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  • af Walid El Khoury
    82,95 kr.

    In this heartwarming children's book, readers will meet a shy moon who becomes unlikely friends with an orphan boy named Bard. As they spend their summer nights together, the moon helps Bard come out of his shell and discover new adventures, including his love for gardening. Along the way, Bard meets a new friend, a shy raccoon, who becomes an important part of their friendship. But as the summer comes to a close, Bard must say goodbye to his friends and start a new school year. Through it all, Bard learns the true value of friendship and the power of connections that can last a lifetime. This touching story is perfect for young readers who are learning about the importance of empathy, kindness, and the bonds that can form between unexpected friends.

  • af &#1583, &#1585, &#1608, mfl.
    108,95 kr.

    يعطي القسم الأول الخصائص العامة لمفهوم الشهادة عند القديس يوحنا. وللوصول إلى فهم أكثر عمقاً لهذا الموضوع، يكون من المهم دراسة النصوص اليوحنوية التي توضح تأكيدات الشهود، وموضوع شهاداتهم، والصعوبات التي اعترضتهم. ولأنه يتعذر تحليل كل النصوص، سنركز اهتمامنا في القسم الثاني على ثلاثة نصوص أساسية عرض الإنجيلي فيها مظاهر متنوعة من الشهادة. إن النصوص التي اخترناها ليست الوحيدة التي تُبرز مفهوم الشهادة في الإنجيل الرابع، ولكنها تساعد على استخراج الخطوط الأكثر أهمية لهذا الموضوعThe first part of the book will give the general characteristics of the notion of Testimony in Saint John's Gospel. However, to arrive at a deeper understanding of this category, it is important to study the Johannine texts which highlight the statements of the witnesses, the object of their testimony and the challenges they encountered. Not being able to analyze everything, we will focus our attention on three fundamental texts where the evangelist presents different aspects of testimony. The texts we have chosen are not the only ones to illustrate the notion of testimony in the Fourth Gospel, but they allow to present its most important features.

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