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  • af Pamela Smith
    182,95 kr.

    In the end, everyone grieves; but most of us do it privately. Underneath the exterior "bucking up," however, there are steps we all take and retake. We slowly let it sink in that life has changed and will never be quite the same. We select what is important to remember even while we fear we will forget. In this unique and compelling book, Pamela Smith, SS.C.M.--no stranger to her own grief and that of others--offers practical ideas to help us "suffer our sorrows" in ways that allow us to become "kinder, better, gentler people" in the process. Using the contemporary American-language translation of the scriptures from The Message Bible translation by Eugene Peterson, especially the Book of Lamentations and the Letters of Paul, Smith offers a biblical and practical pathway to get to the place where "ain't no one or nobody gonna steal my happy," as one grieving woman put it to the author years ago. Each short chapter offers down-to-Earth insights into the nature of grief, suggestions for dealing effectively with it, a short original prayer, and provocative questions for personal reflection and discussion with others.

  • af Gerald R Gioglio
    212,95 kr.

    Marching to a Silent Tune is a childhood to young adult look at a complicated journey to social consciousness, civil liberties, war resistance and peace activism within the social and military environment of the turbulent 1950s and 1960s. The book is relevant to all men and women grappling with the very real questions of personal morality when it comes to involvement in civil liberties, making war and in building peace. The Catholic Media Association awarded Marching to a Silent Tune Second Place in their 2023 Memoir Category.

  • af Tom Stone
    197,95 kr.

    Robust 30-man rosters for all 30 MLB franchises [¬‚¬[ Wins Above Replacement (WAR) used as starting point for selections [¬‚¬[ Starting lineups and depth charts provided for each team [¬‚¬[ Comparisons with numerous past authors and fan surveys

  • af Jon M Sweeney
    192,95 kr.

    Do you think Hell has nine levels, each one worse than the previous? Do you think that Hell is so hot it can burn your skin right off your body? Do you think that God's punishment will fit the sins we commit? If so, you think that because of Dante, not the Bible. Maybe the Hell you do (or don't) believe in is the one the Renaissance literary master Dante Alighieri described in the Inferno section of his epic poem The Divine Comedy. This is the Hell of eternal damnation that most of us were raised to fear, the place where, we are told by Dante, "Abandon all hope, you who enter here." But it turns out that Dante's vision of Hell is not based very much on the Hebrew or the Christian Scriptures but on an amalgam of sources from Greek and Roman philosophy to Medieval morality plays to Islam's Qu'ranall stitched together by an accomplished artist to scare the bejesus out of all of us. Allow this book to help you reflect on what you believe about evil and what happens to bad people and just how merciful your God might be.

  • af Brian Doyle
    182,95 kr.

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