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  • af N R Walker
    136,95 kr.

    Hamish Kenneally is moving from Australia to the US for a fresh start, beginning with Christmas at his sister''s place in Idaho. When a snowstorm diverts his plane to Montana and leaves him stranded two days before Christmas, he hires a car and drives right into a blizzard.Ren Brooks has always called Hartbridge, Montana, and his family hardware store, home. After a few failed attempts at love, he''s resigned to being single forever-after all, no guy wants to stay in his sleepy little town for long. And after his dad''s passing earlier in the year, Ren''s Christmas is looking bleak. But when a car runs off the road in front of his property, Ren pulls the driver out and takes him home to get out of the cold.With the storm and the holidays leaving Hamish with nowhere else to go, Ren kindly offers a place to stay. Hamish is certain he''s crashed right into a Hallmark Christmas movie, despite more car delays and road closures and the prospect of not seeing his sister for Christmas. And with help from Hamish, Ren is beginning to feel a little Christmas cheer.These two unlikely strangers have more in common than they first realise, and after two days of Christmas decorations, cookies, and non-stop conversation, it looks like Christmas might be saved after all.

  • af N R Walker
    192,95 kr.

  • af N. R. Walker
    152,95 kr.

    Keats McCulloch opened his florist shop in Sydney two years ago and he's living his dream. Even though running his own business leaves little room for a personal life, he is very single, sometimes lonely, but otherwise happy.Linden Acres has sworn off men for all eternity. Armed with his cheating boyfriend's credit card and a floriography list, he decides to buy him the perfect farewell gift. The biggest, prettiest bouquet of 'murder flowers' his money can buy.Keats convinces Linden to avoid possible jail time and go with a more subdued, somewhat passive aggressive bouquet of black roses and basil leaves. After all, nothing else says you're dead to me and I hate you with such elegance.Keats finds Linden hilarious and charming, and Linden thinks Keats is kind of wonderful . . . It's too bad he's sworn off men forever. Yet their paths cross again and again, as if fate was planting seeds in the hope that one will bloom."I'm more of a green carnations kind of guy."

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Keats McCulloch opened his florist shop in Sydney two years ago and he's living his dream. Even though running his own business leaves little room for a personal life, he is very single, sometimes lonely, but otherwise happy.Linden Acres has sworn off men for all eternity. Armed with his cheating boyfriend's credit card and a floriography list, he decides to buy him the perfect farewell gift. The biggest, prettiest bouquet of 'murder flowers' his money can buy.Keats convinces Linden to avoid possible jail time and go with a more subdued, somewhat passive aggressive bouquet of black roses and basil leaves. After all, nothing else says you're dead to me and I hate you with such elegance.Keats finds Linden hilarious and charming, and Linden thinks Keats is kind of wonderful . . . It's too bad he's sworn off men forever. Yet their paths cross again and again, as if fate was planting seeds in the hope that one will bloom."I'm more of a green carnations kind of guy."

  • af N. R. Walker
    237,95 kr.

    MarshallOdio a Valentine Tye.Lo odio desde que teníamos diez años. Odio todo lo que es, todo lo que representa. Incluso la mención de su nombre me desanima.¿Y cuándo lo veo?Mi sangre hierve. Mi mandíbula se presiona y mis manos se cierran en puños. Eso es lo mucho que lo odio.Quiero causarle dolor. Quiero sujetarlo y realmente hacerle daño.Y si eso no es suficientemente malo, eso es exactamente lo que quiere que le haga.ValentineSé lo que la gente piensa de mí. Sé lo que suponen. Todos piensan que soy un hombre rico mimado al que le han dado todo.Para nada me conocen.Detrás de mis muros cuidadosamente construidos hay un vacío tan oscuro que ahuyenta a los hombres. Me gusta el dolor. Me gusta que me utilicen. Por alguna rara razón, me valida. No necesito amor, ni afecto, ni, maldita sea, apego emocional.Lo que necesito es un hombre que me odie, un hombre que me desprecie.Un hombre como Marshall Wise.Porque nunca en un millón de años, alguna vez, él sentiría algo por mí.¿Verdad?

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    In need of work and a change of scenery, Aussie ex-pat Jayden Turner agrees to a short-term chef position at a Bed and Breakfast over the Christmas holidays. After all, how hard could it be in a small town in the mountains of Montana? What he finds is a grand old house in a beautiful town, and his new boss is gorgeous, gay, and single.After his divorce, Carter "Cass" Campion bought his great-aunt's rundown country manor in his home town, and he's determined to get it ready for the busy holiday period. Recently out as gay, he's been focused solely on his business and hasn't had time for a man. Not that many gay men come through Hartbridge . . .As his new clients arrive, and being away from his two kids, celebrating Christmas is the last thing on Cass's mind. But his new chef has other ideas. And if there's one thing on his Christmas Wish List this year, Jayden can make it come true.

  • af N. R. Walker
    222,95 kr.

    Hartbridge Christmas Series - Book FourEnglishman Braithe Branson arrives in Hartbridge, Montana, to take on a brief substitute kindergarten teacher position. His introduction to the sleepy town is being pulled over for speeding. Not an ideal start, but at least the deputy was cute.Colson Price takes being a deputy very seriously. After all, his job is all he has. Disowned by his family ten years ago, he's vowed to stay closeted so it won't cost him everything all over again.But the holidays are tough for Colson, and the new guy in town is far too tempting. With a promise of some very private no-strings encounters on the downlow, he can't resist.Braithe is charmed by the handsome deputy, the gorgeous town, and the great group of friends he meets. But as the countdown to leaving gets closer, the more tangled the 'no strings' becomes.Braithe and Colson have to hope that Hartbridge will find a way for this Christmas wish to come true.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    After a year of tragedy, forty-four-year-old Gunter Zuniga is leaving heartbreak behind and moving to the peaceful and picturesque town of Hartbridge, Montana. He buys an old house in need of some work, which he naively thinks he can manage now that he's single and retired-he has nothing but time.Clay Henderson runs the local sawmill with his dad, and it's the busiest time of year. Firewood and Christmas trees are in high demand, and a delivery of firewood to the old house on Cedar Bark Road leaves him curious about the new man in town.Clay has never had time for romance and Gunter certainly isn't looking, but Hartbridge has a way of working its Christmas magic; the jingle of Christmas bells, snow, and love are ringing in the air. And Gunter and Clay are about to get the best Christmas gift they never asked for.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Hamish Kenneally is moving from Australia to the US for a fresh start, beginning with Christmas at his sister's place in Idaho. When a snowstorm diverts his plane to Montana and leaves him stranded two days before Christmas, he hires a car and drives right into a blizzard.Ren Brooks has always called Hartbridge, Montana, and his family hardware store, home. After a few failed attempts at love, he's resigned to being single forever-after all, no guy wants to stay in his sleepy little town for long. And after his dad's passing earlier in the year, Ren's Christmas is looking bleak. But when a car runs off the road in front of his property, Ren pulls the driver out and takes him home to get out of the cold.With the storm and the holidays leaving Hamish with nowhere else to go, Ren kindly offers a place to stay. Hamish is certain he's crashed right into a Hallmark Christmas movie, despite more car delays and road closures and the prospect of not seeing his sister for Christmas. And with help from Hamish, Ren is beginning to feel a little Christmas cheer.These two unlikely strangers have more in common than they first realise, and after two days of Christmas decorations, cookies, and non-stop conversation, it looks like Christmas might be saved after all.

  • af N. R. Walker
    192,95 kr.

    Hartbridge Christmas Series - Book FourEnglishman Braithe Branson arrives in Hartbridge, Montana, to take on a brief substitute kindergarten teacher position. His introduction to the sleepy town is being pulled over for speeding. Not an ideal start, but at least the deputy was cute.Colson Price takes being a deputy very seriously. After all, his job is all he has. Disowned by his family ten years ago, he's vowed to stay closeted so it won't cost him everything all over again.But the holidays are tough for Colson, and the new guy in town is far too tempting. With a promise of some very private no-strings encounters on the downlow, he can't resist.Braithe is charmed by the handsome deputy, the gorgeous town, and the great group of friends he meets. But as the countdown to leaving gets closer, the more tangled the 'no strings' becomes.Braithe and Colson have to hope that Hartbridge will find a way for this Christmas wish to come true.

  • af N. R. Walker
    182,95 kr.

    Hasta que Travis llegó a su puerta, Charlie había vivido una vida muy solitaria. Se había rodeado de aislamiento; cerca de un millón de hectáreas de tierra roja, sol abrasador y soledad. Seis meses después, el invierno se ha apoderado del desierto y Charlie tiene la vida que nunca soñó posible. Pero vivir y trabajar juntos, veinticuatro horas al día, siete días a la semana, durante seis meses seguidos, empieza a pasar factura.Charlie es un hombre muy, muy testarudo, que tiende a tener más conversaciones en su cabeza de las que salen de su boca, mientras que Travis no tiene problemas en decir lo que piensa. Y, aunque, mientras ambos luchan por comunicarse y por entender la necesidad versus el deseo, Charlie puede ver que está alejando a Travis, pero parece incapaz de detenerlo.Cuando todo se reduce a si Travis debe quedarse o irse, tal vez la decisión no sea suya.

  • af N. R. Walker
    237,95 kr.

    MarshallI hate Valentine Tye.I've hated him since we were ten years old. I hate everything he is, everything he stands for. Even the mention of his name gets my back up.And when I see him?My blood boils. My jaw clenches and my hands curl into fists. That's how much I hate him.I want to cause him pain. I want to hold him down and actually hurt him.And if that's not bad enough, that's exactly what he wants me to do to him.ValentineI know what people think of me. I know what they assume. They all think I'm some spoiled rich guy who's had everything handed to him.They don't know me at all.Behind my carefully constructed walls is an emptiness so dark it scares men away. I like pain. I like being used. For some messed up reason, it validates me. I don't need love or affection or, hell forbid, emotional attachment.What I need is a man who hates me, a man who despises me.A man like Marshall Wise.Because never in a million years would he ever feel anything for me.Right?

  • af N. R. Walker
    212,95 kr.

    MarshallI hate Valentine Tye.I've hated him since we were ten years old. I hate everything he is, everything he stands for. Even the mention of his name gets my back up.And when I see him?My blood boils. My jaw clenches and my hands curl into fists. That's how much I hate him.I want to cause him pain. I want to hold him down and actually hurt him.And if that's not bad enough, that's exactly what he wants me to do to him.ValentineI know what people think of me. I know what they assume. They all think I'm some spoiled rich guy who's had everything handed to him.They don't know me at all.Behind my carefully constructed walls is an emptiness so dark it scares men away. I like pain. I like being used. For some messed up reason, it validates me. I don't need love or affection or, hell forbid, emotional attachment.What I need is a man who hates me, a man who despises me.A man like Marshall Wise.Because never in a million years would he ever feel anything for me.Right?

  • af N. R. Walker
    237,95 kr.

    MarshallI hate Valentine Tye.I've hated him since we were ten years old. I hate everything he is, everything he stands for. Even the mention of his name gets my back up.And when I see him?My blood boils. My jaw clenches and my hands curl into fists. That's how much I hate him.I want to cause him pain. I want to hold him down and actually hurt him.And if that's not bad enough, that's exactly what he wants me to do to him.ValentineI know what people think of me. I know what they assume. They all think I'm some spoiled rich guy who's had everything handed to him.They don't know me at all.Behind my carefully constructed walls is an emptiness so dark it scares men away. I like pain. I like being used. For some messed up reason, it validates me. I don't need love or affection or, hell forbid, emotional attachment.What I need is a man who hates me, a man who despises me.A man like Marshall Wise.Because never in a million years would he ever feel anything for me.Right?

  • af N. R. Walker
    192,95 kr.

    Stuart Jenner's job is high stress, high stakes, and everything he's strived for. So why, when the apex of his career is within reach, does he stumble? At his doctor's insistence, he books a privately chartered yacht to sail around the Whitsundays for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex. When his friend-with-benefits bails on him at the last minute, Stuart decides to go alone.Foster Knight left the rat race behind six years ago, bought a yacht, and now calls the Great Barrier Reef his home. Sailing tourists around tropical waters is all in a day's work, and he's never been happier. When his next client arrives alone, the two-week charter will be the most private job he's ever had. Foster can see how stressed and exhausted Stuart is, and he promises him extensive rest and relaxation.Stuart slowly realises his original plan for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex might not be lost yet. Confined to a yacht, isolated by aqua-coloured oceans and the sweltering sun, Stuart and Foster are about to find out just how hot the tropics can get.

  • af N. R. Walker
    192,95 kr.

    Jordan O'Neill isn't a fan of labels, considering he has a few. Gay, geek, librarian, socially awkward, a nervous rambler, an introvert, an outsider. The last thing he needs is one more. But when he realises adding the label asexual might explain a lot, it turns his world upside down.¿Hennessy Lang moved to Surry Hills after splitting with his boyfriend. His being asexual had seen the end of a lot of his romances, but he's determined to stay true to himself. Leaving his North Shore support group behind, he starts his own in Surry Hills, where he meets first-time-attendee Jordan. A little bewildered and scared, but completely adorable, Hennessy is struck by this guy who's trying to find where he belongs. Maybe Hennessy can convince Jordan that his world hasn't been turned upside down at all, but maybe it's now-for the first time in his life-the right way up.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    A fun and sexy romance where the kiln isn't the only thing that's scorching hot.Leo Secombe loves his life, and he's convinced himself he's happy to be single. In his spare time, he keeps himself busy at a local LGBTQ centre that pairs a younger person with a community elder to help them feel included in today's rainbow family. Leo and Clyde have been buddies for a few years now, and signing up for a pottery class seems like fun.Merrick Bowman has been so focused on getting his pottery business up and running that he's forgotten how to date. How to live, even. But when a young, bubbly Leo and an older, grumpy Clyde walk through his door, Merrick has no idea how much Leo is about to centre his world. Throwing clay has been Merrick's entire life, but Leo's about to change all that.Maybe Merrick's ready to throw caution to the wind. And maybe he's ready to finally throw his heart on the line.Throwing Hearts is 55,000-words.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Stuart Jenner's job is high stress, high stakes, and everything he's strived for. So why, when the apex of his career is within reach, does he stumble? At his doctor's insistence, he books a privately chartered yacht to sail around the Whitsundays for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex. When his friend-with-benefits bails on him at the last minute, Stuart decides to go alone.Foster Knight left the rat race behind six years ago, bought a yacht, and now calls the Great Barrier Reef his home. Sailing tourists around tropical waters is all in a day's work, and he's never been happier. When his next client arrives alone, the two-week charter will be the most private job he's ever had. Foster can see how stressed and exhausted Stuart is, and he promises him extensive rest and relaxation.Stuart slowly realises his original plan for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex might not be lost yet. Confined to a yacht, isolated by aqua-coloured oceans and the sweltering sun, Stuart and Foster are about to find out just how hot the tropics can get.

  • af N. R. Walker
    172,95 kr.

    Sin una oficina en funcionamiento, Jeremiah tiene la tarea de reparar la estación meteorológica automatizada en La Isla de Oxley. Es un lugar remoto, solo se puede acceder a él en barco, y como hay muchas probabilidades de que haya cocodrilos, le tiene pavor.Tully, por otro lado, no puede esperar.Con una licencia de barco, el barco de su padre, dos días a solas con Jeremiah y con probabilidad de tormentas eléctricas, para Tully, es otra aventura perfecta.Pero sus planes se tuercen cuando la investigación de Jeremiah se acerca demasiado para su comodidad. Hace treinta años, el día que un rayo tocó su vida, cambió para siempre.Está a punto de cambiar de nuevo, solo que esta vez está decidido a hacer las cosas bien.

  • af N. R. Walker
    297,95 kr.

    THE COMPLETE STORM BOYS SERIESRead the entire Storm Boys Series in one convenient book! Over 170,000 words of action and adventure, second chances, and risking it all for love. Second Chance at First Love - PrequelPaul Morgan has been running his luxury camping tour business in Kakadu National Park for the last five years. Taking small groups glamping, hiking, climbing, and swimming. It's been a busy five years, a hard five years, as he tried to forget the man he left behind.Derek Grimes pushes people away-a self-preservation reflex. Because they can't break his heart if he breaks theirs first, right? Five years on, lost and lonely, he tracks down the one and only love of his life. Maybe seeing how Paul had moved on will help Derek move on too . . .Paul can't believe it when a familiar name pops up on his client list, and Derek can't believe how good Paul looks, or just how happy living his dream job has made him. The spark between them never waned, but five years on, they've learned a few things about themselves and what they want.They could have everything they ever dreamed of-if they're prepared to trust each other. Because a second chance at first love comes but once in a lifetime.Outrun the RainTully Larson has loved tropical storms since he was a kid and spent his summers with his dad in the wilds of Kakadu National Park. He's happiest outdoors, a rough and ready kind of guy who loves the power of Mother Nature and chasing the thrill of electrical storms every chance he gets.Jeremiah Overton, a fulminologist from Melbourne, chases storms for a whole different reason. Lightning has shaped his entire life and he's driven to study it, to understand it, so heading to Kakadu in the middle of the storm season is a logical thing to do. After all, the Top End is the lightning capital of Australia.Tully wasn't sure how a week at his remote bunker with an academic type would pan out. And Jeremiah didn't expect much from the storm-chasing cowboy who volunteered to take him.But both men know all too well that when opposites attract, lightning strikes.Into the TempestJeremiah Overton is now in charge of Darwin's Bureau of Meteorology, and his storm chaser boyfriend, Tully Larson, couldn't be happier. For Tully, it means watching summer storms with the love of his life but for Jeremiah, it means relearning everything on equipment that's older than he is.But summer storms also mean it's cyclone season. While Tully's no stranger to tropical storms and the occasional cyclone, for Jeremiah, it's a first.As Tropical Cyclone Hazer bears down on the city, Jeremiah and Tully prepare to stay behind. Jeremiah knows what to expect, theoretically, but living through it is a different story.If they live through it at all.Touch the LightningWithout a working office, Jeremiah is tasked with repairing the automated weather station on Oxley Island. It's remote, only accessible by boat, and with there being a good chance of crocodiles, he's dreading it.Tully, on the other hand, can't wait.With a boat licence, his dad's boat, and two days alone with Jeremiah-and with thunderstorms likely-to Tully, it's another perfect adventure.But their plans go awry when Jeremiah's research gets far too close for comfort. Thirty years ago, the day his life was touched by lightning, he was changed forever.It's about to change again, only this time he's determined to set things right.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Jeremiah Overton is now in charge of Darwin's Bureau of Meteorology, and his storm chaser boyfriend, Tully Larson, couldn't be happier. For Tully, it means watching summer storms with the love of his life, but for Jeremiah, it means relearning everything on equipment that's older than he is.But summer storms also mean it's cyclone season. While Tully's no stranger to tropical storms and the occasional cyclone, for Jeremiah, it's a first.As Tropical Cyclone Hazer bears down on the city, Jeremiah and Tully prepare to stay behind. Jeremiah knows what to expect, theoretically, but living through it is a different story.If they live through it at all.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Without a working office, Jeremiah is tasked with repairing the automated weather station on Oxley Island. It's remote, only accessible by boat, and with there being a good chance of crocodiles, he's dreading it.Tully, on the other hand, can't wait.With a boat licence, his dad's boat, and two days alone with Jeremiah-and with thunderstorms likely-to Tully, it's another perfect adventure.But their plans go awry when Jeremiah's research gets far too close for comfort. Thirty years ago, the day his life was touched by lightning, he was changed forever.It's about to change again, only this time he's determined to set things right.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Jeremiah Overton ahora está a cargo de la Oficina de Meteorología de Darwin, y su novio cazatormentas, Tully Larson, no podría estar más feliz. Para Tully, significa ver tormentas de verano con el amor de su vida, pero para Jeremiah, significa volver a aprender todo en equipos más antiguos que él.Sin embargo, las tormentas de verano también significan que es temporada de ciclones. Si bien Tully no es ajeno a las tormentas tropicales y los ciclones ocasionales, para Jeremiah es una novedad.Mientras el ciclón tropical Hazer azota la ciudad, Jeremiah y Tully se preparan para quedarse atrás. Jeremiah sabe qué esperar, teóricamente, pero vivirlo es una historia diferente.Si es que viven.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Tully Larson has loved tropical storms since he was a kid and spent his summers with his dad in the wilds of Kakadu National Park. He's happiest outdoors, a rough and ready kind of guy who loves the power of Mother Nature and chasing the thrill of electrical storms every chance he gets.Jeremiah Overton, a fulminologist from Melbourne, chases storms for a whole different reason. Lightning has shaped his entire life and he's driven to study it, to understand it, so heading to Kakadu in the middle of the storm season is a logical thing to do. After all, the Top End is the lightning capital of Australia.Tully wasn't sure how a week at his remote bunker with an academic type would pan out. And Jeremiah didn't expect much from the storm-chasing cowboy who volunteered to take him.But both men know all too well that when opposites attract, lightning strikes.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Without a working office, Jeremiah is tasked with repairing the automated weather station on Oxley Island. It's remote, only accessible by boat, and with there being a good chance of crocodiles, he's dreading it.Tully, on the other hand, can't wait.With a boat licence, his dad's boat, and two days alone with Jeremiah-and with thunderstorms likely-to Tully, it's another perfect adventure.But their plans go awry when Jeremiah's research gets far too close for comfort. Thirty years ago, the day his life was touched by lightning, he was changed forever.It's about to change again, only this time he's determined to set things right.

  • af N. R. Walker
    197,95 kr.

    Cameron Fletcher e Lucas Hensley são publicitários que têm sessenta e cinco horas para montar a campanha de suas carreiras.Sessenta e cinco horas para se darem bem.Sessenta e cinco horas para não se matarem.Sessenta e cinco horas para se apaixonarem.

  • af N. R. Walker
    187,95 kr.

    Gideon Ellery had the perfect life. Nice house, great job, and a long-time boyfriend. But weeks after adopting his nephew, his boyfriend splits, leaving Gideon a single father to a newborn. Disillusioned, sleep deprived, and unsure how to navigate fatherhood, he's asked to return to the office. He's overwhelmed and at his breaking point.Toby Barlow is back in Sydney after three years of studying, travelling, and nannying in the UK. He needs work and a place to live, and the perfect solution drops in his lap. After all, caring for a sweet-cheeked baby in a beautiful home owned by a gorgeous single man isn't exactly terrible.Gideon isn't too keen to share his life with a stranger, but his need for help is dire. Sunshiny Toby isn't prepared for a grumpy Gideon or his utterly adorable son, Benson. Or how easily he slots into their lives. And Gideon isn't prepared for how much he needs Toby.Or how much he wants him.Neither is prepared for the complications of falling in love.

  • af N. R. Walker
    207,95 kr.

    Jeremiah Overton is now in charge of Darwin's Bureau of Meteorology, and his storm chaser boyfriend, Tully Larson, couldn't be happier. For Tully, it means watching summer storms with the love of his life, but for Jeremiah, it means relearning everything on equipment that's older than he is.But summer storms also mean it's cyclone season. While Tully's no stranger to tropical storms and the occasional cyclone, for Jeremiah, it's a first.As Tropical Cyclone Hazer bears down on the city, Jeremiah and Tully prepare to stay behind. Jeremiah knows what to expect, theoretically, but living through it is a different story.If they live through it at all.

  • af N. R. Walker
    162,95 kr.

    Tully Larson ha amado las tormentas tropicales desde que era un niño y pasaba los veranos con su padre disfrutando en la naturaleza del Parque Nacional Kakadu. Es más feliz al aire libre, un chico rudo y listo que ama el poder de la Madre Naturaleza y persigue la emoción de las tormentas eléctricas cada vez que tiene la oportunidad.Jeremiah Overton, un fulminólogo de Melbourne, persigue tormentas por una razón completamente diferente. Los rayos han dado forma a toda su vida y lo impulsan a estudiarlos, a comprenderlos, por lo que dirigirse a Kakadu en medio de la temporada de tormentas es algo lógico. Después de todo, el Top End es la capital de los rayos de Australia.Tully no está seguro de cómo resultará una semana en su búnker remoto con un chico académico. Y Jeremiah no espera mucho del vaquero cazador de tormentas que se ofreció como voluntario para llevarlo.Pero ambos hombres saben muy bien que cuando los opuestos se atraen, un rayo golpea.

  • af N. R. Walker
    187,95 kr.

    Michael Pietersen isn't up for complications.He's one of Sydney's fastest-moving career-focused corporate realtors, and the only thing he has time for is one-night stands with zero fuss.Bryson Schroeder's back home from two years overseas with plans to leave his family's hotel empire and begin his own business ventures. Out with friends to celebrate his return, he sees a gorgeous blond man across the bar, and with merely a smile and a raised eyebrow, they leave together for a night of incredible chemistry.The rules are clear: no names, no details, no complications.But one night becomes one more night, and eventually the arrangement suits them both for weeks . . . until their professional and personal worlds collide. With their hearts already on the line, Michael and Bry need to decide just how complicated they want to get.

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