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  • af Francisco Thomas
    88,95 kr.

    Vende Como LocoSi te apasiona el mundo de las ventas y el marketing, es posible que ya hayas conocido a un cliente que es difícil de complacer cuando se trata de presentar tu producto o ofrecer tus servicios. Es común creer que la eficiencia, que seguramente te identifica por completo, es una garantía para cerrar ventas y negocios con clientes potenciales. Muchas veces, creer que hacer todo bien te llevará directamente al éxito es una mentalidad que nos estanca y genera frustración cuando no percibimos los resultados que deseamos de inmediato.De la misma manera, comenzar en el mundo de las ventas y el comercio puede ser muy intimidante y puede generar algunos errores en el camino. Lo más importante es mantener la mejor actitud del mundo y no solo tener una mentalidad positiva, sino crear estrategias efectivas que te permitan evitar las objeciones que se interponen en tu camino o, en el peor de los casos, aprender a gestionarlas y no permitir que obstaculicen tu negocio.Este libro puede ayudarte con las posibles objeciones que cualquier cliente puede enfrentar a tus propuestas y adquirirás una comprensión básica de ellas, ya que comprender al otro es el primer paso para acercarte a él o ella. Reflexionar sobre las necesidades de tus clientes y por qué podrían rechazarte te ayudará a responder de manera asertiva y no defensiva e ineficaz.Además, es importante entender que una objeción puede proporcionarnos suficiente información para mejorar el producto o convencer activamente al cliente, todo depende de nuestra receptividad a la objeción y a las palabras del otro que se está negando, pero que solo está exponiendo sus necesidades más elementales.

  • af Francisco Thomas
    88,95 kr.

    El Caballero de la Armadura OxidadaEn el primer capítulo de "El Caballero de la Armadura Oxidada", titulado **"La Armadura Brilla"**, se nos presenta al protagonista de la historia, un caballero llamado Agilulf. Agilulf es un caballero valiente y hábil que ha pasado mucho tiempo luchando en batallas y protegiendo su reino. Sin embargo, Agilulf tiene un problema que lo hace único: siempre lleva puesta su armadura, incluso en momentos en los que no está en el campo de batalla. La armadura de Agilulf es impresionante y brillante, lo que lo hace destacar entre los demás caballeros. La gente lo admira por su armadura y lo considera un ejemplo a seguir. Sin embargo, Agilulf ha llegado a un punto en su vida en el que siente que su armadura es parte de su identidad y no puede quitársela. La armadura se ha vuelto tan parte de él que incluso duerme con ella puesta. A pesar de su éxito como caballero y su armadura brillante, Agilulf comienza a sentirse vacío por dentro. Siente que ha perdido algo importante en su vida y que la armadura lo está alejando de su verdadero yo. Aunque la gente lo elogia y lo considera un héroe, Agilulf se da cuenta de que la armadura en realidad lo ha separado de su propia humanidad.

  • af Francisco Thomas
    88,95 kr.

    La Revolución de la Glucosa Libro de Jessie InchauspeViajar a través de nuestra salud a menudo se siente como asomarse a la cabina de un avión con su multitud de dispositivos. Aunque apreciamos la experiencia del piloto, nuestra principal preocupación es la seguridad del vuelo. De manera similar, cuando se trata de nuestra salud, somos tanto pasajeros ignorantes como el piloto. Anhelamos despertar con entusiasmo, movernos sin dolor y disfrutar momentos con nuestros seres queridos. Y aunque la salud puede ser complicada, entender la glucosa puede cambiar el juego. Cuando se gestiona incorrectamente, nuestras hormonas, peso, estado de ánimo, antojos, piel y corazón sufren. Este libro tiene como objetivo guiarte a través de este aspecto crucial de la salud.¿Experimentas fluctuaciones emocionales como depresión, ansiedad o episodios maníacos?¿Alguna vez te has sentido mentalmente nublado?¿Sufres de gastritis o acidez estomacal?¿Te han diagnosticado diabetes tipo 2, prediabetes o diabetes gestacional?¿Te resulta difícil controlar la diabetes tipo 1?Por último, ¿sientes que hay margen para mejorar tu salud actual? Si tu respuesta es "sí", sigue leyendo.

  • af Undrai And Bridget Fizer
    143,95 kr.

  • af Jess Landry
    168,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Laura James
    132,95 kr.

    Addison Anderson is a beaming, bright-eyed, blissful, ten-year-old girl, who chews banana bubble gum, loves riding her bicycle, and beads her own bags and belts.When the Anderson family boards the plane to Brazil, a borrowed book begins to cause Addison distress. After landing, she bans the bad thoughts from her mind, but when they begin their trek into the jungle, Addison refuses to budge. How will Addison face her fears?While capturing your child's attention, this story introduces new vocabulary words that begin with the letter b and includes the definitions on each page. While entertaining young readers from beginning to end, parents and teachers use this story as a learning tool.

  • af Wendy Starkey
    193,95 kr.

  • af Shaun A. Darling
    133,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Beauvais
    158,95 kr.

  • af Ann Bergheim
    133,95 kr.

  • af D. L. Coleman
    168,95 kr.

  • af Wilbert Evangelista Dela Cruz
    123,95 kr.

  • af Y. Finkel
    448,95 kr.

    "The Reference Tables Unearthed" is a great classroom resource for any teacher looking to teach his/her students how to glean the wealth of information found in the New York State Earth Science reference tables. This book includes homework questions at the end of each section that can be assigned at the end of each lesson so the teacher can ensure that the student understood the presented material correctly. With its clear and easy to understand format and layout, it is extremely student-friendly as well.

  • af Michelle A. Lewis
    158,95 kr.

  • af Daisy M. Brown
    148,95 kr.

  • af William Meikle
    153,95 kr.

    In Samurai and Other Stories you'll find numerous ghosts, many Scotsmen, a big blob, some holy relics, some unholy relics, a Mothman, a barbarian, some swordplay, a shoggoth and people that nobody expects.This collection by William Meikle brings together stories from the past decade in an exploration of the perils of exploring dark places, both external and internal."There is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Meikle is one of the premier storytellers of our time." - Famous Monsters of Filmland"Meikle is a writer that can grace the page with words of beauty whilst twisting a nightmare into grotesque shapes before your eyes." - Len Maynard and Mick Sims"William Meikle's short stories and novels are shining examples of what is missing in horror fiction today: atmospheric in style, old-school in character, with an intriguing story to be told." - David Wynn, Mythos Books

  • af Lyndsey M. Barker
    123,95 kr.

  • af Doral R. Pulley
    133,95 kr.

  • af Joshua W. Stewart
    163,95 kr.

    A collection of Wisdom keys, insights, principles, and instructions for living and ministry by Dr. Joshua W. Stewart. Each volume is full of powerful and practical truths to help the reader maximize themselves in Spirit for every month. An incredible read and personal devotional for empowerment!

  • af Joshua W. Stewart
    163,95 kr.

    Each volume contains powerful thought keys for the month, enabling and empowering the reader to reach for new heights in life and spirit by using practical and spiritual wisdom by Dr. Joshua Stewart. This book also serves as a monthly empowerment resource, helping the reader to maximize their lives and spirit with daily principles of Truth.

  • af Robert G. Breton
    158,95 kr.

    There is no doubt that ordinarily, our awareness and energies are directed outward to the things of the world, which we think bottles up our fulfillment. However we must learn to tap deeper into the more subtle levels of awareness if we would solve the puzzle life throws at us. The Real Yoga is a complete guide with everything you need to know about Yoga. Learn how to create your own home practice safe and effectively. Bring the power of the ancient yogi's into your home. Yoga and meditation goes way beyond the mat, this book contains information beyond the yoga asanas. Real yoga is about the power of meditation and using special breathing techniques to create more natural energy. Use this book as a tool to learn about all of the ancient yogic disciplines . Bring peace, inner stillness and true happiness into your life by finding a practice that resonates with you.

  • af Simona M Tahiliani
    308,95 kr.

    "Simeta: The Story Tale from Moravia" provides a fascinating glimpse into Moravian culture and history, alongside the author's astonishing personal testimony of an encounter with an unidentified flying object. Concealed for over two decades, this story has only now come to light, prompted by profound private events that compelled the author to share it. Private correspondences offer support for the credibility of this captivating tale, with the potential for multimedia adaptation.

  • af Forest Bowman
    218,95 kr.

    The Secret of the 48th Foot is the tale of the search for one of the great "lost treasures" in history, a chest of gold and silver coins that disappeared after General Braddock was defeated near present-day Pittsburgh in July 1755. In this suspense thriller academicians Ben and Julia come upon a coded message full of riddles and clues that tell them not only where the treasure may be but that a ruthless band of right-wing militiamen are also after the treasure and have vowed to kill anyone who gets in their way. To keep ahead of their murderous pursuers the pair must rely on their wits, an academically-challenged former student and even the town fool. In a series of desperate moves and gutsy maneuvers, they careen across West Virginia and western Maryland, pursued by armed killers. What began as a race to find a historic treasure becomes a deadly race against time with a finale that is both surprising and poignant. Here is what some readers have said about this novel . . . . . . A bit of history, a bit of academia, a bit of the mountains of West Virginia and a bit of imagination; put it all together and the author takes you on a rollercoaster ride that will have you holding onto the rails. The Secret of the 48th Foot is an exciting book. You will enjoy it.. . . This quick read packs a wallop. History, mystery, geography, geology, logic, law, camping, hiking, and romance color the action. Ben and Julia, university professors and erstwhile lovers, struggle to stay one step ahead of evil thugs in search of long-hidden loot. . . . An entertaining, action-filled, treasure-hunting tale. The Secret of the 48th Foot, wonderfully and artfully written, peppered with true historical events and people, will bait the reader with a cat-and-mouse game between our unwitting heroes (Ben and Julia) and their ruthless adversaries . . . I highly recommend this book as each clue and each chase will compel you to keep turning the pages to the impressive ending!. . . An Appalachian Da Vinci Code. This book was entertaining from page one. If you are a fan of Dan Brown, Steve Berry, James Rollins or any thriller writers you will love this book.. . . The Secret of the 48th Foot is an exceptionally well-written book; the principal characters are very compelling; the bad guys are truly despicable; the storyline is simply excellent; in short, I couldn't put this book down until I finished it.

  • af Fastdigest Summary
    88,95 kr.

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