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At 6'6", 240 pounds, Forrest Gump is a difficult man to ignore, so follow Forrest from the football dynasties of Bear Bryant to the Vietnam War, from encounters with Presidents Johnson and Nixon to powwows with Chairman Mao.
Forrest Gump skildrer sin livshistorie helt tilbage fra sin barndom, henover sine oplevelser både i hans ungdom og hans voksentilværelse. Det omfatter blandt andet Gumps deltagelse i Vietnamkrigen, hans talent for og succes som sportsudøver og hans forhold til sin smukke barndomskærlighed. Alt sammen set igennem Forrest Gumps god-til-kernen syn på tilværelsen.Følger Forrest Gump fra barnsben og senere hen i voksenalderen - den mindre kendte efterfølger (Gump & Co.) tager fat hvor etteren sluttede og følger blandt andet Gumps liv som enlig far.Winston Groom (f. 1943) er en amerikansk forfatter, mest kendt for sit værk "Forrest Gump" (1994), der blev filmatiseret allerede samme år som bogudgivelsen. Groom har endvidere udgivet en række fagbøger om blandt andet den amerikanske borgerkrig og første verdenskrig. Hans bog "Conversations with the Enemy" var en af finalisterne til at vinde en Pulitzer pris i 1984.
Forrest Gump er blevet lidt ældre, måske lidt klogere, men stadig lige fantastisk til at rode sig ind i alt muligt.Det store rejefirma, som tjente millioner, er gået konkurs, og Forrest tjener til dagen og vejen ved at feje gulv i en stripperbule i New Orleans.Da han pludselig får chancen for igen at spille fodbold, slår Forrest til, men med et temmelig katastrofalt resultat. Og efter hans livs kærlighed, Jennies død er han nødt til at forsørge deres barn.Et job som omrejsende leksikonsælger lyder mere tillokkende, end det egentlig er, men det starter en kæde af begivenheder: et forsøg på at lave en ny og revolutionerende cola, et eksplosivt eksperiment med svineavl, et møde med Oliver North, ayatollah Khomeini og Saddam Hussein - og chancen for endnu en gang at ændre historiens gang uden selv at opfatte en pind af det hele.Forrest Gump er stadig lige indtagende naiv, troskyldig og ufrivillig morsom. Og helt uimodtagelig og rørende i sine mange kluntede forsøg på at blive en god far og forsørger.Men heldigvis er han blevet udstyret med en fornuftig og praktisk skytsengel, som af og til kan yde ham tiltrængt hjælp.Winston Groom (f. 1943) er en amerikansk forfatter. Han har udgivet både skøn- og faglitteratur, men er måske mest kendt for sine bøger om Forrest Gump, hvoraf den første blev en bragende succes, da den blev filmatiseret i 1994. Store dele af Grooms faglitterære forfatterskab er dedikeret til historiske bøger om amerikanske krige.
A confection of the wit and wisdom from the world of Forrest Gump, hero of a humorous novel by Winston Groom which has been made into a film starring Tom Hanks.
In the spring of 1862, many Americans still believed that the Civil War, "would be over by Christmas." The previous summer in Virginia, Bull Run, with nearly 5,000 casualties, had been shocking, but suddenly came word from a far away place in the wildernesses of Southwest Tennessee of an appalling battle costing 23,000 casualties, most of them during a single day. It was more than had resulted from the entire American Revolution. As author Winston Groom reveals in this dramatic, heart-rending account, the Battle of Shiloh would singlehandedly change the psyche of the military, politicians, and American people--North and South--about what they had unleashed by creating a Civil War.In this gripping telling of the first "great and terrible" battle of the Civil War, Groom describes the dramatic events of April 6 and 7, 1862, when a bold surprise attack on Ulysses S. Grant's encamped troops and the bloody battle that ensued would alter the timbre of the war.The Southerners struck at dawn on April 6th, and Groom vividly recounts the battle that raged for two days over the densely wooded and poorly mapped terrain. Driven back on the first day, Grant regrouped and mounted a fierce attack the second, and aided by the timely arrival of reinforcements managed to salvage an encouraging victory for the Federals.Groom's deft prose reveals how the bitter fighting would test the mettle of the motley soldiers assembled on both sides, and offer a rehabilitation of sorts for Union General William Sherman, who would go on from the victory at Shiloh to become one of the great generals of the war. But perhaps the most alarming outcome, Groom poignantly reveals, was the realization that for all its horror, the Battle of Shiloh had solved nothing, gained nothing, proved nothing, and the thousands of maimed and slain were merely wretched symbols of things to come.With a novelist's eye for telling and a historian's passion for detail, context, and meaning, Groom brings the key characters and moments of battle to life. Shiloh is an epic tale, deftly told by a masterful storyteller.
"A Storm in Flanders" is novelist and prizewinning historian Groom's gripping history of the four-year battle for Ypres in Belgian Flanders, the pivotal engagement of World War I that would forever change the way the world fought--and thought about--war. 16-pages of illustrations.
"When the Revolutionary War ended in victory, there remained the stupendous problem of how to establish a workable democratic government in the vast, newly independent country. Three key Founding Fathers played significant roles: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. Their lives and policies could not have been more different; their relationships with each other were complex and often rife with animosity. And yet these three men led the charge-two of them creating and signing the Declaration of Independence, and the third establishing a national treasury and the earliest delineation of a Republican party. They managed to shoulder the heavy mantle of creating the United States of America, putting aside their differences to make a great country, once and always. Drawing on extensive correspondence, epic tales of war, and rich histories of their day-to-day interactions, Winston Groom shares the remarkable story of the beginnings of our great nation."--
December 1814: its economy in tatters, its capital city of Washington, D.C., burnt to the ground, a young America was again at war with the militarily superior English crown. With an enormous enemy armada approaching New Orleans, two unlikely allies teamed up to repel the British in one of the greatest battles ever fought in North America.The defense of New Orleans fell to the backwoods general Andrew Jackson, who joined the raffish French pirate Jean Laffite to command a ramshackle army made of free blacks, Creole aristocrats, Choctaw Indians, gunboat sailors and militiamen. Together these leaders and their scruffy crew turned back a British force more than twice their number. Offering an enthralling narrative and outsized characters, Patriotic Fire is a vibrant recounting of the plots and strategies that made Jackson a national hero and gave the nascent republic a much-needed victory and surge of pride and patriotism.
"Shrouds of Glory" is Groom's riveting account of General John Bell Hood's decisive actions in the western theater of operations during the final moments of the Civil War. He brings the reader into the general's tent, where Grant, Sherman, Lee, and others plot their often unorthodox strategies for winning the war.
In this masterful narrative, Winston Groom brings his signature storytelling panache to the intricately crafted tale of three of our nation''s most fascinating founding fathers--Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams--and paints a vivid picture of the improbable events, bold ideas, and extraordinary characters who created the United States of America.When the Revolutionary War ended in victory, there remained the stupendous problem of how to establish a workable democratic government in the vast, newly independent country. Three key founding fathers played significant roles: John Adams, the brilliant, dour, thin-skinned New Englander; Thomas Jefferson, the aristocratic Southern renaissance man; and Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant from the Caribbean island of Nevis. In this complex and riveting narrative, best-selling author Winston Groom tells the story of these men--all of whom served in George Washington''s first cabinet--as the patriots fundamentally responsible for the ideas that shaped the foundation of the United States. Their lives and policies could not have been more different; their relationships with each other were complex, and often rife with animosity. And yet these three men led the charge--two of them creating and signing the Declaration of Independence, and the third establishing a national treasury and the earliest delineation of a Republican party. The time in which they lived was fraught with danger; the smell of liberty was in the air, though their excitement was strained by vast antagonisms that recall the intense political polarization of today. But through it all, they managed to shoulder the heavy mantle of creating the United States of America, putting aside their differences to make a great country, once and always. Drawing on extensive correspondence, epic tales of war, and rich histories of their day-to-day interactions, best-selling author Winston Groom shares the remarkable story of the beginnings of our great nation.
Winston Groom tells the complex story of how Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin aligned to win World War II.
De fleste kan blive enige om, at Forrest Gump formår at se verden på en ganske særlig omend en smule naiv måde. Det er der kommet nogle humoristiske og fornøjelige citater ud af: Gumpismer.Bogen indeholder en herlig blanding af vid og humor fra Gump, der i sidste ende alle sammen handler om én ting: Altid at være i stand til at se tilbage og sige, at man i det mindste ikke har haft et kedeligt liv.Winston Groom (f. 1943) er en amerikansk forfatter. Han har udgivet både skøn- og faglitteratur, men er måske mest kendt for sine bøger om Forrest Gump, hvoraf den første blev en bragende succes, da den blev filmatiseret i 1994. Store dele af Grooms faglitterære forfatterskab er dedikeret til historiske bøger om amerikanske krige.
Forrest Gump er blevet lidt ældre, måske lidt klogere, men stadig lige fantastisk til at rode sig ind i alt muligt.Det store rejefirma, som tjente millioner, er gået konkurs, og Forrest tjener til dagen og vejen ved at feje gulv i en stripperbule i New Orleans.Da han pludselig får chancen for igen at spille fodbold, slår Forrest til, men med et temmelig katastrofalt resultat. Og efter hans livs kærlighed, Jennies død er han nødt til at forsørge deres barn.Et job som omrejsende leksikonsælger lyder mere tillokkende, end det egentlig er, men det starter en kæde af begivenheder: et forsøg på at lave en ny og revolutionerende cola, et eksplosivt eksperiment med svineavl, et møde med Oliver North, ayatollah Khomeini og Saddam Hussein – og chancen for endnu en gang at ændre historiens gang uden selv at opfatte en pind af det hele.Forrest Gump er stadig lige indtagende naiv, troskyldig og ufrivillig morsom. Og helt uimodtagelig og rørende i sine mange kluntede forsøg på at blive en god far og forsørger.Men heldigvis er han blevet udstyret med en fornuftig og praktisk skytsengel, som af og til kan yde ham tiltrængt hjælp.Winston Groom (f. 1943) er en amerikansk forfatter. Han har udgivet både skøn- og faglitteratur, men er måske mest kendt for sine bøger om Forrest Gump, hvoraf den første blev en bragende succes, da den blev filmatiseret i 1994. Store dele af Grooms faglitterære forfatterskab er dedikeret til historiske bøger om amerikanske krige.
Forrest Gump skildrer sin livshistorie helt tilbage fra sin barndom, henover sine oplevelser både i hans ungdom og hans voksentilværelse. Det omfatter blandt andet Gumps deltagelse i Vietnamkrigen, hans talent for og succes som sportsudøver og hans forhold til sin smukke barndomskærlighed. Alt sammen set igennem Forrest Gumps god-til-kernen syn på tilværelsen.Winston Groom (f. 1943) er en amerikansk forfatter, mest kendt for sit værk "Forrest Gump" (1994), der blev filmatiseret allerede samme år som bogudgivelsen. Groom har endvidere udgivet en række fagbøger om blandt andet den amerikanske borgerkrig og første verdenskrig. Hans bog "Conversations with the Enemy" var en af finalisterne til at vinde en Pulitzer pris i 1984.Følger Forrest Gump fra barnsben og senere hen i voksenalderen – den mindre kendte efterfølger (Gump & Co.) tager fat hvor etteren sluttede og følger blandt andet Gumps liv som enlig far.
Forrest Gump captured our hearts in the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Forrest Gump, and in the blockbuster film, winner of six Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Actor. Now he returns in the long-awaited sequel to the book hailed by Larry King as "the funniest novel I have ever read." A little older, and wiser in his unique way, Forrest is still running -- this time straight into the age of greed and instant gratification known as the 1980s. Whenever I really get stumped, I go visit Jenny's grave. She tells me she's always rooting for me. The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. has gone bust and now Forrest is flat broke, sweeping floors in a New Orleans strip joint, when a fresh opportunity to play championship football puts him back in the limelight -- and in the money. But fate turns fickle again, and he's soon out on the road selling phony encyclopedias and trying to raise his son, little Forrest, who needs his father more than ever. Forrest's remarkable, touching, and utterly comic odyssey has just begun: in store for him is an explosive attempt at hog farming; his own dubious recipe for adding life to New Coke; an encounter with Oliver North of the Iran-Contra affair; and a chance yet again to unwittingly twist the nose of history.
Three decades after the publication of Forrest Gump, Winston Groom returns to fiction with a sweeping epic.
Celebrated historian Winston Groom tells the uniquely American tales of George Patton, Douglas MacArthur, and George Marshall, from World War I to World War II. These three remarkable men-of-arms who rose from the gruesome hell of the First World War to become the finest generals of their generation during World War II redefined America's ideas of military leadership and brought forth a new generation of American soldier. Their efforts revealed to the world the grit and determination that would become synonymous with America in the post-war years. Filled with novel-worthy twists and turns, and set against the backdrop of the most dramatic moments of the twentieth century, The Generals is a powerful, action-packed book filled with marvelous surprises and insights into the lives of America's most celebrated warriors.
Written by gifted storyteller Winston Groom (author ofForrest Gump),The Aviatorstells the saga of three extraordinary aviators--Charles Lindbergh, Eddie Rickenbacker, and Jimmy Doolittle--and how they redefine heroism through their genius, daring, and uncommon courage.This is the fascinating story of three extraordinary heroes who defined aviation during the great age of flight. These cleverly interwoven tales of their heart-stopping adventures take us from the feats of World War I through the heroism of World War II and beyond, including daring military raids and survival-at-sea, and will appeal to fans ofUnbroken,The Greatest Generation, andFlyboys. With the world in peril in World War II, each man set aside great success and comfort to return to the skies for his most daring mission yet. Doolittle, a brilliant aviation innovator, would lead the daring Tokyo Raid to retaliate for Pearl Harbor; Lindbergh, hero of the first solo flight across the Atlantic, would fly combat missions in the South Pacific; and Rickenbacker, World War I flying ace, would bravely hold his crew together while facing near-starvation and circling sharks after his plane went down in a remote part of the Pacific. Groom's rich narrative tells their intertwined stories--from broken homes to Medals of Honor (all three would receive it); barnstorming to the greatest raid of World War II; front-page triumph to anguished tragedy; and near-death to ultimate survival--as all took to the sky, time and again, to become exemplars of the spirit of the "e;greatest generation."e;
Groom brings the key characters and moments of battle to life.
Novelist and popular historian Groom vividly re-creates the story of America's first year in World War II. He portrays 1942 as the defining act in the great drama of the war. This is a riveting account of perseverance, innovation, tactics, tragedy, and triumph.
Contemporary / British English Everybody tells Forrest Gump that he's an idiot. But he's a great football player, and he plays the harmonica beautifully. He's also a brave soldier. But can he ever marry the girl he loves? This story of his journey through life is sometimes sad and sometimes very funny.
and a chance yet again to unwittingly twist the nose of history. One of the most phenomenally successful books of our time, Forrest Gump was praised as 'a wacky and funny nuthouse of a book' (George Plimpton) and 'superbly controlled satire' (Florence King, Washington Post Book World);
A vivid page-turning narrative of the most horrific battle in history by a soldier turned bestselling novelist
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