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  • af Vamsi Krishna Kukkapalli
    442,95 kr.

    Das Buch befasst sich mit der schnell wachsenden Elektrofahrzeugindustrie und dem Bedarf an effizienten Wärmemanagementsystemen in deren Batteriepacks. Es konzentriert sich auf die Rolle von Nanofluiden, einer Spitzentechnologie, bei der Verbesserung der Wärmeableitung für eine verbesserte Batterieleistung und Langlebigkeit. Der Bericht behandelt die Zusammensetzung von Nanofluiden, Kühlmethoden (aktiv und passiv) und Wärmemanagementstrategien. Es werden die potenziellen Vorteile der Verwendung von Nanofluiden zur Kühlung von EV-Batteriesystemen hervorgehoben, die zu einer höheren Effizienz und Sicherheit führen. Das Buch befasst sich aber auch mit der anhaltenden Debatte über die beste Nanofluid-Zusammensetzung und erörtert Einschränkungen wie Stabilität, Kosten und Umweltauswirkungen, die weitere Forschung erfordern.

  • af Vamsi Krishna Kukkapalli
    443,95 kr.

    Ce livre explore l'industrie des véhicules électriques en pleine croissance et le besoin de systèmes efficaces de gestion de la chaleur dans leurs batteries. Il se concentre sur le rôle des nanofluides, une technologie de pointe, dans l'amélioration de la dissipation de la chaleur pour améliorer les performances et la longévité des batteries. L'étude porte sur la composition des nanofluides, les méthodes de refroidissement (actives et passives) et les stratégies de gestion thermique. Il met en évidence les avantages potentiels de l'utilisation des nanofluides pour refroidir les systèmes de batteries des véhicules électriques, ce qui se traduit par une efficacité et une sécurité accrues. Toutefois, le livre aborde également le débat en cours sur la meilleure composition de nanofluide et discute des limites telles que la stabilité, le coût et l'impact sur l'environnement qui nécessitent des recherches plus approfondies.

  • af Vamsi Krishna Kukkapalli
    443,95 kr.

    V knige rassmatriwaetsq bystro razwiwaüschaqsq industriq älektromobilej i neobhodimost' sozdaniq äffektiwnyh sistem uprawleniq teplowydeleniem w ih akkumulqtornyh batareqh. Osnownoe wnimanie udelqetsq roli nanozhidkostej - peredowoj tehnologii - w uluchshenii teplootwoda dlq powysheniq proizwoditel'nosti i dolgowechnosti batarej. V obzore rassmatriwaütsq sostaw nanozhidkostej, metody ohlazhdeniq (aktiwnye i passiwnye) i strategii termoregulirowaniq. V nem podcherkiwaütsq potencial'nye preimuschestwa ispol'zowaniq nanozhidkostej dlq ohlazhdeniq akkumulqtornyh sistem EV, chto priwodit k powysheniü äffektiwnosti i bezopasnosti. Odnako w knige takzhe rassmatriwaütsq prodolzhaüschiesq spory o nailuchshem sostawe nanozhidkosti i obsuzhdaütsq takie ogranicheniq, kak stabil'nost', stoimost' i wozdejstwie na okruzhaüschuü sredu, kotorye trebuüt dal'nejshih issledowanij.

  • af Vamsi Krishna Kukkapalli
    688,95 kr.

    O livro explora o rápido crescimento da indústria de veículos eléctricos e a necessidade de sistemas eficientes de gestão do calor nas suas baterias. Centra-se no papel dos nanofluidos, uma tecnologia de ponta, na melhoria da dissipação de calor para um melhor desempenho e longevidade da bateria. A análise abrange a composição dos nanofluidos, os métodos de arrefecimento (activos e passivos) e as estratégias de gestão térmica. Destaca os potenciais benefícios da utilização de nanofluidos para arrefecer os sistemas de baterias de veículos eléctricos, conduzindo a uma maior eficiência e segurança. No entanto, o livro também aborda o debate em curso sobre a melhor composição de nanofluidos e discute limitações como a estabilidade, o custo e o impacto ambiental que requerem mais investigação.

  • af Vamsi Krishna Kukkapalli
    442,95 kr.

    Il libro analizza la rapida crescita dell'industria dei veicoli elettrici e la necessità di sistemi efficienti di gestione del calore nei loro pacchi batteria. Si concentra sul ruolo dei nanofluidi, una tecnologia all'avanguardia, nel migliorare la dissipazione del calore per migliorare le prestazioni e la longevità delle batterie. La rassegna copre la composizione dei nanofluidi, i metodi di raffreddamento (attivo e passivo) e le strategie di gestione termica. Evidenzia i potenziali vantaggi dell'uso dei nanofluidi per raffreddare i sistemi di batterie EV, con conseguente aumento dell'efficienza e della sicurezza. Tuttavia, il libro affronta anche il dibattito in corso sulla migliore composizione del nanofluido e discute le limitazioni come la stabilità, il costo e l'impatto ambientale che richiedono ulteriori ricerche.

  • af Vamsi Krishna Kukkapalli
    369,95 kr.

    The book explores the rapidly growing electric vehicle industry and the need for efficient heat management systems in their battery packs. It focuses on the role of nanofluids, a cutting-edge technology, in enhancing heat dissipation for improved battery performance and longevity. The review covers nanofluid composition, cooling methods (active and passive), and thermal management strategies. It highlights the potential benefits of using nanofluids to cool EV battery systems, leading to increased efficiency and safety. However, the book also addresses the ongoing debate around the best nanofluid composition and discusses limitations such as stability, cost, and environmental impact that require further research.

  • af Vamsi Krishna Kukkapalli
    500,95 kr.

    Constructal theory is widely used as a powerful tool in designing of engineering systems (flow configurations, patterns, geometry). This theory is observed in nature and its principles are applicable to general engineering. Constructal theory encompasses a wide range of space in the ¿design¿, drawing from each and every field from engineering to biology. The universal design of nature and the constructal law unify all animate schemata such as human blood circulatory systems, and inanimate systems, such as urban traffic and river basins. The proceeding research applies the overlying theories of constructal theory to the two different systems in order to achieve best thermal performance phenomena. First is stabilization of roadway embankments in the permafrost regions with design modifications in existing thermosyphon evaporators with tree structure designs, and defining the optimal spacing between two neighboring thermosyphons based on thermal cooling phenomena. The second part of the research is to find an effective way to reject heat released from the metal hydride powder to the outer environment during the hydrogen absorption process.

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