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  • af Ying Hu
    643,95 kr.

    Ce livre traite de la manière dont l'amélioration de la facilité d'utilisation et la conception de la motivation affectent la motivation des apprenants et les performances d'apprentissage dans un environnement d'apprentissage en ligne au rythme de l'apprenant. L'auteur a également étudié les relations entre les mesures de convivialité couramment utilisées et les mesures de motivation basées sur le modèle ARCS de Keller. Les résultats suggèrent un effet significatif de la conception de l'interface sur la motivation de l'apprenant. Des corrélations positives faibles à moyennes ont été trouvées entre la satisfaction de l'utilisabilité et trois mesures de motivation, à savoir l'attention, la pertinence et la satisfaction.

  • af Ying Hu
    642,95 kr.

    Este livro aborda a forma como a melhoria da usabilidade e a conceção motivacional afectam a motivação e o desempenho de aprendizagem dos alunos num ambiente de aprendizagem em linha a ritmo próprio. O autor também investigou as inter-relações entre as medidas de usabilidade comummente utilizadas e as medidas de motivação baseadas no modelo ARCS de Keller. Os resultados sugerem um efeito significativo da conceção da interface na motivação do aluno. Foram encontradas correlações positivas pequenas a médias entre a satisfação com a usabilidade e três medidas de motivação, ou seja, atenção, relevância e satisfação.

  • af Ying Hu
    642,95 kr.

    Questo libro si occupa di come il miglioramento dell'usabilità e la progettazione motivazionale influenzino la motivazione degli studenti e le prestazioni di apprendimento in un ambiente di apprendimento online autogestito. L'autore ha anche analizzato le interrelazioni tra le misure di usabilità comunemente utilizzate e le misure di motivazione basate sul modello ARCS di Keller. I risultati hanno suggerito un effetto significativo del design dell'interfaccia sulla motivazione del discente. Sono state riscontrate correlazioni positive da piccole a medie tra la soddisfazione per l'usabilità e tre misure di motivazione, ossia attenzione, rilevanza e soddisfazione.

  • af Ying Hu
    643,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Frage, wie sich die Verbesserung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und die motivierende Gestaltung auf die Motivation und die Lernleistung der Lernenden in einer Online-Lernumgebung mit selbstbestimmtem Tempo auswirken. Die Autorin untersuchte auch die Zusammenhänge zwischen allgemein verwendeten Usability-Maßen und den Motivationsmaßen auf der Grundlage des ARCS-Modells von Keller. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf einen signifikanten Einfluss des Interface-Designs auf die Motivation der Lernenden hin. Es wurden kleine bis mittlere positive Korrelationen zwischen der Zufriedenheit mit der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und drei Motivationsmaßen, nämlich Aufmerksamkeit, Relevanz und Zufriedenheit, festgestellt.

  • af Ying Hu
    532,95 kr.

    This book addressed how usability improvement and motivational design affect learners¿ motivation and learning performance in a self-paced, online learning environment. The author also investigated the interrelationships between commonly-used usability measures and the motivation measures based on Keller¿s ARCS model. Results suggested a significant interface design effect on learner motivation. Small to medium positive correlations were found between usability satisfaction and three motivation measures, i.e., attention, relevance and satisfaction.

  • - Poetry, Friendship, and Loss
    af Ying Hu
    468,95 kr.

    Beheaded for plotting against the Qing empire, poet Qiu Jin would later be celebrated as a Republican martyr and China's first feminist. Hu Ying studies Qiu's enduring bond with Wu Zhiying and Xu Zihua, who braved political persecution to keep her legacy alive. In doing so, their friendship fulfilled its ultimate socially transformative potential.

  • - Composing the New Woman in China, 1898-1918
    af Ying Hu
    832,95 kr.

    The figure of the New Woman, soon to become a major signpost of Chinese modernity, was in the process of being formed at the turn of the 20th century. This book shows how the construction of the New Woman was influenced by the fictional and translational representation of a range of Western female icons, including the French Revolutionary figure Madame Roland and Dumas's "Dame aux camelias."

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