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  • af The World Bank
    462,95 kr.

    The COVID-19 pandemic underscored how unprepared we are for a public-health emergency of staggering proportions. And yet potentially graver health threats loom. The only way to prevent, prepare for, and manage these threats is by building resilient health systems to withstand shocks and improve health outcomes between crises.

  • af World Bank
    662,95 kr.

    Growth in emerging market and developing economies has slowed sharply over the past decade. Even if there are no new adverse shocks, the growth slowdown is expected to persist in the remainder of this decade. The long shadow of climate change and broader development challenges further complicate growth prospects.

  • af World Bank
    582,95 kr.

    The state, as an owner of businesses, competes and collaborates with the private sector, and this involvement has profound implications for investment and growth. Governments actively participate in commercial markets in different forms, from controlling the production of goods and services to investing in firms as a minority shareholder. The impact of state participation on an economy's growth depends on the type of public-private ownership, the types of markets, and the importance of those markets in the economy. The impact also depends on how policies and institutions regulate both the businesses with state ownership and the markets in which they are active. The Business of the State uses new evidence covering 91 countries from the World Bank's Global Businesses of the State database to highlight the distinction between businesses of the state and traditionally understood state-owned enterprises. The report analyzes how different ownership forms across sectors and institutional settings affect private investment, productivity, technology adoption, and job creation. It also analyzes how government participation in markets influences the ability of economies to respond to shocks, from pandemics to climate change. The report proposes a clear analytical framework for understanding the consequences of relying on businesses of the state to attain specific development goals.

  • af The World Bank
    557,95 kr.

    This toolkit provides practical resources for conducting entrepreneurial ecosystem assessments. It includes a framework, guidelines, and useful tools for performing diagnostics to inform policies supporting entrepreneurial ecosystems, including digital entrepreneurial ecosystems.

  • af Shobhana Sosale
    557,95 kr.

    Sri Lanka is at a crossroads. There is an urgent need to enhance skills in Sri Lanka to increase inclusion, support recovery, and build resilience. This report addresses these issues and provides recommendations for strengthening skills and improving education.

  • af Stephen Davies
    197,95 kr.

    The Covid-19 pandemic was, and remains, a global disaster - claiming countless lives and wreaking economic havoc that still reverberates today. But it could have been worse. Much worse. Author Stephen Davies contends the planet 'dodged a bullet' this time around. But he warns this was no black swan event: The conflicts in the Ukraine and the Middle East already threaten global stability. And the next existential threat to mankind could happen much sooner than we think - with the chances of it happening increasing exponentially. Here he analyses the potential catastrophes - from nuclear war and climate change to further pandemics, the misuse of Artificial Intelligence and more - that could jeopardise our planet and its people. In this fascinating and at times frightening work, he examines how we assess these risks - and what we can do about them. But Davies is no Jeremiah. He firmly believes the ingenuity, imagination and innovation of millions of people around the world will ultimately secure mankind's continued existence.

  • af It Governance Publishing
    427,95 kr.

    Whether you are contemplating a career in service management or are working in the sector, this book will help you understand current trends, job opportunities, frustrations and progression. It also features contributions from industry professionals to show what their day-to-day service management role looks like.

  • af World Bank
    727,95 kr.

    This handbook shows agribusinesses how to develop more sustainable, resilient, and productive supply chains and the substantial impact of doing so on development. The book compiles innovative solutions to address the challenges of sourcing from smallholder farmers to meet the increasing global demand for high quality products.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    282,95 kr.

    'Hoe kun je als organisatie snel en wendbaar waarde leveren in samenwerking met de gebruikers? In deze pocketguide delen de auteurs de essentiële ingrediënten voor het verkrijgen van enterprise agility. De beknopt geschreven tekst is helder gestructureerd en is gebaseerd op de inhoud van het als 'standaardwerk' aangemerkte boek Enterprise agility - Een effectieve transformatie op basis van principes en practices waarin het onderwerp meer gedetailleerd is beschreven.Deze pocketguide biedt een verhelderende uitleg in geconcentreerde vorm; aansluitend worden prikkelende vragen gesteld om uzelf en uw organisatie verder te helpen. U zult uzelf respectievelijk blij verrast en pijnlijk herkennen in zowel de patronen en anti-patronen van enterprise agility. De auteurs voorzien de lezer daarbij van vele nuttige tips om direct in de eigen praktijk toe te passen.Op basis van logische stappen van schaalvergroting van de transitie van de organisatie, nemen de auteurs de lezer vanuit de onderliggende principes mee, via snelle wendbare teams en onderlinge samenwerkingsverbanden naar het ontwikkelen van enterprise agility binnen de gehele organisatie.De auteurs hebben gezamenlijk uitgebreide ervaring en deskundigheid waarmee zij individuen tot hele organisaties in beweging brengen.

  • af It Governance Publishing
    232,95 kr.

    Understand how information security standards can improve your organisation's security and set it apart from competitors with this introduction to the 2022 updates of ISO 27001 and ISO 27002.

  • af World Bank
    1.097,95 kr.

    This Handbook presents frontier evidence and practitioner insights on how to measure the internal functioning of government. It covers the use of administrative data, public servant surveys and other microdata to diagnose and improve public administration.

  • af World Bank
    807,95 kr.

    Innovative Korea focuses on Korea's successful transition from a middle-income to a high-income economy by moving toward a private-sector-led growth model with greater emphasis on market competition, innovation, and technology.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    1.017,95 kr.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    2.027,95 kr.

    ''Besides the Courseware based on The TOGAF(R) Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1) publication you are advised to obtain the publication Courseware based on the TOGAF standard, 10th edition - Certified (level 1).

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    3.227,95 kr.

    'Besides the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Mindset, Skill Set and Tool set (Reference book) (ISBN: 9789401809733) and the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Mindset, Skill Set and Tool set (exercise book) (ISBN: 9789401809825), you are advised to obtain the corresponding publication Lean Six Sigma Green Belt courseware.

  • af Higher Education Publications Inc
    1.952,95 kr.

    The Directory list 5,500+ accredited, degree-granting post-secondary education institutions in the United States.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    534,95 kr.

    This book talks about how to exploit business and service design techniques for business advantage in the financial sector.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    892,95 kr.

    'In order to leverage data, decision makers and management have to interactable and readable visualize the vast amount of information and data that is being collected and generated nowadays.

  • af The World Bank
    662,95 kr.

    The Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report that examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on emerging market and developing economies.

  • af World Bank
    662,95 kr.

    This report sheds light on the economics of electric mobility transition by addressing three questions: why is electric mobility for passenger transportation relevant to the developing world; when does it make sense to proactively pursue the transition; and how can policymakers accelerate adoption of electric passenger vehicles.

  • af World Bank
    582,95 kr.

    This report studies the effect of multi national enterprises on climate change. Multi national enterprises provide both a fundamental risk and an opportunity for climate change mitigation. The report reviews the latest available data, conducts new empirical analysis, and summarizes pioneering literature.

  • af World Bank
    582,95 kr.

    This book focuses on studying Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia, estimating the impact of trade policy on exports and their relationship with local labor market outcomes. The book suggest that trade has successfully boosted trade flows, but the benefits from this have not necessarily yielded better labor market outcomes and have not been equally shared.

  • af World Bank
    467,95 kr.

    Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are crucial fields for economic development and social inclusion. This report is intended for policymakers and development partners to consider the importance of investing in STEM education.

  • af World Bank
    657,95 kr.

    This study focuses on forms of commons-based entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa that have developed in response to issues ranging from land and natural resources management to public services, employment and training, climate change and biodiversity.

  • af World Bank
    657,95 kr.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    1.021,95 kr.

    'We adviseren naast de PRINCE2 Agile(R) Practitioner Courseware - Nederlands (ISBN: 978 94 018 0922 1) ook het PRINCE2 Agile officiële boek aan te schaffen (ISBN: 978 9925 600 47 2).De PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner Certificering is bedoeld voor Professionals die willen laten zien dat ze voldoende begrip en kennis hebben om de PRINCE2 Agile methodologie toe te passen en op maat te maken in een gegeven scenario.Wat is PRINCE2 Agile(R)?PRINCE2 Agile(R) is meest complete Agile Project Management solution in de wereld, Die de flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen van Agile biedt met de beheersing en governance van PRINCE2(R).Ontwikkelt als rectie op de vraag vanuit de gebruikers communitees, biedt PRINCE2 Agile meer structuur, governance en beheersing wanner je gebruik maakt van Agile concepten, methodes en technieken, zoals Scrum, Kanban en Lean Startup.PRINCE2 Agile reikt practitioners de middelen aan, om met verandering in projecten om te gaan, zonder dat dit impact heeft op de belangrijkste uiteindelijke outcomes. Tegelijkertijd ondersteunt het incrementele oplevering, waarmee een snellere return-on- investment mogelijk isOntworpen om professionals te helpen management controls op maat te maken, wanneer ze werken in een Agile omgeving. PRINCE2 Agile helpt practitioners PRINCE2 governance requirements volledig te begrijpen inclusief de interface tussen PRINCE2 en Agile manieren van werken.Kern voordelen: - Toont aan dat je elke project kan managen- Geeft je beheersing en governance, gecombineerd met flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen- Geeft je een begrip van de belangrijke Agile concepten en hoe je deze mixed met PRINCE2- Zorgt voor complete beheersing voor de organisatie, gecombineerd met flexibiliteit- Beveelt incrementele oplevering aan, resulterend in een snellere ROI- Bouwt verder op de investering en op maat maken van PRINCE2 in een Agile omgeving- Verbetering van onderlinge samenwerking tussen teams- Iteratieve en incrementele oplevering van projecten- Verbetering van Stakeholder betrokkenheidDit cursusmateriaal is geschikt als voorbereiding op het PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner examen en bevat 2 proefexamens met antwoorden en toelichting.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    307,95 kr.

    A novel about minimalistic project management.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    1.187,95 kr.

    MoV Practitioner is suitable for management and staff in organizations wishing to use MoV.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    894,95 kr.

    'Als aanvulling op de Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware (ISBN: 978 94 018 0796 8) publicatie, wordt u geadviseerd om de publicatie Agile Scrum Handboek (ISBN: 978 94 018 0759 3) aan te schaffen. De Courseware is geaccrediteerd en kan worden gebruikt voor de Agile Scrum Foundation-certificering van EXIN. Om het didactische leren van de deelnemers te ondersteunen zijn er ook voorbeeldexamens toegevoegd aan het materiaal, compleet met opdrachten en sterke visuals. Deze cursus is samengesteld door de auteur van de officiële handleiding voor het certificeringsprogramma. Deze cursus zal u helpen om kennis te maken met Agile & Scrum, evenals algemene werkwijzen en technieken zoals: ❶ De cursus richt zich op het begrijpen van de echte betekenis en het gebruik van Agile en Scrum op een eenvoudige en consistente manier. Het loopt ook door de verschillende soorten projecten waar Agile of Scrum het beste werkt. De hier opgedane kennis is bedoeld om u te helpen dingen in de echte wereld sneller uit te zoeken.❷ De cursus is een complete gids voor de kern van het Scrum framework op basis van de 2020-editie van de Scrum Guide. Het behandelt de rollen en verantwoordelijkheden, gebeurtenissen, scrum-artefacten en wordt compleet geleverd met een korte sectie over het schalen van Scrum.❸ Er is een hoofdstuk over eXtreme Programming, dat een kans biedt om enkele van de meer essentiële Agile-werkwijzen en -technieken, zoals Test-Driven Development en Pair-Programming, op een meer geïntegreerde manier te verkennen.❹ Een overzicht van de DSDM(R)-methodologie die zich primair richt op een aanpak om scope en fixed-price contracten op een meer gestructureerde manier te beheren.❺ Er is ook een algemeen overzicht van Kanban.

  • af Marek Hanusch
    697,95 kr.

    Social deprivations coincide with vast deforestation in Brazil's Legal Amazon, or Amazônia. Poverty reduction and sustainable development require renewed efforts to protect the region's exceptional natural wealth, coupled with a shift from an extractive to a productivity-oriented growth model. Brazil's Amazônia comprises some of the world's most valuable ecosystems, including the Amazon rainforest and parts of the Cerrado savannah and Pantanal wetlands. At the same time, Amazônia ranks among Brazil's poorest areas. Sustainable, inclusive development requires a careful balancing act in which economic and social progress complement the protection of natural forests. In the short-term, there is urgency to reduce deforestation trends across Amazônia, especially when considering potential tipping points. In the long term, a new growth model is needed. The current imbalance between Brazil's highly competitive commodities sectors in contrast with its lagging urban sectors (such as manufacturing and services) undermines the potential for economic development and regional convergence while resulting in the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, including forests. This book proposes a balanced structural transformation that raises incomes in rural and urban areas, supported by policy that manages disruption, including by providing basic services and social protection. A transformation that generates urban jobs, diversifies exports beyond commodities, and enables a transition to sustainable farming.

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