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  • af Owen Knight
    152,95 kr.

    A collection of stories from a bygone era with a hint of the Twilight Zone.

  • af Georgia van Raalte
    197,95 kr.

    These rituals trace the waves and curves of my path to the divine. It is my hope that they may act as illumination, or as a map for your own journey. The creation of these rituals were processes of gaining knowledge; their performance brought understanding. Writing these rituals was an exercise in creative devotion. Performing them was a lesson in the reality of magic, and the irresistibility of its circuits and waves. These rituals utilise juxtaposition and movement across boundaries. They are sites of liminality, and thus power. They are games, toys; and the most serious technology we have ever had. These rituals offer a space of communitas, a suspended community in the liminal, ritual space, a mode of being with others that is utterly transformative. These rituals are magpie nests, built from all the shiny symbolism and structure I could lay my greedy hands upon. These rituals can be anything you want them to be; solemn rites or fantasies, mystery plays or literary provocations. Their reading offers a carnival of images in which to saturate your soul. Their performance offers lessons in being, in doing, and in communitas. You may gain as much or as little from them as from a journey on the train. Abide for a while, and watch the phantasmic flora and fauna glide past the window of your literary vision. You will not seem to move; yet it will be that you have travelled very far.

  • af Nema
    232,95 kr.

    Wings of Rapture takes a nondenominational approach to mysticism. From the initial euphoric experience to the "dark night of the soul" and beyond, this book will serve as a guide as you seek your own path to enlightenment. Learn methods of altering consciousness to open the doors of perception to the metaphysical realms. Discover techniques for creating sacred space conducive to successful meditation and contemplation. If you're currently involved with an established religion, magickal order, coven, or popular guru, it can help you slice through the embellishments of other people's visions to find your own. This is a revised and expanded re-print of the book originally entitled "The Way of Mystery: Magick, Mysticism and Self-Transcendence."

  • af Louie Martinié
    197,95 kr.

    This text is important to anyone who follows a set of religious practices that may include sacrifice, particularly the sacrifice of animals. Its goal is to create a framework that makes it possible for the practitioner to approach the issue of animal sacrifice on the secure footing of systematic thought coupled with deep feeling; hopefully avoiding the slippery and sensationalistic aversion or attraction too often associated with the subject. Both the pros and cons of animal sacrifice are examined and the author proposes alternatives to sacrifice of sentient beings. "Think; deeply contemplate actions and their alternatives and the fruit that they bear. Choose freely and wisely. Choice stands at the wheel in navigating this river of the soul. There is no condemnation or commendation, only an ever-present responsibility that is built into the very fabric of the universe. We can choose in our actions; there is no choice involved in the consequences that they, by their nature, call forth."

  • af Nema (margaret Ingalls)
    207,95 kr.

    In the early 1990s Dr. Julijan Naskov of Macedonia asked Nema to write a series of lectures for presentation at the Academy of New Age Spiritual Sciences. Nema and Dr. Naskov agreed that Kundalini and its application in Maat Magick would be an apt topic for intermediate or advanced students. The 10 lectures and practical exercises which compose the main body of this book are the result of this exchange. Information on the Chakras and the Forgotton Ones is included in these lectures as is a series of guided meditations. A concluding chapter titled Additional Manuscripts includes: N'Aton and I, Maat Magick & Chaos Magick, Magick For Fools, and Magickal Healing in Theory and Practice.

  • af Louie Martinié
    227,95 kr.

    The first book length publication celebrating the life and times of the first Dr. John (birth circa 1815 - passing 1885), this publication contains conjures meant to offer Dr. John the opportunity to become a fully present loa in today's world. History and folklore have Dr. John filling many posts. He was a freeman of color reputed to be a contemporary of Marie Laveaux in the voodoo on Congo Square, a New Orleans conjure man, drummer, herbalist, physician, and spiritual Doctor as well as having a coffeehouse and dealing in real estate. He was a man worth knowing and is a spirit worth working with. Reprints of the actual historical documents include a contract with Dr. John's signature, his Marriage Certificate, his Death Certificate, and various censuses from the period providing important keys to his life. Folkloric sources of beliefs about Dr. John, both verbal and written, are extensively treated. An index and a bibliography add to the book's ease of use. A unique feature of the book consists of experiments, explorations, experiences, investigations, teachings, and conjures by current members of the spiritual community which are provided to bring the reader closer to Dr. John and Dr. John closer to the reader. The collection of this material is ongoing through and the reader is encouraged to participate in this great work. This book is a comprehensive reference for the study of Dr. John as well as the offering of service to the Good Doctor. So often it is heard that little is published on Dr. John. Now that is no longer the case.

  • af Gillian MacDonald
    217,95 kr.

    This book introduces people to the practice of working spiritually with Lilith. It provides insight into her extensive background and offers guidance on how to identify with your Lilith. It is not and cannot be a fully comprehensive book on Lilith, my path is a living one, constantly expanding in knowledge and experience. For readers who have little or no experience of Lilith I hope that this book provides a basic introduction and guide to gaining some understanding and deepening their own connection with her. For the more advanced, this text can provide both reference material and hopefully new light on an ancient deity. A basic working structure and several tried and tested rites to the Lilith's within the scope of my experience are provided.

  • af Anna McKerrow
    172,95 kr.

    Babalon is a UK feminist organisation with a membership numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Fronted by the charismatic Scarlett Woman, Babalon treads a careful line in an increasingly conservative UK, where a government coalition with a religiously conservative Irish party means that reproductive rights in England may be under threat. Scarlett's organisation venerates Babalon, goddess of sex, blood and the destruction of patriarchy. It promotes witchcraft practices as a key method of political and spiritual resistance to its members via rallies, meetings, training, conferences and the BabalonApp, where those identifying as women can access various support services. Told by three women - Maid (Trix, discovering her sexuality) Mother (Robyn, mother of two, finding herself after a broken marriage) and Crone (Scarlett Woman, the leader of Babalon) - this is a story of power and empowerment: where personal, sexual and political power comes from, where it intersects and how different women come into their power in different ways. It also considers the difficulties inherent in an organisation paying lip service to inclusivity, and the dynamics of power in an organisation run by a woman who considers herself the conduit for a goddess. Trix leaves her small Irish village to come to University in London. Recruited into flatmate Szou's Riot Grrl-influenced band, she finds herself playing warmup gigs at Babalon rallies; raising the feral energy of the crowd before Scarlett Woman takes the stage. But Trix is running from the voices and visions that have plagued her since childhood. Yet when she meets Shefali, sex becomes more than she could have imagined, and it's Trix's sexual power that must flow freely if she is to fulfil her role in Scarlett Woman's inner circle. Robyn is trapped in her marriage; at home with two young children with a distant, emotionally unavailable husband. Babalon gives her the strength to find a way back to herself, and an active role in MotherHood, Babalon's guerrilla fighting programme. But becoming a fighter means Robyn has to face a decision which will take all her strength. Scarlett Woman, once the lover of an infamous occultist, is introduced to the goddess Babalon within his cult. Scarlett's journey to power embraces the goddess outside of Jack Crowley's misogyny and creates a formidable activist organisation with the terrible power of Babalon at its beating breast. What will happen when Scarlett and her group focus the power of Babalon on those who would hurt women and deny them their rights? The character of Scarlett Woman is informed by (though fictionalised) the real story of Marjorie Cameron, an overlooked figure in modern history. Cameron is best known as having been the lover and muse for occultist Jack Parsons, an American rocket scientist and student of Aleister Crowley. Parsons and his friend, L Ron Hubbard supposedly invoked the goddess Babalon in the California desert in the 60s, intending to bring the goddess into incarnation. The working didn't achieve its aims, and Parsons famously died in a fire a year or so after. Cameron's story is a fascinating one. She was a woman within a misogynist occult culture who came to be a highly respected artist and ingénue, but is still widely known only as Jack Parson's lover. What would have happened if someone like Marjorie Cameron decided that she was going to lash the liberating power of the goddess Babalon - the destroyer of worlds and protector of women's bodies - to a political and social activist organisation? A powerful and topical book, THE BOOK OF BABALON mixes witchcraft and feminism into something new, original and absolutely of the moment. Note: this book contains graphic sexual content, mentions of rape, physical and sexual abuse, abortion, miscarriage, occult ritual and content of an adult nature.

  • af Louie Martinié
    197,95 kr.

    A complete-in-itself first volume in a series of teachings on Voodoo as it has and continues to develop in New Orleans. It contains an Order of Service developed over hundreds of rituals at the New Orleans Voodoo Spiritual Temple. This Order follows the steps of birth and can be used to bring honor and respect to the ancestors or to birth a "magickal child" of the voodoosant's choosing. Rhythms for the drums are given in the form of Drum Prayers. Rites and offerings to mark the passage of the Grande Zombie (Great Serpent) through the Seasons are outlined in a section on the Ophidian Year. A photographic record of the wake of Charles Masicot Gandolfo, the founder of the Historic Voodoo Museum, and a recounting of the line of Spiritual Doctors running back through the annals of New Orleans Voodoo is presented. Information and a working talisman for John Montanee, the original Dr. John, who conjured and drummed in the eighteen hundreds in New Orleans is included as well as a veve for the city of New Orleans as a spiritual entity.

  • af Louie Martinié
    197,95 kr.

    (6x9 edition - 8x10 also available) An introduction to a branch of Voudoun which I choose to call Aeonic Voudoo. A body of theory and practices that grew from a matrix of ritual work, conversation, and readings. Originally published in 1986 by Black Moon.

  • af Linda Falorio
    282,95 kr.

    This is a book of sexual magicks in both theory and practice fromthe feminine power zones and from their own points of view. Very littlehas been written on this. It is a compilation composed of the text andart of sixteen practicing female magickians through which the vitalcharacter of a Babalon is explored.Both the elder and younger Babalons write here in order to expandupon this almost taboo subject. Linda Falorio, one of the writers within, says "Men, read on if you want to know our deepest secrets."This book focuses on the 'what, ' the 'who' and the 'how' of thepractice.The materials are mutli-generational, multi-cultural and multi-systematic, though with a strong emphasis on Thelemic.No 'right' way is posited. Often seen 'shoulds' are replaced by anethic that values Choice.Being a Babalon is both a spiritual and social challenge. There areno more optimal conditions outside of an open heart and mind. She ismuch more than any sexual orientation or specific sexual act.Although there is no definitive word or image which captures thetotality of what it means to be a Babalon, her very nature speaks toChange. Babalon spins and the walls between worlds revolve. Herspinning gives form to the very womb of life. She rides upon a crestthat peeks into the heavens, and descends into the very heart of hell.The papers and images in this book document this journey, and thehowling of women will now make itself heard! - 6x9 edition - 8x10 also availabl

  • af Tarostar
    197,95 kr.

    A Craft application of Wicca as an Occult Lodge system and Craft Coven Organization.Book IV The Book of Esbat: Herein are all the Coven Magics in full ceremony. It contains all the Full and New Moon Esbats.Book V The Cornucopia: Herein are all the Low Magics with the Arts of Spellcraft and Divination along with the basic study course outline for teaching the Craft and development of the powers of the mind for aspirants to the Craft.

  • af Horus Maat Lodge Inner Council
    232,95 kr.

    Founded in 1979, The Horus Maat Lodge was birthed along with the internet where it flourished and gained most of its members and offered all the written and artistic fruits of the praxis of Horus and Maat for over three decades. It is a grimoire of a truly modern occult order proclaiming itself the first 'cyber occult order' in that most ritual work is done via the internet in conjunction with astral gatherings. Though some nodes of adepts meet in person, most of these group-workings are organized, agreed upon and set in motion online. The records, rituals, dialogues, discussions, papers, art and so on that are generated by the members of this Lodge have always been online, including our Journal, and our 'Book of Rituals' has almost always been our website except for a small pamphlet published before the internet existed. We have never done things like any other magickal order, nor do we declare a long lineage or ancient pedigree of any sort. We have always been the 'l'enfant terrible' of the occult world and embraced Quantum physics, string theory and the core of Erisian ethos way past what has been seemly amongst the more august and serious occult orders. I like to think we are the punk rockers of the occult world, and there is some literal truth there. We embraced what became 'Chaos Magick' before the term existed and we focused on sigil magick and outré, creative, flexible, original art-based magickal rites as TOPY and other such far-out magicks flourished. So 'Solve' were we, it seems that now it is time to 'Coagula.' If we had an OHO or guru, it would have been Nema, Priestess of Maat, the most awesome, far-out, border-breaking Magus I have ever encountered.

  • af Soror Nema, Aion & Mike Ingalls
    197,95 kr.

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