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  • af Jose Ovejero
    228,95 kr.

    A young couple with a daughter settles in a town in the interior of Spain that languishes next to a swamp among the remains of their dreams: a dismantled nuclear power plant, unfinished housing estates, faded advertisements for a city of leisure that never came to be. They intend to rebuild their life there, but the girl feels increasingly attracted to the mysteries that the swamp hides, while the father tries to understand a strange vibration that seems to unite the past and the present, the memory and the restlessness of those who still remain in it. the village. And the mother, while she tries to keep her life afloat, feels that there is something, beyond the visible, that is escaping her. With these characters and those who live in the town, José Ovejero weaves together in Vibration confrontations and violence that, imperceptibly, are transmitted from generation to generation. What connects a necropolis submerged in the swamp with a cemetery in which three teenagers fight their disenchantment and loneliness? Or a prison camp with the burning of an uninhabited house? What unites that young man and that girl who meet at night in the deserted town? What at first seem like unconnected stories become a mystery novel, which condenses, in a single place, not only a series of particular stories, but also the history of a country.

  • af Svetlana Alexsiecich
    166,95 kr.

    I am not alone on this platform... Voices surround me, hundreds of voices, they are always with me. Since I was a child. She lived in a town. We children liked to play in the street, but in the afternoons we were attracted, like magnets, to the benches next to the houses, or jatas, as they say in our land, where the exhausted women gathered. None of them had a husband, father or brothers; I don't remember that there were men in the village after the war: during the Second World War, in Belarus, on the front and in partisan operations, one in four Belarusians perished. Our childhood world after the war was a world of women.

  • af Margaret Laurence
    213,95 kr.

    Margaret Laurence's most celebrated novel introduced readers to one of the most memorable characters in Canadian fiction. Hagar Shipley is stubborn, querulous, self-reliant, and, at ninety, with her life nearly behind her, she makes a bold last step towards freedom and independence. As her story unfolds, we are drawn into her past. We meet Hagar as a young girl growing up in a black prairie town. Then as the wife of a virile but unsuccessful farmer with whom her marriage was stormy, as a mother who dominates her younger son; and, finally, as an old woman isolated by an uncompromising pride and by the stern virtues she has inherited from her pioneer ancestors.

  • af Graeme Macrae Burnet
    297,95 kr.

    An unexpected event tarnishes the routine of Saint-Louis: an influential lawyer in the city has died in an accident on the A-35. Inspector Gorski, in charge of the investigation, will have to deal not only with his Strasbourg counterpart, but also with a young amateur willing to compete with him: Raymond Barthelme, teenage son of the deceased. Meanwhile, his private life falters and the inspector searches, despite himself, for answers and refuge in the bars of Saint-Louis, where the entire cast of "The Disappearance of Adèle Bedeau" awaits him. But his demons lurk in every corner, and in this case of the A-35, each new clue hides a trap...

  • af Thomas Mann
    197,95 kr.

    Gustav Von Aschenbach, a famous German writer, arrives in Venice at a mature stage of his life seeking to renew lost inspiration. From the quiet beach next to his hotel, he spends hours admiring the charm of young Tadzio, a Polish teenager who leads him into an internal struggle between desire and the forbidden that will make him renounce everything, including himself. Death in Venice is a subtle representation of the decadence of a Europe besieged by war and cholera, and, at the same time, an ode to beauty through the eyes of a mature man in the midst of a sexual identity crisis.

  • af Dieter Braun
    367,95 kr.

    Journey to the highest peaks and plateaus of planet Earth... but make sure to bring your climbing gear! Take a closer look at the mountains of the world, from the Alps to the Andes to the peaks of the Himalayas. Meet the animals and people who make their homes on rocky peaks, as well as the adventurers and athletes who challenge these great heights. This richly illustrated book is packed with history and facts about the mountains of the world and all their wonders.

  • af Gunther Schuller
    367,95 kr.

    Early Jazz is one of the seminal books on American jazz, ranging from the beginnings of jazz as a distinct musical style at the turn of the century to its first great flowering in the 1930s. Schuller explores the music of the great jazz soloists of the twenties--Jelly Roll Morton, Bix Beiderbecke, Bessie Smith, Louis Armstrong, and others--and the big bands and arrangers--Fletcher Henderson, Bennie Moten, and especially Duke Ellington--placing their music in the context of the other musical cultures of the twentieth century and offering analyses of many great jazz recordings.

  • af Sally Nicholls
    287,95 kr.

    A poor and desperate fisherman travels the kingdom in search of an honest man who will agree to be the godfather of his newborn son. He rejects God (too unfair), rejects the Devil (too cruel), and is about to give up when a shadowy figure approaches him on horseback along the road. It is Death. Perfect! She is honest, fair and very powerful. The perfect godmother, unless... you dare to disobey her.

  • af Various Authors
    307,95 kr.

    Winter is coming, the nights are longer. There are those who gather under the mistletoe with their family and friends while others advocate the abolition of the Christmas spirit under the slogan "Ban Christmas or Die." Among the pages of this collection of stories lurk ghosts and haunted houses, but also everyday problems that are much more recognizable and no less terrifying. They all have one thing in common: the cold. That cold that runs down our spine when we open the window on a winter afternoon, either because a cold breeze is blowing outside or because who knows what is hidden in that darkness?

  • af Barbara Kingsolver
    327,95 kr.

    Set in the southern Appalachian mountains, Demon Copperhead is the story of a boy born to a teenage single mother in a trailer, with no assets other than his late father's good looks and copper hair, and a caustic wit.

  • af Cj Hauser
    267,95 kr.

    Ten days after calling off their wedding, CJ Hauser went on an expedition to Texas to study the whooping crane. After a week wading through the gulf, they realized they'd almost signed up to live someone else's life. What if you released yourself from traditional narratives of happiness? What if you looked for ways to leave room for the unexpected? In Hauser's case, this meant dissecting pop culture touchstone, from The Philadelphia Story to The X Files, to learn how not to lose yourself in a relationship. They attended a robot convention, contemplated grief at John Belushi's gravesite, and officiated a wedding. Most importantly, they mapped the difference between the stories we're asked to hold versus those we choose to carry. Told with the late-night barstool directness of your wisest, most bighearted friend, The Crane Wife is a book for everyone whose path doesn't look the way they thought it would; for everyone learning to find joy in the not-knowing and to build a new sort of life story, a new sort of family, a new sort of home to live in.

  • af Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
    307,95 kr.

    Admunsen, Vázquez Montalbán's alter ego and protagonist of the novel, is a young intellectual frustrated between the alienating demands of consumer society, personal fulfillment and political awareness. After spending a couple of years in prison, his life unfolds in a series of failed attempts to develop as a writer, rebuild his relationship and avoid pressure to integrate into the system, until, disenchanted, he will have to decide whether to get involved in the cause or renounce his principles and endanger his moral integrity.

  • af Jon Fosse
    232,95 kr.

    A boy is born who will be called Johannes. An old man named Johannes dies. Between these two points, Jon Fosse gives us the details of an entire life, crudely compressed. Beginning with the thoughts of Johannes' father as his wife goes into labor, and ending with Johannes' own thoughts as he embarks on a day in his life in which everything is exactly the same, but totally different, Morning and Evening is a works on the beautiful dream that our lives have meaning. The moments throughout the novel are simple, everyday, but Fosse's rhythmic, winding, clipped prose deftly guides readers through the past and present.

  • af Thóra Hjörleifsdóttir
    197,95 kr.

    At twenty, Lilja falls in love with a bright and attractive young university student who quotes Derrida and prepares vegetarian meals. Very soon she finds herself trapped in a dynamic of manipulation and psychological abuse, and enters a whirlwind of personal degradation and obsession with pleasing him -sexually, intellectually and culinary-, a self-destructive drift of which she is aware but before which, isolated and humiliated, she, can't react.

  • af Frank Dikotter
    297,95 kr.

    Fear and violence are not enough for any dictator to govern: these strategies may be essential to achieve power and even to maintain it for a time, but they are not usually effective in the long term. The paradox of the modern dictator is that he must create the illusion of popular support, since only a tyrant whose government is capable of inspiring idolatry in the people will be able to perpetuate himself. In Dictators, Frank Dikötter examines eight of the most effective personality cults of the 20th century: those that, through strategies ranging from carefully choreographed military parades to the establishment of strict censorship, were fully aware of the image they wanted to project and encourage.

  • af Vasili Grossman
    277,95 kr.

    La primera novela éblica del autor de 'Vida y destino', por fin publicada sin los recortes de la censura. Hasta ahora se haíba incluido dentro del volumen 'ñAos de guerra'. Vasili Grossman escribói tres novelas sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cada una de las cuales ofrece una visóin distinta de lo que puede ser una novela éblica, y todas ellas extraordinarias. 'Stalingrado' y 'Vida y destino' esátn unidas por un conjunto de personajes comunes, pero 'Stalingrado' no es óslo una historia conmovedora y emocionante de la defensa desesperada de la ciudad y del cambio de rumbo de la guerra, sino tambéin un monumento a la memoria de los innumerables muertos en aquella batalla. 'Vida y destino', por el contrario, es una obra de filosoífa moral y poíltica adeáms de una novela, y la cuestóin profunda que explora es si es posible o no comportarseé ticamente ante una violencia abrumadora. 'El pueblo es inmortal' es algo totalmente distinto. Escrita en 1942 y ambientada en los catastórficos primeros meses de la invasóin alemana de la Unóin Sovéitica, es la historia de un batalóln del eéjrcito sovéitico enviado para frenar el avance enemigo a cualquier precio, con el cerco y la aniquilacóin como final inevitable. Una apasionante historia de resistencia y humanidad llena una vez áms de escenas y personas inolvidables.

  • af Pablo D'Ors
    287,95 kr.

    «If you listen carefully to a story, you will never be the same again, since that story will enter your heart and, like a worm, it will end up gnawing away at all the obstacles that oppose the divine. So even if you read the stories in this book just to pass the time, there's no guarantee that one of them won't end up breaking down your defenses and exploding when you least expect it. You're warned!" With as much humor as lyricism, with as much lightness as depth, this book addresses the great questions of self-knowledge and personal growth: the body, emptiness, shadow, contemplation, identity, forgiveness and everyday life. A narrative treatise on spirituality with extraordinary potential for transformation. A literary artifact that, with the unmistakable personal mark of Pablo d'Ors, inaugurates what could well be called a literature of light.

  • af Washington Irving
    242,95 kr.

    The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a short story of horror and romance, written by Washington Irving in 1820, in his collection of essays and short stories The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. The story is set in 1784, around the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town (Tarrytown, New York), in a secluded valley called Sleepy Hollow known for its ghost stories and the haunted atmosphere that permeates the imagination of its inhabitants and visitors. The most infamous specter of the place is the Headless Horseman, said to be the ghost of a former Hessian soldier who was struck in the head by a cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War.

  • af Antonio Moresco
    442,95 kr.

    A modern classic that inaugurates one of the most brilliant and unclassifiable cycles of European literature in recent decades: the Giochi dell'eternità trilogy. The Beginnings is the big bang of Antonio Moresco's narrative universe, a modern classic that established him as one of the great contemporary writers in the Italian language and that has earned him deserved comparisons with authors of the stature of Joyce, Proust and Cartarescu. In a dizzying succession of glimpsed places and events, in a metamorphosis that never ends, the protagonist lives at the same time one and three lives: he is, although never completely, a seminarian, a revolutionary and a writer. In this hypnotic masterpiece, poetry, comedy and tragedy intermingle in a maelstrom that assimilates the absurdity of existence to vindicate its beauty. A literary event: an intellectual journey to hell where the protagonist faces the times in which he lives without a compass or map.

  • af Ali Smith
    242,95 kr.

    The new novel by one of the most outstanding authors of the last decades. Ali Smith dazzles us with Fragua, a book that closes the famous seasonal Quartet. One day, in post-Brexit Britain and in the midst of the pandemic, artist Sandy Gray receives an unexpected phone call from a college acquaintance, Martina Pelf. Martina is calling Sandy for help with a mysterious question she's been asked after spending half a day locked in a room by border control officers for no reason she can understand... Jumping back in time, Fragua features the story of a blacksmith who made beautiful pieces centuries ago and who was persecuted and marked. A story of restrictions and a fight for freedom that is intertwined with the story of Sandy thanks to an exceptional lock created by the blacksmith and which comes into the hands of Martina Pelf. A hopeful novel, which can be read as a coda to the famous Seasonal Quartet, in which Ali Smith brings us again an intelligent and moving novel, thoughtful and playful.

  • af Ariel Dorfman
    277,95 kr.

    "In this "murder mystery memoir," a Dutch billionaire and Holocaust survivor named Joseph Hortha hires writer "Ariel" to investigate Salvador Allende's mysterious death in the 1973 coup in Chile, in the hopes of discovering whether Allende committed suicide or was murdered. Dorfman takes us along a spectacular journey, from Washington, DC and New York City, to Santiago and Valparaâiso, and finally to London. Along the way, we witness a midnight gravedigging scene, are tracked by stealthy stalkers, and interview sources of varying credibility to discover what transpired at La Moneda. Through this gripping investigation, Joseph and Ariel attempt to redeem themselves, as they are both plagued by guilt. While Joseph grapples with how he has made his fortune unwittingly destroying his beloved planet, Ariel is haunted by the fact that his absence at the coup led to the disappearance of his friend. What begins as a puzzling quest unwinds into a fabulous saga about our duties to the world, one another, and ourselves." --

  • af Yuko Tsushima
    307,95 kr.

    Koko won't do what is expected of her. Defying her family's wishes, she has brought up her eleven-year-old daughter alone in her apartment. Now, after a casual affair, she is unexpectedly pregnant again. What will this mean for her already troubled relationship with her daughter? As she faces the future, memories of her own childhood loss flood into her consciousness, threatening to overwhelm her. Combining the beauty and unease of a dream, this haunting novel is an unflinching portrayal of a woman's innermost fears and desires of her.

  • af Vasili Grossman
    242,95 kr.

    Stalin is no longer among the living. In 1954, after three decades imprisoned, Ivan Grigorievich returns to Moscow to find that life there has continued without him. From the reunion with his cousin Nikolai, a scientist who has always remained faithful to the Party, or the walk through the place where the woman he loved lived, Iván becomes aware of the magnitude of the tragedy: freedom has not only been assassinated in politics, but also in agriculture, in philosophy and, above all, in the soul of the Russian people. Through the voice of the protagonist, Vasili Grossman delves into one of the darkest and most tragic periods of the 20th century, an era that begins with Lenin, continues with Stalin, and ends with that destiny that is born from the bones of a lost generation. An exceptional novel that, in addition to portraying the miseries of the human condition, is a cry against the nonsense of totalitarianism and the affirmation that freedom is man's most precious asset.

  • af Sebastian Junger
    287,95 kr.

    It was the storm of the century, boasting waves over one hundred feet high--a tempest created by so rare a combination of factors that meteorologists deemed it "the perfect storm." In a book that has become a classic, Sebastian Junger explores the history of the fishing industry, the science of storms, and the candid accounts of the people whose lives the storm touched. The Perfect Storm is a real-life thriller that makes us feel like we've been caught, helpless, in the grip of a force of nature beyond our understanding or control.

  • af Jeremy Dauber
    347,95 kr.

    In a major work of scholarship that explores the funny side of some very serious business (and vice versa), Jeremy Dauber examines the origins of Jewish comedy and its development from biblical times to the age of Twitter. Organizing Jewish comedy into "seven strands"―including the satirical, the witty, and the vulgar―he traces the ways Jewish comedy has mirrored, and sometimes even shaped, the course of Jewish history. Dauber also explores the classic works of such masters of Jewish comedy as Sholem Aleichem, Isaac Babel, Franz Kafka, the Marx Brothers, Woody Allen, Joan Rivers, Philip Roth, Mel Brooks, Sarah Silverman, Jon Stewart, and Larry David, among many others.

  • af Nora Ephron
    262,95 kr.

    "With her disarming, intimate, completely accessible voice, and dry sense of humor, Nora Ephron chronicles her life as an obsessed cook, passionate city dweller, and hapless parent. But mostly she speaks frankly and uproariously about life as an older woman."--

  • af Rebecca Donner
    387,95 kr.

  • af Gabriela Garcia
    277,95 kr.

    "Jeanette vive en Miami y lucha contra la adicciâon. Hija de una inmigrante cubana, estâa decidida a aprender mâas sobre su historia familiar; una historia que su madre, Carmen, no le quiere contar. Por eso toma la decisiâon repentina de acoger a la hija de su vecino detenido por el Servicio de Control de Inmigraciâon y Aduanas. Carmen, por su parte, todavâia lucha con el trauma de haber dejado Cuba atrâas, a la vez que procesa la complicada relaciâon con su propia madre y trata de criar a una Jeanette descarriada. Jeanette, desesperada por hallar respuestas, viaja a Cuba para encontrar a su abuela y descubrir los secretos del pasado. Desde las fâabricas de cigarros del siglo XIX hasta los centros de detenciâon actuales, Mujeres de sal es un retrato caleidoscâopico de las traiciones personales y polâiticas, autoinfligidas y cometidas por otros que han dado forma a las vidas de estas mujeres. Una extraordinaria reflexiâon sobre las elecciones de las madres, el legado de los recuerdos y la valentâia por contar esas historias a pesar de que hay quienes quieren silenciarlas." --

  • af El Hematocrítico
    232,95 kr.

    Welcome to El Temido, the pirate ship of the fierce captain Bad Beard. His crew is used to meeting all kinds of creatures on the seven seas. But now they are about to meet the most terrifying of all, and their lives will change forever.

  • af Sergio Alvarez
    257,95 kr.

    Un ída como otro cualquiera en la Colombia contempoárnea nace un nñio con el don de supremo la inmortalidad. En medio de un relato que se lee casi sin respirar, su vida daár mil vueltas: es arrebatado de los brazos de su madre, educado por monjas y curas, viviár en orfanatos, con clanes de pandilleros, matones, narcotraficantes y chamanes, siempre en busca del sentido de la vida y de una explicacóin de su divino regalo. A medio camino entre la fantaísa y la hiperrealidad, entre el realismo ámgico y el relato social, El inmortal es uno de estos extrñaos libros capaces de describir a la sociedad a traévs de la imaginacóin y condensar un mundo fabuloso en unas cuantas ápginas. El resultado es una novela tan tierna como espeluznante y, sin duda, otro salto adelante en la carrera literaria de Sergio Álvarez.

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