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Bøger udgivet af Berrett-Koehler Publishers

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  • af Brian Tracy
    242,95 kr.

    How to develop a growth mindset, with practical tools to reach your financial goals from the self-development expert and bestselling author of Eat that Frog!Discover the 32 laws that have helped self-made millionaires with successful goal setting, time management, money saving, and financial investments.Legendary author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy returns with a series of 32 immutable laws, each one key to developing a mindset necessary for success—while also delivering practical, proven methods and techniques to double and even triple your income.Spread across a structured two-part framework, this book supplies readers the laws that helped Tracy and other self-made millionaires achieve their success. Inside, you’ll learn:32 foundational laws necessary for a growth mindsetStep-by-step processes for putting the laws into practiceHow to move past self-limiting beliefsA time-tested system for setting and attaining goalsStrategies for saving money and investing in your futureAnd moreAchieving financial freedom can seem daunting. But by using the lessons and exercises contained in this book, you too can harness the laws of money and success to reach your full potential.

  • af Eddie Pate
    282,95 kr.

    True inclusion happens when leaders stop relying on HR practitioners to own full responsibility for DEI initiatives. The small, intentional daily leadership practices in this book are the key to creating truly inclusive organizations.Diversity and inclusion training and books have flooded the market, but the gap between what is promised and what is delivered is beginning to undermine the progress that has been made.There are millions of people who strive to make a difference in workplace diversity and inclusion. And with this practical, leader-friendly framework, Daily Practices of Inclusive Leaders will equip readers with the actionable tools they’ve been searching for.Leaders will learn:●      Why they are the key to inclusion●      Insights for the lifelong journey●      Successful practices they can start today●      And moreWith the era of big DEI coming to an end, leaders will make big strides through small daily changes in their processes that lead to creating an inclusive workplace culture. With this toolkit of actions, activities, and tactics leaders will become the foundation of diversity and inclusion in their organization.

  • af Thom Mayer MD
    292,95 kr.

    "Practical leadership for difficult times, from a crisis management expert who has led response teams through the 9/11 Pentagon attack, NFL on-field medical emergencies, and the war in Ukraine. Dr. Thom Mayer knows first-hand that true leadership stems from our actions, not our positions, especially in times of crisis. Drawing on his experiences heading the 9/11 Pentagon rescue efforts, dealing with on-field emergencies in the NFL (he was at Damar Hamlin's bedside after his injury), training mobile response medical teams in Ukraine, and more, Mayer covers such topics as: Why trust is vital for innovation; The critical role of failure in devising new ways of leading; How questions fuel innovative action; Why every leader should have the title Chief Story Teller; The importance of distinguishing between data, knowledge, and wisdom. Each chapter begins with a provocative and seemingly contradictory statement, like the book's title, and includes stories, historical examples, and literary lessons selected to guide pragmatic and practical solutions. Leadership is worthless because it is something you say, a noun. But leading is priceless because it is a verb-it is the things we do that make a difference. From Pentagon generals to corporate CEOs to football players on the field to parents driving their kids to school, Mayer shows how leaders ensure that their actions will help others to succeed"--

  • af Justin Jones-Fosu
    232,95 kr.

    "Start building bridges instead of barriers! This essential guide offers a simple 4-part framework that will help you have honest and enlightening conversations despite deep and fundamental disagreements. Divisions are on the rise around the world, and 2024 may well be a peak year. We're losing the ability to disagree without demonizing. There is a deep need for this practical and accessible guide to having challenging conversations in any situation, from the workplace to the classroom to the dinner table. It's not about saying the right words at the right time but something vastly deeper. In this book, you'll discover the 4 pillars of respectfully disagreeing: Focus on learning not lecturing; Fill in the gaps with curiosity not conclusions; Find the grey, not the black and white; Formulate your plan to humanize and not harm. But this is not a weighty tome. Each chapter features a cartoon, and Justin Jones-Fosu tackles this serious subject with a playful and compassionate tone. For example, he writes "I have become more and more intentional in my desire to respectfully disagree with others (except those who think putting ketchup on eggs is wrong...there is no hope for respect there)." With a wide range of examples and exercises throughout, this is a timely and reader-friendly handbook to disagreeing with someone's ideology while passionately pursuing their humanity"--

  • af Joe Davis
    307,95 kr.

    "The leadership landscape has changed, and employees expect purpose, connection, and partnership more than just a boss-this innovative book introduces a 7-part framework to guide leaders in this new frontier. A future of certain transformation requires that leaders have more than just hard skills to deliver bottom-line results; future leaders must learn to be full human beings at work. Leading with the heart can be a scary alternative to leading with the head, but it's important to connect with people to grow as a manager, leader, and person. In this book, you will be introduced to seven essential elements that will develop you into a generous leader-the leader for the future: 1. Communicate to Connect; 2. Listen to Learn; 3. Empower by Including; 4. Become an Action Ally; 5. Recognize and Develop; 6. Remember Simple Gestures; 7. Share Your Vulnerabilities. Through a collection of stories from successful leaders, readers will learn that leaning into their humanity, alongside their intellect and experience, builds teams that succeed. Throughout the journey, there are practical strategies and clear calls to action for adapting skill sets and work styles to evolve leadership practices. The Generous Leader framework makes the shift to heart less scary, more satisfying, and incredibly personal as the reader builds relationships with employees that enhance productivity and increase overall happiness within teams and the organization"--

  • af Margaret J Wheatley
    227,95 kr.

    "We are living in chaotic and contentious times. Tensions between people are reaching dangerously hateful proportions. Margaret Wheatley calls on leaders to resist, to forge communities that protect people from the destructive dynamics so prevalent today and rediscover and reawaken our common humanity. To become what she calls Warriors for the Human Spirit. Pushing back against the prevailing culture of chaos requires leaders to work on themselves and their organizations-to do inner and outer work. Wheatley offers practices to help leaders: Calm the mind and avoid impulsive reactions; Communicate honestly and fearlessly; Become aware of the stories they tell themselves that shape their view of the world; Develop their organization's capacity for self-organizing; Conduct after-action reviews that replace blaming with learning; Leverage diversity to provide more perspectives on the critical problems of today. Sane leadership is the unshakable confidence that people can be generous, creative, and kind. The leader's work, Wheatley insists, is to create the conditions for those capacities to manifest in meaningful work, to establish islands of sanity in these seas of delusion"--

  • af Maja Djikic
    237,95 kr.

    "Sometimes success isn't enough-discover how to achieve lasting, whole-life fulfillment through a simple five-stage plan that corresponds with the five key parts of ourselves. We're often told that the key to success in life involves advancing in our careers, so why do feel stuck and unfulfilled when everything seems to be going right? Adult development expert Maja Djikic explains that in order to discover our purpose and achieve real, lasting change, we need to move beyond narrowly targeted ideas and strategies like changing our mindset or slightly altering one aspect of our behavior. Instead, we need to go deeper and focus on our innate desires. Djikic says that sustained change can only happen when our whole self moves holistically the same direction and at the same time. She introduces a transformational system called the Wheel of Change-a simple, five-segment plan that corresponds with the five key parts of ourselves: Desires, Actions, Emotions, Thoughts, and Body. By understanding the mechanisms of these five integral parts, you will be able to escape the paradox of success without happiness and move towards your own path of fulfilling self-development"--

  • af Mary-Frances Winters
    237,95 kr.

    Revised edition of We can't talk about that at work!, [2017]

  • af Marcia Reynolds
    297,95 kr.

    "A new, highly actionable field guide on breaking through the narratives holding us back from creating the change we want to see in ourselves, from a founding member of the coaching movement. People often resist change, even if it's in their best interest. They live their lives holding onto familiar constructs and fixed personal narratives instead of pursuing their dreams. This is where Breakthrough Coaching comes in. In this book, seasoned coach Marcia Reynolds introduces a coaching method based on psychological safety to help you help others to open up and break down the walls of confusion and fear created by their inherited beliefs and unsupported assumptions. By infusing your everyday conversations with tools and strategies such as: embodying a coaching mindset, learning when to coach the person and not the problem, and turning insights into actionable commitments, you can help open people's minds to become objective observers of their own stories in ways not possible with self-reflection alone. Long-term behavioral change can be tricky and scary. But by adopting the Breakthrough Coaching methods, anyone can become a coach and help others bring meaningful change into their lives"--

  • af Fatimah Gilliam
    292,95 kr.

    "What if there were a set of rules to educate people against race-based social faux pas that damage relationships, perpetuate racist stereotypes, and harm people of color? This book provides just that in an effort to slow the malignant domino effect of race-based ignorance in American communities and workplaces to help address the vestiges of our nation's racist past. Race Rules is an innovative, practical manual for white people of the unwritten "rules" relating to race, explaining the unvarnished truth about racist and offensive white behaviors. It offers a unique lens from Fatimah Gilliam, a light-skinned Black woman, and is informed by the revealing things white people say when they don't realize she's Black. Presented as a series of race rules, this book has each chapter tackling a specific topic many people of color wish white people understood. Combining history and explanations with practical advice, it goes beyond the theoretical by focusing on what's implementable. Gilliam addresses issues such as: Racial blinders and misperceptions; White privilege; Racial stereotypes; Everyday choices and behaviors that cause racial harm. Introducing a straightforward universal three-step framework to unlearn racism and challenge misconceptions, this book offers readers a chance to change behaviors and shift mindsets to better navigate cross-racial interactions and relationships. Through its race etiquette guidelines, it teaches white people to become action-oriented racism disruptors instead of silent, complicit supporters of white supremacy"--

  • af Ken Blanchard
    225,95 kr.

    "Leadership legend and bestselling author Ken Blanchard returns with trust expert and thought leader Randy Conley to present a structured playbook based on the bestselling Simple Truths of Leadership. The companion playbook to Simple Truths of Leadership expands on the book's 52 essential principles of servant leadership and trust building. This structured playbook provides weekly prompts and exercises to help you track your progress toward your leadership goals. It focuses on one Simple Truth per week and includes: A summary of each Simple Truth; A game plan for using each truth in your workplace, including thought-provoking questions and exercises to challenge your thinking and cause you to consider new ideas about leadership; A Call to Action to "Try It This Week." With so much of today's workforce feeling disengaged from the work they do, it's critical for leaders to move away from self-serving methods and embrace servant leadership to put their followers' needs before their own. And by journaling alongside servant leadership principles, you will be able to turn the common sense behind these simple truths into common practice for you and your organization"--

  • af Lily Zheng
    337,95 kr.

    "Practical workbook companion to the bestselling DEI Deconstructed, the definitive comprehensive and foundational text for critically analyzing and applying actionable DEI techniques and strategies, written by one of LinkedIn's most popular experts on DEI. The importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace cannot be understated. But when half-baked and under-developed strategies are implemented, they often do more harm than good, leading the very constituents they aim to support to dismiss DEI entirely"--

  • af Matt Chanoff
    225,95 kr.

    "Ninety-five percent of innovations fail because innovators imagine demand where there is none-this book shows how to find authentic demand hiding in plain sight. The absolutely unique approach of Deliberate Innovation is to NOT use imagination to find what the authors describe as Authentic Demand. If you want to be in the five percent of innovators who succeed, this book will be the key"--

  • af Ben Guttmann
    195,95 kr.

    "Stop complicating everything! Simple messages and ideas are more powerful, more memorable, and win people over. We often sabotage ourselves by using complicated words and ideas to make our message seem more important. Do you want your colleagues and customers to listen to you? Entrepreneur and teacher Ben Guttmann provides simple tools and practices to make everything you do and say work better by "keeping it simple.""--

  • af Janice Gassam Asare
    205,95 kr.

    "Top Forbes writer and DEI consultant explores how whiteness is often centered in the workplace and how individuals and organizations can work to decenter it. Decentering Whiteness in the Workplace exposes how pervasive white-centering is in the modern American workplace and explores how we can work toward decentering whiteness, unpacking the ways that a person can contribute both individually and systemically to the white-centering that occurs in workplace settings. Very few books in the DEI and antiracism space focus on the ways that whiteness is centered. There are often fears within corporate spaces about talking candidly, openly, and honestly about whiteness, white supremacy, and anti-blackness. This book provides a direct and straightforward analysis about what white-centering is, some of the different ways that whiteness is centered in the workplace, how to decenter whiteness within oneself, and how to decenter whiteness at work"--

  • af Nataly Kelly
    245,95 kr.

    "If you're on the internet, you're global-HubSpot executive Nataly Kelly offers an innovative data-driven model for profitably expanding the international presence you already have. Companies looking to expand used to think about "entering international markets," but today you're global from the moment you create a website. Nataly Kelly, VP of Localization at Hubspot (which operates in more than 120 countries) says now the goal should be market intensification-building on the presence you already have. Kelly's MARACA model enables companies to distill the mass amounts of data available to determine if, how, and where they should expand by looking at three key areas of measurement: MA: market availability-the size of the market opportunity within a given country; RA: real-time analytics-data indicating how your company is currently performing in that market; CA: customer addressability-the measure of your company's ability to address the market, no matter its size. The book is based on Kelly's experiences with building a global business both at HubSpot and as a consultant, but also contains numerous examples from successful global companies of various sizes, such as Airbnb, Canva, Dashlane, GoStudent, Facebook, LinkedIn, Lottie Dolls, Netflix, Revolut, Teamwork, and Zoom. Including information on building a globally minded corporate culture, this is a complete strategic guide to discovering international growth opportunities"--

  • af Marjorie Kelly
    205,95 kr.

    "Author of The Divine Right of Capital exposes the myths of capitalism today and calls for an end to wealth supremacy and capital bias. Wealth Supremacy makes a case that no one else is making: instead of pointing to billionaires as the sole problem or being another analysis of wealth inequality, it clearly articulates the pervasive, unnamed bias toward wealth that invisibly pervades the system. We know the system is rigged-what isn't commonly understood is how. Marjorie Kelly skillfully reveals how bias toward capital works, breaking down the pretenses that legitimize and obscure the deep operating system that drives large corporations and extractive investing"--

  • af Ali Greene
    225,95 kr.

    The future of work is here. You can no longer survive by copying and pasting old office techniques into a digital environment; it's exhausting, unproductive, and unsuccessful. There is a better way! Are you ready to rethink everything you know about how remote works?Drawing on their years of experience working at remote companies DuckDuckGo and Automattic, plus dozens of interviews with leading experts, Ali Greene and Tamara Sanderson have written the ultimate playbook for managing remote teams. This book addresses challenges such as communicating effectively (with fewer meetings!), eliminating frustration over what tools to use, establishing team norms, and focusing on getting things done. You will learn how to work best remotely and create a workplace designed for freedom, flexibility, and focus.For decades, we've planned our lives around our work. Now it's time to intentionally design work to fit our lives.

  • af Akaya Windwood
    175,95 kr.

    In a time of increasing disconnection and uncertainty, Leading with Joy shows how leaders can reclaim their purpose and embrace joy in service of social transformation. Leadership that connects people and centers compassion and trust instead of competition and disconnection is needed more than ever before. There are plenty of manuals that show people how to manage organizations, but what is really needed in this moment is a book that shows us how to include kindness and inspiration within leadership. Leading with Joy promotes a courageous and compassionate approach to leadership that can sustain purposeful action and social change. This book takes the form of a series of vignettes about the authors' insights and stories, with reflection questions at the end of each one. Through these stories-which address topics such as workplace triumphs and lessons, family relationships, and even near-death experiences- Akaya Windwood and Rajasvini Bhansali illuminate different aspects of leadership, such as humility, forgiveness, and kindness, and invite leaders to respond to the current moment.The book draws on the authors' lived experiences as leaders, including their encounters with oppression, and their wisdom in principled leadership. They demonstrate how leaders can create conditions of abundance and well-being, which are necessary for long-term social transformation.

  • af T.J. Winick
    227,95 kr.

    A longtime broadcast journalist, ABC News correspondent, and business communication strategist shows how you can craft an honest and authentic response to any scandal, rather than try to deny it, and ultimately bolster your brand.In two decades as a television reporter, T. J. Winick covered many scandals. The biggest mistake he saw brands make was to try to make it go away by refusing to apologize, declining to comment, or going on the attack-anything to deflect attention. Often that kind of response becomes a scandal of its own. In his book, Winick argues instead for transparency, honesty, authenticity, and empathy. Handled correctly, the way you address an egregious violation of your standards can increase your reputation capital. It can remind people of what those standards are and how strongly you believe in them. Drawing on his intimate insider knowledge of the media, Winick addresses every conceivable aspect of how to respond to a scandal. He includes his Ten Crisis Commandments-universal dos and don'ts-and the seven qualities for an effective response. Using dozens of examples, he covers critical issues such as choosing when and how to apologize and when not to, creating a crisis communication plan and forming a response team, making the press your ally; choosing the right social media channel to deliver your message, navigating controversial social issues, and much more. Winick's experience covering brands in crisis and then defending them makes this book an invaluable resource. I have been both the hunter and the hunted, he writes. If you've built your reputation capital through years of living the ideals you espouse, this book will help you protect and defend it when that inevitable crisis strikes.

  • af James O. Rodgers
    294,95 kr.

    This complete guide to effective, transformative diversity training provides an answer to the superficial, check-the-box DEI efforts that are undermining the entire field.DEI work is getting a bad reputation. But that's because it's not being done right, say veteran diversity consultants James O. Rodgers and Laura Kangas. Too many organizations are treating diversity training as a quick-hit, low-cost, check-the-box activity. Effective diversity training involves behavioral change based on adult learning theory. It is rigorous, deeply personal, experience based, and, if done well, life changing. Rodgers and Kangas offer a complete guide, from design to implementation to results. They show how to* determine what specific, tangible outcomes an organization wants before it starts* link diversity training to overall organizational strategy* help all participants forge an individual, emotional connection to the training* identify what skills a facilitator needs—the right facilitator makes all the difference* create memorable learning experiences, not simply educational programs The authors' goal is nothing less than to spark a worldwide revolution of informed practitioners, employees, and business leaders who will demand diversity training be given the same time, resources, and attention as any other critical enterprise initiative.Reading group discussion guide available in book.

  • af Dannie Lynn Fountain
    175,95 kr.

    DEI isn't just a box to check.As a triple minority who passes for a straight white woman in corporate America, Dannie Lynn Fountain has seen too many companies pretend to care about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) only for its public relations outcomes. In Ending Checkbox Diversity, Fountain explores how the current structure of corporate DEI lends itself to the continued oppression of marginalized identities. She examines the narrow objectives and metrics that allow for shallow or no improvement and how shifting diversity responsibility to employee resource groups enables companies to disclaim responsibility for making meaningful progress. She looks at the impact of Zennials and Gen Zers, the most diverse generations ever, and breaks down precisely why some notable examples of poor DEI initiatives failed (and what should have been done differently). And she builds a road map for what real DEI looks like and how to avoid the performative allyship trope.

  • af Corey Rosen
    205,95 kr.

    Employee ownership creates stronger companies, helps workers build wealth, and fosters a fairer, more stable society. In this book, two leading experts show how it works-and how it can be greatly expanded. Wages don't cover the bills. Wealth inequality is growing. Social trust is eroding. There are endless debates about what to do, but one key factor is inexplicably left out: who owns the companies that drive the economy?Ownership matters. Ownership by a few means benefits for a few. But if you spread ownership around, you spread the benefits of capitalism around. Employee ownership lets workers build real wealth, not just pick up a paycheck. And it's a piece of the puzzle that's in plain sight. As Corey Rosen and John Case point out, there are already thousands of prosperous employee-owned companies. Rosen and Case explain why so many companies end up being owned by Wall Street shareholders or private equity firms-and why that kind of ownership encourages a focus on short-term profits rather than the long-term sustainability needed by employees, communities, and the environment. They show the limits of reform efforts that don't address the essential issue of who owns what. But the heart of the book is a deep dive into how employee ownership originated, how it works now, and what needs to be done to expand it. The book looks at how the idea is growing, both in the United States and around the world-and why all sides of the political spectrum support it. Rosen and Case offer a vivid portrait of a form of ownership that results in more prosperous workers, more responsible companies, and a fairer, more stable society.

  • af Roxy Manning
    220,95 kr.

    "The Antiracist Heart delivers a unique path to antiracist activism and introspection by applying neuroscience exercises, questionnaires, and journaling prompts based on the book How to Have Antiracist Conversations. Implicit biases begin forming before we have language and are deeply rooted in the subconscious. By combining neuroscience, introspection, and self-compassion, one can disrupt unconscious patterns. Each chapter of The Antiracist Heart introduces the reader to a concept connected with antiracism such as: Privilege and White Fragility; Disgust and Coded Language; Microaggressions. Manning, a clinical psychologist and antiracist activist and Peyton, a neuroscience expert and educator, explain the neuroscience behind each concept and provide specific exercises and skill sets designed to rewire the brain, in order to unravel implicit bias. Building on the work of How to Have Antiracist Conversations, this workbook provides a road map to guide readers on their journey toward neutralizing subconscious bias, fighting racism from within, and becoming a changemaker in the world"--

  • af Roxy Manning
    205,95 kr.

    "Utilizing Dr. Martin Luther King's Beloved Community framework, activists will be empowered to create change and equity through fierce yet compassionate dialogue against racism and systematic white supremacy. Although committed to antiracism, many people struggle with confronting racist behavior. Difficult conversations are avoided or end in negativity, aggression, and even violence. How to Have Antiracist Conversations gives the tools to approach hard conversations with compassion and authenticity by embracing the 6 principles of Kingian Nonviolence: 1. Nonviolence is the way of life for courageous people; 2. The Beloved Community framework is the future; 3. Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil; 4. Accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause; 5. Avoid internal violence of spirit as well as external physical violence; 6. The universe is on the side of justice. Combined with an understanding of racist theory, readers can approach sensitive topics and address discriminatory behavior while minimizing harm. Drawing on her experience as a clinical psychologist and an Afro-Caribbean immigrant, Manning provides a model of dialogue, demonstrated with practical applications, which can be applied to a variety of situations where difference in power and privilege exist"--

  • af Nate Regier
    225,95 kr.

    "This book is a compass for leaders lost in the paradoxical space between being compassionate and holding people accountable. Compassion and accountability have generally been considered at odds with each other in the management space. Solely prioritizing accountability can create toxic work environments that result in the loss of top talent. On the other end of the pendulum, being overly compassionate leaves a vacuum around attention to results. Compassionate Accountability reveals the truth behind, and provides an actionable framework for, six common myths surrounding compassion: Compassion is empathy in action; Compassion is about alleviating suffering; Compassion is soft; Compassion is for selfless servant leaders; Some people just have it; Compassion and accountability are opposites. Finding harmony between compassion and accountability leads to improved results and a thriving culture because the fact is, true compassion can't exist without accountability"--

  • af Robert Biswas-Diener
    255,95 kr.

    "Positive Psychologist and coach challenges conventional coaching wisdom to help you bring your practice to the next level. Positive Provocation is a series of 25 short provocations aimed at engaging coaches in reflection about their own practice. Each provocation is approximately three to five pages long and addresses tropes, sacred cows, and other familiar aspects of coaching proactive. Each includes attention to research, the introduction of fresh concepts, and suggestions for applying these to coaching. These meditations are on-brand for Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener, who is widely known for both his thought leadership in coaching and his challenging style of training and coaching. Robert refers to his fresh perspective as a "90-degree view." If each person looks at life from a zero-degree view-everybody has immediate access to their own thoughts, memories, feelings, and perceptions-than the most challenging opposition comes from a 180-degree view. As a coach and educator, Dr. Biswas-Diener prefers a 90-degree angle; one that is just provocative enough to feel fresh and to get people to sit up and take notice but not so challenging that it makes people defensive or leaves them feeling invalidated. The promise of Positive Provocation is the promise of coaching itself: a chance to have new questions asked of the reader, an opportunity to reflect, and an emphasis on practical application"--

  • - Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity
    af Margaret J. Wheatley
    264,95 kr.

    This book is born of my desire to summon us to be leaders for this time as things fall apart, to reclaim leadership as a noble profession that creates possibility and humaneness in the midst of increasing fear and turmoil. I know it is possible for leaders to use their power and influence, their insight and compassion, to lead people back to an understanding of who we are as human beings, to create the conditions for our basic human qualities of generosity, contribution, community and love to be evoked no matter what. I know it is possible to experience grace and joy in the midst of tragedy and loss. I know it is possible to create islands of sanity in the midst of wildly disruptive seas. I know it is possible because I have worked with leaders over many years in places that knew chaos and breakdown long before this moment. And I have studied enough history to know that such leaders always arise when they are most needed. Now it's our turn.

  • af Jess Brock
    245,95 kr.

    This go-to guidebook helps agile practitioners overcome upskilling challenges in their organizations through effective Dojo coaching.Agile has changed the way we work in our organizations. But by demanding constant innovation and product delivery, individuals and teams struggle to find time to improve their skills. That’s where the Dojo comes in. Dojo-style coaching encourages this kind of learn-by-doing form of skill development, one where guided breakthroughs and upskilling happen while delivering on current work. In this useful pocket guide, experienced Dojo coach Jess Brock delivers practical advice based on her extensive experience in real-world Dojos. Combining proven tactics and a comprehensive tool kit, along with actionable tips needed to drive engagement in both physical and virtual Dojo spaces, this pocket guide will equip you to maximize the impact of your Dojo.Whether you are a seasoned pro or you are just starting to develop your Dojo coaching skills, this no-nonsense book will help Dojo coaches at any stage of their journey.

  • af Andres T. Tapia
    294,95 kr.

    "This book offers a new model for creating inclusive organizations and illuminates the vital role that diversity plays in developing solutions to the critical social, environmental, and leadership challenges we face. While many companies are focusing on DEI efforts, what we need is to take inclusion to the next level. Our massive social, economic, and environmental challenges can only be solved only when organizations and institutions embrace complete inclusion. This book gives organizations practical steps for increasing diversity to enhance their capacity to solve global challenges. Andrâes T. Tapia and Fayruz Kirtzman, senior client partners at international consulting powerhouse Korn Ferry, draw on the company's extensive research to outline 5 disciplines of inclusive organizations. These are the ability to: Manage the risk; Explore the awareness; Maximize the talent systems; Master the logistics; See the marketplace. Based on metrics and proven solutions, this book provides usable strategies to build inclusive organizations. It reveals how such organizations can generate greater innovation, drive business results, and optimize talent, along with working towards greater social and environmental justice"--

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