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  • af Elder Vernether White
    227,95 kr.

    The 21 Days of Marriage Enrichment is a journey designed to enrich the bond between you and your spouse, drawing inspiration from timeless wisdom found in the scriptures. Marriage is a sacred and beautiful union, a partnership built on love, commitment, and faith. However, like any valuable relationship, it requires continual effort and nourishment to thrive. In these next 21 days, we invite you to embark on a transformative experience, where you'll engage in daily exercises and affirmations that not only deepen your connection but also reinforces your spiritual foundation. The blend of practical actions and profound biblical teachings serves as a roadmap to cultivating a stronger, more fulfilling marriage. Each day of this enrichment experience has a specific focus, from communication to trust, from humility to intimacy, and everything in between. These carefully curated exercises and corresponding scriptures are intended to inspire reflection, growth, and a profound understanding of the divine wisdom that can guide us in our marital journey. As you embark on this 21-day adventure, keep in mind that no marriage is without its challenges, but it is precisely in overcoming these obstacles that the bonds between husband and wife can be strengthened. By grounding your efforts in the teachings of scripture and love, you'll not only fortify your relationship with your spouse but also foster a deeper spiritual connection. Remember that it's the small, consistent actions that can bring about profound change. So, take each day as an opportunity to grow, learn, and most importantly, to cherish the beautiful journey you share with your spouse. As you engage in these exercises and affirmations, may you discover renewed joy, unity, and enduring love in your marriage. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and embark on a path towards a stronger, more spiritually enriched marriage.

  • af M R Osborne
    557,95 kr.

    This book has the power to change the reader's view of life and its events, following the guidance of a spiritual path.

  • af M R Osborne
    357,95 - 372,95 kr.

  • af Joe Carson
    237,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Milda Misevicius
    307,95 - 442,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Penn Johnson
    197,95 kr.

    AMIAS is a story of a young man's journey to find courage and discover his true self, an awakening of the historical imagination vital for a great writer, philosopher, and political leader. Set in 1594 London, this play, while not a historical account, offers a lifelike portrayal of the personal and social life of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam (1st Viscount St. Alban, Attorney General, and Lord Chancellor under King James I). The central character, Amias, embarks on a quest to reconnect with his long-lost lover, Francis Bacon, seeking legal assistance for his ailing employer, the exiled Portuguese Prince Don Antonio. In their pursuit of justice, Amias, Bacon, and their allies clash with the political and financial machinations of other influential figures. In the mist of history, much about the everyday lives of people remains concealed. This story offers a glimpse into the essence of Bacon's life and era, while revealing something timeless and profound-the enduring themes of courage and love that warm countless hearts and dispel loneliness.

  • af Sarah Jolicoeur
    207,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Thomas A Roesler
    217,95 kr.

    "One Long Conversation is partly the personal reflections of a child psychiatrist nearing the end of his career, and partly an intimate look into the training of a young child psychiatrist. Dr. Roesler's novel will delight a wide and diverse audience." - Gregory K. Fritz MD, Past President of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry "Brilliantly written as the unfolding dialogue between mentor and supervisee, Roesler captures the reader's interest and holds it. This book is for anyone with an interest in psychotherapy." - Jay L. Lebow, Ph.D., ABPP, Editor, Family Process Jennifer Getty, a budding child psychiatrist, chooses Adam Green, a seasoned faculty member, as her mentor. Under Adam's guidance, Jennifer delves into the intricate world of family-systems based psychotherapy, moving beyond the conventional realm of treatment with medication. As Jennifer matures as a therapist, her personal and professional worlds intertwine, revealing the fragility of her carefully constructed facade. With Adam contending with his wife's Alzheimer's dementia and Jennifer navigating a tumultuous relationship with her ex-boyfriend, the characters grapple with their own vulnerabilities. One Long Conversation is a captivating journey through therapy sessions, personal revelations, and the ebb and flow of life. This upmarket literary work offers a poignant exploration of ideas, emotions, and their profound impact on the human experience. For the 600,000 therapists practicing in the United States and the people they help, this novel provides a compelling reflection of the challenges and growth inherent in the field of psychotherapy.

  • af Rainbow Roy
    117,95 kr.

    Üdvözöljük a "Junior Szivárvány: A Macskák Színei" elbűvölő világában, egy oktató jellegű gyermekkönyv-sorozatban, amelynek célja, hogy elbűvölje a fiatal elméket, miközben bevezeti őket a színek élénk spektrumába. Minden oldalon a gyerekek megtanulják a színeiket a macskák társulása révén. A színek valós tárgyakhoz való társításával a gyerekek különféle készségeket sajátítanak el; kontextuális tanulás, memória fejlesztés, multi-szenzoros tanulás, nyelvi és kognitív fejlődés, és ami a legfontosabb... kreativitás és képzelőerő! A Junior Szivárvány sorozat lebilincselő és tanulságos társnak ígérkezik a kicsik számára, amikor elindulnak a korai tanulás e színes utazásán.

  • af Andrea Voon
    147,95 kr.

    From the Back CoverWhat would CHILDHOOD be like?an 'all-you-can-eat' tea party, a groovy musical fest, a 'shop till you drop' trip, a little hectic emergency room, and more--CHILDHOOD is a GREAT JOURNEY where the kids go wild in their imagination; where the days are filled with love and laughter.童年喺邊度?童年......喺飲飲食食嘅厨房裏;喺彈彈唱唱嘅派對上;喺大賣特賣嘅超市裏;喺忙忙碌碌嘅診所裏......美好嘅童年唔會少咗細佬仔豐富嘅想象力;唔會少咗細佬仔歡樂的笑聲...... From the Author* A fantastic bilingual picture book in Cantonese and English! *Both languages have their own structure and rhyme. Parents can read the book in the first language, and then lead the little one to read the second language. Let's join us together in Bilingual reading in a fun way. Cantonese in this book is in spoken form which includes phrases that are used in daily conversation.*一本適合親子趣讀的雙語(廣東話、英語)繪本。*繪本的粵語和英文各成一律,各有韻味。作者建議讀者以單一語言展開閲讀。家長可以先選一種語言和孩子閲讀一邊,再鼓勵孩子們以另一種語言閲讀,以促進母語與第二語言的雙向學習。閲讀的同時,家長可以和孩子們聊一聊詩句的内容,針對童詩末端的提問發表意見,激發孩子們的邏輯思維能力。繪本以朗朗上口的廣東話爲主,帶著濃濃的特色,鼓勵讀者學習各種日常生活中的詞句。About the AuthorANDREA VOONOver the past few years, Andrea has learned and grown with her family as a full-time mother in Canada. Back in Malaysia, she worked as a teacher in a Chinese immersion elementary school.In 2021, Andrea started her journey as an author. Growing up in a multilingual environment, Andrea loves the beauty of languages on their own.She has the vision to publish picture books to support bilingual families in raising their children in English and Chinese reading.溫甘玉芬當媽前,她是孩子們的甘老師,在常年暖和的熱帶雨林,與孩子一起學習中、英文,探索文字的奧秘;當媽后,她是孩子們的溫媽咪,在四季分明的北半球,與孩子一起感受春夏秋冬的特色,一起尋找美好的童年......溫媽咪創作的靈感,源自於多年來的童言童語。2021年,她成立了"溫室工作坊",出版一系列的中、英雙語繪本,結合母語和第二語言,提倡親子趣讀。繪本中的雙語各含韻味、各具特色,帶著濃濃的童真,敘述著一個美好的童年。

  • af J M Chrismer
    162,95 kr.

  • af Stephanie Combs
    352,95 kr.

    The Iris were sent to us from the stars, but their rule is controlling and oppressive. Every season, we send our brothers and sisters to the marriage drafts . . . but the selected never return.AellaMy world falls apart when my best friend and I are drafted to compete for the hand of Esterra's most eligible bachelor, the devastatingly handsome Iris prince. As an elemental fae, it should be the greatest honor, but the competition is filled with violence. I question my true purpose as we fight to survive in games rigged against us. ArianwenLife should be simple-go on my rite and return to marry a man I've never met-but when a handsome stranger falls from the sky, everything is turned upside down. Secrets and lies unravel, leading me to question everything as I find myself pulled into a rebellion. My heart longs for a better world, but am I willing to forsake duty in pursuit of it? We both face choices: Love or duty? Loyalty or adventure?Fight or surrender? Is fate truly written in the stars, or have they abandoned us?

  • af Catherine Cowles
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Kemone S-G Brown-Tshabalala
    197,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Shondra M Quarles
    162,95 kr.

    The perfect gift to empower Black and Brown women & girls to pursue their dreams no matter what obstacles they may face. Love yourself, love your hair, love your journey!. You "FRO" Girllined paper notebook/journal8.5 X 11Glossy cover120 pages

  • af Bill Wilkerson
    192,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan L Isaacson
    227,95 kr.

    Project outcomes in the skilled trades are tied to the estimating process. Good estimating is marked by the thoroughness of data capture (site observation) and the accuracy of data input (bidding). Author Jon Isaacson, The Intentional Restorer, shares his two decades of professional experience to help anyone involved with, or interested in, the art of estimating to shorten their DANG learning curve for improvement.How To Suck Less At Estimating, was written for: The aspiring professional who wants to advance in their career.Estimators and project managers who want to level up their abilities in estimating.The new manager who has been thrown into a position without much training or direction.The business owner who either needs some direction or another voice sharing these core principles.Early Reviews for This Book: With his latest book, Jon Isaacson again demonstrates why he is a "go to" resource for so many people in the property restoration industry. - Luke Draeger As usual, Jon provides great material with actionable details. - David SmithIt's so refreshing to finally see all of this often-guarded information transcribed from an industry expert to words on a page. - Josh Zolin

  • af Shari Malcolm
    172,95 kr.

    DEPRESSED. NUMB. ANXIOUS. FRIGHTENED. TRAPPED. DEFEATED. When a debilitating anxiety attack leaves her wanting to end her life, Shari finds herself on a powerful journey of healing and self-discovery. Through deep faith, vulnerability, and courage, she shares her darkest moments and the tools that helped her reclaim the light of joy. Shari helps uncover life's purpose and leaves readers with profound hope that no matter how crushed or isolated the feeling, God's grace is sufficient. Raw, uplifting and intensely relatable, "Let's Talk About the A Word" offers a cozy companion for the lonely, while resonating with anyone seeking to overcome anxiety with perfect peace when life is life'ing. Your healing awaits...

  • af Melissa B Thoma
    167,95 - 292,95 kr.

  • af Adela Najarro
    212,95 kr.

    In this chapbook, Najarro's poems and Trenchard's paintings dialog about the feminine as power and life force, where volatility is strength and symbolized through the theme of vulcanism. Najarro's poems and Trenchard's paintings draw on vibrant earth energy so that the written word and image come together in conversation. In addition, theirs is a fiery collaboration between cultures where Latinx and White coexist, harmonize, and create a vision for a world where the vitality of women is highlighted in art.Adela Najarro often writes about her family's emigration from Nicaragua to the United States. She has published three poetry collections, and her work appears in numerous anthologies and literary magazines.Janet Trenchard's abstract paintings often reference geological elements. She views her artistic journey as channeling the earth's feminine power. She has exhibited throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

  • af Adam Moderow
    187,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Cynthia Suzanne Sauer
    232,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Katina Washington
    247,95 kr.

    "BECOMING WHOLE: Journey to Authenticity" is the result of Katina Washington's third attempt at the task of penning a book, and that's okay. The truth is, she wasn't ready before. Reflecting on her journey, she realized that her past failures have been crucial. They've become the yardstick against which she measured her current success. It's a testament to the belief that everything unfolds in its own time and in the way in which it is meant. "BECOMING WHOLE" is a memoir in which lies a chronicle of pivotal moments in Katina's life, each playing a role in shaping the woman she is today. Every twist and turn was a necessary part of her journey to authenticity. The positive and challenging events unfolded purposefully, each contributing to the story that would become this book. Through the experiences described in "BECOMING WHOLE", Katina shares valuable lessons regarding the transformative power of purposeful living; how she learned to embrace life's many detours and blessings, the triumphs, setbacks, mistakes, rejections, and victories. Katina extends an invitation for you to explore these pages with an open heart, recognizing that every encounter is a piece of a larger narrative.

  • af Ken Farmer
    192,95 kr.

    Foot and Hutch are involved with a murder that occurs at Cornie Bayou in rural southern Arkansas--1951.They hear of a giant blue catfish in the bayou and set out to catch it, but are confronted by a mysterious young mute boy, Hoak Martin, who lives nearby and fishes the bayou. He feels it's his responsibility to protect the eighty pound female because she comes up the bayou from Louisiana, to lay her eggs--keeping the population of blue catfish up for good fishing.Who is murdered?Who is the killer?Are Foot and Hutch in danger?Find out in Ken Farmer's suspense-filled, moving, Southern Noir mystery thriller, book #10 of the multi award-winning THREE CREEK series...CORNIE BAYOU.

  • af Ronaldinio Stickley
    122,95 kr.

    In the heart of Sunnysplot, young Tim discovers the transformative power of gratitude through an enchanting garden. Confined to a wheelchair, Tim might seem an unlikely hero, but his passion for nature turns an ordinary plot into a magical meadow where seeds of thankfulness bloom wondrously. As the meadow flourishes, so does the community, drawing them into a world where gratitude bridges gaps and mends moods. "The Marvelous Mood-Mending Meadow" is a vibrant tapestry of love, community, and the magic of seeing the world through grateful eyes. Join Tim on a journey that sows seeds of appreciation and harvests happiness, teaching young and old alike the beauty of gratitude.

  • af Flor Ana
    187,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Jay Allan Storey
    92,95 kr.

    Lost and alone amid the ashes of a dead civilization Household pet dog Tucker is thrust into an apocalyptic world when not only his own 'master', but all of humanity, are stricken with a deadly plague. The disease is fatal in almost one hundred percent of cases, but affects only humans, leaving empty cities and towns that are quickly being repopulated with domestic animals and wildlife. Tucker eventually connects with a group of other dogs, all former pets. Deprived of their human caretakers, and guided by the mysterious Web of Life, Tucker and his 'pack' must learn to fend for themselves, confronting cold and blinding snow, blistering heat, the threat of starvation, ferocious predators, and the violent remnants of humanity as they search for a new home. What Readers Say About Tucker vs. the Apocalypse: ★★★★★ 'This was a timely beautiful gift. I read it all in one day was lovely ...encouraging...beautiful. And it brought peace to my Spirit. Thank you to the Author.'★★★★★ 'Dogs? Apocalyptic story? That caught me right away, and wasn't disappointing.'★★★★★ 'action, romance, sadness, camaraderie, great danger, success, failure. Everything you want in a book.'

  • af Emma Clare Weinholtz
    152,95 kr.

    Christy is a quiet carrot who has not ventured outside of her garden. One day a farmer picks her up and brings her to a classroom and she learns her true value.

  • af J W Judge
    212,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Gary R Gowers
    147,95 kr.

    This eclectic collection of free verse poems is based on the personal interactions, memories, and random happenstance experienced by Gary R. Gowers. While many perceive existence through the prism of significant milestones like Birth, Marriage, and Death, Gowers delves into the essence of our reality, spotlighting the subtle nuances and fleeting reflections that intricately weave the fabric connecting these grand events.

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