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  • af Cinthia Gambino
    182,95 kr.

    In To Me You See(TM) is a tool for all humans in everyday life, as well as coaches, healers, guides, counselors, and leaders who want to step out of the conditioning, the patterns, and the stories that hold us hostage and trapped within the "reality" we've been told. This powerful story and introduction to The ITMYS(TM) Method is an entry level guide tothe conscious re-membering of ourselves. An intimate mirror for the collective, it willopen the awareness and recognition of the three aspects of the inner self: the one thatspeaks, acts, and tells the story; the one that judges, evaluates, and influences; and theone that observes all of it without attachment to story or judgment, only love and knowing.

  • af Jean Rueda
    157,95 kr.

    HERENCIAS es una colección de poesía en español que se enfoca en temas de amor, melancolía, historia, política y familia.El autor Jean-Pierre Rueda ilustra recuerdos de niñez en su natal Costa Rica, paisajes de su vida inmigrante en California, la pasión al covertirse en padre y las herencias de personajes y eventos históricos que inspiraron generaciones de Latinx en Estados Unidos.Jean-Pierre Rueda busca con sus versos románticos hacerle un homenaje a la belleza y tristeza de nacer y crecer en otro país, los valores familiares que se vuelven puntos cardinales en la travesía de los años y la importancia de contar la historia para iluminar la valentía ante lo incierto.Jean-Pierre Rueda es un poeta y escritor nacido en San José, Costa Rica en 1985.Creció escuchando las leyendas de su tío aventurero quien viajaba cada diciembre desde la tierra de Mickey Mouse y George Bush al verano navideño en Costa Rica; siempre bautizado por la risa de su familia, la bachata rosa de Juan Luis Guerra y los abrazos que tardaban meses en ser.Desde niño, soñó con vivir en California y ser un reportero pintando discursos en el congreso estadounidense. Se imaginaba cumpliendo el sueño americano exactamente como su tío en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.Pero pronto se dio cuenta, al dejar Costa Rica cuando tenía 15 años, que Estados Unidos era muy distinto al país que dibujó de niño. Su voz era brusca, enardecida y violenta. La soledad de su nueva identidad de inmigrante, la desilusión del corazón al verle los ojos cerrados a la justicia en ese país soñado y la tristeza de las historias que se formaban a su alrededor; despertaron en Jean-Pierre Rueda un gran interés por la política, la poesía y el aporte invaluable de la comunidad Latinx en los Estados Unidos.Jean-Pierre Rueda le escribe poesía a esos aventureros que se encuentran persiguiendo los sueños americanos de alguien más en Estados Unidos, versos para celebrar la valentía de vivir tan lejos de lo conocido y el brillo de ser parte del alma Latinoamericana. Jean-Pierre espera crear espacios de diálogo con sus poemas de amor, historia, política y herencia. Jean-Pierre Rueda fue publicado en BOOK BY AUTHORS: NORTH LONG BEACH ANTHOLOGY en el 2009 y publicó su primer libro HER EYES WERE THE MOON AND I WAS THE WAVES en el 2020.Actualmente, Jean-Pierre Rueda trabaja para un banco en las mañanas y escribiendo poesía para sus futuros proyectos literarios con Alegría Publishing.Jean-Pierre Rueda vive en Compton, California con su esposa y sus dos niños.

  • af Clara Olivo
    163,95 kr.

    In her debut collection, The Whisper, The Storm and The Light in Between, Clara vulnerably reveals her experience as a racialized being surviving Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) and colonization. She describes her work as a "poetic memoir of diasporic despair and delight," where she speaks to the trauma, healing, and growth that comes with discovering your most authentic self. Every poem takes you on an emotional ride through the struggle of learning who you are and embracing the love you deserve.Clara Olivo (she/her/ella) is an Afro-Salvi poet living in diaspora. Born and raised in South Central L.A. to Salvadorean refugees, Clara weaves history and lived experience, creating transcendental poetry that amplifies ancestral power and pride.A chef by trade, Clara took her love of the kitchen into the nonprofit sector in 2007 where she combined her passion for food with her love of community building. For over ten years, she worked in urban agriculture, nutrition education, and food access in Houston, Texas before moving to Seattle, Washington in 2017.In 2020, her work shifted from working the frontlines to taking up space in leadership roles and side hustling as a racial equity consultant within nonprofits-a challenge and duty she currently embraces and executes. She firmly believes that by sharing her lived experience and analysis of oppressive systems, she can challenge and transform the nonprofit world and all they touch.Writing for her lost inner child, Clara steps into her poetry with the intention of healing the hurts of her past and inspiring hope for the future. Since finding her voice, she has performed in open mics and art receptions from Seattle to Washington D.C., and has been featured in publications such as The South Seattle Emerald, Valiant Scribe, and Quiet Lightning's Literary Mixtape.In her debut collection, The Whisper, The Storm and The Light in Between, Clara vulnerably reveals her experience as a racialized being surviving Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) and colonization. She describes her work as a "poetic memoir of diasporic despair and delight," where she speaks to the trauma, healing, and growth that comes with discovering your most authentic self. Every poem takes you on an emotional ride through the struggle of learning who you are and embracing the love you deserve.Clara lives in a quiet home on unceded Duwamish land with her partner, dog, and an ever-growing number of plants. You can follow her on Instagram @HijaDeMilagro and @TheDiasporicConnection and become a part of her journey.

  • af Ariadna Sanchez
    235,95 kr.

    Ariadna Sánchez Hernández nació en la tierra "donde abunda el ejote", Ejutla de Crespo, Oaxaca. Los versos empapados de emociones encuentran un hogar en las páginas de Visitas inesperadas. Visitas inesperadas, es un poemario con fotografías que une los aromas y colores de una tierra mágica con los ecos de la memoria. La poeta florece en cada estrofa, bañada de sol y esperanza, pintando poesía más allá de la frontera. Sus poemas han sido publicados en prestigiosos medios impresos y electrónicos tales como la revista infantil Iguana, La Raíz Magazine, Xinachtli Journal-Journal X, Oaxaca Profundo, La Bloga y Los Bloguitos. También contribuyó en el libro El Sistema: Music for Social Change por Christine Witkowski, ha sido promotora de la lectura en Oaxaca y en Los Ángeles a través del proyecto Líderes En Acción (LEA) y publicó su primer libro bilingüe H is for HOLA. An ABC Odyssey en coordinación con la organización no-lucrativa Heart Of Los Angeles (HOLA). Visitas inesperadas es su primer libro de poesía en español engalanado con fotografías inéditas. Conecta con Ariadna Instagram @_ariadnasanCorreo electrónico

  • af Loren A. Olson
    167,95 kr.

  • af Valenzo Janette Valenzo
    237,95 kr.

    "Before I Say Goodbye" is a poetic play in five acts that invites the reader into the story of an Aries Brujita & classic Virgo crashing into each other. The book is filled with Easter eggs for readers to decipher, and poems calling and answering each other throughout. "Before I Say Goodbye" is the roadmap for anyone who has ever been afraid to leave a relationship. You cannot love someone into loving you, but you can love yourself enough to say goodbye to them and to start saying hello to yourself.Janette Valenzo is a bilingual queer Chicana actor, poet, teaching artist,Tarot reader, and mental health advocate. She's been published in several literary journals. She currently teaches with UCLA and several arts-based nonprofits, while writing a monthly career Tarotscopes column for Powerful Latinas Rising. She attends USC for a Master of Education in School Counseling and holds a BFA from NYU Tisch. For more on her work, visit

  • af Kim Guerra
    207,95 kr.

    You are a wildflower.You grow in difficult places.You absorb light and shine.You are independent.Florecita linda, florecita locasolo necesitas tu almay la madre tierra para florecer.Mariposa x Guerrera is a love letter to mujeres who are giving themselves wings through revolutionary self-love.Kim Guerra is an artist, writer, and entrepreneur. She is the creator of Brown Badass Bonita, a brand and movement she considers a revolutionary act of self love and love for our Latinx community. She wants people to wear her shirts as a statement and shield. She wants people to feel like a walking and living revolution when they wear a Brown Badass Bonita tee. She creates apparel that celebrates our culture and empowers mujeres. She also writes pieces and creates art that celebrate and explore the complexities of being a Latinx, mujer, PoC, survivor, and guerrera. She considers her art and work to be a responsibility to her community of Latinx and mujeres.

  • - Pensamientos Poeticos Feministas
    af Davina Ferreira
    307,95 kr.

    LIBRE: Pensamientos Poèticos Feministas es una colección de micropoesía escrita a mano por la escritora y empresaria Colombo Americana, Davina Ferreira.En esta colección, Ferreira nos invita a preguntarnos: ¿ Somos verdaderamente libres? ¿ Se puede ser "libre," cuando tantas mujeres - aùn no lo son - en pleno siglo XXI?Estos micro poemas, donde Ferreira, le apuesta a la belleza a la sencillez, nos invitan a encontrarnos en el anhelo de nuestra libertad más profunda.Ferreira explora, como en sus otros libros,a la mujer moderna y su mundo interior, sus deseos y su despertar femenino. LIBRE es una invitación al corazón del alma feminista, decidida al fin, a vivir su verdad interior.Davina Ferreira es una empresaria y poeta galardonada de origen Colombo Americano.Ferreira es la creadora de la compañía ALEGRIA Media & Publishing, una compañía multimedia que destaca el talento LatinX a través de su librería móvil, editorial independiente y su revista con más de 9 años de historia. Ferreira nació en Miami, Florida, pero creció en Medellín, Colombia. En 1997, emigró a Los Estados Unidos, donde recibió su licenciatura en Arte Dramático de la Universidad de California, Irvine para luego incursionar en el teatro bilingüe en La ciudad de Los Ángeles. Años después, continuó sus estudios en la Real Academia de Artes Escénicas (RADA) en Londres y se unió a la Universidad de California, Los Ángeles para culminar sus estudios de periodismo en Español. Su trayectoria como poeta y autora independiente incluye los libros: Take Me with You, una colección de cuentos y poemas en formato bilingüe. Finding my Alegría, una autobiografía para adolescentes para crear consciencia sobre las enfermedades de salud mental. If Love Had a Name, una colección de poemas en Inglés. Ganadora de la medalla de oro en el Latino International Book Festival.Stories of Happy Lovers & Unhappy Wives, Una colección de relatos cortos enfocados en el feminismo y el erotismo.Libre, Una Colección de Pensamientos Poéticos Feministas en Español. En 2020, La revista de Oprah, Oprah Daily destacó la labor de Ferreira en el mundo de la literatura LatinX en USA para apoyar a autores emergentes y promover la literatura Latinoamericana en barrios y escuelas de bajos recursos. Otros premios y reconocimientos, incluyen:Empowered Women Award por la fundación de Tory Birch, El Premio de Rising Star de La Asociación Nacional de Empresarias Latinas en USA, y de CSQ Magazine Award New Gen entregada en el Rockefeller Center in New York City.

  • af Ryan Faby Ryan
    262,95 kr.

    In May 2012, against all odds and after an incredibly difficult journey into motherhood, Faby Ryan gives birth to her miracle 1 lb 2 oz micro-preemie. After enduring a five-and-a-half month stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Faby and her husband, Danny Ryan are finally able to bring their daughter home, only to discover the journey doesn't end there.Three years later, while on a family vacation at the Colorado River, just North of Lake Havasu, Arizona, Faby Ryan loses her husband in a tragic accident leaving her a thirty-two-year-old widow and solo parent to their three-year-old special needs daughter, Emma.After going through the most incredible loss in her life, Faby Ryan embarks on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and finding her true calling. In the midst of loss, pain, and heartache, her willingness to survive gives way to new adventures, new opportunities, and a newfound love for writing and sharing her story with the world. Her journey through loss ignites a fire in her she never knew she had. Always Carry Me With You is the story of Faby and Danny's life together: their beautiful relationship, the journey into parenthood, and Faby's immense loss and fight for survival after all the tragedy that changed her world. Her story is meant to inspire and give courage to anyone coping with overwhelming loss, trauma, and grief. It is a reflection of love, hope, motherhood, and adventure-a reminder that you can still find joy through loss.Being a creator and lover of all thing's beauty, Faby Ryan is a creative entrepreneur and writer. She is a proud mother and bilingual advocate and educator of all things preemie-hood and widowhood. Born to Mexican parents and raised in Los Angeles, California, Faby Ryan is a first generation Mexican-American.Her passion for writing began early on at the young age of nine after discovering the writings of poet Pablo Neruda, which inspired her and awakened a deeper love for writing poetry, short stories, and sharing her words with the world. This gained her a few scholastic writing awards as well as a presidential award and pin. In 2012, after suffering three miscarriages, the loss of one of her twins, and giving birth to her 1 l b 2 oz micro-preemie surviving twin, Emma, Faby Ryan's mission to tell her story of loss and survival ignited her advocacy toward parents of preemies. She has served as a volunteer for numerous platforms such as the Ronald McDonald House Charities and women's shelters, and she has also participated and raised money toward March of Dimes/March for Babies every year since. Together with her daughter, Emma, she started her Give-Joy Project as a way to give back for her miracle; a project to support and let other parents of preemies currently in Neonatal Intensive Care Units know they are not alone. In 2015, after losing her husband, Faby Ryan began a second mission in sharing her grief journey as a young widow and solo parent. She started an online private support group called Widowed Solo Mommy which she plans to turn into a podcast. Her story has been published multiple times in online media platforms such as Love What Matters, a publication which features real life stories. Faby has made it her life's mission to tell her story of survival hoping it might help others going through life's hardships.

    162,95 kr.

    The LatinX Poetry Project is a poetic anthology with over 45 new LatinX Poets from diverse backgrounds sharing their unique & heartfelt poetry on themes as immigration,social justice & feminism today.This book is for anyone who wants to take a poetic journey into the richness of LatinX culture & storytelling today.The LatinX Poetry Project es una antología poética con más de 45 poetas LatinX de diversos países y culturas.Su poesía busca compartir sus pensamientos sobre temas como la inmigración,justicia social y el feminismo en el presente.Este libro es para todos aquellos que quieren tomar un viaje poético por la riqueza de nuestra cultura e historias que resuenan con nuestro mundo, un lugar de reflexión -donde la diversidad nos hace más humanos.

  • af Davina Ferreira
    180,95 kr.

    The LatinX Poetry Project is a poetic anthology with over 45 new LatinX Poets from diverse backgrounds sharing their unique & heartfelt poetry on themes as immigration, social justice & feminism today.This book is for anyone who wants to take a poetic journey into the richness of LatinX culture & storytelling today.The LatinX Poetry Project es una antología poética con más de 45 poetas LatinX de diversos países y culturas.Su poesía busca compartir sus pensamientos sobre temas como la inmigración, justicia social y el feminismo en el presente.Este libro es para todos aquellos que quieren tomar un viaje poético por la riqueza de nuestra cultura e historias que resuenan con nuestro mundo, un lugar de reflexión -donde la diversidad nos hace más humanos.

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