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  • af Nasreen Bano, Mehnaz Ansari & Mohammad Yousuf Ganai
    1.297,95 kr.

    Teachers are called nation builders in every country and in every society. The role of teachers is of great importance. It is left to the teachers to inculcate personality characteristics, right values - the values of good citizenship producing law abiding and nation loving citizens. India has made considerable progress in school education since independence with reference to overall literacy, infrastructure and universal access and enrolment in schools. Two major developments in the recent years form the background to the present reform in teacher education - the political recognition of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) as a legitimate demand and the state commitment towards UEE in the form of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. The country has to address the need of supplying well qualified and professionally trained teachers in larger numbers in the coming years. At the same time, the demand for quality secondary education is steadily increasing. It is recommended that the aim should be to reach universal secondary education within a maximum of ten years. Given the problems of inadequate quality in most secondary schools due to poor infrastructure and insufficient and poorly equipped teachers, the need for addressing the professional education of secondary teachers acquires great importance. The education of teachers should be such that teachers should set an example and provide for their pupils the ideal of the citizens who is conformist, conservative and cautions. As for their moral character, righteousness, wisdom, honesty are among the adjectives which might be ascribed to them. Teachers should assist the students in their physical, intellectual, religious, social, emotional, spiritual development in the well balanced and harmonious manner and imbue them with human values, which is why teacher education today is an integral part of any educational system. In this study, personality traits of teachers will be analyzed in conjunction with their teaching effectiveness, in order to reach a better understanding of what makes a good teacher, and how to educate him to satisfy the rising demand of the Indian society.

  • af Ermias Birhanu Alaro
    622,95 kr.

    Since Liechtenstein, as the first country in the world, acknowledged the legal position of Single Member Liability Companies by statute law, this type of company has been legally recognized in an increasing number of countries. But in practice, England is the first country which paved the way to one man company practice with the Solomon case. Single Member Company emerged and developed rapidly in recent years, for the reason of their strong economic, political and legal theoretical basis. As a result, we can dig into their emergence and development from a social and historical point of view. It is helpful to encourage investment, develop economy and facilitate employment, and more freedom to the owner of the company. When compared with ordinary types of companies, Single Member Companies' legal character lies in the singularity of shareholder and the particularity of its corporate governance structure. Thus it increases the possibility for the single shareholder to abuse the rights and damage the interests of companies' creditors and tax authority. In order to protect the company's creditors, it is necessary to regulate single member company strictly and set up integrated creditors protection rules. Therefore, the legal status for Single Person Companies should be authorized and as well positively standardized in order to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Ethiopia has suitable conditions when we analyse the factual situation of a country to introduce and to benefit from the advantage of one man companies.

  • af Biljana Ivanovska
    687,95 kr.

    The monograph "e;The category of definiteness in the language pair German and Macedonian"e; focuses on the contrastive analysis of German and Macedonian language and would be relevant for both German foreign language students (DaF-students), learners of modern German language, teachers, translators of Macedonian and German and multiplicators of German language in the Republic of Macedonia. It presents possibilities about the principles of acquiring German as a foreign language, then gives explanations about the language behavior of the students of German language, as well as the opportunity to explore different translation options, thus developing their sensitivity to language issues. The aim of this research is to help foreign language students of German in Macedonia to get acquainted with the main terminology and basic terms in this field of research and to become independent readers, learners and explorers in this field. It also provides ideas for small-scale research and gives an introduction to students about the techniques and different instruments how to conduct a research project on contrasting German and Macedonian. We analyzed the term of definiteness in German and Macedonian and came to conclusion that according to the results from our analysis, almost all the participants used the articles in a native-like manner in most cases, particularly those with high German proficiency, but also we should mention that inappropriate selection and choice for articles are being made. This monograph was designed to raise foreign language students' awareness of the differences and similarities in the language pair German-Macedonian in the field of definiteness. Ist objective is also to train teachers and foreign language students how to apply contrastive analysis in their teaching and learning German as a foreign language (DaF-Deutsch als Fremdsprache), and to train teacher training students and translator students how to apply contrastive analysis in their future teaching and translation work.

  • af Muhammad Shafiq, Fouzia Yaqub & Isma Younes
    887,95 kr.

    Lahore city is very highly polluted. The major causes of this are an alarmingly increasing number of motor vehicles and a large number of industries. This research highlights the spatio-temporal patterns of sample pollutants including Sulfur dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon monoxide Ozone, and Particulate matter. The concentrations of these pollutants have been monitored at ten sample sites in the city. The effects of increasing air pollution on population of study area have been studied using questionnaire techniques.

  • af Divya Mittal
    982,95 kr.

    The ideal goal of modern dentistry is to restore the patient to normal contour, function, comfort, esthetics, speech, and health. What makes implant dentistry unique is the ability to achieve this ideal goal regardless of the atrophy, disease, or injury of the stomatognathic system. The mere knowledge of the technique of implant treatment is not sufficient to eliminate all problems, the dentist has to be able to analyze a given clinical situation and evaluate the complexity. These imaging modalities contribute information for every stage of the treatment, extending from pre-surgical diagnosis and treatment planning, through surgical placement and postoperative assessment of the implant, into the prosthetic restoration and long-term surveillance phase. So, to develop and implement a cohesive and comprehensive treatment plan, diagnosis and imaging play a major role. The purpose of implant imaging is to assist the implant team in restoring the patient's occlusion and function by providing accurate and reliable diagnostic information on the patient's anatomy at the proposed implant sites. The development of precise pre-surgical imaging techniques and surgical templates allow the dentist to place these implants with relative ease & predictability.

  • af Cliff Orori Mosiori & Walter Kamande Njoroge
    2.422,95 kr.

    Solid state physics is a fascinating sub-genre of condensed matter physics - though some graduate students consider it a very boring and tedious subject area in Physics and others even call it a "e;squalid state"e;. Topics covered in this book are built on standard solid state physics references available in most online libraries or in other books on solid state physics. The complexity of high speed semiconductor physics and related devices arose from condensed solid state matter. The content covered in this book gives a deep coverage on some topics or sections that may be covered only superficially in other literature. Therefore, these topics are likely to differ a great deal from what is deemed important elsewhere in other books or available literature. There are many extremely good books on solid-state physics and condensed matter physics but very few of these books are restricted to high speed semiconductor physic though. Chapter one covers the general semiconductor qualities that make high speed semiconductor devices effect and includes the theory of crystals, diffusion and ist mechanisms, while chapter two covers solid state materials, material processing for high speed semiconductor devices and an introduction to quantum theory for materials in relation to density of states of the radiation for a black body and ist radiation properties. Chapter three discuss high speed semiconductor energy band theory, energy bands in general solid semiconductor materials, the Debye model, the Einstein model the Debye model and semiconductor transport carriers in 3D semiconductors while chapter four discuss effect of external force on current flow based on the concept of holes valence band, and lattice scattering in high speed devices. Chapter five briefly describes solid state thermoelectric fundamentals, thermoelectric material and thermoelectric theory of solids in lattice and phonons while chapter six scattering in high field effect in semiconductors in inter-valley electron scattering and the associated Fermi Dirac statistics and Maxwell-Boltzmann approximation on their carrier concentration variation with energy in extrinsic doping chapter seven covers p-n junction diodes, varactor diode, pin diode Schottky diode and their transient response of diode in multi-valley semiconductors. Chapter eight discusses high speed metal semiconductor field effect transistors.

  • af Maximilian Martin
    692,95 kr.

    The goal of this study is the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions which occur during the production of Ecuadorian Flowers. Emissions are considered beginning with the production of raw materials up to the point where the flowers are sold to the final wholesale. This book describes the current status of international standardisation with their relevance to the calculation. Currently there are no official regulations for CO2 calculations. Because most of the flowers are sold to Europe the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) regulations ISO 14040 ff have been applied for the methodology and the creation of the system model. The importance of this standard has been pointed out as it will be the basis for upcoming European CO2 regulations. Nowadays a widely accepted method is the greenhouse gas protocol which has been used partly for the calculations because only few sectors (e.g. transportation) are covered. Further on the model of flower production is introduced. The model includes all processes and the system boundaries. Significant factors contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions are defined as airfreight of flower to the final market, consumption of electricity and usage of fertilizers on the farm. The process of collecting data is another subject of this study, including the last audit data from the Flower Label Program (FLP) as well as independently created inquiries and visits on the pilot farms. The calculation of CO2 emissions is comprised. The sources of the emissions factors are described in the beginning, which are mostly extracted from LCA software. Furthermore this book proposes the next steps on the way to CO2 neutral flowers. Firstly the calculation has to be certified by an independent organisation. Subsequently a decision on CO2 compensation has to be taken. The purchase of CO2 certificates from official or voluntary stock exchanges was recommended because self managed CO2 projects need start-up time. The last step is the marketing of the new product, which should be realized with a CO2 label widely accepted in the distribution markets. Parallel the farms should start to optimize their farms according to CO2 emissions. Since global warming potential is only one measurement of interference with nature other criteria should be investigated as: How is the quality of ground water? To what extend occurs acidification in the cultivated areas? An integrated LCA analysis would give answers to these questions.

  • af Suman Paul
    732,95 kr.

    The emergence of powerful hand held devices like cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), pagers coupled with the advancement of wireless communication system have paved the way for a variety of mobile computing and wireless networking technology recently. The history of wireless networking goes to early days Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency packet radio network. The advantage of wireless networking is its ability to support user mobility and has created a new breadth to problem solving in this domain, resulting in unpredictable resource requirement and uncertainty in network connectivity. Solutions to these problems have boosted the market for wireless services. Wireless ad hoc network is a collection of mobile devices forming a network without any supporting infrastructure or prior organization. Nodes in the network should be able to sense and discover with nearby nodes. Due to the limited transmission range of wireless network, multiple network "e;hops"e; may be needed for one node to another (source to destination or intermediate node) across the network. There are number of characteristics in wireless ad hoc networks, such as the dynamic network topology, limited bandwidth and energy constraint in the network. Mobile ad hoc network plays an important role in different applications such as military operations to provide communication between squads, in emergency cases in out-of-the-way places, in medical control etc. Routing protocols play a significant role in the implementation of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). Due to the characteristics of mobility of ad hoc networks it is crucial to find a path or route from the source to the destination node and perform the communication between nodes for a long period of time. In MANET, a number of routing protocols using a variety of routing algorithms has been proposed - for example Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA), Location Aided Routing (LAR) and periodic (proactive) protocols such as Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV), Distributed Bellman Ford, where member nodes exchange routing information and know a current route to each destination periodically. Also, several protocols uses both reactive and proactive mechanisms, such as Zone Resolution Protocol (ZRP) Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP) etc.

  • af Benson Katulwa
    1.282,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which MBA graduates perceived their MBA education experience to have contributed towards the development of global leadership competencies in their lives. The collected data related to what the respondents perceived to have observed vis-a-vis what they would have considered adequate for the development of global leadership competencies. Stratified sampling technique was used to select the respondents using disproportionate allocation of respondents within strata. Data relating to the key research objectives were analyzed using nonparametric tests specifically the Chi-square goodness of fit test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test.

  • af Maya Yadav
    737,95 kr.

    The International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) classifies asbestos as a proven human carcinogen. No amount of asbestos exposure is safe for human health. Consequently, the use of all forms of asbestos has been banned in most of the developed countries. Unfortunately, India has failed to impose such a ban. Despite the fact that a ban on mining in India is being placed for more than 20 years, mines in the private sector of India are still in operation and asbestos continues to be used in large quantities. The official reason given by both industry and government is that it is a material for the poor as it is cheap and has many good properties. Generally, people in the slum area often cook their food in the open wood fire under asbestos roofing. This results in cracking of asbestos cement roofs exposing asbestos, making it friable as the height of most rural houses roofed with asbestos cement is too small to have effective air circulation. In addition, on the roofs of Indian slums, where it is sawn and fixed by hand, it's difficult to avoid releasing a large number of dangerous fibers. The inhabitants paint their asbestos roofing with emulsion paint which also deteriorates it, rapidly resulting in discoloration and mould growth. As a result, Asbestos related diseases are more common in the slum area. In this study, an asbestos cement sample was randomly scanned at various magnifications to identify asbestos fibers and determine how asbestos fibers are mixed with construction materials. Laboratory analyses were performed on the asbestos cement sample to establish a relationship between:i) morphology (shape of the crystals), ii) the asbestos cement mineralogical composition using SEM analyses and iii) high magnification structure of the individual fibers (fibrils), as well as iv) energy dispersive x-ray analysis of the fiber chemistry by comparison to a standard. Also, quantification analysis of fiber length and thickness was performed due to the reason that fibrogenicity and carcinogenicity of asbestos fibers are both dependent on several fiber parameters including fiber dimensions. There are several standards specified under the Factories Act and Mines Act including limits of exposure. But standards in India are only on paper. All forms of asbestos pose grave to human health. All are proven human carcinogens. There is no continued justification for the use of asbestos. Ist production and use should be banned worldwide. A global ban on asbestos is needed.

  • af Vashima Veerkumar & Neerja Jaiswal
    1.097,95 kr.

    Advertisements have become a trend these days for promoting the product or any service. It plays a vital role in forming an image in mind of family members because they are the means with which the manufacturer indirectly communicates with the family and provides necessary information to them. Advertising has become so integral part of our life & society that we cannot imagine any event, newspaper, magazine, TV serial, Cinema etc. without it. The advertisements are focused on the audience which mainly may either be persuaded by them or watch and pay attention to this medium. Television is an ideal way for advertisers to reach children as it is so omnipresent in homes around the world. An average Indian child watches 14 hours of Television each week. It was a vital marketing tool to appeal to the parents earlier but now they appeal directly the children who do not have the emotional or cognitive tools to evaluate what's being sold to them. Prior children used to play outdoor games, magazines, and comics but now most time is spent in watching television and with the increase in the trend of dual responsibilities of parents, they pay very less attention on the watching habits of their children. In addition to this the marketers use various stimulus in television commercials that includes repetition, branded characters, catchy and interesting production features, celebrity endorsements, and premiums free merchandise that accompanies a product.

  • af Jonas Feller
    757,95 kr.

    For decades, multinational corporations benefited from developing countries mainly as a source of cheap labour and weak regulations. Even when corporate social responsibility (CSR) was embraced it has been tailored to customers in the developed world. With the rise of the middle class in emerging economies and social media driven scrutiny of corporate conduct around the globe, CSR increasingly requires an international outlook. Adopting strategic CSR in international business provides multinational corporations with a competitive edge. An emerging field of research around international CSR points to global, local and transnational strategies as viable options. Considering impacting variables such as cultural distance, industry features and brand visibility, recommendations are derived for managers that advance the concept of shared value for business and society. In addition, a set of future research questions is outlined to further the academic discussion around this important aspect of business in the 21th century.

  • af Lucie Scholz
    872,95 kr.

    The marketing of luxury brands is a highly complex and difficult task and differs strongly from the management of ordinary brands. At the heart of the difficulty lies a paradox: To increase sales and at the same time to preserve exclusivity. A luxury brand has to be anchored in the heads of as many people as possible and be desired but it must remain inaccessible to most of them. The more a luxury brand or good gets actually purchased, the more it loses ist aura of exclusivity, ist attractiveness and ist 'dream value'.The purpose of this book is to analyze the specificities of the management and marketing of luxury brands in comparison to ordinary brands. The analysis will mainly focus on the four elements of the marketing mix, namely product, place, price and promotion. A detailed analysis of the four elements will disclose the particularities of luxury brands and present the requirements of successful luxury brand management which is able to overcome the difficulties resulting from the mentioned paradox.

  • af Tobias Weber
    877,95 kr.

    This study deals with different explanatory models for the emergence or existence of linguistic features in varieties of the English language. After a brief overview of the current research, five non-standard varieties from all over the world, ranging from a traditional dialect to pidgins and creoles, are analyzed in two morphosyntactic and two phonological features. The theoretical approaches are discussed with reference to the features, providing recommendations for or advice against certain explanatory models. Finally, Bybee's usage-based functionalist approach and the usage-based synthesis of new-dialect formation according to Ansaldo are highlighted as plausible explanations for the features. Formalist, descriptive universals are rejected in favour of functionalist, cognitive universals in human language processing, acquisition and evolution, as they occur in language contact or speaker contact scenarios - the driving force of language change.

  • af Daniel Schmidt
    707,95 kr.

    The study extends the literature on venture capital by examining whether entrepreneur's choice for an external investor and certain firm characteristics have an impact on venture success or not. The focus is set on the differences in value creation by venture capitalists and business angels for ventures of the high- and low-technology sector. The assessment of a data set including 252 Series A financing rounds by venture capitalist firms, business angels and collaborative investments of both investors conducted between 2005 and 2012 unveils value enhancing aspects for all three financing solutions. Overall, start-ups initially financed by venture capitalist firms perform best with regard to general venture success, whereas start-ups collaboratively supported by venture capitalists and business angels have the highest chances to exit successfully through a trade sale. It becomes further apparent that ventures located in one of the high-technology industries 'internet', 'pharmaceuticals' and 'high-tech', ventures that are longer established in the market and ventures whose Series A financing round was executed more recently indicate an enhanced likelihood of success.

  • af Edward de Brincat
    872,95 kr.

    Manufacturing companies including a local micro-enterprise - Quality Postform Ltd are persistently facing competitive pressures as a consequence of customers demanding higher quality products. The emergence of Quality Management has been attributed by many researchers and Quality Gurus including Phil Crosby as a strategic imperative for typical organisations to survive within a highly competitive environment. Nevertheless, research carried out throughout the past years is relatively restricted regarding the practicality of micro-manufacturing firms in implementing Crosby's Quality Improvement Programme, which is claimed to be highly beneficial in typical situations. This dissertation seeks to investigate this scenario from both a descriptive and critical perspective towards Quality Postform Ltd. The research provides a critical evaluation of the academic contributions towards the quality management concept. Distinct disputed viewpoints have been identified focusing on Crosby's 14-Step Quality Improvement Programme. From one end of the spectrum, supporters uphold that claimed benefits have been acknowledged. Alternatively, others sustain that in essence a Quality Improvement Programme is counter-productive in terms of its application within Small and Medium sized Enterprises. However the researcher has identified four key pre-requisites in order for micro-firms to effectively implement Crosby's programme. These include: management commitment, the acknowledgement of a quality problem, the organisation's readiness to embrace change together with the suppliers' readiness to support the quality programme. The methodology applied to assess the presence of these four pre-requisites at QPL was to compile primary, qualitative data through one-to-one / face-to-face interviews with key management officials. This approach is justified due to the absence of formalised documentation and as a result, it is imperative to assess that historical data on Quality Systems is seriously lacking at QPL. The field research outcome reveals that QPL's management is experiencing serious doubts regarding the feasibility and practicality of the program's implementation within a micro-manufacturing firm. This is the case primarily whenever the latter is facing limited financial and human resource capabilities such as at QPL. The research findings disclose that none of the four pre-requisites are present within this micro-firm. Moreover it confirms the scepticism on the part of specific scholars regarding quality management programmes that micro-firms fail to afford such initiatives. Thus, it transpires that a distinct approach towards Quality Management within small business is more appropriate.

  • af Thi Luc Hoa Pham
    917,95 kr.

    After a decade, internet now reaches the Asian region as well as African countries intensively while USA, Canada and Europe are focusing newer inventions. Within the Asian region it exists considerably another technological gap among countries. The countries with higher income such as Japan, Singapore, South Korea has succeeded in implementing ICT in all social and economic areas. The rest of the countries, including China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, are far behind in information technology. Nevertheless, it's necessary for all nations, weather developed or developing, to keep on nurturing ICT development to be a part of connected world. The question is how a nation can successfully adopt ICT and benefit from all advantages at best. Unfortunately, there is no common guideline for all countries. Without identifying specific factors of each country and a lot of effort made by government, no country can achieve high ICT performance in the long run. The purpose of this paper is three-fold:To identify the characteristics and political options of a country, that would affect the success of ist ICT adoption. To identify clusters of nations upon the international ICT indices and GNI per capita To provide an overall guideline that incorporates these nations toward developing higher ICT indices. This paper shows income level and social background can play very important roles in countrys ICT development.

  • af Olga Bieck
    737,95 kr.

    The present work is analysing the successful turnaround of the Japanese car manufacturer Nissan in 1999 to 2001. Very often transformational change fails due to different factors, in most cases though due to the insufficient employee's motivation or due to cultural problems when two international partners try to gain the competitive advantage through merger or alliance. To analyse the successful turnaround of Nissan after its alliance with Renault, a 'new' model for conducting organizational change was introduced. The provided framework unites both actions and attitudes, necessary for motivating employees and establishing new structural and cultural patterns. The example of Nissan proved that clear analysis of the present situation, cross -border communication during the whole transformational process, the sense of urgency established from the very beginning and total commitment of top management and employees are the vital factors that define the success of transformational intention.

  • af Anna Laeser
    622,95 kr.

    Merger and acquisition activities have become an integral part of today's business world. They are considered as strategic component to gain market shares and extend product portfolios. Still, these transactions have a huge impact on an organization. This paper looks specifically at the M&A impact on company culture. Based on an analysis of identified key elements, which drive a M&A process, a cultural integration toolkit will be developed to solve identified cultural problems. Secondary data serves as source data for an inductive approach. Cultural problems and key drivers will be identified based on systematic research. The implantation of these key drivers in existing integration models will be further studied. Findings prove that not all of the identified key drivers are implemented in the models. Therefore, existing models solve the identified cultural problems semi-efficient. This leaves the need for a basic integration tool, which implements all key drivers, serves as guideline through an M&A process and provides specific instruments for realization of single steps. This paper develops such a basic integration toolkit in chapter five. The toolkit meets all these requirements and proves that 'managing culture clashes in M&A's' is possible.

  • af Hedwig Heerdt
    877,95 kr.

    As ethical banks have developed from niche players to a serious competition for traditional banks, supposedly ethical banks and even traditional banks use the term ethical bank in order to sell bank services under the cloak of sustainable and ethically correct business conduct.Therefore, the aim of this research is to make truly ethical banks distinguishable from traditional banks by investigating, analyzing and determining principles, ethical banks have to fulfill or refrain from in order to call themselves truly ethical. Based on academic research results, a web-based survey identifies the bank customer's attitude towards sustainability, ethics, and their banking, and the ethical attitude towards the nine areas of business, banks may be confronted with. The survey results build the basis for a list of positive and negative ethical guiding principles which should serve as a general standard for ethical banks.Nevertheless, the ethical guiding principles need to be continuously reviewed and validated as a consequence of the ever-changing environmental, social and legal environment. In the case of its direct implementation, a control mechanism within or outside the bank must monitor and ensure compliance with these principles.

  • af Stefan Henkel
    917,95 kr.

    The author has chosen the topic as it is becoming increasingly difficult to find, identify and motivate good employees, and to keep them in one's own company. The demand for high potentials is unimaginably high. In the end, it is in the interest of the company itself, not to lose the high potentials. Therefore, it is important to identify and motivate high potentials in order to retain them in the company. Primarily, this concerns the highly dedicated staff, but also the tacit knowledge of the employees that is not explicitly written down. The author starts with the introduction to the subject, and the exemplification of the problem. Moreover, the objectives are presented, and a demarcation issue is set. Then, it is shown how a simple method can identify high potentials. Chapter three describes the proper motivation of A-staff on the basis of a case study. The following chapter investigates the way to keep the previously identified employees in the company in order to exploit the existing potential, and further presents the top 10 employee retention tools. Thereby, the topic is also completed by a case study. A final conclusion collects all the previously mentioned points and ventures a prognosis for the future.

  • af Sebastian Diemer
    597,95 kr.

    Prediction markets are online trading platforms where contracts on future events are traded with payoffs being exclusively linked to event occurrence. Scientific research has shown that market prices of such contracts imply high forecasting accuracy through effective information aggregation of dispersed knowledge. This phenomenon is related to incentives for truthful aggregation in the form of real-money or play-money rewards. The question whether real- or play-money incentives enhance higher relative forecast accuracy has been addressed by previous works with diverse findings. The current state of empirical research in his field is subject to two inherent deficiencies. First, inter-market studies suffer from market disparities and differences in the definition of underlying events. Comparisons between two different platforms (one for play-money contracts, one for real-money contracts) are potentially biased by different trading behaviour. Second, the majority of studies are based upon identical datasets of market platforms (IOWA stock exchange, Tradesports/Intrade, NewsFutures).

  • af Israel Yigezu
    757,95 kr.

    Ethiopia has the lowest access to potable water supply in Africa despite its abundant water resource. In the Edja Woreda of Guraghe Zone, the average distance travelled to collect water is 46 minutes. The financial sustainability of the drinking water sector in the Woreda remains an issue for all stakeholders: the providers, the users, government agencies and donors. There is no clear guidance for water activities at Woreda level. Thus, there are no clearly specified roles and responsibilities. Therefore, the general objective of the study is to identify the challenges and prospects of potable water management in the Edja Woreda.

  • af Christine Phiri Mushibwe
    1.877,95 kr.

    Cultural traditions do adversely affect the education of many people in the world. Women are, unfortunately, the most affected victims of their culture. This book demonstrates how cultural traditions can militate against the education of women in Zambia with a focus on the Tumbuka tribe. The evidence at hand demonstrates that patrilineal groupings are strongholds of the patriarchal predisposition and patriarchal attitudes and cultural traditions do not recognize women as equal partners with men. The Tumbuka women's experiences and beliefs reflect socio-cultural traditional norms that tend to limit gender equality, and compel women to accept and justify male domination at the expense of their own status and to regard consequent inequalities as normal. Evidence demonstrates that the initiation rites, an active institution for girls of pubescent age, interfere more with the school-based education of girls. The women are active social agents as well as passive learners who will not allow the girls they are coaching to question the purpose for some traditional practices that are oppressive and directly cause them to fail to complete their schooling successfully.

  • af Akampurira Abraham
    797,95 kr.

    The study was carried out to investigate the effectiveness of teachers' performances in secondary schools. This investigation is based upon the methods of qualitative and quantitative approaches, and is carried out amongst selected schools in Kabale Municipality, in the period from 2008 to 2009. The study investigates the teachers' attitudes towards appraisal schemes, the effect of feedback on implementation of the appraisal schemes, problems faced while conducting performance appraisal, and the role of appraisal design.

  • af Patrick Schrott
    872,95 kr.

    In 2009, the PRC overtook the USA as the biggest automotive market in the world in production as well as in sales. With economic problems like stagnating real income, rising raw material prices and credit-driven consumerism in the industrial countries the importance of the Chinese market for car companies will even grow. Saturated passenger car markets in the USA and Western Europe and low rates of motorization in new automotive markets like China focus the attention of the market participants on these new, growing markets. The focus of this study is on the passenger vehicle market and lines out why the Chinese market is profitable and attractive for international manufacturers. Moreover, it shows how to deal with the problems and how to use the opportunities regarding the dimensions of internationalization. Firstly, the PEST-Analysis of the Chinese automobile market lines out the political-legal, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors. In such a rapidly changing and growing as well as culturally completely different country like the PRC, the framework conditions and circumstances are of big importance for foreign enterprises willing to do business there. The third chapter deals with possible internationalization strategies for China by showing possibilities of timing and market development strategies plus options for locating business markets. This is also further established in the fourth chapter, in which the internationalization strategies of two German enterprises are analyzed. Furthermore the fourth chapter analyses the internationalization strategies of VW and BMW. At the end of this thesis, the results are summarized in two SWOT-analyses of both firms including measures on how to deal with threats in the PRC and on how to benefit from strengths and opportunities.

  • af Ali Raheem
    662,95 kr.

    Due to the mobility of its users, GSM systems are vulnerable to an unauthorized access and eaves droppings when compared with the traditional fixed wired networks. The main idea of this project is to develop an application device in order to secure mobile banking over unsecure GSM network. It is important to mention that mobile banking is a term that is used for performing balance checks, account transactions, payments, credit applications, and many other online applications. Unfortunately, the security architecture for cellular network is not entirely secure. As a matter of fact, GSM network infrastructure is proved to be insecure. Many possible attacks are documented in literature. For security was never considered in the initial stages, the sending of protective banking information across an open mobile phone network remains insecure. Consequently, this project focuses entirely on the development and design of security techniques in order to asses some security issues within mobile banking through cellular phone network (GSM). The main aim of this project is to investigate and examine the following:1. Security issues in each level of the mobile network architecture. 2. Messages and signals exchanged between user's cellular phone and mobile network at each level. 3. The overall security architecture of GSM flaws. 4. Some existing security measures for mobile transactions. 5. The current security within SMS banking and GPRS banking. Finally, two folded simulations in MATLABT were performed using OFDM which is a broadband multicarrier modulation method that provides a high performance operation to transmitted and received data or information.

  • af Sarah Herz
    877,95 kr.

    The following investigation provides a profound analysis on the motives that hinder German consumers from shifting to green power vendors. While academic research provides many potential reasons, only a few investigations have so far dealt with internal and external influences on switching behavior as well as actual compliance with theoretical models. In this context, a survey has been undertaken in the Federal State of Mecklenburg-West-Pomerania to analyze the personal relevance of different motives for consumers. Furthermore, the survey also aimed at analyzing the compliance of theoretical criteria, provided by the Norm Activation Model, and the Theory of Planned Behavior in order to see whether respondents intend to switch after all. Therefore, the survey was distributed via the snowball system, and has been completed by 115 respondents, providing data on 77 respondents who still consume conventional power.

  • af Marie Schneider
    982,95 kr.

    Fact is that commercial computer games play an extensive role in young people's lives, today. According to a recent study, 62 % of German teenagers play computer games at least once a week. This development led many researchers, school leaders and teachers to the question in how far games can be used to engage young people and support their learning inside the classroom. These considerations have been supported by various studies, showing that computer games can enhance various cognitive skills such as the ability of concentration, stamina, tactical aptness, anticipatory thinking, orientation in virtual spaces, and deductive reasoning. Since then, few research projects have launched which examine digital game based learning (i.e. the learning with the help of computer games), both on a theoretical and empirical level. This study approaches the subject of digital game based learning in the EFL classroom from three different angles:Firstly, a scientific perspective will be adopted. The principles of the design and construction of games and game worlds will be examined. Secondly, the subject of the psychological effects of games on the player will be broached. Thirdly and as the main point, the didactic potential of computer games will be explored in detail. The author presents ways of integrating games into teaching units, and further, the abilities and competences that can be enhanced by the use of digital games. Moreover, particular challenges and problems will be identified that arise when the use of a digital game in class is planned.

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