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Bøger udgivet af Bluerose Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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  • af Anushka Raghuwanshi
    263,95 kr.

    The priceless pearls of my life have been beautifully decorated in the thread "Ek Yaad Purani Tu".So far this is my everything. In which some poems. The voice of broken hearts is repeating some of the beautiful moments spent together. The one who awakens pain in my heart even without loving. Decorate every beautiful dream in your eyes, this is the moment in this book. Along with this, some songs have also been presented as shields. Humming those, the mind experiences immense peace.

  • af Swati Jha
    83,95 kr.


  • af Fahmi Merchant
    153,95 kr.

    "This book is written with intention to help boys become aware of most of the life experiences and enhance their learnings towards them. Knowing in advance and in an organized manner is better than learning by committing mistakes or learning too late in life or learning in the wrong manner or learning from wrong people. Growing up kids should be prepared to carry themselves more confidently and to face the world without fear. They must be given knowledge before they encounter experiences."

  • af Raman Bhaskaran
    153,95 kr.

    For 2.5 years since the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic, people have felt extreme fear. Reason, rationality, basic math and logic have taken a severe beating. This book documents the math murder in the mad fear largely manufactured by relentless propaganda in the media. It is meant for those who want to reflect on the planet-wide panic surrounding Covid-19, to examine if it was justified, to sift truth from propaganda, to learn how we can possibly prevent such mistakes in the future. It is especially meant for the next generation, who were affected least by the virus itself, yet affected most by the irrational measures in the name of public health. They must know how the adults on the planet abandoned reason for madness, rationality for fear, and basic math for obvious absurdity. Most parts are meant to be understandable with only a secondary-school or high-school mathematics background.

  • af Gautam Deva Yadav
    138,95 kr.

    This book is especially for making people aware

  • af Kuldeep Gauba
    93,95 kr.

    This book is all about poetries. The objective of writing this book is to entertain you. Yes, that's your entertainment. The poetries in this book is all about love, romance, fun and entertainment.

  • af Prayretha
    223,95 kr.

    The book is about to know yourself and to know your value. This book teaches you to be strong when you are alone. When you are not happy then how you will make others happy. Listening to yourself is like a big thing that very few people can relate to this. The change what you do in your life should be for good deeds and must follow the consistency to keep the life balanced. In this you'll find some interesting lines, which you can use in your daily life. Knowing yourself means recognizing different parts of your personality, identity and being. To achieve success here are the steps to go on it. In this book you'll get to know your necessity, value and many more.

  • af Devashri Mahajan
    103,95 kr.

    """Inner voice of a blooming girl"" is her first book with a numerous collection of poems which signifies the Discrimination of gender, particularly of ancient Indian society. And some are still existing in rural areas and some urban areas as well. She stated each and every movement of a girl child from her birth to death in this book (most highlighted topic). She even spoke loud through her poems about today's youth, which are destroying their lives in the stream of consciousness, addiction of drugs, overthinking and most importantly the overuse of technology. Also added up teenager's love. She even wrote about the most spectacular personality and the bravest emperor of Maharashtra, India i.e Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. She has even penned down her feelings about all the versatile topics which are in trend for today's generation."

  • af Nida Ahmed
    288,95 kr.

    "Love comes in unexpected ways, when we're not looking for it, in the least; but it comes when our heart knows we need it. We wish love was an easy road, but how will we ever enjoy the landscape on the way without its curves? How will we ever know how far we've come if there are no pauses along the way? This is the story of one such journey, packed with its own share of sunsets, shooting stars, full moon nights, and nights that were pitch dark but where stars still found their way out."

  • af Ruplekha Dey
    83,95 kr.

    "Shinee's Dreams is the story of the adventures of Shinee and her friends. It is about their friendship's journey, their emotional roller-coaster ride and learning from the events. In an excellent new way of storytelling, the author here has used fantasy or the power of imagination to teach basic scientific facts. The chapters are weaved in a very interesting way to attract children to the world of books. Today, easy access to the digital world is available to all, including children. This is driving them away from the literary arena. Reading books aids proper development of the thought process and analytical mindset of a child. Books should again become a companion of all children."

  • af Amar Ramanuj Yadav
    183,95 kr.

    In Yauvan Madhushala, through the medium of prose and poetry, the poet meticulously talks about the many different aspects and facets of life that we as human beings experience. The poem overflows with youthful sarcasm as it challenges that which is orthodox and conventional. The poet is making an attempt to sympathise with those who are at the margins of our world. Yauvan Madhushala is a poem full of love and life and is abundant in its attempts to make analogies and metaphors which will compel the reader to be mesmerized by its beauty. The poet wants to take the reader on a journey, A journey he hopes will be just as enriching for the reader as it was for him. This poem is a laborious attempt to offer a beautiful ode to Life.

  • af Harbans Singh
    113,95 kr.


  • af Ravindra Kumar
    183,95 kr.

    'Harmony 1' is a nonfiction self help book which desires to seek people's attention for living a better quality life in togetherness. 'Harmony 1' focuses on being human which is a great opportunity for all of us to understand life & lives, further to put our collective efforts into adding atleast 1%betterment to our surroundings.We all togethr can always make a difference & reward this world with a better tomorrow 'Initiating 2040' is a campaign run by the author focusing to initiate and spread global harmony by the year 2040 through a series of steps taken collectively by love and support from all of which this book is a vital part.

  • af Ralph Munango
    153,95 kr.

    The Little Book of Poems is a collection of poems and stories about things that hurt us, break us, move us, love, lust, hope, and healing. Love and Pain. Two powerful forces in life. Regardless of the turbulences in life, we always have to be like eagles. Rise up and soar above our circumstances to dust ourselves up and shine.

  • af Proyash Sarkar
    193,95 kr.

    The book is all about love between four people. The story opens with a teenage boy, Ishan, coming to the city of Kolkata for his higher studied. Having no other accommodation he started staying with his elderly cousin brother, Suman. Right from the beginning Suman was mesmerised with the looks of this boy. Ishan loved his cousin brother without knowing that Suman was already in a relationship with another guy, Avijit. Perhaps, it could hardly alter his attitude towards Suman, as being a rustic boy, he had little or no idea about same-sex relationships. Furthermore, Sumanda was his elder cousin. Rupsa returning from abroad came to Suman and was intrigued by all the complications that were going on. She also liked Suman, but couldn't express her feelings since she was confused whether Suman also liked her in the sense in which she liked him; she was also confused about the complex liaison that was going on between these three boys. Could Suman clarify it a bit? But she knew Suman for many years. He was one of those tight lipped and grim jawed guys, whom you can't understand, unless they themselves voluntarily express their feelings..

  • af Singh Tonk
    93,95 kr.

    I am not reputed as a charismatic leader with a gifted pen - a youthful firebrand, at once impassioned and refined. But I begin fitfully to work on poems. This is full of emotions that started flowing down on paper. As the title of my book "VERSE FROM HEART" relates to the feelings and emotions of my heart. I have penned down certain poems. My poems consist of many things. You'll find about love, nature, and beauty. How Nature soothes the mind and beauty soothe the heart. Some characters are there I have mentioned. Their life, struggle, and my attachment to them. I have penned down about farmers and poor people. How their life is miserable. How they have always been trampled under the bare feet of their fate. You'll find my remorse about something that happened against humanity. So, dear readers, you'll find all meaningful thoughts and emotions. Kindly go through the book and suggest the best in the future. -THANK YOU-

  • af Ganesan Kumar
    103,95 kr.

    LOVE STORYWALLAH is a sequel to the author's first book STORYWALLAH published and first sold at Amazon on 1st January 2018, and predictably a collection of 9 love stories. But the stories are anything but predictable. Each presents its very unique shade of love, set in different eras, spaces, genres and places. Each story has its own unique expression and interpretation of what love truly is. Some stories pass like the breeze, leaving you feeling warm inside. Some sting like a tight slap. Some leave you amused and craving for more and some simply make you wonder in its very possibility. Like the word LOVE itself, this book is difficult to explain in words. But when you get to the end of it, you would realise that each of these tales leave their lovemark on you.

  • af Mukesh Bhansali
    338,95 kr.

    The essence of this book, "Woh hai, main tha" is quite literally in the name itself. It consists of poems that truly will connect people with the feeling of love. Situations may vary, but we've all felt love and the feeling of losing it. We may not know each other, but we know that feeling and that's how we have already established a relationship.

  • af Sunil Singh
    193,95 kr.


  • af Anjali Saini
    93,95 kr.


  • af Minakshi Singh
    93,95 kr.

    Food Of The Forest is about the author's personal journey and her discoveries in the forest. She not only shares her experiences with us but gives an insight into the life of the forest which consists of animals, herbs, flowers and trees. Using this knowledge, she has put together many recipes and infusions which create a beautiful balance between wellness and health.

  • af Elizabeth Hart
    218,95 kr.

    A year after the birth of their fourth daughter, Victoria Thorton, Countess of Wolfshire, is frustrated that her husband is avoiding her. He is polite and kind and proper with her, but that is part of the problem. He treats her like a society miss and not as his wife. After ten years of marriage and four children, the changes she sees in her husband and her own self, makes Torie uneasy and almost fearful of losing him. Yet, making her husband confide anything in her has become near impossible. After witnessing the horrors of childbirth, when his wife almost died giving birth to their fourth daughter, Alistair Thorton, The Earl of Wolfshire, made a vow to never endanger his wife in that manner again. In the year after his youngest was born, he had painfully but steadily distanced himself from his wife, driven only by the need to keep his wife safe and his family together - his own needs and sorrowed heart be damned. When an irritated Torie overhears a gossip plotting to seduce Alistair and coax him into taking a mistress, Victoria decides to toss aside ton etiquette and approach the four times widowed Carolin for help in persuading her husband back into her bed. When old friends appear, re-kindling long-lost fond and not- so-fond friendships, tempers run high fuelled by jealousy and the Thortons find themselves fighting for what they believed always belonged to them.

  • af Trilochan Singh Kalra
    633,95 kr.

    There is no book for creativity, but when it comes to visual arts, the first focus is on the camera. As much as a camera is necessary for photography, it is also necessary to have knowledge of technology related to the camera. Often after buying an expensive camera, people are unaware of the technical knowledge of the camera, so they mostly take photos on easy or auto shoot modes, then they do not get much good results, for amateur photography people, photography and media students Also the technical settings of the camera create problems! For photography lovers, I have tried to write the complex settings of the camera in simple words of Hindi language.In photojournalism, I have tried to bring the experiences gained from thirty and seventeen years of photography teaching in my first book "Roshni Ka Tilism Hai Photography"! Those associated with the photography business, media students, children, housewives and people who are unaware of photography can also increase their knowledge by using this book after reading it! It is hoped that this book will prove to be extremely useful for amateur photography lovers of any age

  • af (Dr. Jai Paul Dudeja
    372,95 kr.

    There have been reports of the amazing capacity of some of the Tibetan Buddhist Monks practicing Tummo meditation in Tibetan Buddhism at temperatures of around -250 C in the Himalayas. A team of scientists from USA and Israel went to these spots by carrying some dry towels with them. When these towels were made wet in the snow and spread on the naked bodies of the semi-nude meditating monks practicing Tummo meditation, to the surprise of these scientists, these towels were getting dried up in no time. Subsequently the analysts came to the conclusion that this meditation generated a lot of heat (inner fire) in the bodies of these meditators who were using it for the spiritual purpose. This incident triggered me to go deep in not only about Tummo meditation but many other profound meditation practices in Tibetan Buddhism in this book.

  • af Shiv Shankar Singh
    103,95 kr.

    Seeking invaluable lessons from his life and entrepreneurial endeavors, surveillance brand Securenet's Founder Shiv Shankar Sharma shares his motivational bits and encouraging words through this book. This collection of inspiring and positive anecdotes is an fresh read for youngsters hoping to step into the dynamic world of business but are still clueless to navigate this path. More than any theory or methodologies, what works best for an entrepreneur is the spirit to continue going forward despite facing hardships. From time management to the art of transforming from a person to a influential personality, the book offers youngsters, all what they need to know to navigate this complex path of life to attain success. This book will be your guide, an encouraging colleague, and a reliable friend in the times of your need!

  • af Mohini Mansa
    208,95 kr.

    Love is an energy; Energy is dynamic. If it moves, you will soon find that it is no longer love, it has become meditation, it has become prayer. Herein lies the whole path of tantra-that if love is properly developed, if the attitude of love is carefully looked after, it becomes a prayer. It ultimately becomes the highest experience of righteousness. When a person feels the energy of that love only for the first time. So, it becomes a strange mystery to that person. Because there the intellect does not do its work because the intellect cannot understand that mystery at all. For that we must open those doors of the heart, opening of which every living being is afraid. Because the more freedom that door gives you. The same amount of secrets completely engulfs you in themselves. You are like that hunter where you are hunting your own prey and away then you feel cheated. Because our mind cannot open or solve this fiber web. He will try to understand it as intellectually as possible. The more he will get entangled in it.

  • af Mohini Mansa
    283,95 kr.

    The sun had not yet set, the amber light was still shining stuck on the distant hilltops. At the same time, the clouds had also started filling you with beauty with many colors. How is this miracle of nature, when you have not seen the changing atmosphere of the evening, then you cannot imagine the beauty that is scattered there. Until your heart has drunk it and your eyes have not seen it. Those pictures that change every moment look so strange and beautiful. In between, flocks of birds were returning to their respective nests. Sometimes the screeching sound of a peacock used to make the whole environment tremble. As if pain came from somewhere and moaned on those grass leaves. The evening time seems to bring a dryness, a deep sleep for the whole of nature. This is a kind of treaty period or it can also be called a rest period. After the uproar of the day, an empty water or which can also be called a small death. Mansa-Mohani Dasghara

  • af Rashmi Sharan
    183,95 kr.


  • af Sujata
    108,95 kr.

    A detailed story of rigorous struggle which lies behind building of Balika vidyapith has been recorded by Mr Harshvardhan retd IAS in his book "Ek Anokhi Jeevan yaatra" which must be read by everyone specially those who take interest in development of women's education and empowerment in this province. "Shikhar tak jaate padchihn" which means footprints ascending towards the peak has myriad hues of contemporary life underlying which is high strung human and emotional values which make these pieces thought provoking and intense. Once you pick up the book it will simply take you along it's flow. It will be an enriching experience and it will serve a great purpose of nurturing the language. It will help Hindi to restore it's quality as well as sanctity which is need of the day.

  • af Ashok M. Biradar
    193,95 kr.

    The main aim of this book is regarding good and bad actions (Karmas) and will be useful for educated, uneducated and common people. The main source book is Bhagwat-Geeta. The perishable materialistic body components, particularly mind and intellect are responsible for good and bad Karmas analysed in this book. The imperishable soul consists of pure self (Atama) and tinted spirit. The soul is responsible for the re-birth. In human beings the ego, desire, attachments are the main causes for unhappiness therefore, a separate chapter is devoted for egoness. In last two chapters spiritual life and super-consciousness or almighty or Gods attributes are high-lighted.

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