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Bøger af Zekuiya Khiat

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  • af Zekuiya Khiat
    853,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist der Nachfolger des ersten Buches Regards sur l'Algérie - Energie et Rente. Es behandelt Begriffe, die oft vergessen werden, wenn man sich mit einem Thema über Energie befasst. Die Energiewende ist angesichts der globalen Erwärmung und der derzeitigen Produktions- und Verbrauchsmuster ein weltweites Anliegen. Die Energiewende muss von einer Regierung und ihrer Bevölkerung gemeinsam vorangetrieben werden. Der Fall Algerien ist Gegenstand dieses Inhalts. Der Übergang in Algerien ist vielfältig. Er ist politisch durch die neue Regierungsführung, wirtschaftlich durch die Diversifizierung der Exporte, sozial durch Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Wohnungsbau, Gesundheit, Ernährungssicherheit und den Kampf für eine würdige Kaufkraft, energetisch durch eine globale Strategie, die den Verpflichtungen entspricht, die auf den verschiedenen Konferenzen der Vertragsparteien eingegangen wurden. Der Schutz unseres Planeten geht uns alle an und Algerien leistet seinen Beitrag, um sich anzupassen und die Herausforderung durch Taten anzunehmen, die seinen Ambitionen entsprechen.

  • af Zekuiya Khiat
    838,95 kr.

    This book follows on from the first, Regards sur l'Algérie - Energie et Rente. It deals with concepts that are often overlooked when dealing with energy issues. Energy transition is a global concern, given global warming and current production and consumption patterns. Energy transition must be a joint effort between a government and its population. The case of Algeria is the subject of this content. The transition in Algeria is multifaceted. It is political, with new governance; it is economic, with the diversification of exports; it is social, with actions in housing, health, food security and the fight for decent purchasing power; it is energy, with a global strategy in line with the commitments made at the various Conferences of the Parties. Saving the planet is everyone's business, and Algeria is doing its part to adapt and rise to the challenge with actions that match its ambitions.

  • af Zekuiya Khiat
    593,95 kr.

    Para uma análise prospetiva da energia na Argélia, é essencial conhecer os indicadores do país, a fim de compreender melhor a sua política de receitas. O esgotamento dos recursos de hidrocarbonetos implica a necessidade de encontrar uma nova fonte de receitas. A transição para a diversificação económica está em curso. O reforço da rede eléctrica poderia fazer da eletricidade um produto exportável. O país deve aproveitar a presença dos recursos de hidrocarbonetos e dos rendimentos para realizar todos os projectos que os substituirão. A energia e o rendimento construíram a Argélia, e continuarão a construí-la, se o domínio das tecnologias inerentes às novas energias for acompanhado pela excelência na execução das projecções da nova Argélia, que teve de enfrentar dois choques: um popular, o Hirak, e outro mundial, a pandemia de Covid-19. Esta obra faz um balanço da evolução da Argélia desde a independência, com o objetivo de perspetivar a integração das energias renováveis no cabaz energético.

  • af Zekuiya Khiat
    593,95 kr.

    For a forward-looking analysis of Algeria's energy sector, it is essential to know the country's indicators in order to better understand its rent policy. The depletion of hydrocarbon resources calls for a new source of income. The transition to economic diversification is underway. Strengthening the power grid could make electricity an exportable product. The country must take advantage of the presence of hydrocarbon resources and rents to implement all the projects that will replace them. Energy and rents have built Algeria, and will continue to build it, if the mastery of the technologies inherent in new energies is matched by excellence in the execution of projections for the new Algeria, which has had to cope with two shocks: one popular, the Hirak, and the other global, the Covid-19 pandemic. This work takes a look at Algeria's progress since independence, with a view to forecasting the integration of renewable energies into the energy mix.

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