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  • - The Tale of a Waggy Tail
    af Lynne Wissink-Tressler
    162,95 kr.

    This is a tale about an ordinary woman in northern New England who takes in a feisty, extraordinary dog rescued from the streets of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.

  • - Short Stories by William Hallstead
    af William Hallstead
    172,95 kr.

  • af J Lee Burke
    207,95 kr.

  • - Mystery # 3 The Phone Call
    af Dorothy Seymour Mills
    172,95 kr.

  • - Mystery # 2 The Wet Bathing Suit
    af Dorothy Seymour Mills
    172,95 kr.

  • - First Mystery The Kiss
    af Dorothy Seymour Mills
    172,95 kr.

    362,95 kr.

    TRANS WORLD AIRLINES - A Book of Memories is a history of TWA offered in a different and most unique format... through the eyewitness experiences of its flight crews and ground workers, as well as friends of the company who share their reminiscences. TWA was a pioneer and an important domestic and international airline that played prominently in developing commercial aviation. This book introduces the founders of the airline and some of the early pilots, flight attendants and mechanics who set the standard. We also glimpse inside to the legendary and colorful Howard Hughes, who shaped the airline and campaigned for the Lockheed Constellation. We also learn about Carl Icahn and his controversial leadership of the airline. Jon Proctor, who devoted twenty-seven years of his professional life to TWA, contributed several stories, including a description of TWA's famous Royal Ambassador Service and the Grand Canyon crash. Jon has also contributed many of the beautiful photographs of TWA aircraft that grace the pages of this book. Another TWA veteran, George Hamlin, also contributed many images, as well as stories about the iconic Flight Center at New York International Airport. Other contributions detail many of the VIPs who traveled on TWA, including White House press charters for Presidents Johnson and Nixon; plus Hollywood celebrities, and legendary figures such as Bing Crosby and David Letterman. These are stories from the heart, from employees who dedicated their entire professional careers to the airline, involved personally with the incredible achievements that made TWA the carrier it was. The people of TWA, numbering in the tens of thousands, literally spanned the globe over the years. We invite readers to enjoy these stories, which revisit an era that will never be replicated.

  • af S R Maxeiner
    212,95 kr.

  • af Cass D Howell
    177,95 kr.

  • af William Hallstead
    222,95 kr.

  • af Howard P Giordano
    247,95 kr.

  • - A Love Story With Recipes
    af Olga Weiss Hipschman
    172,95 kr.

  • af S V (Steve) Dedmon
    277,95 kr.

  • af Stephen V Dedmon
    142,95 kr.

    Questions, questions, questions. Political events, sporting venues, breaking news, all elicit questions. Questions come in a various forms, for a variety of reasons. Some probing, some patronizing, other preposterous, questions are-questions. We are in an age when, if you stick a microphone or other type of recording device in someone's face, there is a question that follows. Some questions are rude, others are ridiculous. For example, ever heard an interviewer ask a question and wonder what was the point or how could it be appropriate under the circumstances? Too many times, questions are asked for shock value rather than attempting to prompt an open, honest response. Still others are used to trap or traumatize. The second in the Layman's Look series, Questions Jesus Asked, looks at a variety of questions Jesus asked a very diverse audience. Some of those who Jesus confronted and challenged included the blind, the rich, the curious, his disciples and avowed enemy. The questions address not only spiritual and practical issues, but do so in a manner that exposed and brings to light spiritual truths. Ultimately, those being asked the questions saw themselves and Jesus in a context that would forever change their lives. The text can be used by an individual, or in a group dynamic, such as a Sunday school environment as a weekly study. In Questions Jesus Asked, readers will see Jesus as the master of asking the right questions. Those questions provoked the responder to examine and see themselves spiritually in a new, and in most cases, life changing way. From these questions and the answers they elicited, we get a glimpse into our own lives as we walk and witness for the cause of Christ. Whether a new or seasoned believer, these questions are as pertinent today as they were when Jesus asked them. It may do us a great service to answer them afresh as well. S.V. (Steve) Dedmon earned his bachelor's degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) and Juris Doctor from Nova Southeastern University. At ERAU, he teaches a variety of aviation law related courses. He is member of the Florida and United States Supreme Court Bars as well as past chair and current member of the Florida Bar Aviation Law committee. Since accepting Christ, he has been a member of various Southern Baptist churches where he has taught in various ministries as well as served as a deacon. Steve is a staunch defender and zealous advocate for the divine inspiration and inerrancy of God's Word. He has been married for 37 years to his wife Suzanne and they have two children. He is an avid tennis player and aviation enthusiast as the owner of two aircraft, one of which was the primary trainer in WWII. He and Suzanne reside in Fleming Island, Florida.

  • - The Biography of Captain Leroy H. Brown
    af Leroy H Brown & Leo F Murphy
    188,95 kr.

    In 1936, a wide-eyed boy by the name of LeRoy Brown clambered aboard a 1929 Waco 10 converted to crop dusting duty, sat down in the grimy hopper, and then launched into a clear-blue Florida sky on a wondrous flight that ignited a life-long passion with flying and airplanes. More than 35,000 flight hours later, Captain LeRoy Brown stepped out of the cockpit of a Pan American World Airways DC-10 to end a commercial aviation career that spanned nearly five decades . In between, he filled dozens of logbooks with exciting tales of flying biplane crop dusters, B-17 freight haulers, old airliners, surplus military trainers, state-of-the-art propeller and jet airliners, and more than 150 personally owned airplanes. Packed with photographs and generous sidebars of supplemental information, From Crop Duster to Airline Captain chronicles the life and flying stories of Captain LeRoy Brown, 2009 inductee into the Florida Aviation Historical Association Hall of Fame and 2012 recipient of the Federal Aviation Administration's Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award.

  • af Howard P Giordano
    182,95 kr.

  • af David Myles Robinson
    177,95 kr.

  • af William Hallstead
    162,95 kr.

  • af T H Bear
    227,95 kr.

  • af T H Bear
    293,95 kr.

  • af Suzi Weinert
    237,95 kr.

  • af Alex Burton
    182,95 kr.

    "Alex Burton has an engaging style of writing that is educational, yet you forget that you're learning as it is so enjoyable to read. His personal experiences and passion for aviation are seamlessly interwoven with academic knowledge throughout the essays. Alex has gifted the industry with his 'Flight and Flying' collections, which are an excellent read for professionals and students alike." Dr. Suzanne Kearns Assistant Professor, Commercial Aviation Management DAN Management and Organizational Studies Western University "Alex Burton is the kind of instructor who we all want to teach us how to fly. His monthly column 'From the Training Seat' published in the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association's newspaper, COPA Flight, reveals how passionate and knowledgeable he is as a flight instructor and pilot examiner. This collection of articles written by Alex should help keep you ahead of your aircraft." Michel Hell Publisher/Editor Canadian Owners and Pilots Association "Alex is a truly professional Flight Instructor and performed admirably as the Chief Flight Instructor of a University flight School. Well organized, he displayed strong leadership qualities in leading his staff and obtaining solid performance in his students Flight Test results. On a personal level, Alex is a friendly individual who is intensely interested in flight instruction and who inspires others, instructors and students alike, to excel. Alex is also an exact, very competent pilot who sets high standards for his students to emulate." Lt. Col. Doug Gillanders RCAF ret. (CF-104 Pilot) "I have known and worked with Alex for over 15 years in my previous role as an Inspector with Transport Canada and later while conducting Flight Instructor Refresher Courses. As a professional aviation educator, Alex has an unending enthusiasm to share his knowledge and experience with the aviation training industry, in person with his students and in trade publications. His quiet demeanour brings a calming authority whether teaching the hands-on skills of flying a tail-dragger or teaching the intricacies of advanced levels of the pedagogy of peripatetic teaching. I highly recommend Alex, ...he cares." Bob Leroux ATPL Chief Instructor, Pilot Examiner NavPath Aviation Ltd "I learned about flying by listening to my mentors and peers. Sharing both the joys and hazards of flight was what we called "hangar flying." It was the culture of our flight training. I'll never forget the many lessons I learned and still remember to this day that were described from actual personal experiences: the better the story - the easier to remember the lesson. And, the better the instructor - the better was the story. Alex Burton is a great instructor. Enjoy as he shares his personal knowledge of aviation in a manner extremely interesting to both professionals and students alike." Robert B. Barnes Former USAF Flight and Academic Instructor (T-38) President, International Association of Flight Training Professionals (IAFTP) The Flight and Flying collection is an excellent resource for students and seasoned aviators. Author Alex Burton's work is an excellent contribution to the field. The strong academic foundation of the essays is further enhanced by the many real-world examples. This combination of practical application, theory and solid research are presented in clear, accessible prose that will appeal to a wide range of readers. Dr. Kori Street, Chair, Aviation Department Bissett School of Aviation Mount Royal University Calgary, Alberta

  • af Kevin Montgomery
    186,95 kr.

  • af Karl Boyd
    157,95 kr.

    WARNING! TRUST ME: DO NOT BEGIN READING THIS NOVEL LATE IN THE EVENING OR YOU WILL BE AWAKE THROUGH THE WEE HOURS ATTEMPTING TO REACH THE THRILLING CONCLUSON! Terroristic Signs Through a seemingly disconnected series of events, a young college student, Katie Atkins stumbles upon plans for a terrorist attack designed to kill thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of innocent American citizens. Her source of information is so strange, her co-workers or friends won't listen, believe or assist her quest to prevent the disaster. Finally, with two other witnesses accompanying her, she decides to take matters into her own hands and go to the FBI. One of the plotters overhears her plans, so Katie and one of her friends are subsequently killed, but one escapes a cleverly designed "accidental" explosion orchestrated by a hired assassin named Claude Werner, who assumes incorrectly he has killed them all, so the terrorists continue with their diabolical plans. When Claude arrives to collect his payoff, he is ambushed, shot twice and left to drown in an abandoned quarry, but survives when a neighbor hears the shots, investigates and finds him in the water. After his recovery, Claude vows revenge on the terrorists. Knowing they are not constrained by moral or ethical law, he uses their own style of evil, shock, and fear to circumvent their organization and inflect his deadly retribution. The trail of bodies he leaves behind, and the way they are taken out of action attracts the attention of FBI Agent Kris Hefner and local law enforcement officers in Sulfur Springs, CO, who join forces to solve not only those crimes, but the mystery of why so many people connected with a nerve gas facility have been murdered in the past month. In an out of the ordinary twist of conscience, Claude forms a friendship with police Sergeant Joe Francone and gives him updates on his progress. One of those whom Claude killed left behind a cryptic note in some sort of code, which may lead to the deadly device the terrorists plan to use. Now, although the concept has been discovered, the lawmen still do not know the location of the planned attack, date or time, or where the device is stored. In order to save their fellow citizens, they must decipher the true meaning of: Bad, Man, Fell, X, Man, Is, Far, East, Man, Terror, Is, Nervous, Gas, Football, Fall, Hide, Three, Two, Fire, X, Cotton, Food, Bowl, Kill, President, Thousands. Will they? Only time and the tantalizing tale contained within these two covers will tell. Enjoy! Karl Boyd is a retired US Air Force Master Sergeant. Much of Karl's writing is taken from personal experiences while serving with the military in such locations as Bermuda, Iceland, Saudi Arabia and Hawaii, plus the Middle and Far East. Karl and his wife, Carol, now reside on the Gulf Coast of Texas where he enjoys fishing and writing.

  • af William Hallstead
    142,95 kr.

    He took another step toward me. And grinned. "I should have got St. John to say a prayer for you." Then he burst into laughter. "Jesus, Durkin, you're about to die and you're standing here in rubber gloves holding-what in hell are those?" "Poison-dart frogs. That's why the gloves, Ted." And his disgusted grimace gave me a flicker of hope. "Remember? I told you their sweat can kill. And these little bastards are damned nervous." * * * Emmett Durkin, chief of the Philadelphia-based Rebner Foundation's Research Station Four, stands on the 20-foot-high embankment overlooking the Amazon's Trombetas River. He accepted a science posting in South America thinking he and his new wife, Felicia, would enjoy a two-year period of "unhurried scientific study" cataloging marine specimens for the Foundation. For the first few months, all was as expected. Then, Theodore Rebner, screw-up nephew of the Foundation's chairman, Oliver Rebner, showed up somewhat unexpectedly. The questions were why was Theodore in the humid climes of the Amazon? What was his purpose with Station Four? What follows is a contentious period of conflict between Durkin and Rebner that soon spills over into the lives of the others at Station Four. Bill Hallstead has crafted a novel of intrigue, action, passions, and more. The characters of River of Madness are well developed and the descriptions of the river and action by Hallstead quickly allows readers into the story as if they were at the Amazon with Emmett, Felicia, and Ted.

  • af Suzi Weinert
    187,95 kr.

  • - Two Faces of Love
    af Lennie McLennan Martin
    152,95 kr.

  • af William Hallstead
    238,95 kr.

    Germany's use of the great Zeppelins in World War I marked the very fi rst time aerial strategic bombing took place in the world. It was a terrible way to wage war. For the British, it was horrible on the ground underneath the behemoths dropping their bombs. For the Germans flying the great airships, survival became a daily question. Using this historical time as a backdrop, William Hallstead penned a novel of action, adventure, intrigue, love, and espionage. Konteradmiral Erwin Gunther Kottenhoff is a traditional navy man. He loved the old navy, the battleship navy, his former life on steel decks challenging the restless sea. He detested the way the new airship program deleted national funds he believed should be used in maintaining Germany's first line of defense - the ships he had spent most of his life sailing. In an effort to gather more information on the new Naval Airship Division, he enlists the aid of his secretary, the daughter of a dear friend, and a newly commissioned naval officer. The two, Alexia Tammler and Peter Reinhart, agree to spy on the new department for Admiral Kottenhoff. In the course of their clandestine meetings, the two find themselves in love. Through the course of the First World War, they live each day as it comes to them. Will they survive the war? Will they be caught by the authorities spying for the aging admiral? Will Germany win the war? And regardless of the victor, what will life offer beyond the war? William Hallstead crafted a wonderful story of the airship war against the flavor of the era. In reading this well-researched novel, readers will quickly find themselves knowledgeable about much of the history of the beginning and end of the German airships.

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