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  • - L'Épopée de Fatou et le Rôle de la Femme dans la Société Tchadienne
    af Minda Sakadi
    178,95 kr.

    Minda Sakadi, à travers son oeuvre captivante Mara Sakitte: L'Épopée de Fatou et le Rôle de la Femme dans la Société Tchadienne, nous plonge au coeur du Tchad, dans un récit où les rêves et les réalités se confrontent. Cette fiction, inspirée de problématiques sociales authentiques, nous invite à suivre le parcours de Fatou, une jeune diplômée animée par la volonté de transformer sa société. De retour dans son pays natal, elle se heurte aux préjugés et aux obstacles systémiques qui entravent l'émancipation féminine. À travers les pages, Minda Sakadi dépeint avec finesse les défis auxquels Fatou est confrontée, mais aussi sa détermination inébranlable. Ce roman est une célébration de la force, de la solidarité et du rôle crucial des femmes dans le développement de la société tchadienne. L'auteure nous offre une histoire qui est à la fois un miroir de la société tchadienne et un appel universel à la reconnaissance et à l'égalité. Rejoignez Fatou dans son voyage inspirant, où chaque épreuve est une leçon, chaque victoire, un pas vers un avenir où les femmes sont les actrices incontestées de leur destin. Mara Sakitte est plus qu'un livre; c'est un écho des voix silencieuses, une lumière pour les chemins non empruntés et un espoir pour demain.

  • af Lloyd Jose Fernandez
    132,95 kr.

    The Art of Business Origami: Folding Your Way to SuccessIn the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, innovation is the cornerstone of success. "The Art of Business Origami" by Lloyd Jose Fernandez unveils a groundbreaking concept that redefines the way we approach entrepreneurship, adaptation, and transformation.The Power of Business OrigamiImagine your business as a sheet of paper, waiting to be folded into intricate shapes, each representing a strategy, a vision, or a goal. In this revolutionary guide, Lloyd Jose Fernandez introduces you to the transformative power of Business Origami-a metaphorical approach that illuminates the path to unparalleled success.Master the Seven Folds of SuccessFrom visionary leadership to strategic agility, from fostering innovation to building adaptive cultures, this book guides you through the seven folds of success, providing practical insights, real-world examples, and actionable strategies to thrive in a rapidly changing world.Learn from Industry GiantsExplore how industry giants like Amazon, Google, and Tesla have harnessed the principles of Business Origami to pivot, innovate, and lead. Gain a deeper understanding of sustainable growth, diversity and inclusion, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies into your business strategy.Your Transformational Journey Awaits"The Art of Business Origami" is not just a book; it's a transformative journey. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business leader, or an innovator in any field, this book will equip you with the tools and perspectives to adapt, innovate, and unfold your business potential.Shape the Future of Your OrganizationJoin Lloyd Jose Fernandez on this thought-provoking and inspiring adventure, where the art of folding becomes the art of thriving. Discover how to shape the future of your organization, one fold at a time.

  • af Moheindu Chemjong
    227,95 kr.

    A beautiful quotation book complete with sketches, illustrations and pictures to blow your heart away!

  • af Lia Silva
    107,95 kr.

    Seu nome inspirava timidez e eram poucos, pouquíssimos, que se davam ao luxo de não precisar de Romão D`Arruda Coelho. Romão. Ele era dono de tudo que queria, seu dinheiro o fez dono absoluto de terras, escravos e pessoas. A fazenda ¿Filho do Sol ¿, herdada de pai para filho, tinha nome porque o sol morria todos os finais de tarde ali naquela terra, abençoada por Deus e esquecida pelo senhor que havia comprado suas terras férteis, seu açude com grandes cardumes, seu pomar, cujos frutos se estragavam no pé. O Senhor Romão era dono absoluto, se achava dono e guardião do Sol, muitas vezes se dizia dono absoluto do Sol, pois era atrás de suas montanhas que o Sol dormia, para ser acordado com a grande luz. Preferiu fazer o parto sozinho, e o seu filho varão veio ao mundo, tendo como mãe o dinheiro e a luxúria. Seu pai morreu tempos depois de uma doença desconhecida, deixando Romão rico e sem estrutura para tocar os negócios da família. Precisa rezar, pense filho, tenha mais amor no seu coração, dinheiro será sua perdição, seja bom com os outros que apenas o temem. Conheçam o real valor das pessoas para que estas conheçam o seu valor de espírito. O seu dinheiro de nada adiantará diante da sua solidão de espírito. Ninguém veio ao seu socorro, ninguém veio ter com o senhor supremo daquelas terras. Apanhou os cacos diante das botas do seu amo e senhor. A mulher se calou, jamais seria contra o seu senhor. O senhor saiu rumo a vila que para muitos era cidade. Parou com o cavalo diante da porta da igreja. Nesse momento uma moça que entrava na igreja o esbarrava sem querer. Entrou na igreja e não tirou os olhos da moça que se sentia incomodada com tanta insistência de olhar. A missa acabou e a jovem saiu do tumulto das pessoas, deixando Romão sem saber quem era. As pessoas o cumprimentavam, mas a jovem não saia do seu pensamento. Um negro era açoitado diante da praça, pessoas olhavam sem falar nada. Suas lágrimas escorriam e o senhor absoluto assistia e pela primeira vez se penalizou diante das lágrimas de dor da jovem moça. Aquele negro deveria ser de grande estima para a jovem que chorava e pedia por ele.

  • af Alex Lopes
    102,95 kr.

    Está pronto para se juntar à luta contra a Firma? Presencie a ascensão de uma inesperada heroína neste pontapé para a primeira série de suspense tecnológico brasileira.No futuro próximo, das profundezas claustrofóbicas de uma sala de servidores, um hacker corajoso sacrifica sua vida para entregar documentos comprometedores a uma candidata improvável, uma funcionária da megacorporação que é o símbolo da opressão que enfrentam.Esta mulher, abalada pelo peso da verdade, vê-se lançada em um perigoso jogo de rebelião. À medida que se transforma em uma ousada delatora, ela se une a Marton, um advogado inflexível da organização Vítimas e Famílias, e a Jô, uma mercenária misteriosa e habilidosa. Juntos, eles formam uma aliança improvável, determinados a expor a corrupção que se esconde na Firma.Sinta o pulso de sua esperança, a força de sua resistência, e o calor de seus momentos compartilhados enquanto navegam pelo submundo da cidade. Junte-se a eles em sua luta para expor a verdade, um pen drive de cada vez!Feito sob medida para fãs de suspense e todos que valorizam uma história com reviravoltas. O Gatilho Fantasma irá te levar a uma viagem curta, porém intensa!

  • af Aydin Turkgucu
    102,95 kr.

  • - a collection of reflective poetry
    af Saraf Upasana Saraf
    82,95 kr.

  • - (Of the Dimension Where Time and Space Do Not Exist)
    af Aydin Turkgucu
    127,95 kr.

  • - Vida, Lutas E Sonhos
    144,95 kr.

  • - The Silent Prince of Angeln
    af Elizabeth Bell
    122,95 kr.

  • - A 20th Century Turkish Sufi Master Ken'an Rifai
    af Rifai Kenan Rifai
    222,95 kr.

  • - Plus qu'un royaume, un tres vaste empire au coeur de l'Afrique centrale
    af Amadou Ba
    127,95 kr.

    Le Kongo (1350-1880) est l'un des plus rayonnants États de l'Afrique avant la colonisation. C'est un gigantesque territoire qui s'étendait de la République actuelle de l'Angola, où se trouvait sa capitale, Mbanza Kongo (devenue San Salvador sous la domination portugaise), à la République Démocratique du Kongo sans oublier le Congo Brazzaville et une bonne partie du Gabon. L'empire du Kongo couvrait une superficie égale à celle de l'Europe de l'Ouest actuelle. Par méconnaissance ou maladresse, les explorateurs portugais et leurs successeurs européens dans cet espace, ont désigné cet immense empire comme un simple royaume en Afrique centrale. Grace à la combinaison de diverses sources écrites, orales et archéologiques, ce livre rectifie cette erreur historique et présente les aspects les plus marquants de l'empire du Kongo en mettant l'accent sur l'économie, la politique, la vie sociale et culturelle mais aussi les relations avec le monde extérieur notamment avec le royaume du Portugal, première puissance mondiale au 15e siècle. Un des objectifs majeurs de ce livre est de déconstruire certains stéréotypes et préjugés défavorables qui persistent encore aujourd'hui sur l'Afrique et ses habitants.

  • - Red Dress
    af Derya Edis
    142,95 kr.

  • - Conviction to Stand
    af Blue Zola Blue
    152,95 kr.

    In ancient times on Earth, there lived a race called Dragonors. Following a tradition to gain status and recognition in the village, those able would compete in rigorous games of cunning and abilities. Tournaments culminated into a weapon battle to the death or submission while riding a dragon; at its end, the winner was given status within the village.In this event, a blacksmith named Luken intended to win and gain the regard necessary to ask for Talulah's hand in marriage from her father Ephenio, lord of the village, competed in the challenge. Luken, who had no dragon or experience in dragon-riding or battling, had no choice but to win against all the other competitors for his love. The final contest pits him against the worthiest aggressor. He is fortunate to use the more aggressive dragon of his true love, Talulah, that carries the battle and allows him a most unlikely victory.Over time the happiness of Luken and the Dragonor princess turned to despair as men invade their once pristine swamplands. The earthlings eventually caused the death of Talulah, and the great Lords of the Dragonors decide to leave the earth instead of destroying men.Dragonors run into unlikely allies in their new lands, the Mejuarian, and the two different groups in all ways and mannerisms develop friendships and a familial bond. This closeness compelled the valiant dragon riders to assist the king of the Mejuarian in the recovery of his missing mewlings.As luck would have it, King Teloby also discovers a new diminutive race interested in a friendly alliance with the Mejuarian and Dragonors. A meeting with Marina, Queen of the Arvunglies, revealed that she has found one of the three missing nests and treasures it as a colorful bauble. The little queen agreed to return the nest happily. Still, she told them that rescue of the other two could prove a challenge. To retrieve the babies, they had to venture and most likely defeat a rogue dragon that attacked their small village occasionally.On Earth in 1960, Ren discovers two nests while exploring by a lake. His veterinarian father drew an interest in them and took them back to his facility for further investigation. Ren feared they were UFOs with body-snatching capabilities. Ren's fears soon disappear when his father indirectly hatched the two creatures in his incubator and discovers they are lovely, intelligent creatures that reminded him of some rare species of puppies.Unaware that the missing nests fell to earth off the airship on their way to the Dragonor land, king Teloby prepared himself. The next day, the three groups would head out for the dubious task of entering and searching the dragon's lair for his missing mewling.

  • af Andrew Murray & Johan Labuschagne
    107,95 kr.

    A journey of how Pride (according to Scripture) can prevent a close walk with God.

  • - the real meaning of the swastika or the inside story of the sex and drugs trade
    af John Richard Spencer
    207,95 kr.

    Falsely accused of a sexual crime in the Philippines Rick Daly loses his freedom, as well as his business. A clash of cultures as well as his own na├»vet├⌐ sees his life spiraling out of control. A prison escape amounts merely to a change of jails. In a world where political correctness has gone mad, reverse socialism forces many honest individuals to the wall and a cynical disregard for values other than the dollar is decaying society from within, Rick almost loses his soul. Crime follows punishment and it is his success at drug and arms dealing that causes Rick to finally face his demons.The accidental adventures of Rick Daly take the reader into a sea of cultural flashpoints that pointedly reflect on his or her values at the same time as exposing the huge cracks in the world''s current political and social order. This story will appeal to the millions who suspect that humanity is collectively heading along the primrose path. Rick Daly is a tenth man, one who seems to attract trouble without any rhyme or reason. Failure at business, trouble with love and a slowly evolving war with himself sets the backdrop for this tantalizing story.Rick Daly must learn to succeed at love as well as business but he has chosen one hell of a proving field - the Philippines. While he finds his ideal woman his few remaining relatives, who live in the U.S., are steamrollered by a collapsed superannuation fund and an avaricious bank. The Neo Con financial culture effectively murders his uncle. His fate draws Rick into contact with an ex Nazi and Islamic rebels in Mindanao. Imprisonment in the Philippines, Australia and finally the USA causes Rick to turn to crime. His very success at his latest endeavor results in a personal catharsis. Sex, money and power are not enough. Rick discovers necessary spiritual values and the real meaning of the swastika. 

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