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Bøger udgivet af Acorn Publishing

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  • af Leila Worby
    272,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Roger Liles
    237,95 kr.

    "The destiny of the world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in." ¿ Harold C. Goddard, The Meaning of Shakespeare, Volume 2Books, movies and popular media have eulogized the major role that British breaking of the Enigma Code played in the winning of World War II. During the Cold War, a more monumental effort was made by America and her allies to intercept and exploit Russian and communist countries communications. In the mid-1950s a tunnel was built by British MI-6 and the CIA which tapped into a buried communications cable in East Berlin. They successfully intercepted and exploited East European and Russian communist communications for over a year. Suddenly, in 1956 the tunnel was "discovered" by the Russians, denying the allies this exceptionally valuable intelligence source.This novel, The Berlin Tunnel is a fictional account of how a second tunnel might have been built between East and West Berlin. It is a thriller which takes the reader into the super-secret world that the author occupied fifty years ago. Every scene in The Berlin Tunnel could have happened. The time-1960-1961, and the place-the Divided City of Berlin have been faithfully recreated using extensive research and the author's personal experience.Young American Air Force Captain Robert Kerr arrives in a divided Berlin awash with spies who move freely between the East and West. His task-build a TOP SECRET tunnel under the River Spree into East Berlin-tap into highly classified communications links between civilian and military leaders in Russia and the Warsaw Pact countries. The knowledge gained from this source will help America's leaders to manage an imminent confrontation between the East and West over Berlin, perhaps even prevent World War III. At all costs, knowledge that the tunnel is being built must be hidden from the Russian KGB and the East German Stasi as well as our closest allies-the British and French. Only those involved in its construction can be allowed to know of the existence of the tunnel.Love couldn't have found him as a worse time.Soon after he arrives, Robert falls for a German girl, Anna Fischer. It is spy verses spy as the dreaded East German Secret Police-the Stasi use every means possible to determine what Robert and his construction crew are doing in Berlin. But it is Anna, who is often caught in the crossfire between the Americans and the Stasi.The conclusion of the novel centers around events that focuses the attention of the world on Berlin. First, the Wall is closed, trapping 19 million East Germans including Anna's entire family behind the Iron Curtain. A few months later, the world held its collective breath when the Berlin Crisis occurs-High Noon at Checkpoint Charlie-the only time in the Cold War when Russian and American tanks faced each other. Robert and Anna are caught up in these momentous events as they try to free her family and survive in a very dangerous city.

  • af Laura Findley Evans
    197,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Jim Gibson
    287,95 - 375,95 kr.

  • af Kat Clark
    126,95 kr.

  • af Leslie Ferguson
    195,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Feavel Katie Feavel
    327,95 kr.

    ¿Neurodivergent Elemental, Roan, doesn't belong in any of the worlds. She boils things, she dreams of death, and she keeps to the shadows whenever she can. But her copper freckles and ashy red curls make her about as subtle as the benyu, the fiery bird of the mythkeepers' stories. On her nineteenth birthday, Roan's village is beguiled by conquering Woodlanders. In an effort to save her people, she throws herself into a reckless blood bargain with Galin, the roguish Woodland general who challenges her heart, complicates her sense of self, and unmasks the true nature of her magic. And he's not the only one who wants to forge her into a weapon...Roan must find her own voice in the darkness of trauma and, like the benyu, rise from the ashes to set her people free.

  • af Anna Wilcoxson
    262,95 kr.

  • af Lundquist
    162,95 kr.

  • - Phantom Rider
    af Sherrill Marie Joseph
    107,95 kr.

  • af Dennis K Crosby
    277,95 kr.

  • af Adrienne Alitowski
    282,95 kr.

  • af Darren Key
    232,95 kr.

  • af Loran Holt
    247,95 kr.

    Jamie Whitehall Olivian has received a mysterious letter from her Uncle James. She is named after him, but she has never seen, met, or heard him mentioned in any way. Until now. And he has died and left her his entire estate. But it seems Uncle James wants her to investigate a murder. His, that is. It also seems the estate is contingent upon her acceptance of this commission. Jamie wants no part of the investigation or of the estate. She gets along perfectly well, thank you very much, a fact she emphasizes to his lawyer, who just happens to be gorgeous, making it a little harder to say no. Things take a strange turn when the victim himself asks her to reconsider. For reasons unknown, Uncle James has been unable to depart for the afterlife and is stuck in his Art Deco desk. Jamie decides to take on the job of niece and sleuth, with no experience at either, and she and Uncle James set out to find the killer. They are aided by the lawyer and a not-as-gorgeous and slightly rumpled homicide detective whose interest seems to be more than just finding a murderer.

  • af Patricia Street
    317,95 kr.

  • af Jeff Pollak
    146,95 kr.

  • af David W Reed
    207,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Christina Fong
    187,95 kr.

    Sixteen-year-old Rilla Marseas believes she has a calling to become a healer. Her soul yearns to help people and save lives. Why else would Heaven grant her a singing voice that can heal any ailment? But if the palace discovers her power, she'll be selected for the annual Showcase, where the most beautiful and magically gifted girls in Seracedar Kingdom compete for the chance to enter the emperor's harem. That's the last thing Rilla wants. To avoid such a fate, she hides her power. No matter how the other villagers ridicule her for being worthless and talentless, she suppresses the urge to reveal her powerful voice and prove them wrong. When a palace scout poisons Rilla's auntie and coerces her into revealing her power, she's thrown into the competition. The scout threatens to harm her family if she doesn't win. But Rilla learns there really is no winning. The emperor and empress keep girls with magical powers as pets. In cages. With some help from a handsome, but brooding prince and his mysterious bodyguard, Rilla must outsmart the palace and escape. If she fails, she'll spend the rest of her life as the royal couple's puppet, using her voice to grant them eternal youth.

  • af Olsen Paul Olsen
    204,95 - 302,95 kr.

  • af T D Fox
    297,95 kr.

  • af Mikel J Wilson
    382,95 kr.

  • af Mikel J Wilson
    347,95 kr.

    Emory Rome is back in A LIGHT TO KILL BY, the third book in the Mourning Dove Mysteries series and follow-up to the international bestsellers MURDER ON THE LAKE OF FIRE and DEATH OPENS A WINDOW. Moments after construction tycoon Blair Geister's death, a mysterious wandering light kills someone on her Southern estate. Is the avenging spirit of the millionairess on a killing spree, or are other forces threatening those in her inner circle? As the will is read, suspicion and jealousy arise, and fingers point to the heirs of her fortune. Private investigator Emory Rome and his Mourning Dove partners accept an invitation to stay at Geisterhaus and unravel its secrets before more lives are lost.

  • - ... A Tale of Physics, Lust and Greed
    af Mike Murphey
    292,95 kr.

  • - Physics, Lust and Greed Series, Book 3
    af Mike Murphey
    207,95 kr.

  • af Mike Murphey
    337,95 kr.

    When time travelers fail test after test to significantly alter the past, most financial backers abandon the Global Research Consortium leaving veteran traveler Marta Hamilton to administer a vastly scaled-down project. She must protect the past from a greedy future, fend off political meddling, and foil a murder plot originating in a parallel universe. She presides over a conspiracy to hide the truth of her best friend's death while coping with a confusing and discomforting romantic entanglement involving fellow traveler Marshall Grissom. Marta, who has by professional necessity always distanced herself from emotional commitment, lapsed by allowing herself the luxury of friendship with Sheila Schuler and a night of wild sex with Marshall. Now, Sheila is probably dead, and-according to a genius physicists' theory-Marshall soon will be. As she assumes her role as administrator of the time travel program, Marta must choose between the risks of loving someone, or the lonely safety of emotional solitude. (No cats were harmed in the telling of this story.)

  • af Pamela McCord
    137,95 - 236,95 kr.

  • af Simone de Munoz
    175,95 kr.

  • af J C Farmer
    163,95 - 230,95 kr.

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