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  • af Joel S Goldsmith
    367,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    187,95 kr.

    Hidden behind the personal self is the real Self, that which Paul called "The Christ," or our spiritual identity. To awaken mystical consciousness is to come to that point where we can spiritually apprehend this truth about ourselves and about each other and live by it.In Awakening Mystical Consciousness, Goldsmith explains the spiritual principles and practices that will help us to awaken. He instructs the reader in how to use contemplation, meditation, and inner communion to attain the realization of the true Self. With care and in detail, he addresses the nature of God as omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience; the nature of spiritual power; our real identity; the nature of concepts; and the barriers that obstruct the way to realization. But Goldsmith clearly emphasizes that these statements of truth are not truth. They only help us get into the center of Being, where we can be receptive to the inner voice.A mainstay of this book is erasing the false concept that man is separated from God, and that there is a God "out there" that can take away our sins, diseases, lacks and limitations. "Through this work," says Goldsmith, "you are going to awaken out of the dream that there can be any separation. It wakes you up, and then you look around and realize you are in heaven. You have been there all the time, dreaming you were in hell."Goldsmith explains that awakening to mystical consciousness bears great fruitage. Through our realization of oneness, we regain our original dominion over our bodies and our lives. We can also demonstrate the healing consciousness, that consciousness that knows there is nothing to be healed, but only Truth to be revealed. "The goal," he says, "is the attainment of this Spirit of God" - mystical consciousness. "That is the entire goal of the spiritual life."

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    187,95 kr.

    There is much contemporary interest in the subject of consciousness, and Consciousness Is What I Am addresses the most important and least understood aspects of consciousness - what it is and how it can be opened to Truth. Beginning with the principles of the nature of God and the nature of man, Goldsmith ushers the reader progressively deeper into the secrets of consciousness, revealing how we can attain the highest states of consciousness through meditation and practice.The book points out the landmarks that suggest advancing consciousness as well as the possible pitfalls for the seeker. Once the seeker experiences the universal Christ-Consciousness, Goldsmith says, he will find fulfillment, peace, rest, refreshment, and joy, and be free of the shadows and illusions of the material world. Consciousness Is What I Am shows the reader that the real man is not the physical body, but the consciousness that governs it. In other words, Consciousness is what I am.[Note: Consciousness Is What I Am is the collection of the 1969 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    182,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    187,95 kr.

    The theme and focus of Showing Forth the Presence of God is at the heart of the message of The Infinite Way: that within each of us dwells a living and immediate Presence, the Spirit of God, which is "closer than breathing and nearer than hands and feet." Chapter by chapter, the author unfolds insightful, practical instruction on how to discover this Presence within and let it show forth. He illustrates with great care how this awareness will generate a new vitality and freedom in our day-to-day affairs. "It is the nature of God that we be free. It is the nature of God that we be whole," Goldsmith exclaims, and then goes on to emphasize who "we" are. "The son of God is more than a man who lived two thousand years ago; the son of God is the Spirit of God that dwelt in the man Jesus, and that dwells in every man. Therefore, the son of God is present in you and me."Discovering that Son of God within us and knowing what it means to express that in our daily life is the message of this book. Recognizing the truth that we are sons of God, we come to realize that the universe is not outside of us, but is embodied within our consciousness. "There is no selfhood apart from God," Goldsmith explains, "nor is there a creation apart from God. What we call a material creation is not a material creation: it is a material sense of creation….everything in this universe answers, responds, and is subject to the divine Consciousness which is God." Showing Forth the Presence of God will help the spiritual seeker understand the momentous implications of that truth.[Note: Showing Forth the Presence of God is the collection of the 1980 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    182,95 kr.

    Drawing its title from the biblical story of the prodigal son, The Journey Back to the Father's House explains that we have wandered away from knowing our true Self and our spiritual home in the kingdom of God within. We have immersed ourselves in the deceptions and illusions of the material world, and if we want a life of true peace and harmony, we must make the return journey. This is a journey which is accomplished within ourselves as an activity of consciousness.Goldsmith says, "In any moment of your life, you can begin the journey back to the Father's house. In your human sense of life, you are a prodigal son. Each day you are using up some of your life … each day some of your strength, health, or wisdom is lessening in the human picture. That is the life of the prodigal." But, he continues, "The moment that you realize, 'Man shall not live by bread alone' or by the body, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, you are not living on your strength, your supply, your body, or the number of your years. Now you are drawing forth your life and abundance from the source."But how are we to make this return journey? Goldsmith explains that we must attain "that mind which was in Christ Jesus," or the transcendental mind that goes beyond the mere intellectual understanding of the letter of truth to the full spiritual realization. He shows the reader how to make that transition by clearing out old concepts of truth, meditating faithfully, and continuously practicing and applying spiritual principles.But, Goldsmith counsels, the journey takes time and practice: "Every truth heard or read that makes you feel it is truth, is a seed that is being taken into your consciousness. You can no more expect it to do something for you tomorrow than if you planted an apple seed today and expected to find apples growing in your yard tomorrow." The seeds of truth must be nurtured and fed until they are in full flower.As we live with these seeds of truth and cultivate them in a receptive attitude, Goldsmith says, we are on the path back to the Father's house and to realizing our original relationship of oneness with God. This relationship of oneness is the pearl of great price that enables us to open out a way for harmony in all aspects of life to come forth from within.[Note: The Journey Back to the Father's House is the collection of the 1979 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    187,95 kr.

    "There are two ways of life open to a person here on earth," says Joel Goldsmith in Living the Illumined Life. "There is the human way, the way of the unillumined, and there is the spiritual way, the way of the illumined."What is the difference? The unillumined individual is living by and through his own powers, wisdom, and strength, Goldsmith explains. It is a life of toil, effort, and worry, often limited in education, limited in experience, limited in background, or limited in finances. The illumined individual is living in conscious awareness of an indwelling Presence, Being, Power. He has realized that he is not living his life alone: "I live, yet not I; this spirit of the Lord God which is upon me is living my life." This is a life of infinite capacity and complete freedom.Goldsmith boldly asks the reader: "Do you believe that the spirit of God dwells in you? Do you believe there is an indwelling Christ in you? Do you believe that you are the temple of God? Do you believe that you can do all things through Christ that dwells in you?" If you cannot answer in the affirmative, he says, you are still the unillumined. But, he encourages, you are the one who can change that.For those who are inspired to make the transition and live life as one of the illumined, Living the Illumined Life clearly lays out the principles and practices that can purify consciousness and lift the sincere seeker to the awareness of the Presence and Power within. Then as illumination comes, he can walk free and unfettered, without fear, by Grace.[Note: Living the Illumined Life is the collection of the 1972 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S. Goldsmith
    182,95 kr.

    In this captivating book, Joel Goldsmith addresses a difficult problem encountered by many spiritual seekers. "You go from one truth to another and, if you are at all like most persons, you will someday say to yourself, 'Well, I know all the truth that is to be known, but it doesn't seem to do much for me.'" The reason for that, says Goldsmith, is that "so far it has been only an intellectual acceptance of the truth: it has not been the spiritual discernment of it. It has not been an inner conviction; it has not come with spiritual power to make itself alive."Spiritual Discernment is a gift to any truth student who wants to go beyond intellectual understanding. Here Goldsmith is at his best, guiding the reader in how to develop the spiritual discernment that carries with it spiritual power. "We build the capacity of spiritual discernment," he says, "as we agree that God's universe is wholly good and wholly spiritual. With our eyes we cannot believe this, nor with our ears. Our mind will never convince us of this, because our mind is seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling too much of evil. Therefore, we must be still; we must attain quietness and peace and the ability to live in that attitude so that instead of indulging our likes and dislikes, instead of judging by appearances, we let the spiritual faculty within us discern the nature of that which is appearing to us and being revealed to us."Spiritual discernment is a capacity that we all have, but which lies buried deep and dormant within us due to the deadening human legacy of centuries of material experience. Spiritual Discernment goes a long way in helping the dedicated seeker liberate his capacity for spiritual discernment and bring it into its fullness. "As the inner faculty of discernment is developed," Goldsmith asserts, "we begin to see spiritually, hear spiritually, and know spiritually, and in proportion as we develop the power of spiritual discernment, is everyone who comes within range of our consciousness blessed."[Note: Spiritual Discernment is the collection of the 1974 Infinite Way Letters.]

  • af Joel S Goldsmith
    182,95 kr.

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