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A novel of the friendships and woes of two couples, which tells the story of their lives in lyrical, evocative prose by one of the finest American writers of the late 20th century.When two young couples meet for the first time during the Great Depression, they quickly find they have much in common: Charity Lang and Sally Morgan are both pregnant, while their husbands Sid and Larry both have jobs in the English department at the University of Wisconsin. Immediately a lifelong friendship is born, which becomes increasingly complex as they share decades of love, loyalty, vulnerability and conflict. Written from the perspective of the aging Larry Morgan,Crossing to Safety is a beautiful and deeply moving exploration of the struggle of four people to come to terms with the trials and tragedies of everyday life.With an introduction by Jane Smiley.
Voor liefhebbers van grote Amerikaanse auteurs als Steinbeck, Updike en Kingsolver.In het Amerika van de jaren dertig volgt dit tijdloze verhaal twee jonge echtparen met dromen van een academische carrière en het familieleven. Wallace Stegner, geprezen als de 'decaan van westerse schrijvers' en winnaar van een Pulitzer-prijs, schreef dit meesterwerk op 78-jarige leeftijd.Twee jonge stellen ontmoeten elkaar tijdens de hoogtijdagen van de Grote Depressie. Terwijl Charity en Sally in blijde verwachting van een kind zijn, werken Sid en Larry beiden aan de faculteit Engels van de Universiteit van Wisconsin. Deze ontmoeting legt de basis voor een levenslange vriendschap die bijna vier decennia overspant. De roman, verteld vanuit het perspectief van de oude Larry, weeft door de jaren heen en onthult de complexiteit van menselijke relaties.'Een wonderbaarlijk boek, geschreven met de wijsheid van ouderen, maar zonder oud te lijken. Een roman met een immens narratieve kracht.' - The Independent'Een magnifiek gecomponeerde roman die bruist van levenswijsheid.' - The Washington Post'Wat behouden blijft' is een boek met veel diepgang, een boek dat nog dagenlang in je hoofd blijft rondspoken, met een slotgedeelte dat onvergetelijk is!' - Bazarow (5 sterren)'Subliem. 'Wat behouden blijft' is een roman die doordrenkt is van levenswijsheid, vol zit met subliem gearrangeerde zinnen die lezen als een perfect opgetekend gedicht. Een roman die erom vraagt voorgelezen te worden, waarbij je als lezer al direct de auteur voor je ziet, hem hoort, geboeid raakt door een ingebeelde persoon. - Hebban (5 sterren)Wallace Stegner (1909-1993) was niet alleen historicus en milieuactivist, maar ook een bejubelde auteur met een indrukwekkend oeuvre. Hij schreef tijdloze romans zoals 'Angle of Repose' (winnaar van de Pulitzer Prize in 1972), 'The Spectator Bird' (winnaar van de National Book Award in 1977) en 'Recapitulation' (1979). In 1980 ontving hij de allereerste Robert Kirsch Award, als erkenning voor zijn buitengewone bijdrage aan de Amerikaanse letteren. Zijn boeken, zowel fictie als historische non-fictie, ademen de Amerikaanse ervaring in het wilde westen. 'Wat behouden blijft' was zijn laatste roman.
Introduction by Terry Tempest Williams Afterword by T. H. Watkins Called a "magnificently crafted story . . . brimming with wisdom" by Howard Frank Mosher in The Washington Post Book World, Crossing to Safety has, since its publication in 1987, established itself as one of the greatest and most cherished American novels of the twentieth century. Tracing the lives, loves, and aspirations of two couples who move between Vermont and Wisconsin, it is a work of quiet majesty, deep compassion, and powerful insight into the alchemy of friendship and marriage.
Tyve år efter deres fælles, mærkelige oplevelser i Danmark læser Joe Allston sin dagbog fra dengang op for sin kone, Ruth. Hvad var det egentlig, der skete? På deres tur til København dengang lejede Joe og Ruth sig ind hos den ulykkelige grevinde Astrid Wredel-Kramp, som de bliver gode venner med. Hun er fortællingens smukke, men tragiske og gådefulde kvinde, der er forbandet af en gammel familiehemmelighed. Hendes mand var landsforræder under krigen, men det er kun en del af forklaringen på, at hun er udstødt af det gode selskab. Mysterierne hober sig op. En dag tager grevinden dem med på en køretur, hvor de undervejs stopper for at møde en af hendes slægtninge, Karen Blixen. Under besøget antyder Blixen, at der er noget usædvanligt på færde i grevindens familie. Senere arrangerer grevinden, at Allston-parret kan besøge familiens gods, hvor de inviteres til en frokost. Stemningen er trykket og atmosfæren ond. Langsomt går det op for det amerikanske ægtepar, hvad de er blevet vidner til i deres ellers uskyldige møde med den gamle verden og dens dekadence.
'Timely and timeless ... Will hold any reader to its last haunting page' Chicago TribuneThe early life of Joe Allston, the retired literary agent of Stegner's National Book Award-winning novel, The Spectator Bird, features in this disquieting and keenly observed novel. Scarred by the senseless death of their son and baffled by the engulfing chaos of the 1960s, Allston and his wife, Ruth, have left the coast for a California retreat. And although their new home looks like Eden, it also has serpents: Jim Peck, a messianic exponent of drugs, yoga and sex; and Marian Catlin, an attractive young woman whose otherworldly innocence is far more appealing - and far more dangerous. 'The Great Gatsby captures the twenties and yet transcends them. All the Little Live Things is a comparable achievement for the sixties ... Stegner's craft is here at an apex' Virginia Quarterly Review
'One of our greatest contemporary novelists' Washington PostBruce Mason returns to Salt Lake City not for his aunt's funeral, but to encounter the place he fled in bitterness forty-five years ago. A successful statesman and diplomat, Mason had buried his awkward childhood to become a figure who commanded international respect. But the realities of the present recede in the face of ghosts of his past. As he makes the perfunctory arrangements for the funeral, his inner pilgrimage leads him to the father who darkened his childhood, the mother whose support was both redeeming and embarrassing, the friend who drew him into the respectable world of which he so craved to be a part, and the woman he nearly married.In this profoundly moving book, Stegner has drawn an intimate portrait of a man understanding how his life has been shaped by experiences seemingly remote and inconsequential.
'This is the age for the short story. None will be better or more worthy of admiration than Wallace Stegner's Collected Stories' Washington Post Book WorldIn a literary career spanning more than fifty years, Wallace Stegner, winner of a Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, has created a remarkable record of the history and culture of twentieth-century America. These thirty-one stories demonstrate why he is acclaimed as one of America's master storytellers. Here are tales of young love and older wisdom, of the order and consistency of the natural world and the chaos, contradictions and continuities of the human being.'Exemplary stories ... The reader of Stegner's writing is immediately reminded of an essential America ... a distinct place, a unique people, a common history, and a shared heritage remembered as only Stegner can' Los Angeles Times
'Enchanting, heartrending and eminently enviable' Vladimir NabokovPulitzer Prize-winning author Wallace Stegner's boyhood was spent on the beautiful and remote frontier of the Cypress Hills in southern Saskatchewan, where his family homesteaded fro 1914 to 1920. In a recollection of his years there, Stegner applies childhood remembrances and adult reflection to the history of the region to create this wise and enduring portrait of pioneer community existing in the verge of a modern world.'Stegner has summarized the frontier story and interpreted it as only one who was part of it could' The New York Times Book Review
Sabrina Castro, an attractive woman with a strong New England heritage, is married to a wealthy, older California physician who no longer fulfils her dreams. An almost accidental misstep leads her down the slow descent of moral disintegration, until there is no place for her to go but up and out. How Sabrina comes to term with her life is the theme of this absorbing personal drama, played out against the background of an old Peninsula estate where her mother lives among her servants, her memories of Boston and her treasured family archives. A Shooting star displays all the greatness of Wallace Stegner's storytelling powers.Wallace Stegner was the author of, among other works of fiction, Remembering Laughter (1973); The Big Rock Candy Mountain (1943); Joe Hill (1950); All the Little Live Things (1967, Commonwealth Club Gold Medal); Angle of Repose (1971, Pulitzer Prize); The Spectator Bird (1976, National Book Award); Recapitulation (1979); Crossing to Safety (1987); and Collected Stories (1990). His nonfiction includes Beyond the Hundredth Meridian (1954); Wolf Willow (1963); The Sound of Mountain Water (essays, 1969); The Uneasy Chair: A Biography of Bernard deVoto (1964); American Places (with Page Stegner, 1981); and Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs: Living and Writing in the West (1992). Three short stories have won O.Henry prizes, and in 1980 he received the Robert Kirsch Award from the Los Angeles Times for his lifetime literary achievements.
Bo Mason, his wife, Elsa, and their two boys live a transient life of poverty and despair. Drifting from town to town and from state to state, the violent, ruthless Bo seeks out his fortune - in the hotel business, in new farmland and eventually, in illegal rum-running through the treacherous back roads of the American Northwest.In this affecting narrative, Wallace Stegner portrays more than thirty years in the life of the Mason family as they struggle to survive during the lean years of the early twentieth century.Wallace Stegner was the author of, among other works of fiction, Remembering Laughter (1973); Joe Hill (1950); All the Little Live Things (1967, Commonwealth Club Gold Medal); A Shooting Star (1961); Angle of Repose (1971, Pulitzer Prize); The Spectator Bird (1976, National Book Award); Recapitulation (1979); Crossing to Safety (1987); and Collected Stories (1990). His nonfiction includes Beyond the Hundredth Meridian (1954); Wolf Willow (1963); The Sound of Mountain Water (essays, 1969); The Uneasy Chair: A Biography of Bernard deVoto (1964); American Places (with Page Stegner, 1981); and Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs: Living and Writing in the West (1992). Three short stories have won O.Henry prizes, and in 1980 he received the Robert Kirsch Award from the Los Angeles Times for his lifetime literary achievements.
Literary agent Joe Allston, the central character of Stegner's novel All the Little Live Things, is now retired and, in his own words, 'just killing time until time gets around to killing me.' His parents and his only son are long dead, leaving him with neither ancestors nor descendants, tradition nor ties. His job, trafficking the talent of others, had not been his choice. He passes through life as a spectator. A postcard from an old friend causes Allston to return to the journals of a trip he and his wife had taken years before, a journey to his mother's birthplace, where he'd sought a link with the past. The memories of that trip, both grotesque and poignant, move through layers of time and meaning, and reveal that Joe Allston isn't quite spectator enough.Wallace Stegner was the author of, among other works of fiction, Remembering Laughter (1973); The Big Rock Candy Mountain (1943); Joe Hill (1950); All the Little Live Things (1967, Commonwealth Club Gold Medal); A Shooting Star (1961); Angle of Repose (1971, Pulitzer Prize); Recapitulation (1979); Crossing to Safety (1987); and Collected Stories (1990). His nonfiction includes Beyond the Hundredth Meridian (1954); Wolf Willow (1963); The Sound of Mountain Water (essays, 1969); The Uneasy Chair: A Biography of Bernard deVoto (1964); American Places (with Page Stegner, 1981); and Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs: Living and Writing in the West (1992). Three short stories have won O.Henry prizes, and in 1980 he received the Robert Kirsch Award from the Los Angeles Times for his lifetime literary achievements.
Tells the story of Lyman Ward, a retired professor of history and author of books about the Western frontier, who returns to his ancestral home in the Sierra Nevada. Wheelchair-bound with a crippling bone disease, Ward embarks on a search to rediscover his grandmother, who made her own journey to Grass Valley nearly a 100 years earlier.
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