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  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    487,95 kr.

    The objective of this book was to diagnose the management of solid waste from basic health units (UBS) in the urban area of the municipality of Pombal-PB. The methodology consisted of visits to the city hall and interviews with health agents aiming to map all the UBS of the city and the use of questionnaires applied to employees of basic health units in search of knowing the types of waste generated, analyze the segregation and packaging processes, verify the type of storage and the forms of final disposal. Subsequently, environmental control measures were proposed to protect the environment from possible damage. Based on the results, it was found that the waste generated in the UBS evaluated in this study were: infectious, chemical, sharp and common. The packaging of this waste is done in specific boxes, milky white bag with identification, common garbage cans and dumpsters. It was also found that the units did not participate in environmental education programs aimed at the importance of proper management of HSW.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    487,95 kr.

    This book aimed to diagnose the current process of management of solid urban waste in the municipality of Pombal - PB, and propose the management of the same in a more appropriate way in the face of local conditions.The method of diagnosing was based on a bibliographic survey, interview to the competent body and the application of questionnaires to the population, in all neighborhoods of the municipality. With the result of this study it was noticeable that the majority of the population needs to be informed about environmental issues, so that in this way they properly manage their waste. The municipal government is already taking some steps to reduce the impacts generated by the lack of proper management of its waste, but some points still need to be taken into account, such as working mainly to raise awareness of the population.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    597,95 kr.

    L'objectif de cette étude était de diagnostiquer les impacts environnementaux sur la communauté quilombo de Pitombeira après la mise en ¿uvre du complexe solaire de Santa Luzia. La méthodologie utilisée est basée sur une recherche bibliographique de sources scientifiques et techniques, des visites de terrain et des enregistrements photographiques. Le géoréférencement de la zone a été effectué, afin d'identifier les zones d'influence, à l'aide d'outils de géotraitement ; ensuite, un diagnostic environnemental simplifié de la zone d'influence de l'étude a été réalisé ; puis, les impacts environnementaux ont été identifiés et classés, et les mesures de contrôle ainsi que les plans et programmes environnementaux ont été indiqués. Localement, 27 effets se sont manifestés, selon les options d'atténuation, seul un effet a été classé comme non atténuant. Les principales mesures environnementales prévues sont : la mise en ¿uvre d'une éducation environnementale de la population pour promouvoir la réduction de la consommation et le recyclage des matériaux ; l'élimination des déchets solides de la zone et la promotion de l'utilisation de la zone dégradée où se trouve le complexe solaire. Parmi les plans et programmes environnementaux prévus, les suivants se distinguent : le plan de gestion des déchets solides urbains.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    597,95 kr.

    Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di diagnosticare l'impatto ambientale sulla comunità quilombola di Pitombeira dopo la realizzazione del complesso solare di Santa Luzia. La metodologia utilizzata si è basata sulla ricerca bibliografica di fonti scientifiche e tecniche, su visite sul campo e su registrazioni fotografiche. È stata effettuata la georeferenziazione dell'area, per identificare le zone di influenza, utilizzando strumenti di geoprocessing; successivamente, è stata effettuata una diagnosi ambientale semplificata dell'area di influenza dello studio; quindi, sono stati identificati e classificati gli impatti ambientali e sono state indicate le misure di controllo e i piani e programmi ambientali. A livello locale si sono manifestati 27 effetti, in base alle opzioni di mitigazione, solo 1 effetto è stato classificato come non mitigante. Le principali misure ambientali previste sono state: implementazione dell'educazione ambientale della popolazione per promuovere la riduzione dei consumi e il riciclo dei materiali; rimozione dei rifiuti solidi dall'area e promozione dell'uso dell'area degradata in cui si trova il complesso solare. Tra i piani e i programmi ambientali previsti, spiccano: il piano di gestione dei rifiuti solidi urbani.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    597,95 kr.

    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Umweltauswirkungen auf die Quilombola-Gemeinde Pitombeira nach der Errichtung des Solarkomplexes Santa Luzia zu ermitteln. Die angewandte Methodik basierte auf bibliographischen Recherchen in wissenschaftlichen und technischen Quellen, Feldbesuchen und fotografischen Aufzeichnungen. Anschließend wurde eine vereinfachte Umweltdiagnose für den Einflussbereich der Studie erstellt. Anschließend wurden die Umweltauswirkungen identifiziert und klassifiziert sowie Kontrollmaßnahmen und Umweltpläne und -programme angegeben. Vor Ort wurden 27 Auswirkungen festgestellt, wobei nur eine Auswirkung als nicht abschwächend eingestuft wurde. Die wichtigsten geplanten Umweltmaßnahmen waren: Umwelterziehung der Bevölkerung zur Förderung der Reduzierung des Verbrauchs und des Recyclings von Materialien; Beseitigung fester Abfälle aus dem Gebiet und Förderung der Nutzung des degradierten Gebiets, auf dem sich der Solarkomplex befindet. Unter den geplanten Umweltplänen und -programmen sind die folgenden hervorzuheben: der Plan zur Bewirtschaftung fester Siedlungsabfälle.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    542,95 kr.

    The objective of this study was to diagnose the environmental impacts on the quilombola community Pitombeira after the implementation of the Santa Luzia solar complex. The methodology used was based on bibliographic research in scientific and technical sources, field visits and photographic records. The georeferencing of the area was carried out, to identify the areas of influence, using geoprocessing tools; later, a simplified environmental diagnosis of the study's area of influence was made; then, the environmental impacts were identified and classified, and control measures and environmental plans and programs were indicated. Locally, 27 effects were manifested, according to the mitigation options, only 1 effect was classified as non-mitigating. The main environmental measures planned were: implementation of environmental education of the population to promote the reduction of consumption and recycling of materials; remove solid waste from the area and promote the use of the degraded area where the solar complex is located. Among the planned environmental plans and programs, the following stand out: the solid urban waste management plan.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    542,95 kr.

    The objective of this study was to identify and analyze the types and quantities of solid waste discarded by some establishments of female beauty in the city of Catolé do Rocha-PB and present possible mitigating measures. The study was developed in the months from June to September 2022, and included the following steps: choice of businesses, site visits followed by a questionnaire, diagnosis of the waste generated in the establishments, segregation, identification and classification according to the RDC ANVISA No. 222/2018, internal and external transportation, final destination and suggested implementation of mitigating measures. It was concluded that there is no segregation of waste, transportation and final disposal are performed in incorrect ways and can be harmful to the environment. Some control measures that can be adopted are: the packaging made in bags that are resistant to breakage, at the end of each workday all daily waste should be removed and transported to an area designated for such activity and be put out according to the schedule of the collection service, in order to have the appropriate final destination.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    742,95 kr.

    The objective of this work was to carry out a diagnosis of the management of waste from health services in two hospitals in Serra Talhada - PE, one large and the other medium-sized, which are regional and state references. An exploratory, descriptive, bibliographic and field study was carried out, aiming to observe, analyze, correlate and describe events or phenomena (variables), without manipulating them, through data collection. The data obtained were presented in a summarized form and described for easy understanding, making the information obtained more viable to be compared with other data from future works. It was noticed that there is a need for more theoretical and practical deepening of the professionals and that there is work overload for the service managers, which, in turn, causes an impact on the management process and makes it difficult for the teams to correctly operate in the collection stages and packaging. The two establishments targeted by the study have a Health Service Waste Management Plan (PGRSS).

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    527,95 kr.

    The objective of this study was to diagnose the management of solid waste in the Basic Health Units (BHU) of the Municipality of Parelhas, in Rio Grande do Norte - RN. For this, a descriptive research was carried out, with a quantitative approach, in 8 Unidades Básicas de Saúde (Basic Health Units) of the municipality of Parelhas/RN. Data collection was performed in the month of July 2022, through the application of a Roadmap for observation of the management of health service waste within the units, prepared based on the Resolution of the Collegiate Board No. 222/2018 of the National Health Surveillance Agency. Through the observations and application of the checklist, it was possible to identify the management of group A (Infectious), B (Chemical), C (Radioactive), D (Common) and E (Piercing) waste. In all UBS no group C waste was found. The packaging of these wastes is mostly contradictory to what is proposed by the standard and the current legislation. It was identified that the waste does not undergo any type of treatment before temporary storage, and that all units have an outsourced company for the collection and final disposal of Health Service Waste.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Tévio Moura Da Silva
    562,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Tévio Moura Da Silva
    457,95 - 542,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Tévio Moura Da Silva
    567,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Tévio Moura Da Silva
    557,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Tévio Moura Da Silva
    547,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    392,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    542,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    542,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    472,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque
    391,95 kr.

    Badanie to miäo na celu wykazanie zastosowania kartografii Sauvego w edukacji ekologicznej nauczycieli szkó¿ ¿rednich w gminie Uirauna - PB. Jako zäo¿enia teoretyczne, badanie metodologiczne wykorzystano badania bibliograficzne i badania terenowe, poprzez podej¿cie jako¿ciowe i opisowe, charakteryzuj¿ce si¿ rozwijaniem i wyjänianiem pomys¿ów. Jako narz¿dzie do zbierania danych, kwestionariusz sk¿adaj¿cy si¿ z 16 pytä zostä zastosowany do 25 nauczycieli szkó¿ ¿rednich z EEEFM Doutor José Duarte Filho w mie¿cie Uirauna - PB. Uzyskane dane zostäy przeanalizowane zgodnie z kartografi¿ pr¿dów Edukacji ¿rodowiskowej Sauve. Wyniki potwierdzi¿y, ¿e scenariusz Edukacji Ekologicznej jest niejednorodny, wskazuj¿c na ró¿ne wizje, a co za tym idzie, ró¿ne metody nauczania w odniesieniu do ¿rodowiska. Metodyka nauczania praktykowana przez nauczycieli w dyscyplinach zajmuj¿cych si¿ edukacj¿ ¿rodowiskow¿ ró¿ni si¿ w zale¿no¿ci od koncepcji ¿rodowiska, jakie kädy z nich posiada, co pokazuje, ¿e nauczyciel nie pod¿¿a za jednym nurtem edukacji ¿rodowiskowej, b¿d¿c adaptacj¿ tych nurtów.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Márcia Mirelly André Da Silva
    657,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Pedro Thiago Pereira de Sousa
    477,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Pedro Thiago Pereira de Sousa
    537,95 kr.

  • af Walker Gomes de Albuquerque & Marcio Anton Bezerra de Almeida Junior
    657,95 kr.

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