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Bøger af Zindel V. Segal

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  • af Zindel V. Segal, Mark G. Williams & John D. Teasdale
    457,95 kr.

    Mindfulness-baseret kognitiv terapi (MBKT) fokuserer på at lære deltagerne at foretage et enkelt, men radikalt skift i, hvordan de forholder sig til de tanker, følelser og kropsfornemmelser, der bidrager til tilbagefald ved depression. I bogen gives trinvise anvisninger på, hvordan man kan integrere meditationer, mindful bevægelse og kognitive interventioner i de strukturerede gruppesessioner. Deltagerne lærer at bryde fri af de vanemæssige og automatiske tanke- og kropsmønstre, der opstår, når de bliver deprimerede, og at forebygge, at disse mønstre løber løbsk. Bogen giver også klinikere vejledning i, hvordan de selv kan praktisere mindfulness – en vigtig forudsætning for at kunne formidle det til andre. Der præsenteres aktuelle resultater fra en lang række studier af MBKT’s virkningsfuldhed og de underliggende mekanismer, herunder studier af tilpassede versioner til behandling af andre psykiske og fysiske helbredsproblemer end depression. ”Denne bog har revolutioneret ikke blot behandlingen af depression, men hele psykoterapien som felt, bragt mindfulness-praksis ind i behandlingen af mange forstyrrelser og motiveret en eksplosion af forskning. Denne udgave rummer detaljerede retningslinjer for anvendelse af terapiformen, som er udviklet og videreudviklet gennem ti års erfaring. Den beskriver også den voksende mængde af dokumentation, der taler til fordel for mindfulness-baserede interventioner. Et ’must’ for klinikere og forskere.” Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Yale University”Som fagbog og især som behandlingsmanual sætter den nye standarder for autentisk, tro og relationel tilgang, ikke bare i sin struktur, men, endnu vigtigere, i sin tone – med andre ord i sin relation med både læseren og emnet.”                                                                                                             Jon Kabat-Zinn i bogens forord ” Jeg vil ønske læseren god fornøjelse med en af de efter min mening allerbedste bøger om den kliniske anvendelse af mindfulness-baseret psykologisk intervention.”                                                                                                                         Jacob Piet i bogens forord

  • - An 8-Week Program to Free Yourself from Depression and Emotional Distress
    af Mark Williams, John Teasdale & Zindel V. Segal
    253,95 kr.

    Imagine an 8-week program that can help you overcome depression, anxiety, and stress--by simply learning new ways to respond to your own thoughts and feelings. That program is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and it has been tested and proven effective in clinical trials throughout the world. Now you can get the benefits of MBCT any time, any place, by working through this carefully constructed book. The expert authors introduce specific mindfulness practices to try each week, plus reflection questions, tools for keeping track of progress, and helpful comments from others going through the program. Like a trusted map, this book guides you step by step along the path of change. Guided meditations are provided on the accompanying MP3 CD and are also available as audio downloads. Note: The MP3 CD can be played on CD players (only those marked MP3-enabled) as well as on most computers. See also the authors The Mindful Way through Depression, which demonstrates these proven strategies with in-depth stories and examples. Plus, mental health professionals, see also the authors bestselling therapy guide: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Second Edition. Winner (Second Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Consumer Health Category

  • - Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness
    af Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mark Williams, John Teasdale & mfl.
    222,95 kr.

    If you've ever struggled with depression, take heart. Mindfulness, a simple yet powerful way of paying attention to your most difficult emotions and life experiences, can help you break the cycle of chronic unhappiness once and for all. In The Mindful Way through Depression, four uniquely qualified experts explain why our usual attempts to ';think' our way out of a bad mood or just ';snap out of it' lead us deeper into the downward spiral. Through insightful lessons drawn from both Eastern meditative traditions and cognitive therapy, they demonstrate how to sidestep the mental habits that lead to despair, including rumination and self-blame, so you can face life's challenges with greater resilience. This e-book includes an audio program of guided meditations, narrated by Jon Kabat-Zinn, for purchasers to stream or download from the Web. See also the authors Mindful Way Workbook, which provides step-by-step guidance for building your mindfulness practice in 8 weeks. Plus, mental health professionals, see also the authors bestselling therapy guide: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Second Edition. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit

  • - The Brain-Gut Connection
    af Zindel V. Segal, Brenda B. Toner, Shelagh D. Emmott & mfl.
    425,95 kr.

    Presents a brief cognitive-behavioural treatment approach that is suitable for use with individuals or groups. Delineating a clear medical rationale, the authors help clinicians reduce clients stigma of IBS and overcome resistence to treatment.

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