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  • af Xiaping Jiang
    187,95 kr.

    《船上人家》 收录了蒋霞萍女士的10篇散文,其中的大部分创作于 20 世纪七八十年代。这些散文从诸多侧面集中地反映一条船、一个家、一处地域,跨度几近一个世纪。 这本散文集中,作者用"数星星"般的方式娓娓道来,用"白描式"的手法向我们讲述了她的家--船上人家、小家与大家的真实故事。在她的故事里,她的家是一条风浪中的船,载着她童年的欢乐和亲情。在《鱼的记忆》《夜航》《小黑子与毛二爷》里,家是一条盛满浓浓童趣和亲情的船,是一幅虽然已褪色但却让人耳目一新的船上人家的民俗图。《小香》像一曲哀婉的二胡小调,在如泣如诉中让人心都碎了。在这个故事里,家是一个神秘的五味罐,里面装着一家人才知道的酸甜苦辣,也是苦难中滚落的一滴滴泪珠。人生不就是一场接一场的欢聚与离散,不就是一段接一段的幸福与苦难么?《风雪长江口》《人生如戏》《过船闸》,家又好像是一处港湾、一盏指路的明灯,不管外面的风浪有多大、道路有多暗,船驶入安全的港湾仿佛人回到家。《马棚湾的枪声》《夜闯龙头关》与其说作者把我们带进了那条船的故事里,不如说她把我们带进了家国情怀的境界里。父亲、母亲、彭老板、大表哥、陈连长、如意、袁会长、莫文、关一指,这些名不见经传、普普通通的人,深知有国才有家,舍"小家"才能保"大家",用自己的义举把家的涵义书写得更为高阔而深刻。

  • af Xiaping Jiang
    199,95 kr.

    1945年8月15日,日本天皇宣布无条件投降。成千上万的日本开拓团成员被日本政府抛弃,甚至要求他们集体 "自决" 以效忠天皇。13岁的日本遗孤岗村花子,被善良的中国养父母收养。1972年中日关系正常化,很多日本遗孤回国。而花子却拒绝了父亲和哥哥希望她回日本的要求。端木正良是岗村花子和同是日本遗孤的池田矢夫在中国结婚出生的孩子,当他意外得知自己的身份以后,痛苦万分。端木正良在和女记者童欣的接触中,对聪明、正直、美丽的童欣产生了感情,决定要接受报社的采访,和童欣一道,把日本遗孤的历史写出来。但是,当他去日本进行学术交流的活动时,善良、天真的日本女学者有川菊美子又希望端木正良留在日本。特殊时代的多祖国、多父母的亲情,丝丝缕缕地牵着、扯着花子和养父母血和肉;日本遗孤后代的"既不是中国人,也不是日本人"的困惑深深地纠结着端木正良的精神和心......

  • af Xiaping Jiang
    233,95 kr.

    On August 15, 1945, the Emperor of Japan announces his country's unconditional surrender to the Allied powers. Tens of thousands of Japanese settlers in a Japanese-controlled region called "Manchukuo" are abandoned by their government, which even demands that they demonstrate their loyalty to their emperor by taking their own lives.Thirteen-year-old Okamura Hanako, a Japanese war orphan, is adopted by a compassionate Chinese couple.In 1972, relations between China and Japan are normalized, and many Japanese orphans return to Japan, but Hanako declines her father and brother's call to come home.Duanmu Zhengliang is born in China to Hanako and her husband Ikeda Yao, another Japanese orphan. He is shocked when as an adult he learns of his Japanese ancestry.Zhengliang meets Tong Xin, an intelligent, principled, and beautiful journalist, and develops feelings for her. He agrees to do an interview with the newspaper she works for, and they decide to write an article about the Japanese orphans of Manchuria. However, while in Japan for an academic exchange program, a lovely doctoral student named Arikawa Kikumiko asks him to remain there with her.Hanako is torn between her two homelands, Japan and China, and between her ties to her birth parents and affection for the Chinese parents who adopted her.Zhengliang, a descendant of Japanese war orphans, struggles with his identity, "neither Chinese nor Japanese."Why have two generations of Chinese journalists spared no effort in documenting and tracking the history of the Japanese war orphans?Many Japanese are descendants of the Japanese settlers of Manchuria. Why do they gather every year on the outskirts of Tokyo in front of a monument that faces the land where their ancestors lived, singing songs, proclaiming "Manchukuo is our homeland"?

  • af Xiaping Jiang
    318,95 kr.

    Due to differences of political convictions, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions, the Republic of Yugoslavia broke up in 1991, as Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia fought for autonomy and independence. Under Milosevic's rule, Serbian military and paramilitary forces carried out a carefully planned "ethnic cleansing" in Bosnia and Kosovo that claimed at least two hundred thousand lives. Not since the Nuremberg trials five decades before had there been such urgent calls to bring war criminals to justice.Under the authority of the United Nations, detective and forensics expert Dr. Henry Lee, at the invitation of his student Dr. Dragan Primorac, formed a "United Nations Investigative Team," which with Dr. Michael Baden, Dr. Cyril Wecht, and other experts traveled to Croatia to investigate a "mass grave" -- to find the truth behind the brutal murders of the people there. This investigation would not only determine whether the war criminals who led these massacres could be brought to the International Court of Justice to pay for their crimes, giving justice to their victims; it would also address the problem of training a new generation of forensic scientists in a post-war Croatia.

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