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  • af William G Johnsson
    121,95 kr.

    I have news for you, friend: there is cancer in your future. You will get cancer, or your spouse will, or someone you love.One day you will get the news. You'll find it hard to believe. You'll feel angry, maybe afraid. You'll struggle as you try to adjust.This book is for you. It's my story.I got the news 15 years ago. I felt devastated. But I'm still here. During those 15 years I've traveled the world, written a bunch of books, given many public presentations. They have been good years, happy years, productive years.So hear it from me: cancer isn't necessarily a death sentence. There is life after you get the news that the Big C has invaded your life.In this book, everything I share comes totally out of my experience. No quoting from anyone else, just what I experienced. And what worked or didn't work for me. I've written about my journey in order to pass on ideas-and hope. I can't promise you that the battle with the Big C will be easy, because it won't be. Chances are that you'll have days when you feel like shouting, "No more! No more IVs! No more infusions! No more violations of my body! Just let me lie down and quit."Don't be a quitter. Keep on battling. And may happy days come your way again, as they did for me.As I thought about writing up my battle with the Big C, I felt the need to include a professional medical perspective. I am honored that Dr. Ngozi Margrete Ezinwa agreed to write a Foreword and to check the manuscript for scientific accuracy. Dr. Ezinwa is a skilled physician who worked for the World Health Organization before connecting with Loma Linda University Health.Dr. Ezinwa is a wonderful healthcare provider-qualified, compassionate, and caring. She also happens to be my primary care physician.In my battle with the Big C, I came to realize that my wife, Noelene, has the more difficult part. Maybe that's true for other people as well. So I asked Noelene to write a chapter in which she candidly shares what my battle has meant to her and how she finds ways to cope.So, my dear friend caught up in this life-and-death struggle, keep battling. Never give up.And may you find hope and grace to keep on fighting.

  • - El adventismo después de San Antonio
    af William G Johnsson
    152,95 kr.

    El doctor Johnsson hace un análisis de la condición de la Iglesia Adventista a la luz de los eventos llevados a cabo en San Antonio en 2015.

  • af William G Johnsson
    152,95 kr.

    En este franco volumen subsiguiente a ¿Hacia dónde vamos? El adventismo después de San Antonio, el Dr. William Johnsson cándida y personalmente aborda temas que son de interés para muchos adventistas del séptimo día. Con su característica gracia y candor enfoca nuestra atención de nuevo en Jesucristo, nuestra esperanza y nuestro Salvador.

  • - Una carta de amor de Jesús
    af William G Johnsson
    152,95 kr.

    La carta de Pablo a los romanos es más conocida por su visión de las acciones de la gracia de Dios hacia la humanidad a través de la cruz y la resurrección de Cristo. La epístola se erige como la presentación más clara y sistemática de la doctrina cristiana en todas las Escrituras. Pablo comienza indicando que todas las personas han sido condenadas debido a nuestra rebelión contra Dios. Sin embargo, Dios en su gracia nos ofrece justificación por la fe en su Hijo Jesús. Al ser justificados por Dios, recibimos la redención, o la salvación, porque la sangre de Cristo cubre nuestro pecado. Al estudiar la epístola Epístola a los Romanos, William Johnsson disecciona cada capítulo en este libro obteniendo un mensaje único en su belleza: Cristo ya lo ha hecho todo. Cristo es suficiente. Pero no solo extrae ese mensaje de la quizá más profunda exposición de las buenas nuevas, lo aplica a los seguidores de Jesús. Lo plantea en nuestra sociedad y en nuestros días, ante la realidad de COVID-19 y cuestionando algunos arraigados conceptos soteriológicos a la vez que recalca la importancia de comprender y aceptar el mensaje de las buenas nuevas. El sacrificio de Cristo en la cruz hizo ya posible nuestra salvación.

  • af William G Johnsson
    152,95 kr.

    Paul's letter to the Romans is best known for his vision of God's grace actions toward humanity through the cross and the resurrection of Christ. The epistle stands as the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine in all scriptures. Paul begins by indicating that all people have been condemned because of our rebellion against God. However, God in his grace offers us justification by faith in his Son Jesus. As we are justified by God, we receive redemption, or salvation, because the blood of Christ covers our sin. In studying the Epistle to the Romans, William Johnsson dissects each chapter in this book by obtaining a unique message in its beauty: Christ has already done everything. Christ is enough. But he not only draws this message from the perhaps deeper exposition of good news, it applies it to Jesus' followers. He places it in our society and today, in the face of the reality of COVID-19 and questions some entrenched soteriological concepts while emphasizing the importance of understanding and accepting the message of the Good News. Christ's sacrifice on the cross made our salvation possible.

  • af William G Johnsson
    152,95 kr.

    In this heartfelt follow-up to his book Where Are We Headed? Adventism after San Antonio, Dr. William Johnsson candidly and personally addresses issues that concern so many Seventh-day Adventists. With characteristic grace and care, he focuses our attention once again on Jesus Christ, our hope and Savior.

  • - Adventism After San Antonio
    af William G Johnsson
    152,95 kr.

    San Antonio was a tipping point in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. History may come to regard the General Conference Session of 2015 as a moment comparable to the 1888 Minneapolis convocation, when dramatically differing views of the church came face to face. In "Where Are We Headed?" William Johnsson looks at the life of the church after the summer of 2015 with two questions in mind: What issues are shaping the Adventist church? How shall we respond? Johnsson served as the editor of the Adventist Review from 1982 to 2006. In this book he moves easily and effectively into the role of pastor and teacher that he knows so well-and that Adventists have long appreciated.

  • af William G Johnsson
    397,95 - 667,95 kr.

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