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Bøger af William J. Bennett

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  • af William J. Bennett
    344,95 kr.

    Help your children develop moral character with this updated, 30th anniversary edition of the perennial classic The Book of Virtues.Almost 3 million copies of the Book of Virtues have been sold since it was published in 1993. It is one of the most popular moral primers ever written, an inspiring anthology that helps children understand and develop character—and helps parents teach it to them. Thirty years ago, readers thought that the times were right for a book about moral literacy. Back then, Americans worried that schools were no longer parents’ allies in teaching good character. As the book’s original introduction noted, “moral anchors and moorings have never been more necessary.” If that was true in the 1990s, it is even more true today. The explosion of information with the Internet has left many unsure of what is valuable and what is not. Responsibility. Courage. Compassion. Loyalty. Honesty. Friendship. Persistence. Hard work. Self-discipline. Faith. These remain the essentials of good character. The Book of Virtues contains hundreds of exemplary stories offering children examples of good and bad, right and wrong. Drawing on the Bible, American history, Greek mythology, English poetry, fairy tales, and modern fiction, William J. and Elayne Bennett show children the many virtuous paths they can follow—and the ones they ought to avoid. For the 30th anniversary edition, the Bennetts have slimmed down the book’s contents, while also finding room to introduce such figures as Mother Teresa, Colin Powell, and heroes of 9/11 and the War in Afghanistan. Here is a rich mine of moral literacy to teach a new generation of children about American culture, history, and traditions—ultimately, the ideals by which we wish to live our lives. The updated edition of The Book of Virtues will continue a legacy of raising moral children far into a new century.

  • af William J. Bennett
    257,95 kr.

    WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A MANRaising up men has never been easy, but today is seems particularly tough.  The young and old need heroes to embody the eternal qualities of manhood: honor, duty, valor, and integrity.  InThe Book of Man, William J. Bennett points the way, offering a positive, encouraging, uplifting, realizable idea of manhood, redolent of history and human nature, and practical for contemporary life.Using profiles, stories, letters, poems, essays, historical vignettes, and myths to bring his subject to life, The Book of Man defines what a man should be, how he should live, and to what he should aspire in several key areas of life: war, work, leisure, and more.  "Whether we take up the sword, the plow, the ball, the gavel, our children, or our Bibles," says Bennett, "we must always do it like the men we are called to be."The Book of Man shows how.

  • af William J. Bennett
    225,95 kr.

  • af William J. Bennett
    297,95 kr.

  • af William J. Bennett
    252,95 kr.

  • af William J. Bennett
    195,95 kr.

    A single-volume edition of William J. Bennett's bestselling series, thoroughly revised and updated.

  • - The Story of Christianity's First Thousand Years
    af William J. Bennett
    177,95 kr.

    A major narrative history of Christianity's first thousand years by acclaimed educator and #1 New York Times best-selling author William J. Bennett.

  • - Why the Rush to Legalize Marijuana Is Harming America
    af William J. Bennett & Robert A. White
    217,95 kr.

    In GOING TO POT, America's first drug czar William Bennett, bestselling author of The Book of Virtues, and co-author Robert White provide moral and scientific arguments against the legalization of marijuana. Their goal is to empower policymakers and family leaders in their fight on behalf of a drug-free culture.

  • - Why He Matters to Christmas
    af William J. Bennett
    161,95 kr.

    Former secretary of education, radio talk-show host, and bestselling author William Bennett blends his historical expertise combined with his gift for storytelling into a fascinating tale as he writes his first Christmas book about the actual story behind the man who ultimately became known as Santa Claus.Saint Nicholass selfless giving is brought to life from its beginnings in the third century, far from where we stand today but ever so relevant to our lives. Reflecting on his life, we discover an inspiring story of devotion to God and a life example of eternal goodness for all time. The True Saint Nicholas: Why He Matters to Christmas focuses on three aspects of Saint Nicholasthe historical data of his actual life, his legacy in the centuries following his death, and the legendary status that transformed his likeness into the present-day Santa Claus. The book is designed to unveil the heart and life of someone who lived so long agoand yet whose life remains an example for all people everywherean example that calls each of us to a higher order of generosity, giving, and devotion to others. A historical yet touching rendition of the origins of our modern-day Santa written by an in-demand spokesperson whose penchant for reminding us of the importance of virtue reacquaints us with the true meaning of Christmas.

  • - Daily Readings on America
    af William J. Bennett
    212,95 kr.

    These stories are part of what Abraham Lincoln called the "mystic chords of memory." They are the symbols that define the essence of the United States, that mark its historic course, and connect its people. The Almanac is a daily source of inspiration and information about the history, heroes, and achievements that sum up what this nation is about.

  • af William J. Bennett
    167,95 kr.

    Bestselling author William Bennett addresses the central social issue of our time—the deline of the family—in a book as intellectually provocative and politically controversial as his landmark The Death of Outrage.Our recent economic prosperity has masked the devastation of the American family, which is now under seige as never before. From the dramatic rise in illegitimacy, divorce, and single parenthood to the call for the recognition of gay marriages, the traditional nuclear family is being radically challenged and undermined, along with the moral and legal consensus that once supported it.Now in The Broken Hearth, William Bennett, America''s foremost conservative spokesperson on matters of family values, presents a strong, well-reasoned, and informed defense of the traditional family. Interweaving history, anthropology, law, social science, and the teachings of Western religions, he argues that marriage between a man and a woman and the creation of a permanent, loving, and nurturing environment for children is a great historical achievement, one that should not be lightly abandoned in favor of more "progressive" arrangements. Bennett displays his ability to combine fearless conviction, acute insight, and respect for his adversaries in thorough, balanced, and enlightening discussions of single parenthood, cohabitation, gay marriage, and other trends that are undercuttingthe ideal of the family as the essential foundation of society.Looking closely at the concerns and questions that divide America, Bennett provides a powerful affirmation of family life and the values and benefits it bestows on individuals and on society as a whole.

  • - "The Stories, Letters, Songs, Poems, Speeches, and
    af William J. Bennett
    287,95 kr.

    Millions of American families have turned to The Book of Virtues and The Moral Compass by William J. Bennett for moral guidance in troubled times. Our Sacred Honor offers inspiration and instruction as well—this time of a particularly American sort.We live in a time when the practice of representative government in the United States of America is under siege from both the left and the right. Scandals abound. We are first shocked, then wearied, to learn that our national leaders have feet of clay. We live in a time, in short, which demands that we return to our origins to discover the common principles that make us essentially American. Our Sacred Honor reveals those common principles. They are articulated by the flawed but deeply admirable men and women who first wrote what it is to be American. The pledge made by the Founders to one another that hot July day in 1776—the pledge of "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor"—has been redeemed many times in the centuries since, but the nation they founded has never failed to profit from their example. It is time to profit from their advice. In Our Sacred Honor, William J. Bennett has collected the best that has been thought and said by and about the men and women who founded America. And what a group they are: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John and Abigail Adams, and so many more that otherwise first-rate intellects such as John Dickinson, Benjamin Rush, and George Mason are relegated to the status of footnotes in the popular imagination. Not since Periclean Athens has such a small nation been led by so many larger-than-life figures. The only characteristic they shared more widely than revolutionary ardor was their talent (and inclination) for advice. The stories, songs, letters, and speeches collected in Our Sacred Honor are an inspiring celebration of American exceptionalism, produced by a collection of exceptional Americans. It is the best book of advice in more than two hundred years.

  • - Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth, and Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam
    af William J. Bennett
    192,95 kr.

    William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn examine the devolution of America's post-9/11 tenacity and how this country's well-meaning culture of religious tolerance, coupled with soft and apologetic political leadership, has placed us squarely in the pocket of radical Islamists who have made clear their intention to obliterate everything we value.

  • - Desde el mundo en guerra al triunfo de la libertad
    af William J. Bennett
    387,95 kr.

    El respetado erudito William Bennett vuelve a poner al corriente a Estados Unidos con su herencia en el segundo volumen de America: La ultima esperanza.

  • - Desde la edad de descubrimiento al mundo en guerra
    af William J. Bennett
    387,95 kr.

    Estados Unidos, ?que tanto conoce su historia?Todos necesitamos saber mas acerca de esta tierra quequeremos.

  • af William J. Bennett
    192,95 kr.

  • - Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals
    af William J. Bennett
    152,95 kr.

    In this new, updated edition of a book heralded as a clarion call to the nation's conscience, William Bennett asks why we see so little public outrage in the fade of the evidence of deep corruption within Bill Clinton's administration.The Death of Outrage examines the Monica Lewinsky scandal as it unfolded, from Clinton's denials that he had had sex with a young White House intern, to his testimony before the grand jury, to the nation's decision not to remove Clinton from office. Brick by brick, Bennett dismantles the wall of defenses offered by Clinton and his apologists, and casts the clear light of moral reason and common sense on a shameful chapter in American history.

  • - From the Age of Discovery to a World at War
    af William J. Bennett
    182,95 kr.

    From the bold, brilliant mind of best-selling author William J. Bennett comes this thrilling account of the virtues and vices of our great country and the many brave men and women who have made it the powerful nation it is today. A sweeping tale of human initiative, struggle, and victory, Bennett uniquely captures what is unique about America.

  • - From a World at War to the Triumph of Freedom
    af William J. Bennett
    167,95 kr.

    Bennett works through the upheavals of the Great Depression and WWII highlighting the leadership and heroes. Following the great political and cultural shifts of the Civil Rights movement and Cold War, Bennett brings the story of America to the end of the second Regan administration and the final victory over communism.

  • - From the Collapse of Communism to the Rise of Radical Islam
    af William J. Bennett
    167,95 kr.

    In the third volume of America: The Last Best Hope, Bennett explores America's recent and momentous history: the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of global Communism; sweeping changes in political and popular culture; the war on terror and the election of America's first African American president.

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