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  • af Harley Lovegrove
    545,95 kr.

    'The Change Manager's Handbook is an easy to read kaleidoscope of a book that covers the whole topic of change management from the theory right through to a very practical step-by-step guide to implementing sustainable change. The book is written in a very accessible and easy to read style and is cram packed with useful tips and tricks, images and cartoons that every Change Manager will find useful to bring about change in their organisation.

  • af The World Bank
    467,95 kr.

    This country report examines how access to and choice on science, technology, engineering, and mathemetics (STEM) affect enrollments in upper secondary, technical, and vocational education and training (TVET), and higher education in Sri Lanka. The goal is to increase access to and participation in STEM programs and careers.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    674,95 kr.

    Besides the MSP 5th(R) Edition Foundation Courseware - English publication you are advised to obtain the corresponding publication Managing Successful Programmes 5th edition (ISBN: 9780113316762).

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    674,95 kr.

    'MSP 5th edition brings new exams on a Foundation and Practitioner levelBesides the MSP 5th(R) Edition Foundation Courseware - English

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    332,95 kr.

    'This Pocket Guide supplies a summary of the PRINCE2 method, to provide a quick introduction as well as a structured overview of the method.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    894,95 kr.

    'As the world enters into an unparalleled period of exponential change, most organisations are still using either Waterfall, Agile or Change Control as their primary project management methodology.

  • af Edwin Van de Haar
    172,95 kr.

    Where do classical liberals stand on international relations? Does this differ from their views on domestic policy? And how does this stance vary from other liberal schools of thought? Here, author Edwin van de Haar draws on the writings of major classical liberal thinkers such as David Hume, Adam Smith, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek to create an insightful and comprehensive overview of the classical liberal approach to foreign affairs. He delineates how classical liberals embrace a realistic view of human nature, recognising the basic social nature of individuals, yet acknowledging their propensity to quarrel, fight and use violence - and how this has consequently become an inevitable feature of international relations. He compares and contrasts this thinking with other forms of liberal thought, such as libertarianism, social liberalism and conservatism. And he also examines the much bigger difference between classical liberalism and non-liberal thinking on international relations. He argues that classical liberalism has a distinct, timeless and universalist approach to international relations - and that the unique ideas developed by classical liberal writers can, and should, be applied to contemporary world affairs.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    677,95 kr.

    'En este curso, no sólo "aprenderá las pautas" de una metodología muy eficaz y ligera, sino que también se expondrá a una filosofía positiva de buena práctica de gestión de proyectos, centrada en la aportación de valor a los ciudadanos, siguiendo principios sostenibles, éticos y deontológicos.El material se articula en torno a tres objetivos: -Ofrecerle una visión general de PM² en el contexto de la gestión general de proyectos. -Enseñarle los fundamentos de PM² como preparación para el examen de certificación de fundamentos.-Ayudarle a gestionar proyectos de forma concreta, analizando las técnicas generales de gestión de proyectos y situándolas en el contexto de PM².A tal efecto, verá que las distintas páginas de este material didáctico se han desarrollado en consecuencia.El alcance de PM² en el panorama europeo ha sido exponencial en los últimos años desde su lanzamiento original al público en 2016. Finalmente se ha respondido a la demanda de un programa de estudios oficial de la Comisión Europea para estructurar una buena certificación cualitativa. El material didáctico que tiene en sus manos es el primero que se adhiere estrictamente a este programa de estudios. Así pues, tiene todas las posibilidades de aprobar el examen, obtener la certificación y ser reconocido mundialmente como Director de Proyectos PM².

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    456,95 kr.

    'The TOGAF(R) Standard, a standard of The Open Group, is a proven Enterprise Architecture methodology and framework used by the world's leading organizations to improve business efficiency. The TOGAF Certification Program has enabled more than 100,000 Enterprise Architects and trainers around the globe to demonstrate their proven knowledge of the framework and method.

  • af Government Publishing Office
    1.057,95 kr.

    This annual publication contains precise ephemerides of the Sun, Moon, planets, and satellites, data for eclipses and other astronomical phenomena for a given year, and serves as a world-wide standard for such information.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    669,95 kr.

    'In questo corso, non solo "imparerai le basi" di una metodologia molto efficiente e snella, ma lo farai con un approccio positivo e con uno spiccato orientamento alle buone prassi per la gestione dei progetti, focalizzate sulle ricadute sociali degli stessi e con una particolare attenzione all'etica ed alla sostenibilità.Il materiale didattico è progettato attorno a tre obiettivi principali: - Fornire una panoramica della metodologia PM² per la gestione generale dei progetti.- Fornire le competenze fondamentali della metodologia PM² al fine di prepararsi all'esame per la Certificazione Foundation Open Group PM².- Riflettere sulle principali tecniche di gestione dei progetti inserite nel contesto PM², al fine di applicarle concretamente.I materiali didattici sono dotati di un semplice codice che ti segnalerà, di volta in volta, a quale obiettivo si riferiscono le varie informazioni proposte.La metodologia PM² è stata presentata al pubblico nel 2016 e la sua applicazione - in ambito europeo - è aumentata in maniera esponenziale negli ultimi anni. La Commissione Europea - viste le numerose richieste in tal senso - ha rilasciato ufficialmente un Syllabus che descrive le competenze necessarie per l'esame di certificazione in questa metodologia e questo è il primo corso strettamente aderente al programma definito dalla Commissione Europea, avrai dunque ottime possibilità di superare l'esame, ottenere la certificazione ed essere riconosciuto a livello internazionale come Project Manager PM².

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    787,95 kr.

    'De kwaliteit van IT-diensten is cruciaal voor vrijwel iedere organisatie. Goede, flexibele en stabiele IT-diensten zijn niet alleen de ruggengraat, maar ook het onderscheidend vermogen. Vrijwel iedere organisatie is tegenwoordig een IT-organisatie met een specialisme. Dit stelt grote eisen aan de kwaliteiten van de IT-dienstverlening. Om maximaal ondersteunend te kunnen zijn aan de organisatiedoelstelling wordt een haast onmogelijke combinatie van snelheid, continuïteit en flexibiliteit verwacht. En in toenemende mate wordt gelet op customer experience en customer value.De laatste jaren zijn met DevOps, agile en ITIL4 belangrijke ideeën en nieuwe inzichten toegevoegd aan de reeds bestaande methodieken en ideeën binnen het vakgebied van IT-servicemanagement (ITSM). Veel IT-organisaties zien echter door de bomen het bos niet meer en dreigen onder te gaan in de enorme complexiteit.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    961,95 kr.

    'This is the official OBM Foundation Courseware. Students attending an officially accredited OBM Foundation Level training also get access to the online learning platform Knowingo.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    693,95 kr.

    'Das Foundation-Lernpaket besteht aus zwei Veröffentlichungen, PRINCE2(R) Foundation (6. Auflage) Englisch (ISBN: 978 94 018 0227 7) und Projektmanagement nach PRINCE2(R) (6. Auflage, ISBN: 978 90 8753 496 7) Warum einen PRINCE2(R)-Kurs machen? In jedem Projekt gibt es sechs Variablen. Diese Variablen müssen entsprechend verwaltet werden. Die sechs Variablen sind: Geld Zeit Qualität Rahmen Risiken Nutzen PRINCE2(R) ist ein integriertes Rahmenwerk aus Prozessen und Themen, welches Grundregeln zur Planung, Aufgabenverteilung, Kontrolle und Betreuung dieser sechs Aspekte der Projektleistung zur Verfügung stellt. PRINCE2(R) wird durch die Verwendung von Praxisbeispielen und -aufträgen beleuchtet. Die Teilnehmenden werden somit optimal für die PRINCE2(R) (6. Ausgabe) Foundation-Prüfung vorbereitet und erlenen die nötigen Grundlagen, um die Methode in ihren eigenen Fachgebieten anwenden zu können. PRINCE2(R) ist Teil eines integrierten Rahmenwerks mit allen AXELOS-Methoden und -modellen ITIL(R), M_o_R(R), MSP(R), MOV(R) and P3O(R). Nach Abschluss des Kurses können Sie: die Wichtigkeit, Verortung, den Nutzen und die Erfolgs- und Fehlschlagsfaktoren in Projekten benennen die Charakteristiken und Erfolgsfaktoren von projektbasierter Arbeit beschreiben die Grundlagen, Ziele und grundlegenden Definitionen projektbasierter Arbeit nach PRINCE2(R) beschreiben das Verhältnis zwischen Projekten und Tagesbetrieb in einer Organisation erkennen die Prinzipien, Themen und Hauptprozesse von PRINCE2(R) benennen, die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen den Hauptprozessen beschreiben und Beispiele von Daten, Ergebnissen und Produkten benennen, die zwischen den Hauptprozessen ausgetauscht werden die Wichtigkeit von zeitnaher und korrekter Kommunikation mit Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern beschreiben

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    219,95 kr.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    961,95 kr.

    'This is the official OBM Foundation Courseware. Students attending an officially accredited OBM Foundation Level training also get access to the online learning platform Knowingo.

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    650,95 kr.

    Dans ce cours vous trouverez bien entendu toutes les informations sur cette méthode simple et efficace. Nous souhaitons également en profiter pour vous sensibiliser à une gestion de projet saine et durable, axée sur la livraison de Valeur et l'impact positif sur la société, tout en respectant des principes et des valeurs qui feront de vous un(e) professionnel(le) respecté(e).

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    804,95 kr.

    We adviseren naast de PRINCE2 Agile(R) Foundation Courseware - Nederlands ook het officiële PRINCE2 Agile boek aan te schaffen (ISBN: 978 9925 600 47 2).

  • af Van Haren Publishing
    651,95 kr.

    'AI For Business and Government is a standard for all professionals.'AI For Business and Government' is a certification that can be obtained after passing the corresponding exam.This can be best be achieved by participating in an AI For Business training course.

  • af The World Bank
    582,95 kr.

    The overlapping crises of COVID-19, climate change, and rising levels of conflict are exacerbating global inequalities. This book offers a definition and framework for social sustainability, as well as examples and concrete guidance on how development can foster progress towards it.

  • af The World Bank
    582,95 kr.

    Women, Business and the Law is a World Bank Group project which measures the laws and regulations restricting women's economic opportunities. WBL informs research and policy discussions about the state of women's economic empowerment and emphasizes the work still to be done to ensure economic empowerment for all.

  • af The World Bank
    552,95 kr.

    South Sudan is the third most vulnerable country to climate change in the world, and one of the most politically fragile. Rising from the Depths illustrates how South Sudan can leverage its water resources to prepare for climate change and advance national peace and development.

  • af The World Bank
    587,95 kr.

    Fiscal risks associated with infrastructure are both more frequent and larger than previously assumed. Off the Books: Understanding and Mitigating the Fiscal Risks of Infrastructure quantifies the magnitude and prevalence of these risks in electricity and transport and identifies their root causes across a range of low- and middle-income countries.

  • af The World Bank
    657,95 kr.

    This report examines the use of natural capital (natural resources and services) around the world. It finds that most countries are using these resources inefficiently, and closing these efficiency gaps can address many of the world's pressing economic and environmental problems.

  • af The World Bank
    467,95 kr.

    This report examines the causes of low productivity growth in Kazakhstan by combining an analysis of firm-level data and multiple policy drivers. It is the first work to analyze the micro-foundations of the total factor productivity in Kazakhstan and elaborating specific recommendations for boosting aggregate productivity growth.

  • af The World Bank
    462,95 kr.

    Using data on health conditions and exposure to air pollution at the individual level from Bangladesh, this book establishes a positive association between air pollution and health risks, including mental health issues and recommends policy options for better adaptation.

  • af The World Bank
    767,95 kr.

    This sourcebook compiles analytical work that has been cultivated over the past several years by the World Bank and partner organizations of Libya. Utilizing several analytical techniques, the book makes a unique contribution to the discussion on Libya's medium- to long-term challenges.

  • af The World Bank
    707,95 kr.

    Social deprivations coincide with vast deforestation in Brazil's Legal Amazon, or Amazônia. Poverty reduction and sustainable development require renewed efforts to protect the region's exceptional natural wealth, coupled with a shift from an extractive to a productivity-oriented growth model.

  • af World Trade Organization
    627,95 - 732,95 kr.

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