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Bøger udgivet af Birkhauser Basel

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  • af Jacqueline D. Reeves
    1.725,95 kr.

    Entry Inhibitors in HIV Therapy details the current status of this relatively new and very dynamic class of inhibitors, appealing to both the clinician and basic research scientist. A unique overview of obstacles and accomplishments is presented. The book features chapters that explain the challenges of high sequence diversity in the viral envelope gene for the development and use of entry inhibitors, the clinical utility of virus phenotyping, the development of this class of inhibitors as microbicidal therapy, and the success story of enfuvirtide from the bench to FDA approval. Both basic research findings and results of clinical studies are covered and linked together by a diverse panel of experts in the field.

  • af Joachim Toft
    1.147,95 kr.

    The ISAAC Group in Pseudo-Differential Operators (IGPDO) met at the Fifth ISAAC Congress held at Universita di Catania in Italy in July, 2005. This volume consists of papers based on lectures given at the special session on pseudodifferential operators and invited papers that bear on the themes of IGPDO. Nineteen peer-reviewed papers represent modern trends in pseudo-differential operators. Diverse topics related to pseudo-differential operators are covered.

  • af Xiaonan Ma & George Marinescu
    1.444,95 kr.

  • af Brian L. D. Coghlan, Hubertus P. A. Jersmann & Leon P. Bignold
    1.151,95 kr.

  • af Hamish Short, Noel Brady & Tim Riley
    531,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Mercer
    2.234,95 kr.

    The study of poxviruses has a long and distinguished history that includes Jenner's founding work on smallpox vaccination. In the more than 200 years since that time we have seen the remarkable eradication of smallpox. It is difficult to overstate the significance of that achievement. It not only removed a disease that must rate as one of humankind's greatest scourges, but also demonstrated the effectiveness of the general principle of vacci- tion in our battles against disease. This book begins with a review of smallpox and its causative agent, Variola virus. The vaccine used in the successful smallpox eradication c- paign, vaccinia virus, is reviewed in the following chapter that describes its origin and its use as a vaccine, as well as the current understanding of the molecular biology and pathogenesis of this virus. Vaccinia virus is the most intensively studied poxvirus and the descriptions of the biology of this virus are relevant to all vertebrate poxviruses. The eradication of smallpox has drawn attention to the potential threat posed by other orthopoxviruses that infect humans, particularly Monkeypox virus. A description of this virus is given in the third chapter. Jenner's ori- nal vaccine is believed to have been Cowpox virus and this virus is reviewed in the chapter by Essbauer and Meyer. Additional chapters are devoted to each of the recognized genera of the vertebrate poxviruses and a f- ther chapter describes the subfamily of poxviruses infecting invertebrates. Together these provide a comprehensive review of the poxvirus family.

  • af Tobias Welte, Reinhard Marre & Norbert Suttorp
    1.134,95 kr.

  • - Poincare Seminar 2005
    af Jean-Michel Raimond
    1.128,95 kr.

    This volume is devoted to Quantum Decoherence with lectures from the Seminaire Poincare, held in November 2005 at the Institute Henri Poincare Paris. The goal of this seminar is to provide up-to-date information about general topics of great interest in physics. Both the theoretical and experimental results are covered, with some historical background. Particular care is devoted to the pedagogical nature of the presentation.

  • af Martin Andreas Vath
    645,95 kr.

  • af Guerino Mazzola
    352,95 kr.

    Dieses Lehrbuch stellt eine Einführung in die noch junge Disziplin der Musikinformatik dar. Es beginnt mit einer Übersicht über die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der Musik aus der Wechselwirkung zwischen Technologie und Komposition. Darauf aufbauend werden Kodierung und Programmierung musikalischer Objekte für Komposition, Analyse und Interpretation besprochen, sowie Standards und Darstellungsmethoden, wie: MIDI, Musik-N, Fourier, FM, Wavelets, Physical Modeling und Denotatoren. Eine vertiefte Diskussion erfährt dabei der FFT-Algorithmus und natürlich das Kompressionsverfahren MP3.Anschließend werden Plattformen für die computergestützte Analyse, Komposition und Interpretation vorgestellt, darunter RUBATO, MAX und Presto. Darauf folgt eine Einführung in Methoden der Navigation im Begriffsraum der Musik. Abschließend wird die Perspektive einer verteilten globalen Musikkultur diskutiert, wie sie sich etwa durch den iPod, sowie Internet-basierte Musikdistribution, -produktion und -komposition abzeichnet.

  • - Theory and Applications
    af Isabel Narra Figueiredo
    1.159,95 kr.

    This book collects refereed lectures and communications presented at the Free Boundary Problems Conference (FBP2005). These discuss the mathematics of a broad class of models and problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations arising in physics, engineering, biology and finance. Among other topics, the talks considered free boundary problems in biomedicine, in porous media, in thermodynamic modeling, in fluid mechanics, in image processing, in financial mathematics or in computations for inter-scale problems.

  • - Centre de Recerca Matematica Barcelona, 2003-2004
    af Joan Bagaria
    1.153,95 kr.

  • af Hans-Andreas Braunß, Thomas Krainer & Heinz Junek
    335,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Lehrbuch wendet sich speziell an Studierende biowissenschaftlicher Fachrichtungen und trägt den Anforderungen der neuen Bachelor-Studienabschlüsse Rechnung. Es eignet sich sowohl als Referenz als auch als Begleitbuch für einen 1-2 semestrigen Kurs. Im Zentrum stehen Funktionen in einer reellen Variablen und ihre Anwendungen in den Biowissenschaften, insbesondere Fourieranalyse und Differentialgleichungsmodelle. Eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben dient der Vertiefung und aktiven Aneignung des Stoffes.

  • af Raffaele Badolato
    1.729,95 kr.

    Since the discovery of chemokines and of chemokine receptors it has become evident that expression of chemokines at the site of inflammation may regulate the composition of cellular infiltrate, thereby directing the type of immune response. Recently, the molecular characterization of inherited disorders of immune system, (e.g., Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, WHIM syndrome, leukocyte adhesion deficiency), which are characterized by cytoskeleton/adhesion defects or by altered response of chemokine receptors has contributed to clarifying the key players of immune response in normal physiology and in disease. This book, which deals with the description of the role of chemokines in immune response and underlines potential targets of therapeutical intervention, offers a series of contributions of the most challenging aspects of lymphocyte migration in homeostasis and in disease.

  • af Toma V. Tonev & Suren A. Grigoryan
    599,95 kr.

  • af Leon P. Bignold
    1.742,95 kr.

    This volume began with an invitation from the publishers to edit a volume of EXS on Cancer. This invitation undoubtedly derived from my articles in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences in 2002 and 2003 on the relationships between the morphology, aetiology and pathogenesis of tumours, especially in relation to genetic instability. After many years of teaching the theories of c- cer in undergraduate medical school courses, it seemed to me that the variably chaotic histopathologic features of tumours parallel in some way, the variably unstable genomes of tumour cells, which were being discovered in the 1990s. Thus the title of the volume has come to include morphology, carcinogenesis and genetic instability. The invitation came while I was working with Herrn Dr. med. Hubertus Jersmann (MD Dusseldorf, PhD, now Senior Lecturer in Medicine of the University of Adelaide) and Professor Brian Coghlan (Emeritus Professor of German, the University of Adelaide), on the work of the nineteenth century cancer pathologists, especially David Paul von Hansemann (1858-1920). With the delivery of the manuscripts from the authors of the chapters, it became obvious that a background chapter for the volume could include some of the material which we had "e;uncovered"e; together. Because of this, chapter 1 is authored by the three of us, and the "e;new"e; material figures prominently.

  • - Vol. 2: Pathophysiology of Chemokines
    af Kuldeep Neote
    1.130,95 kr.

    Chemokines play an important role in recruiting inflammatory cells into tissues in response to infection and inflammation. They also play an important role in coordinating the movement of T-cells, B-cells and dentritic cells, necessary to generate an immune response (response to injury, allergens, antigens, invading microorganisms). They selectively attract leukocytes to inflammatory foci, inducing both cell migration and activation. They are involved in various diseases, like atherosclerosis, lung and skin inflammation, multiple sclerosis, or HIV. Volume 2 of this two-volume set discusses the pathophysiology of chemokines. It is divided into two parts: a) chemokines in animal disease models, and b) chemokines as drug targets. Together with volume 1, which discusses the immunobiology of chemokines, both volumes give a comprehensive overview of chemokine biology.

  • - A Tribute to D.G. de Figueiredo on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
    af Thierry Cazenave
    1.157,95 kr.

    This paper is concerned with the existence and uniform decay rates of solutions of the waveequation with a sourceterm and subject to nonlinear boundary damping ? ? u ?? u =|u| u in ? ?) ? tt ? ? ? ? u=0 on ? ?) 0 (1. 1) ? ? u+g(u)=0 on ? ?) ? t 1 ? ? ? ? 0 1 u(x,0) = u (x); u (x,0) = u (x),x? ? , t n where ? is a bounded domain of R ,n? 1, with a smooth boundary ? = ? ?? . 0 1 Here, ? and ? are closed and disjoint and ? represents the unit outward normal 0 1 to ?. Problems like (1. 1), more precisely, ? u ?? u =?f (u)in? ?) ? tt 0 ? ? ? ? u=0 on ? ?) 0 (1. 2) ? ? u =?g(u )?f (u)on? ?) ? t 1 1 ? ? ? ? 0 1 u(x,0) = u (x); u (x,0) = u (x),x? ? , t were widely studied in the literature, mainly when f =0,see[6,13,22]anda 1 long list of references therein. When f =0and f = 0 this kind of problem was 0 1 well studied by Lasiecka and Tataru [15] for a very general model of nonlinear functions f (s),i=0,1, but assuming that f (s)s? 0, that is, f represents, for i i i each i, an attractive force.

  • af Rikard Holmdahl
    1.722,95 kr.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) represents a complex disease where the inheritable component has been estimated to be up to 60%. This PIR volume deals with the genetic basis and regulation of rheumatic diseases. The first part of the book describes genetic studies on rheumatic diseases. The second part deals with the shared heredity of rheumatic diseases, e.g., RA, lupus and ankylosing spondylitis. The third part of the volume describes tools for analysing genetic complexity, ranging from animal models to new molecular tools. The volume is essential reading for researchers and clinicians from rheumatology, inflammation research, immunology, and cell and molecular biology.

  • af Dongming Wang
    1.741,95 kr.

    This book presents the state-of-the-art in tackling differential equations using advanced methods and software tools of symbolic computation. It focuses on the symbolic-computational aspects of three kinds of fundamental problems in differential equations: transforming the equations, solving the equations, and studying the structure and properties of their solutions.

  • - The Israel Gohberg Anniversary Volume
    af Marinus A. Kaashoek
    1.751,95 kr.

    Thisvolumecontainsaselectionofpapersinmodernoperatortheoryanditsapp- cations. Most of them are directly related to lectures presented at the Fourteenth International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA 2003) held at the University of Cagliari, Italy, in the period of June 24-27, 2003. The workshop, which was attended by 108 mathematicians - including a number of PhD and postdoctoral students - from 22 countries, presented eight special sessions on 1) control theory, 2) interpolation theory, 3) inverse scattering, 4) numerical estimates for operators, 5) numerical treatment of integral equations, 6) pseudodi?erential operators, 7) realizations and transformations of analytic functions and inde?nite inner product spaces, and 8) structured matrices. The program consisted of 19 plenary lectures of 45 minutes and 78 lectures of 30 minutes in four parallel sessions. The present volume re?ects the wide range and rich variety of topics p- sentedanddiscussedattheworkshop,bothwithinandoutsidethespecialsessions. The papers deal with inverse scattering, numerical ranges, pseudodi?erential - erators, numerical analysis, interpolation theory, multidimensional system theory, inde?nite inner products, spectral factorization, and stationary processes. SinceintheperiodthattheproceedingsofIWOTA2003werebeingprepared, Israel Gohberg, the president of the IWOTA steering committee, reached the age of 75, we decided to dedicate these proceedings to Israel Gohberg on the occasion of his 75th birthday. All of the authors of these proceedingshavejoined the editors and dedicated their papers to him as well.

  • - A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
    af Catherine Bandle
    1.152,95 kr.

    Haim Brezis has made significant contributions in the fields of partial differential equations and functional analysis, and this volume collects contributions by his former students and collaborators in honor of his 60th anniversary at a conference in Gaeta. It presents new developments in the theory of partial differential equations with emphasis on elliptic and parabolic problems.

  • af Pei-Chu Hu & Chung-Chun Yang
    625,95 kr.

  • af W. -H. Steeb & R. Stoop
    390,95 kr.

  • af Adriano Rossi & Deborah A. Sawatzky
    1.728,95 kr.

    Much progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms regulating the induction and progression of inflammatory diseases. More recently, however, it has become apparent that the manipulation of mechanisms governing the resolution of inflammation is an important way to develop novel strategies for the therapy of such diseases. This book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive view on the resolution of inflammation and on new developments in this area (e.g. pro-resolution mediators, apoptosis, macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells, possible novel drug developments). The chapters are written by leading scientists in the field.This topical volume is of interest to medical and scientific researchers in academia and industry working on inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases such as arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, atherosclerosis, and more.

  • af Hans-Joachim Baues
    1.737,95 kr.

    The algebra of primary cohomology operations computed by the well-known Steenrod algebra is one of the most powerful tools of algebraic topology. This book computes the algebra of secondary cohomology operations which enriches the structure of the Steenrod algebra in a new and unexpected way. The book solves a long-standing problem on the algebra of secondary cohomology operations by developing a new algebraic theory of such operations. The results have strong impact on the Adams spectral sequence and hence on the computation of homotopy groups of spheres.

  • af Klaus Eichmann
    1.131,95 kr.

  • af Petr P. Kulish
    1.134,95 kr.

    This volume presents the invited lectures of the workshop "e;Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems"e; held in July 2003 at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, as a satellite workshop of the XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics. In it, recent developments in the theory of infinite dimensional algebras, and their applications to quantum integrable systems, are reviewed by leading experts in the field.

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