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诗歌的创立来自于巫师针对上苍的内心呼唤,具有升华文明的思考并行为反省。 于是通过文本的翻译达到行为的翻译,有现代修养的动词让某些落后的舞台暴露得更加彻底,这些落后的舞台早已承受不起人类个性解放的动作,所以对舞台的改革愿望也在通过翻译而四处传达。 Among the genres of literature, poetry originated from a shaman's heartfelt inner cry to the heavens, embodying his thoughts about cultural enlightenment and his reflections upon behavior. That being so, by translating texts (from one language into another), one can arrive at translation of thought into behavior. At present we have a modern discourse of self-cultivation which thoroughly exposes the backwardness of certain social spheres. Because backward spheres are no longer adequate to the liberation of human personality, some people engage in translation in order to disseminate the wish to reform such arenas.
A Heart of Gold is a practical guide into the practice of Loving Kindness. For anyone who is discouraged by a culture that focuses on scarcity and being busy, author Jane Reeves offers within these pages a more generous way to live. She opens up a different way of being in the world, a method that is steeped in the practice of Loving Kindness. Through stories in her own life and many years of being a guide for others, Jane shows how Loving Kindness can revolutionize a life. Loving Kindness is both a way to increase your own happiness and to bring happiness to others. There will never be an end to suffering and there will never be an end to personal pain, growth and evolution, but Loving Kindness offers us a practice where we can sit down in our bodies and feel our way into our hearts. It is a tried and true practice for grounding and centering. Loving Kindness will always lead to finding peace and more happiness. Jane teaches that anyone in the world, anywhere, no matter what age, gender, background, race or socioeconomic structure can learn how to weave Loving Kindness into ordinary life. Loving Kindness is universal in its accessibility. At the end of each chapter is a simple practice that you can use to grow Loving Kindness in your life, so that as you read, you can experience the deep joys and benefits of this spiritual quality. You can use this book over any number of months or weeks to give yourself time to develop the qualities discussed and the practices provided. And you can return to them again and again in the years to come. This book serves as a practical guide for weaving Loving Kindness into your own life, for finding the heart of gold within yourself so that it can lead you home.
夢の欠片, or Fragment of Dreams, is a book that explores the relationship between photos and dreams. How they both can be recalled in pieces and by putting them together, a story can be formed.
作者渔魂王是中国改革开放后第一批大学生(七七级),于一九八九年在上海医科大学获医学博士学位,同年到美国进行博士后深造。之后,作为一名生物科学的研究者,他先后在美国滨州大学(University of Pennsylvania)和几个世界著名的科学研究机构(包括 Mayo Clinic 和 National Institutesof Health)从事生物科学研究至今,并在许多世界知名的生物学杂志上发表近百篇科学文章。 作者从小喜欢文学,并在十几年前一个偶然的机会开始写一些零零碎碎的文字,后来一发不可收拾,先后发表随笔,散文和短篇小说二百多篇,在最近几年里写出三部长篇小说并通过溪流出版社和南方出版社出版发行。作者最喜欢的业余活动为钓鱼,并根据自己的钓鱼经历写出了各种各样与钓鱼有关的千奇百怪的作品。 在这部十万多字的《钓鱼奇遇记》里,作者收集了九篇他最近六年中写的钓鱼故事。在这些纪实文章里,作者描述了他在美国各地钓鱼的亲身经历,记述了在看起来平淡无奇的钓鱼过程中发生的奇闻轶事和离奇古怪的故事,作者在写作上幽默与诙谐的文风,使得这部纪实文学作品成为海外唯一的一部用中文写作的钓鱼经历。作者分享了他丰富的钓鱼经验,也记叙了在美国钓鱼必备的知识。这本书实在是一本难得的美国钓鱼指南。
Preme Magazine with Elizabeth Cambage - WNBA ISSUE. Elizabeth Folake Cambage is an Australian professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Sparks of the Women's National Basketball Association. Cambage currently holds the WNBA single-game scoring record with her 53-point performance against the New York Liberty on 17 July 2018
Religious songs can be played by the following instruments Flute, Clarinet, Cello, Piano, Oboe, Bassoon. All songs played by each instrument are transposed. Music is easy to play. Chords are added along. Fun for entertainment
يضم هذا الكتاب كافة الحقائق التاريخية والتقنية لكل عنصر من العناصر المائة والثمانية عشر. ولهذا السبب، تحول إلى هذا الحجم. ولقد استغرق تأليفه قرابة الثمانية سنوات، وتطلب الرجوع إلى الكتب الأجنبية التي تهتم بموضوعات الجدول الدوري، وهي غير متوفرة في المكتبة العربية. ولقد تم إعداد الكتاب لكي يلبي احتياجات جميع شرائح ومستويات القراء من مختلف تخصصاتهم العلمية والهندسية والثقافية. وهو مناسب لمستوى الطلاب من المرحلة المتوسطة إلى مستوى المعلمين (وخصوصا أصحاب التخصصات العلمية) والمهندسين والباحثين. ومثلما تركز الحديث عن تاريخ العناصر ومكتشفيها، فقد تناول ترتيب العناصر بناء على تاريخ اكتشافها من الأقدم إلى الأحدث (من النحاس إلى التينيسين). ولم يجر ترتيب تلك العناصر بناء على أعدادها الذرية (كما فعل العالم هنري موزلي) كما لم يتم تناول تلك العناصر على شكل مجموعات (كما يقوم به المتخصصون في الكيمياء). ولأن تخصصي هو الأحياء، فقد اهتممت بالحديث عن استخدامات وفوائد كل عنصر الطبية والحيوية بقدر المستطاع.
A street photography mini photo book about being in the moment or being incognito.
Mis Cartas Para Ti is a compilation of poems the author wrote for someone she loved. The little love letters about heartbreak and grief turn into self-love letters as the author goes through her healing journey.
The Valentine's Day Stalker In Love The Cast Iron Mask Morthoror Is a American Erotic Romance Mystery Suspense Psychological Thriller Novel Written By Author MCGOKU305 SAN The Story Is a Retelling Of The Original Story Follows The Troubled Childhood Wealthy British Man Name Philip Collins Peterson From The Time Of His Childhood to Teenage Life and Adulhood Who Hides His Identity By Wearing a Leather Cast Iron Mask This Man Is a English Man That is a Insane Psychopath Stalker That is in Love With Any Women He See's But if he Finds out he Can't have Her Phillip Then Goes insane by Stalking her then Ending her Life or whomever She is dating or married to life as well only On Valentine's Day This Is a Good Purchase For Any Adult That Loves Romance Novels and Mystery Suspense Novels and Psychological Novels and Good Stories - MCGOKU305 SAN
تفقدت الباب ولم أجد أحدا غير ذلك الظرف المكتوب عليه إلى من أحببت يوماً... تلك الرسالة الملقاة على الأرض، كأنها سافرت عصور حتى أتت إلي بعد عاصفة رملية في منتصف الصحراء المنسية وانا هي تلك المنسية، تساءلت عن محتواها اشتياق... وفاة... فراق...هم، وربما جاءت من صديق قديم أو إلى العائلة السابقة التي اشتريت منزلهم حديثا، فتحت الرسالة بفضول، وردة بيضاء مجعدة مطوية داخل الرسالة عليها بقعة دم حمراء، سألت نفسي كيف عرف صاحبها بأني لا أحب سوى لون العفة والطهر والبراءة، لون أبيض ملائكي، ربما بُعثت منه إلي، حتى يعتذر عن تصرفاته الغبية، عن غيابه المحطم عن عدم التقائنا في صدفة، مسحت دموعي... بدأت أقرأ أول رسالة تصلني منذ أن أجرت هذا المنزل، أغلقت بابي... جلست على الأرض، في ذلك المنتصف... أعيش تفاصيل لحظة حتمية تحدد المصير المعلق وحبل مشنقتي ينتظر.
《赤裸人生》是一部紀實體長篇小說,小說的第一主角丁育生的原型即他的哥哥莊彥斌,後半部分的主角丁育心則是他自己。丁育生原本是造反的學生領袖,紅衛兵造反司 令,因為家庭成分不好,一夜之間淪為黑五類。命運的捉弄讓丁育生走上逃亡之路。丁育生在逃亡中接觸到了社會的最底層,親眼目睹了文革造成的悲慘世界。他的認識在昇華,思想比同齡人更深刻、更透徹,他知道之所以出現文革這樣的慘劇,不僅是因為 幾個野心家作祟,更是由於共產體制釀成毀天滅地的浩劫。他開始用自己製造的收音機收聽"敵臺",他甚至委託弟弟丁育心給設立在香港的國民黨電臺郵寄"掛鉤信",寄信的後果是哥倆雙雙被捕入獄,作為反革命分子,哥哥被判處死刑,弟弟判處無期徒刑。 得知哥哥被槍斃的消息,在獄中的弟弟悔恨交加,痛不欲生,他割腕自殺,卻又被救起,在煉獄中繼續著靈魂和肉體的雙重煎熬。哥哥的死讓弟弟決定,要把這一切都記錄下來,留給後人,留給歷史。莊曉斌雖然只有初中文化,卻決心小說的形式記錄歷史。
《自由之血》简介 书中的主人公高风是一个天生具有诗和梦幻气质的人,活得有血有肉、本真自然的人。从小梦想自由、太阳与光明。他出身在一个被推翻的国民党官僚地主家庭,由于阶级偏见和阶级歧视,使他蒙受最深的痛苦。在那个年代中几乎先天地注定受到压抑和凌厉的箝制。他一生经历过土地改革,镇压反革命,反右派斗争乃至文化大革命等系列政治运动。每次运动都使他受到冲击和波动,成为在劫难逃的"罪人"。但他并没有因此而放弃初衷,向"革命"、运动和暴虐妥协;而是一次又一次奋起坚持反叛和抗争。在文化大革命中,他一反东方人伦道德清规戒律,当亿万人民山呼万岁、俯首贴耳齐声祈祷、统一思想言行,收敛七情六欲之时,他却反其道而行之我行我素、独往独来,胆敢冲着皇帝老子"撒尿",自我解放本能和放纵情欲。 这部小说带有虚构的性质,也带有自传纪实的成份,全书交又融汇运用了小说、回忆录、散文、文论随笔、书信、日记等各种形式,全方位地表现宇宙个体生命精神。作品表现了一个颠狂而本真的生命在极权主义制度下不甘俯首就范的生命冲动和隐秘,以及作为一个人性格的多重性和复杂性。这部作品不仅是一部关于一个普通人的奇特生活、命运、遭际、冒险、挑战与叛逃的真实再现,它的精神和心理瞬息万变的斑烂图像也是一部关于以"不断革命"名义发动的一系列极左政治运动的艺术实录,和弥漫东方大地的社会精神鸟托邦演变最终必然走向幻灭和全面崩溃的历史。在一个日趋商品化的社会中,这样的书只有不多几部。 这是一部自由赤裸人的灵魂与肉体的生命史书。阅读这部书,便是进入一个个体生命心灵与肉体的发展史,苦难史,屈辱史与抗争史、反叛史。阅读这部书,也是进入一个民族的生命断代史,一部二十世纪中国封埋已久的社会运动史,一部精神受难史和思想反叛史。一个民族的灵魂与肉身的折腾史、扭曲史、异化史、灾难史! 这是作者黄翔的宏篇巨制:东方式的追忆逝水年华;中国当代自由文学中被禁毁的《古拉格群岛》和《日瓦戈医生》的综合版;现代中国人生命历史的深层体验和见证;中国当代自由人文精神和灵魂奥秘的传奇和史诗。
《自由之血》简介 书中的主人公高风是一个天生具有诗和梦幻气质的人,活得有血有肉、本真自然的人。从小梦想自由、太阳与光明。他出身在一个被推翻的国民党官僚地主家庭,由于阶级偏见和阶级歧视,使他蒙受最深的痛苦。在那个年代中几乎先天地注定受到压抑和凌厉的箝制。他一生经历过土地改革,镇压反革命,反右派斗争乃至文化大革命等系列政治运动。每次运动都使他受到冲击和波动,成为在劫难逃的"罪人"。但他并没有因此而放弃初衷,向"革命"、运动和暴虐妥协;而是一次又一次奋起坚持反叛和抗争。在文化大革命中,他一反东方人伦道德清规戒律,当亿万人民山呼万岁、俯首贴耳齐声祈祷、统一思想言行,收敛七情六欲之时,他却反其道而行之我行我素、独往独来,胆敢冲着皇帝老子"撒尿",自我解放本能和放纵情欲。 这部小说带有虚构的性质,也带有自传纪实的成份,全书交又融汇运用了小说、回忆录、散文、文论随笔、书信、日记等各种形式,全方位地表现宇宙个体生命精神。作品表现了一个颠狂而本真的生命在极权主义制度下不甘俯首就范的生命冲动和隐秘,以及作为一个人性格的多重性和复杂性。这部作品不仅是一部关于一个普通人的奇特生活、命运、遭际、冒险、挑战与叛逃的真实再现,它的精神和心理瞬息万变的斑烂图像也是一部关于以"不断革命"名义发动的一系列极左政治运动的艺术实录,和弥漫东方大地的社会精神鸟托邦演变最终必然走向幻灭和全面崩溃的历史。在一个日趋商品化的社会中,这样的书只有不多几部。 这是一部自由赤裸人的灵魂与肉体的生命史书。阅读这部书,便是进入一个个体生命心灵与肉体的发展史,苦难史,屈辱史与抗争史、反叛史。阅读这部书,也是进入一个民族的生命断代史,一部二十世纪中国封埋已久的社会运动史,一部精神受难史和思想反叛史。一个民族的灵魂与肉身的折腾史、扭曲史、异化史、灾难史! 这是作者黄翔的宏篇巨制:东方式的追忆逝水年华;中国当代自由文学中被禁毁的《古拉格群岛》和《日瓦戈医生》的综合版;现代中国人生命历史的深层体验和见证;中国当代自由人文精神和灵魂奥秘的传奇和史诗。
Steamed Bun goes on an adventure and creates a rocket and has many adventures finding his way home in the human world!
Free Gifts from Planet Earth illustrates some of the wondrous moments we get from nature without paying a single cent. From rainbows to bright sunny flowers, the earth gives us restoration, peace, refuge and joy we can't find in the tumultuous world. Special moments bring us to an awareness of the fragile and sensitive presence we can't find anywhere else. Jeanne's picturesque photos and descriptive poems bring us to a place where we can appreciate the nuances of our planet as well as inspire us to give back in any way we can. It can be just a helpful attitude that can ripple through all souls we meet, touching them with a desire to give to our planet what she has given us, solace, serenity, beauty and love. This book is recommended to all nature lovers and to those not yet enlightened to the mission of the healing and transformation of our spectacular blue planet.,
In his series of paintings 'Environmental Catastrophes Top Ten And Other Abominations' Rubsamen pokes fun at our need to make lists and hierarchies to codify the bad and the good. If we Google 'Worst man-made environmental disasters in history' the screen fills with sites offering lists. If we toggle the images button on the top of the page, the lists become images. Finding a commemorative image of an ecological disaster, an environmental tragedy or a moral trauma involves a set of priorities both aesthetic as well as pragmatic. The image must carry the message and it must have the potential of timelessness. The image must be beautiful as well as horrific. In this important book Rubsamen and Skarli investigate, pictorially and theoretically, the new complexity evolving in the relationship between nationalism, cosmopolitanism, and globalization in the rituals of commemoration.
This book is a collection of Vincent Van Gogh's thoughts, excerpts of his letters, paintings and photos. A colorful and wonderful collector's book!
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