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  • af Atoloye David Olumuyiwa
    298,95 kr.

    INTEGRITY COIN - THE SPIRITUAL CURRENCY OF FUTURE PAYMENT. With the Financial crisis that is rocking our nation and the world at large, the INTEGRITY COIN, built on the Principles of Integrity, Trust, and Transparency is being propounded. The need to provide an urgent solution to the Financial imbroglio and quagmire that has plaque our world is paramount. The Integrity Coin App promises to be the solution.

  • af Robin Bright
    893,95 kr.

    Primarily facilitated by the mass media, centered upon the Hollywood district of the city of Los Angeles, West coast state of California, the human penis has been banned since the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, introduced the ¿Hays code¿ of 1930, `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).` Although the ban was lifted for the romantic comedy, featuring actress Jane Fonda and actor Robert Redford, as the naked and in bed together newly wed couple, Corie and Paul Bratter, in a New York city apartment almost overlooking Central Park, Barefoot in the Park (1967) ¿cocked a snoot¿ at the idea of women¿s foot race ever being seen naked and humanly erect for mainstream cinema and TV audiences, thereby effectively decapitating the human species, which would never know that was how the alien brain eaters had feasted on their race as the ¿food of the gods¿ in vampirism.

  • af Dominic Kwa
    298,95 kr.

    Knowledge is a spiritual gift. Aristotle wrote; ¿All men by nature desire to know¿. The desire to know remain a desire until it is realized in actuality. Thus though all men desire to know, not all men get to know. This book has been published to provide a dire need. Its raison d¿être is to provide a good guide to those who take the subject seriously. Its content has been streamlined into the Ordinary and Advance Level (GCE) passed essay questions and answers. The pedagogic and scientific methods used in teaching, assessing and evaluating other subjects apply to it pari passu.This edition of the ¿Religious Knowledge (GCE) questions¿ will give the student a firm grip of materials. Going through its content, candidates will be at ease with question interpretation and the presentation of materials as well. A passed in this subject will help you to succeed in your exams and (GCE).May the good Lord bless you and bless the work of your hands at the (GCE).

  • af Joseph Omoregbe
    298,95 kr.

    The book is about the relationship between Jesus and his followers(the Christians). Jesus himself describes this relationship with the analogy of a Vine and its branches. Jesus himself is the Vine while Christians are its branches. As the branches of a vine derive their lives from the vine and are kept alive by the vine so Christians derive their lives from Jesus and are kept alive by Jesus as long as they remain in union with him. As the vine and its branches are one, so Jesus and Christians are one. As the branches of a vine live in the vine, with the vine, and for the vine, so do Christians live in Jesus, with Jesus, and for Jesus. As any branch that is cut off from the vine will wither and die so will any Christian who cuts himself/herself off from Jesus by mortal sin die. Mortal sin kills because it cuts a person off from Jesus, the source of life, Hence to commit mortal sin is to commit spiritual suicide. The Divine Vine divinizes its branches by elevating them to the level of being able to share in the Divine life and the Divine nature, as Sacred Scripture says. What a wonderful privilege to be a Christian and live in union with Jesus as a branch lives in the Divine Vine.

  • af Isaac K. Damoah
    298,95 kr.

  • af Detlef Schwartz
    518,95 kr.

    Rev. Detlef Schwartz, Ph.D., Ph.D., pastor emeritus with a German background and university lecturer, analyses those theological works of the German theologian Paul Tillich, which deal with the relation between culture and religion. Because there is an immense interest among Pentecostal theologians to connect and to compare their theology with the idea of the ¿Spirit¿ in Tillich¿s books, Schwartz brings together in a vivid dialogue both theological groups.

  • af Chike Chris Mba
    298,95 kr.

    The subject matter the Sabbath day of God has raised dust in different quarters of the Christian faith. It is controversial. Many are of the opinion that Sabbath day is a Jewish innovation and explicitly meant for the Jews or Israelites; others believe that Sunday the first day of the week is the new Christian Sabbath day and should be a work free day. Some however not only see the Sabbath day as the day of God but have on the whole pledged their life to it. Some says that Sabbath is for the Jews while Sunday is for the Christians.Whether Sabbath is for the Jews and Sunday for the Christians does not matter, what is important is a personal conviction of the truth and the final outcome - everlasting life or eternal damnation. It is a matter of conviction and choice.

  • af Atoloye David Olumuyiwa
    353,95 kr.

  • af Christian Oyakhilome
    473,95 kr.

    When you hear or read the title, ¿The Seven Spirits of God¿ for the first time, the first question that will likely come up in your mind is, Does this mean God has seven Holy Spirits?The Bible does show that there are ¿Seven Spirits of God.¿ It however behooves us to understand exactly what this means and how it applies to us in the New Covenant.To start with, the number Seven (7) is regarded by the Hebrew people as a sacred number, and throughout the Bible it is used to symbolize perfection, fullness, abundance, rest, and completion. The ¿Seven Spirits of God¿ therefore implies a ¿completeness¿ or ¿fullness¿ of the Holy Spirit, and this fullness of the Spirit is what every Christian ought to have, for it is our birthright.

  • af Bernard Kipsang Rop
    568,95 kr.

    Few Christians have difficulty believing in the personal guidance of God. In most cases, our difficulty is not with the fact that God guides but how. The first quality that God desires in every ministry that He ordains in this dispensational end-times is wisdom. God hates folly and does not therefore condone foolishness in His ministry. Fools always make blunders in the ministry; thus causing the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to be blasphemed. Usually, the wisdom of God is subtly concealed in His creation. Hence, we discover the mysteries of God¿s wisdom through His creation. No one is born wise. Wisdom is neither inherited from parents also. It is acquired through regeneration; being a gift from God. God gives wisdom liberally, generously, and ungrudgingly by His grace, after an individual requests the same accordingly (1 Kings 3:5-12). A wise person has prominent quality and power in making accurate and/or appropriate decisions by God¿s guidance. Wise Up and Live!

  • af Robin Bright
    328,95 kr.

    Jesus¿ ¿Second Coming¿, as foretold by Jesus¿ disciple John, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, is a metaphor used by extremist Catholic terrorists for the countless lives destroyed by repeated ejaculations and condom usage, before Jesus came a second time, ¿The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.¿ (Rev: 12. 4) The dragon is what developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) called an ¿archetype¿, which is a facultas preformandi in the human psyche. According to Jung, images, symbols, and figures from ¿the God archetype¿ appear in the collective unconscious through dreams, art and the imagination, as guides to individual growth. Consequently, the archetype of the dragon actually warns against the Catholic belief in hellfire for heterosexuals for ejaculating, that is, the dragon is homosexuality, for example, the ¿incurable killer disease¿, which was the virus of hell in the late 20th century, was the AIDS virus, discovered by DR Congo in 1983, being transmitted through infected semen by homosexuals impaling each other¿s anuses on each other¿s penises.

  • af Benedict Soghie
    568,95 kr.

    STOP IT! Stop giving place to the devil. Stop giving place to failure. Stop giving place to ¿victim mentality¿. Stop giving place to defeat. Stop allowing anything that is not within the confines of what Christ promised to work within and around you. Stop allowing the things Christ has given you victory over to put you down. Stop allowing the devil to take what¿s rightfully given to you by Christ Jesus, purchased by His blood. Stop being a slave to the lies and deceptions of the devil. Stop letting him take advantage of you. Colossians 1:13 declares, ¿He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.¿ Do you understand this depth of victory God through Jesus Christ Our Lord has achieved for us? He will not deliver us. He may not deliver. He is not thinking of delivering us. He is not planning to deliver us.

  • af Benedict Soghie
    473,95 kr.

    Do we have authority in Christ Jesus as believers, that puts us over the devil, death and diseases, as we saw Jesus Manifest in scriptures ?I have pondered on this question constantly and as I see the perplexities surrounding the life of most Christians, it makes me wonder if the triumph we claim to really have in Christ Jesus isn't laughable.I have been a Christian for so many years and in all those years, it has surprised me to see that too many believers live in bondage and defeat in so many areas of their lives far more than they live in freedom and continuous victory.But glory to God ! There really is authority available to us in Christ Jesus, to stand as His representatives and enforce His purpose on earth. He wants us to establish the will of the Father on the earth as it is done in heaven, even as we walk in the authority He has given to us.This book is an expose on this crucial matter. You will discover, without doubt, the authority we have thought Christ as children of God and will understand how to walk in that authority over your life, over your family, over your health, over the devil, and over all that concerns you, to the glory of God.

  • af Ismael Tabuñar Fortunado
    328,95 kr.

    This book is about basic ideas and notions about virtues. We ought to have them the most. In trials, we earn virtues. Most of the time and sometimes to be learned and earned. Having a virtue is to be proud off. Even if it just one or small one. We dare to be different or against the flow. It is loving God above all as He stated. We want as many as possible virtues, we learn a lot. We see sacrifice, we need sacrifice, we show sacrifice, gratitude, love, virtues. Hope is upon us. ¿¿Three things will last forever: faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love. Cor 13:13. Past, present and future.

  • af Bernard Kipsang Rop
    458,95 kr.

    Few Christians have difficulty believing in the personal guidance of God. In most cases, our difficulty is not with the fact that God guides but how. The first quality that God desires in every ministry that He ordains in this dispensational end-times is wisdom. God hates folly and does not therefore condone foolishness in His ministry. Fools always make blunders in the ministry; thus causing the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to be blasphemed. Usually, the wisdom of God is subtly concealed in His creation. Hence, we discover the mysteries of God¿s wisdom through His creation. No one is born wise. Wisdom is neither inherited from parents also. It is acquired through regeneration; being a gift from God. God gives wisdom liberally, generously and ungrudgingly by His grace after an individual requests the same accordingly (1 Kings 3:5-12). A wise person has prominent quality and power in making accurate and/or appropriate decisions by God¿s guidance. Be wise and live!

  • af Terna Akambe Nenge
    483,95 kr.

    This book was written from the vast wealth of experience of the authors. It addresses the basic but confounding issues in church administration like decision making and implementation in the context of scarcity of resources. The authors make use of economic and public administration registers looking at how the administrative man satisfices and the economic man maximizes also using the principles of PODSCORB. The last part of the book discusses planning as a strategy for evangelism and church growth. The authors strongly believe that power grows in part when delegated. Based on this, they advise church administrators to always delegate responsibilities to their subordinates. A word of caution: in administration, those who have delegated powers do not have the authority to re-delegate it to another. Accordingly, as priests, our powers are delegated to us by our Lord Jesus Christ to feed the sheep. Yielding the pulpit to the laity is insubordination to Christ.

  • af Terna Akambe Nenge
    723,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of conference papers, journal articles and books chapter contributions by the author.Inside this book, you will find papers that appeal to your concerns with solutions. They cover a wide range of knowledge from theology, politics, governance and religion. This volume avails you the opportunity to learn, unlearn and relearn. It is therefore highly recommended for you. The author will welcome conversation arising from the book.

  • af Terna Akambe Nenge
    363,95 kr.

    The Absence of God is an eye witness account of how the world has degenerated into animal kingdom where might is right and survival is for the fittest.The book is situated in a milieu covering billions of years, narrated in first person singular with dialogues interjected with suspense filled stories that depict a contemporary world populated with humans that behave as if there is no God. A nonfiction cast in the mold of fiction, the author discusses the creation theories and other scientific doctrines in addition to globalized worldviews and systems that have conspired to throw the universe in turmoil and pain through wars, pandemics, diseases etc that could lead to mass deaths. The author argues that world leaders have behaved in ways that show the absence of God in their actions probably because many of them are of the synagogue of Satan executing the Luciferian agenda. The book calls the attention of humankind to the fact that there is a Creator to whom we shall render account.

  • af Masoud Mahdavi
    553,95 kr.

    Holy Defense is a term used to refer to the war waged by the Iraqi Ba'ath Party against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The beginning of the end of those eight years of zealous men and women of Iran with faith, guardianship, insight and martyrdom, at the same time fought against a world of infidelity and arrogance and sacrificed thousands of martyrs and veterans to the revolution; But they did not tolerate a single inch of their homeland under the boots of the usurping enemy. After victory of the Islamic Revolution, the differences between Iran and Iraq intensified.

  • af Ramoshweu Solomon Lebelo
    278,95 kr.

    The information in this book will help the reader understand what he/she really is and the reason why a human being was created in the image of God, differently from other animals. The message here, first, will help you to understand how important you are before God the creator, and that you were created for a good purpose. Second, you will be informed that you have a God-given position to occupy that will enable you to fulfill your assignment in life. Lastly, you will learn that as a human being, you are eternal as God the creator is. Your life will never be the same after reading this book. May the good Lord bless you for taking the decision to go through this message.

  • af Atoloye David Olumuyiwa
    278,95 kr.

    David a minister of the gospel of Christ stood adamant in his stand against vaccination. Himself and his wife turned deaf ear to every encouragements from families and friends on their need to be vaccinated against the global pandemic. It wasn¿t until a personal revelation that he got from hearing a convincing word from the holy book, the Bible, that he changed his stand against his resolve never to be vaccinated¿ This drastic turn and change of mind brought about the realization to be a solution provider to other believers who has taken their stand against the world government policy of vaccinating the whole humanity. In the cause of his new found drive to impact positively on all who opposes such policies and such stands against policies agreed on by world government in area of Pharmaceutical, Science and Climate Change, he discovered that there is more to what is laid down in those policies than what the eyes can see. His discovery eventually lead him to become the supernatural man, confirming the adage that life is a solution for those who IMPACT!

  • af Matthew N. O. Sadiku
    623,95 kr.

    This book is essentially an exposition of Ephesians 5:1, which says, ¿Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children¿ (NLT). Imitating God is to reproduce His attributes in us. It is to follow His character. But can finite humans imitate infinite God? We must understand that God has two kinds of attributes: incommunicable and communicable. The incommunicable attributes are those that belong to God alone (such as omnipotence, omnipresence, immortality, etc.), while the communicable attributes of God are those that we can also possess (such as faithfulness, forgiveness, love, etc.). Ephesians 5:1 is asking us to imitate God¿s communicable attributes as His dear children.In this book, we cover fourteen attributes of God. Each chapter discusses an attribute of God and addresses three issues: (1) How God demonstrates the attribute, (2) How man is supposed to imitate God by demonstrating the attribute, (3) What happens when man does not demonstrate the attribute. As Christians, we are God¿s representatives here on earth and we should strive to live lives imitating His character.

  • af Albert Ten Kate
    623,95 kr.

    This book is the result of about fourteen years (2009-2023) of papers, made for different symposia about the Eastern-Christian traditions: eight researches on the Georgian Bible and five on the Armenian. There were already papers published in the West: on the Codex Schoeyen and on Codex Scheide, a research on Gregory of Nazianze and an article on the Sanctus. But others remained unpublished, or they were hardly accessible in the West. Therefore we do publish them here to show their importance for the traditions of the Early Church. As the Appendix of Chapter 11 we publish a full edition of the Armenian column of the manuscript Barberinus Orientalis, which is compared with the text of the edition of Zohrab. We include here also three on Coptic and one on Ethiopic, that we add to our previous publications on the Armenian Gospel of Mark, on the Ethiopian Gospel of John, on the Gospel of John in Greek, and on the Coptic Codex Schoeyen. These were for a more specialized public, being as a kind of reference-works. The contributions we publish here, though having a rough, unfinished state of their text, aim at a more general audience: we hope they will be a bit more accessible.

  • af Ron Gooden
    278,95 kr.

    Irrevocable. It teaches about the disposition of Angels. The Requisition. The Divine Reverence. The meticulous Heavens. It is the hour of Reverie. In all things one must come to this. The Sacred preference. The thought of Holiness. The sought of Saintly Ancients. The Greatest. It is a must that we honor the standard. The standard that no one keeps. The standard of our own. Until finally, we can relax into the comfort of the highest. The covenant of ourselves. It is at this point that we can say we see the things that no other sees. Know the things that no other knows. The Beautiful thoughts. The beautiful ponder. The similitude of honor. The infinity of somber. The joyful play. The blissful thoughtfulness. The White light Pure. The Eternal Immortality. Blessed Be, Holder of the Sacred Book.

  • af Rev¿D. Silas Tom Silas
    458,95 kr.

    The book of Luke begins with Good News of great joy about the coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of man and the Son of God. His coming changed believers' status from failure to success, sickness to health, guilt to forgiveness and from old life to new lifestyle. Jesus brought new Sabbath, new nation and new blessing. He displayed compassion in full. Many lessons about faith and His many-sided ministry express the volubility of the book.The book discusses the Christian duties in the world which amongst others include ambassadorial and neigbourhood responsibilities for Christ's sake. It further states the need for Christians to represent God well, to be their brethren's keepers, abhor hypocrisy, covetousness, worrying, carelessness and spiritual dullness. Believers are encouraged to turn to God irrespective of their situations in order to share in the joys of salvation.In Christianity what really matters are forgiveness, faithfulness, thankfulness and preparedness for God's Kingdom. These of course, are the main essence of Jesus' ministry on earth. His resurrection gives believers victory over spiritual and physical enemies and assurance of dine with Him in Heaven.

  • af Ron Gooden
    278,95 kr.

    The Religious Archetypes is the Archetypes of Religion. It is the ideal Archetype of every Religion. Or the main Religions of the world. It is quite awe-inspiring. To know that there are many paths home, but one should find joy and happiness in their Religion. The secret to this book is that it transcends death. Whatever Religion you choose that is mentioned in this book, once you meet the ideal Archetype, you shall transcend death. This book should be read and enjoyed. Most of all believed. Then you shall find the joy that comes with your path, if you are one of these Religious Archetypes. Read it, and cherish it, and you shall find what all Religious people seek, yet most never find. Glory awaits you in these pages.

  • af Ron Gooden
    278,95 kr.

    Life Lessons is the book you need. In reading it you shall be Glorified. Your thoughts shall be high. Your life shall be joy. Your mind shall be peace. Your heart shall be comfort. Your soul shall be rest. Your body shall be health. And your lessons shall be sweet. When reading this book you should have Reverence, for there is nothing like this book. It shall tie up all your lessons in a beautiful similitude. And in reading you shall ascend into the heights of comfort. Bliss shall be your name. In all things one shall find life to be ease. And this is the great triumph. Read, and read well, for your life shall be changed.

  • af Ron Gooden
    278,95 kr.

    The Sacred Teachings are comfort, joy, and happiness. This is what life is all about. To learn thy lessons well. It is to learn thy lessons well into Eternity to the point of bliss. In this is the Secret of life. And in learning it, one shall reach the heights of comfort, joy, and happiness, even in the highest. This book was meant to uplift the soul beyond discomfort. Beyond sorrow, and beyond bitterness. Once you read this book you will reach the turning point of eternity, and all things will be bliss. Just know that they are more than words. I grant you the keys of wisdom. Read well, and keep them forever.

  • af Robin Bright
    623,95 kr.

    English science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke, wrote a short story, ¿Sentinel of Eternity¿ (1951), about a monolith left by a highly technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilization, which enhanced the brains of the animals that encountered it. Film director, Stanley Kubrick, collaborated with Clarke to produce a 1968 movie version of the story, 2001: A Space Odyssey, in which apes are depicted killing an animal resembling a pig from the Ypresian stage of the early Eocene epoch in Earth¿s history (56-47.8 m.a.); Eohippus angustidens: ¿dawn horse¿. Although in the future the hippo-like creature would evolve into the horse, the theme of the enhanced brain of an animal becoming that of a killer is central to the plot of the author, whose alien intelligence is obviously a self-extrapolation, because the E. angustidens is a pig, which means that the apes are evolving into killers, as they develop human intellectual power, while the pigs will develop into ¿long pig¿, that is, human food in the sense of food being humans.

  • af Samuel Cameroun
    678,95 kr.

    Warning the World of divine retributions, the book (JULY 13, 2024: First Cup of the Wrath of God), inaugurates a New Collection of 15 biblical messages. How "the Hour of Divine Judgment from 2024" will exactly fulfill the prophetic clock of Revelation 14, calibrated on "the Hour granted" to Francis 1st, when on this day, the war of God will begin by a series of Seven Bowls of Divine Wrath ? The hostility of the World, in particular Ten Equatorial Nations will fight against the Church, following the painful ulcers among the ''666-Cists''. By this divine Judgment, the whole Earth for 3 and ¿ years, will be opposed to the elect of God. Painful ulcers and further divine chastisements, preserved Christians, will keep the peace of Christ, while recipients of the '666' on the forehead or on the hand, experiencing torments caused by the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit, as End of the Time of Grace. Jesus Christ Himself at the head of the True Worshipers of God; the 144,000, will fight the world acquired by François 1 st, Author of the ¿666-Cistes¿ and commercial power, by the double prophetic ministry of the two last Witnesses of Christ of Revelation 11.

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