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Bøger udgivet af Bookstand Publishing

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  • af James Teapardae
    287,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af Tisha Sterling
    232,95 - 417,95 kr.

  • af Jay Dubya
    327,95 kr.

    Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered, Part II is adult literature featuring adult language and content. Jay Dubya converts ten of William Shakespeare's most famous plays into crazy risqué and bawdy satire/parodies. "Much Ado about Nothing" and "The Merry Wives of Windsor" are creatively assaulted along with "Henry IV, Part I" and "Henry IV, Part II." "Twelfth Night" and "The Taming of the Shrew" are also degenerated and pulverized. Jay Dubya also humorously broadsides "Julius Caesar" and "Romeo and Juliet." Finally the serious tragic plays "Macbeth" and "Hamlet" are hilariously clobbered and thoroughly corrupted. Shakespeare: S, S, S and S, Part II represents William Shakespeare as you've never before read the bard's historic work. Each play has been imaginatively rewritten and converted from dialogue into adult-oriented narrative/dialogue form. Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered, Part II is the companion book to Shakespeare: S, S, S and S.

  • af Jay Dubya
    327,95 kr.

    Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered is adult literature featuring adult language and content. Jay Dubya converts eight of William Shakespeare's most famous plays into crazy risqué and bawdy satire/parodies. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "As You Like It" are creatively assaulted along with "The Tempest" and "All's Well That Ends Well." Jay Dubya also humorously broadsides "Othello" and the classic "The Comedy of Errors." Finally the serious plays "The Merchant of Venice" and "King Lear" are hilariously clobbered and thoroughly corrupted. Shakespeare: S, S, S and S represents William Shakespeare as you've never before read the bard's historic works. Each play has been imaginatively rewritten and converted from dialogue into adult-oriented narrative/dialogue form. Shakespeare: Slammed, Smeared, Savaged and Slaughtered is the companion book to Shakespeare: S, S, S and S, Part II.

  • af Danette Littleton
    267,95 kr.

    Side By Side: Stories of Friendship in Black and White is about the adventures of Harriet and Lucy, the truest friends ever. It was a long time ago when they scouted for buried treasures, followed the trail of bank robbers, helped little old aunties with chores, saved small animals from flood waters, and out-smarted Jimmy John and Buster Scoggins. When these rascals weren't in trouble, they'd make some, especially for Harriet and Lucy. Would the Scoggins boys ever learn to be friends? Open the book and turn the page.

  • af Amanda C. Strazdas
    122,95 kr.

    Fighting a spiritual battle can be lonely, scary and difficult. It's hard to know where to begin or who you can go to for help. In this book I hope to be some light in that darkness. This is a guide to understanding how to spiritually cleanse and protect you and your loved ones. You are not alone.

  • af Michael Kasting
    172,95 kr.

    The Bible is a treasure-chest filled with good news of God's grace and wisdom for living day by day. Clergy and laity alike find it a rich and practical resource, and many return to it daily, seeking what God offers them there. For centuries the lectionaries of the church have been divided into three readings: Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel. The Epistles are letters. The sermons in this book are all, with the exception of the three sermons from the Apocalypse, from letters written by the apostles to churches or individuals for the purpose of instruction in the Christian life, sometimes in answer to questions and concerns raised by the recipients. More than one of my seminary professors pointed out that many of the Epistles could be outlined into two sections: an "indicative" section about the Gospel of Jesus, followed by an "imperative" of apostolic direction for Christian living, often connected by the word "therefore," as if the holy writer is answering the reader's question, "What shall we do about this?" Francis Schaeffer famously phrased the question this way: "How shall we then live?" Christianity is not simply agreeing to a set of propositions. Being a Christian is not simply a way of talking, but a way of walking. The epistles supply evangelical counsel for believers in how they are to conduct themselves in their marriages, in child-rearing, and in the workplace as well as in the church. Accordingly, the sermons in this book frequently deal with practical issues such as church quarrels, sexual behavior, over-eating, attitudes about money, and minding one's tongue. All were preached as a part of a congregation's regular worship gatherings. It will be evident to readers that some examples and illustrations are dated. Time brings changes, to be sure! As in my other sermon books, the format of paragraphing and spacing, which reflects the influence of the late Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall, is designed to help the reader "hear" as well as "see" the message. Scripture citations are in bold print. Entire words may be capitalized or underlined for emphasis. My prayer for you as a reader is that the Word may have free course and serve to edify you in the living of your life in Jesus Christ. To Him alone be glory, now and forever.

  • af James Paul Ellison
    122,95 kr.

    Private investigator Gavin Parker, of Parker Investigations, is given an assignment by an insurance defense firm. He is to investigate an accident where a young man named Dean Smith was struck by a semi-truck trailer late at night on a highway under construction. Dean Smith does not die but ends up a paraplegic. The family sues the insurance company for fifteen million dollars. Dean's family alleges that the semi-truck, belonging to Silver Streak Freight Forwarders, crossed the highway and struck their son as he was checking their mailbox. The semi-truck driver claims the young man just stepped in front of him without warning. Private investigator Gavin Parker has to uncover the truth. Will he?

  • af James Long
    177,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af James Long
    232,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Pastor Clifford Billings
    142,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Alex P. Serritella
    297,95 kr.

    The Emperor's New Airplanes is a comprehensive overview of the War on Terror, initiated by the 9/11 attacks. The book exposes the false flag nature of the events of September 11, 2001 and shows the complicity of the US government in the attacks. The book analyzes the physical evidence and concludes that the so-called investigations by the 9/11 Commission, FEMA, and NIST were complete whitewashes of the truth. In particular, the lack of military response to the attacks is shown to be deliberate, as the events were clearly planned to promote a twisted agenda. The book details the roles of intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the FBI in setting up the patsies beforehand and covering up the truth afterwards. It shows how the al-Qaeda network was created and maintained by the CIA for 20 years prior to 9/11, and how innocent Muslims were entrapped into terror plots by the FBI in an attempt to exaggerate the terror threat. Abuses at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib are detailed to show the true sinister nature of the War on Terror. The murder of Osama bin Laden by US Navy SEALS is shown to be fraudulent, and was just another chapter in the ongoing psy-op to dupe the public. Also discussed is the extremely taboo subject of Israeli involvement in the attacks, along with some very compelling evidence that they played a major role. Security arrangements for the WTC and airports involved are discovered to be in the control of the Israeli government, through the Mossad. Atrocities committed against civilians by the US military are exposed and shown to be flagrant war crimes. Also of great significance are the insider trading before the attacks and the war profiteering afterwards, both of which are largely ignored by mainstream media. The psychology of denial regarding 9/11 truth is discussed, as well as the media influence on public perception of the events. Other false flag operations throughout history are summarized to give an overview of how common this practice is in political and military circles. All of this is aimed at creating a police state in the USA, and the prison camps are already prepared and waiting to be filled with dissenters. The ultimate goal of all this is the creation of a new world order with the seat of government in Israel.

  • af Naoma Lee
    182,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Michele Duva
    287,95 kr.

    Molihua and Andrea talk about their lives while having supper; Chinese food - Chinese story, Italian food - Italian story. It is the encounter of two cuisines, two cultures, two religions, two people born in two small villages. As new immigrants, they learn how to adapt and survive in Manhattan working in Chinatown and Little Italy. They settle on the Lower East Side, get married and raise a son who, once he becomes a teenager, makes surprising choices about how he is going to live his life. Under the protection of Guan Yin and Saint Francis, the couple lives a very simple life devoted to helping the homeless and the needy. In their relationship, Molihua and Andrea practice a distinctive spirituality interwoven within their daily lives and their cherished Buddhist and Catholic beliefs. What truly unites them is their unrelenting devotion to excellent food, ardent spirituality, and passionate love.

  • af Jacob William Watters
    122,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Vasile Munteanu
    162,95 kr.

    The book is intended as a thought-provoking meditation on the idea of the future. It asks questions about different aspects of the relationship between past, present and future, claiming that the connections between them may not be as clear cut as expected. It also touches upon the concept of time, which seems to influence the relationships between these three ideas, but which also complicates their seeming dependency on one another. It is also very concerned with the topic that the present might not actually exist. The rest of the book follows from this one intriguing assertion.

  • af Vasile Munteanu
    162,95 kr.

    The book is a meditation on the idea of Love. There is a long, arduous ideational search that the main character undertakes, which takes him from the depths of the subconscious to the heights of heaven in order to find the true purpose of Love. He is aided in this search by a rather shadowy figure that seems to be someone he has been in love with for a very long time. He will eventually reach the conclusion that Love, when all is said and done, is really Love of the higher Self.

  • af Vasile Munteanu
    162,95 kr.

    The book is a meditation on the ideas of the Ego, the Soul and the Higher Self and the differences between them. The narrator is a rather amorphous figure that can actually be anyone who has thought about these issues. There are no characters per sé, but as the novel evolves, night, darkness, the dreaming process, the mind, and thought become the main characters. The story is part of a very long, complex dream that the narrator seems to be going through as he makes his way to the realization that the Higher Self is the source of everything.

  • af Vasile Munteanu
    162,95 kr.

    This is the second volume of The Karma of Self where the same narrator addresses the issue of the influence of emotions in one's existence. In The Karma of Self the narrator makes the following promise: "It occurred to him that perhaps he should make a list of all the strongest emotions he had experienced, and figure out which ones had been running his life without him being aware of it. Some of them came to mind right away, but he didn't want to act hastily in this situation since the results had the potential to be quite revealing." The present book is a fulfillment of that initial promise and a meditation on the results of this inquiry.

  • af Sylvester Poltorak
    337,95 kr.

    Discharged after nine months of trench fighting with day and night missile shelling, wounded twice as a machine gunner, Si Poltorak could not adjust to "Back Home" peace and quiet.Unlike many PTSD veterans who found escape in suicide or hard drugs, Si turned to creating poems. "My poems became my understanding friends - to share my struggle to overcome my suicide impulses and flashbacks of comrades wounded or killed."

  • af Lt Sandy Scull & Cpl Brent MacKinnon
    232,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Michele Duva
    192,95 kr.

  • af Cheryl Parkinson & Joelle Valbrun-Bailey
    187,95 - 297,95 kr.

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