle de andre skønne væsner, der bor i Tove Janssons fantastiske univers. Læs om, hvad der sker, når Mumitrolden og hans venner får besøg af et usynligt barn, drager ud på vintereventyr, efterforsker mysterier og meget, meget mere. Fortællingerne og udtrykket er taget fra en ny animationsserie inspireret af Tove Janssons originalfortællinger. I samme serie: Eventyr fra Mumidalen Fra ca. 4 år

    Stream i AppenFysisk bog
  • - A Childhood Memoir
    af Tove Jansson
    105,95 kr.

    Tove Jansson's first book for adults was a memoir, capturing afresh the enchantments and fears of her Helsinki childhood. Restored to its original form, Sculptor's Daughter gives us a glimpse of the mysteries of winter ice, the bonhomie of balalaika parties, and the vastness of Christmas viewed from beneath the tree.

  • af Tove Jansson & Ali Smith
    117,95 kr.

    Travelling Light by Tove Jansson The precariousness of travel is revealed in this unnerving new collection of stories."e; Introduced by Ali Smith; Translated for the first time from the Swedish by Silvester Mazzarella; Translated into English for the first time, Travelling Light takes us into new Tove Jansson territory. A professor arrives in a beautiful Spanish village only to find that her host has left and she must cope with fractious neighbours alone; a holiday on a Finnish Island is thrown into disarray by an oddly intrusive child; an artist returns from abroad to discover that her past has been eerily usurped. With the deceptively light prose that is her hallmark, Tove Jansson reveals to us the precariousness of a journey - the unease we feel at being placed outside of our millieu, the restlessness and shadows that intrude upon a summer.

  • af Tove Jansson
    97,95 - 152,95 kr.

    'I decided to run away. There simply wasn't anything else to do.'Here at last is Moominpappa's promised life story - from the days when he was abandoned in a newspaper parcel on the doorstep of a Moomin orphanage, to when he ran away to see the world and was lucky enough to meet Moominmamma.

  • af Tove Jansson
    97,95 kr.

    If you found a tiny golden dragon with green paws, would you know what to do with it?Well, Moomintroll thinks he knows what to do. But when he takes his new-found pet home, things don't quite work out as planned!

  • af Tove Jansson
    97,95 kr.

    A great flood wave threatens Moomin Valley!When the Moomin family is flooded out of its home, the Moomins set about finding themselves a new one. And being resourceful little creatures, they soon find a very original one: a floating theatre!

  • af Tove Jansson
    92,95 - 97,95 kr.

    Poor little chap! He had been turned into a very strange animal indeed . . .Although they're small, fat and shy creatures, Moomins have the most amazing adventures. It all begins when Moominpappa tries on a magic hat that makes exciting and funny things happen . . .

  • af Tove Jansson
    97,95 kr.

    A comet is speeding towards Earth and nobody knows what to do!Will it destroy everything and everyone? Moomintroll decides to find out. So, with Sniff, he sets out on an expedition that promises to be packed with adventure and excitement!

  • af Tove Jansson
    117,95 kr.

    Mumifar og Mumidalen lever videre i de tre næste romaner i Tove Janssons vidunderlige romanserie fra Mumidalen.I 1950 udkom Mumirfars erindringsbog. Her afslører Mumifar, at han i virkeligheden er et hittebarn, født under helt usædvanlige stjerner og opdraget i Hemulernes strenge børnehjem.I Farlig midsommer fra 1954 rammer en mægtig flodbølge Mumidalen, og Mumifamiliens elskede hjem forsvinder i bølgerne. Et besynderligt og mystisk fartøj dukker pludselig op og redder dem.Troldvinter fra 1957 afslutter denne samling med historien om det år, da Mumitrolden vågnede af sin vintersøvn midt i den mørkeste vinter og bliver den første Mumitrold, der oplever vinteren.Med forord af Anders Lund Madsen, der er en stor Mumielsker og -kender.

  • af Tove Jansson
    73,95 - 74,95 kr.

    Det er vinter i Mumidalen, og Mumifamilien sover vintersøvn. Men Mumi vågner alt for tidligt, og på den måde bliver han den første mumitrold, der oplever vinteren.Tove Jansson (1914-2001) var en finlandssvensk forfatter, kunstner og tegner. Hun er mest kendt for sine fortællinger om mumitroldene, som er oversat til mere end 35 sprog – heriblandt dansk. Tove Jansson har modtaget adskillige priser og hædersbevisninger, blandt andet H.C. Andersen Prisen, Selma Lagerlöfs litteraturpris, Finlandspriset og Svenska Akademiens Store Pris.

  • af Tove Jansson
    90,95 kr.

    Now that autumn is turning into winter, a group of unlikely friends settle down in Moominhouse-but where are the Moomins?

  • af Tove Jansson
    97,95 kr.

    'They can't have moved away without saying a word!'Winter is coming, and the Fillyjonk, the Hemulen, Toft, Mymble, etc. are all waiting in Moominvalley to see the Moomins return home. Winter doesn't seem right without them . . .

  • af Tove Jansson
    147,95 kr.

    Special Collectors' Edition lovingly restored to its original stunning design.

  • af Tove Jansson
    137,95 kr.

    Special Collectors' Edition lovingly restored to its original stunning design - with fold-out map of Moomin Valley.

  • af Tove Jansson
    147,95 kr.

    A little girl is transported with the help of magic glasses from the tedium of a summer afternoon into an exciting world of mangrove swamps, spluttering volcanoes and sea where birds fly upside down and wild things threaten to pounce. But she is not alone.

  • - The complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip
    af Tove Jansson
    185,95 kr.

    More delightful tales from the legendary Finnish artistDrawn & Quarterly''s bestselling Moomin series, created by the legendary children''s author Tove Jansson, is now in its fourth installment. The series is the winner of the Harvey Award and has been nominated for multiple Eisner Awards.

  • af Tove Jansson
    73,95 - 74,95 kr.

    Livet i Mumidalen går sin gang, og alle travlt med betydningsfulde ting, de skal nå. Undtagen Mumifar, som føler sig rastløs. Han beslutter at tage hele familien med ud til en lillebitte ø, hvor han vil tage jobbet som fyrpasser. Men øen viser sig at være et mærkværdigt sted, hvor alting – selv fyret – sover.Tove Jansson (1914-2001) var en finlandssvensk forfatter, kunstner og tegner. Hun er mest kendt for sine fortællinger om mumitroldene, som er oversat til mere end 35 sprog – heriblandt dansk. Tove Jansson har modtaget adskillige priser og hædersbevisninger, blandt andet H.C. Andersen Prisen, Selma Lagerlöfs litteraturpris, Finlandspriset og Svenska Akademiens Store Pris.

  • af Tove Jansson
    45,95 kr.

    Tove Janssons første historie ud af i alt 9 om Mumitrolden, Mumifamilien og alle vennerne i Mumidalen. Denne første historie, der udkom første gang i 1945, markerer begyndelsen på Mumiuniverset og handler om, hvordan Mumimor og Mumitrolden efter mange skænderier bliver lykkeligt forenet med Mumifar igen, og til sidst finder de deres hjem i Mumidalen, der er smukkere end nogen dal, de har set før. Historien giver et fantastisk indblik i Mumiuniverset med de indtagende, elskelige og meget forskellige væsener, der er fulde af hjælpsomhed, godhed og små og store uenigheder. Man ler og græder sammen med dem i deres lilleputverden, hvor livet ofte bliver lidt for broget, men hvor det gode altid vinder. Tove Jansson (1914-2001) var en finlandssvensk forfatter, kunstner og tegner. Hun er mest kendt for sine fortællinger om mumitroldene, som er oversat til mere end 35 sprog – heriblandt dansk. Tove Jansson har modtaget adskillige priser og hædersbevisninger, blandt andet H.C. Andersen Prisen, Selma Lagerlöfs litteraturpris, Finlandspriset og Svenska Akademiens Store Pris.

  • af Tove Jansson
    137,95 kr.

    Smuk udgave af den sjette roman om Mumitroldene.Troldvinter er den sjette roman ud af de i alt ni romaner, Tove Jansson skrev om Mumitroldene. Bogen udkom første gang i 1957.Mumitrolden vågner af sit vinterhi en iskold januarnat og kan ikke falde i søvn igen. Og som den første Mumitrold nogensinde oplever han Mumidalen i vinterklæder. I begyndelsen føler han sig forfærdeligt ensom, men opdager så, hvilke spændende væsener der færdes i Mumidalen om vinteren, bl.a. Tootikki, der bor i familiens badehus, og Lille My, der også vågner for tidligt af sin vintersøvn. Mumitrolden føler sig pludselig ikke så fremmedgjort længere i den mørke og iskolde verden, han er havnet i, men træder i karakter og opdager nye sider af sig selv og Mumidalen.Tove Jansson skabte i 1945 universet om Mumitroldene, som siden blev verdensberømt og prisbelønnet for sit skarpsyn og finurligt formidlede livsvisdom. Romanerne, som er udgangspunkt for univserset, har for længst opnået klassikerstatus.I samme serie (og flere på vej):De små trolde og den store oversvømmelseKometen kommerTroldkarlens hatMumifars erindringsbogFarlig midsommer

  • af Tove Jansson
    38,95 kr.

    Une collection d'enquêtes des Moumines, pour les enfants dès 3 ans.Suis Moumine et ses amis dans leur jeu de détective et pars à la recherche des réponses à de nombreuses questions : où mène la mystérieuse piste rouge ? Qui a volé le collier de Mme Filifolle, et où a disparu le dernier timbre de Monsieur Carrousel ? Enfin, qu'est-il arrivé à toutes les affaires contenues dans la valise de tante Jane ?Cet ouvrage comprend quatre enquêtes des Moumines : le mystère du pot de confiture, le mystère du collier de perles, le mystère du timbre-poste et le mystère de la valise.MoumineViens rejoindre le monde paisible et atemporel des Moumines, où Moumine le troll, Papa Moumine et Maman Moumine vivent de nombreuses et de merveilleuses aventures en compagnie de leurs amis : Demoiselle Snork, Sniff, Petite Mu, Mumrik, le Puant, Madame Filigonde et tous les autres. Vers quelles terres fabuleuses ce voyage conduira-t-il la prochaine fois, et quelles créatures enchantées Moumine le troll et ses amis rencontreront-ils en chemin ?Le monde enchanté des Moumines créé par Tove Jansson a le pouvoir de captiver l’imagination des enfants aussi bien que des adultes. Créée en 1945, la famille Moumine et ses amis sont désormais aimés dans le monde entier. Ils figurent dans des livres, des bandes-dessinées et des séries télé dans plus de 35 langues. Le succès du paysage fantastique et presque mythique de Tove Janssen a été tel qu’il a remporté de nombreux prix littéraires, comme le prix Hans Christian Andersen et le prix Selma Lagerlöfs.

  • af Tove Jansson
    57,95 kr.

    Winner of the 2009 Bernard Shaw Prize for Translation.´Fair Play´ is a poignant portrayal of the intricacies of love and work through the lens of two women, both accomplished artists, whose intimate relationship defied societal norms. Set against the backdrop of Helsinki and summers on their remote island paradise, Jansson weaves together the nuanced details of the women's creative lives, offering a rich tapestry of their daily routines, artistic process, and innermost thoughts. Through the lens of their unique relationship, we witness a true example of progressive love, where generosity and respect are key to a beautiful and thriving partnership.© 2024 Tove Jansson, Moomin Characters™Published in the English language by arrangement with Rights & BrandsFinnish-Swedish writer and artist Tove Jansson (1914-2001) is globally cherished for creating the Moomin universe. Born in Helsinki, her tales of the Moomins captivated readers worldwide. Beyond Moominvalley, she penned profound adult novels, most notably "The Summer Book".

  • af Tove Jansson
    40,95 - 41,95 kr.

    Little My is a true firecracker; small but fierce yet clever and brave - and one of Moomintroll’s best friends. She is independent and wherever Little My goes, something exciting is bound to happen. From Little My's first meeting with the Moomin family to turning a garden into a jungle, these adventures are all about Little My - with appearances from some of your favourite Moomins such as Moomintroll, Moominpappa, and Moominmamma along the way. Heartwarming and joyful, these short stories are perfect for young readers and ideal for bedtime! MoominCome and join the tranquil and timeless Moominworld, where Moomintroll, Moominpappa and Moominmamma set out on many marvelous adventures together with their friends; Snorkmaiden, Sniff, Little My, Snufkin, Stinky, Mrs Fillyjonk and all the others. To what mythical lands will the journey lead next, and what fairy tail creatures will Moomintroll and his friends discover along the way? Since 1945, Tove Jansson's magical Moominworld has enchanted children and adults alike, spanning books, comics, and TV-series in 35+ languages which all feature the beloved Moomin family and their friends. Jansson’s unique, almost mythical fantasy-scape has won her several literary prizes such as the Hans Christian Andersen Medal and the Selma Lagerlöfs prize.

  • af Tove Jansson
    40,95 - 41,95 kr.

    Ready yourself for cosy adventures with all your favourite characters from the Moomins! Follow along as Moomintroll and his friends play detective and help solve the mystery of Mrs Fillyjonk's stolen necklace, the disappearance of Hermulen’s last stamp, and much more.Heartwarming, joyful and filled to the brim with mystery, these short stories are perfect for young readers and is the ideal bedtime book option!MoominCome and join the tranquil and timeless Moominworld, where Moomintroll, Moominpappa and Moominmamma set out on many marvelous adventures together with their friends; Snorkmaiden, Sniff, Little My, Snufkin, Stinky, Mrs Fillyjonk and all the others. To what mythical lands will the journey lead next, and what fairy tail creatures will Moomintroll and his friends discover along the way? Since 1945, Tove Jansson's magical Moominworld has enchanted children and adults alike, spanning books, comics, and TV-series in 35+ languages which all feature the beloved Moomin family and their friends. Jansson’s unique, almost mythical fantasy-scape has won her several literary prizes such as the Hans Christian Andersen Medal and the Selma Lagerlöfs prize.

  • af Tove Jansson
    38,94 - 38,95 kr.

    La Pequeña My es una auténtica fiera, pequeña pero feroz, inteligente, valiente y una de las mejores amigas de Mumin. La Pequeña My es el tipo de persona que quiere decidir las cosas por sí misma y dondequiera que vaya, siempre ocurre algo emocionante. Por eso, sin duda, es la acompañante ideal para las andanzas de Mumin, ¡pero esta vez la protagonista de las aventuras es ella!Los Mumin Entra en el tranquilo y atemporal mundo de los Mumin, donde Mumin, Papá Mumin y Mamá Mumin viven maravillosas aventuras junto con sus amigos Esnorquita, Sniff, la Pequeña My, Manrico, Stinky, la señora Fillyjonk y muchos otros.¿A qué tierras míticas les llevará este viaje? ¿Qué criaturas fantásticas descubrirán Mumin y sus amigos por el camino?El mágico mundo de los Mumin, de la mano de Tove Jansson, tiene el poder de cautivar la imaginación de niños y adultos por igual. Los personajes de la familia Mumin y sus amigos, creados en 1945, se han convertido en algunos de los dibujos más queridos de todo el mundo. Los Mumin han protagonizado libros, cómics y series de televisión en más de 35 idiomas. El mundo de fantasía único y casi mítico de Tove Jansson ha ganado varios premios literarios, como el H.C Andersen Award y el Selma Lagerlöf Prize, entre otros.

  • af Tove Jansson
    38,94 - 38,95 kr.

    Acompaña a Mumin y a sus amigos mientras juegan a ser detectives y encuentran respuestas a las muchas preguntas que tienen: ¿adónde lleva ese misterioso rastro de manchas rojas? ¿Quién ha robado el collar de la señora Fillyjonk? ¿Dónde se ha metido el último sello de Hemulen? ¿Y qué ha pasado con todo lo que llevaba la tía Jane en su maleta?Los Mumin Entra en el tranquilo y atemporal mundo de los Mumin, donde Mumin, Papá Mumin y Mamá Mumin viven maravillosas aventuras junto con sus amigos Esnorquita, Sniff, la Pequeña My, Manrico, Stinky, la señora Fillyjonk y muchos otros.¿A qué tierras míticas les llevará el viaje? ¿Qué criaturas fantásticas descubrirán Mumin y sus amigos por el camino?El mágico mundo de los Mumin, de la mano de Tove Jansson, tiene el poder de cautivar la imaginación de niños y adultos por igual. Los personajes de la familia Mumin y sus amigos, creados en 1945, se han convertido en algunos de los dibujos más queridos de todo el mundo. Los Mumin han protagonizado libros, cómics y series de televisión en más de 35 idiomas. El mundo de fantasía único y casi mítico de Tove Jansson ha ganado varios premios literarios, como el H.C Andersen Award y el Selma Lagerlöf Prize, entre otros.

  • af Tove Jansson
    38,94 - 38,95 kr.

    Piccola Mi è una vera testa calda: piccola ma agguerrita, intelligente e coraggiosa, è una di quelle persone che vuole decidere sempre da sé. Ovunque vada accade qualcosa di eccitante ed è per questo che è una delle migliori amiche di Moomintroll. Piccola Mi è davvero uno dei migliori compagni di avventura che si possano desiderare, ma questa volta l'avventura riguarderà proprio lei!MuminVenite a scoprire il tranquillo e intramontabile mondo dei Mumin, dove Mumin, papà Mumin e mamma Mumin partono per tante meravigliose avventure insieme ai loro amici: Grugnina, Sniff, Piccola Mi, Tabacco, Puzzolente, signora Fillyjonk e tutti gli altri.A quali terre mitiche condurrà il viaggio e quali creature fiabesche scopriranno Mumin e i suoi amici lungo la strada?Il magico mondo dei Mumin dell'autrice e illustratrice finlandese di lingua svedese Tove Jansson è in grado di catturare l'immaginazione di grandi e piccini. Creati nel 1945, i Mumin e i loro amici sono stati amati in tutto il mondo e sono apparsi in libri, fumetti e serie televisive in più di 35 lingue.

  • af Tove Jansson
    57,95 kr.

    Set against the rugged backdrop of Klovharun, a barren skerry in the Gulf of Finland, ´Notes from an Island´ invites you into the intimate world of Tove Jansson and her partner, graphic artist Tuulikki Pietilä, known affectionately as "Tooti." Aided by Brunstroem, an unconventional fisherman, Jansson races against time and the elements to build a cabin that would serve as their sanctuary for thirty summers. A declaration of the beauty of solitude, ´Notes from an Island´ is a touching homage to a mature love nurtured by the raw beauty of shifting seascapes.© 2024 Tove Jansson, Moomin Characters™Published in the English language by arrangement with Rights & BrandsFinnish-Swedish writer and artist Tove Jansson (1914-2001) is globally cherished for creating the Moomin universe. Born in Helsinki, her tales of the Moomins captivated readers worldwide. Beyond Moominvalley, she penned profound adult novels, most notably "The Summer Book".

  • af Tove Jansson
    73,95 kr.

    On a pristine island in the Gulf of Finland, six-year-old Sophia is awakening to life, while her wise yet cranky grandmother is contemplating its end. This unlikely duo becomes each other's perfect companions for a season of unforgettable adventures. From crafting boats out of bark to creating their own miniature Venice, they explore their island world with youthful curiosity and aged wisdom. Along the way, they tackle the universal questions that captivate young and old: What is life and death? What is the nature of love and God? In this enchanting tale, Jansson crafts a world that is a microcosm of life's joys and sorrows, making "The Summer Book" a season you'll never want to end.© 2024 Tove Jansson, Moomin Characters™Published in the English language by arrangement with Rights & BrandsFinnish-Swedish writer and artist Tove Jansson (1914-2001) is globally cherished for creating the Moomin universe. Born in Helsinki, her tales of the Moomins captivated readers worldwide. Beyond Moominvalley, she penned profound adult novels, most notably "The Summer Book".

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