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Bøger udgivet af Bradan Press

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  • - Authentic Words and Phrases in the Celtic Language of Wales
    af Robert Davis & Meagan Davis
    127,95 kr.

    A "think before you ink" guide to the Welsh language and symbols of Wales. You love all things Welsh and Wales, and you want to tell the world. But if you rely on dodgy online translations and images, you could end up with a Welsh tattoo nightmare! Written and edited by fluent Welsh speakers, this book features resources to help you plan the perfect Welsh inscription or tattoo:ΓÇó Overview of the Welsh language and the history & culture of WalesΓÇó Descriptions of Welsh symbols and historical figuresΓÇó Illustrations of real-life Welsh tattoos gone wrongΓÇó Glossary of 400+ authentic words and phrases in Welsh

  • af Nicola R. White
    347,95 kr.

    An Rós Fiáin is an Irish-language graphic novel translated and adapted from the Canadian indie comic book series Wild Rose. Set in rural Ireland and London in 1790, An Rós Fiáin reimagines a haunting Appalachian-Irish murder ballad as a tale of love and revenge. When Eliza Day is seduced and betrayed by a wealthy English lover, she soon finds out that the restrictive society in which she lives has no place for defiant women who break with convention. With the help of Adam Stone, a free Black man, Eliza has a chance to make a new life for herself after the loss of her innocence - but to do so, she will have to be braver than she could ever have imagined. Mature themes, recommended for ages 15 and older.Nuair a mheallann agus a thréigeann Sasanach saibhir Éilís Ní Dheágha, foghlaimíonn sí go tapa nach bhfuil áit ann sa tsochaí shriantach ina bhfuil sí le haghaidh mná dúshlánacha nach dtugann aon aird ar ghnás na haimsire. Le cabhair ó Adam Stone, fear gorm saortha, tá deis ag Éilís saol nua a dhéanamh di féin tar éis di a soineantacht a chailleadh - ach chun é sin a dhéanamh, beidh uirthi a bheith níos cróga ná mar a shamhlaigh sí riamh. Téamaí aibí, moltar d'aois 15 nó níos sine.

  • af Seumas R. Macdhòmhnaill
    137,95 kr.

    Once there was a little red hen in a barnyard who spent most of her time looking for worms to feed her chicks. One day, she found a grain of wheat. She wanted to plant it in order to grow wheat and make bread, but would any of the other animals help her? The Gaelic translator of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit brings us The Little Red Hen, another tale perfect for Scottish Gaelic language learners of all ages. Accompanied by vintage American illustrations dating to 1918. Aon uair, bha Cearc Bheag Ruadh a' fuireach ann an iothlann. Gu bhith fad na h-ùine, bha i a' spaidsearachd mun cuairt an iothlainn a' sireadh bhoiteagan. Aon latha, fhuair a' Chearc Bheag Ruadh sìol cruithneachd. Bha i airson a chur, gus cruithneachd fhàs agus aran a dhèanamah, ach saoil am biodh beathach sam bith eile ga cuideachadh?

  • af Riel Nason
    137,95 kr.

    Kate the Highland dancer is back in the sequel to Disaster at the Highland Games! This time, Kate is excited to perform her first Highland dance solo in the Christmas ceilidh. But as she waits her turn backstage, Kate's imagination starts to run wild. She pictures every possible mishap in vivid detail, from forgetting her choreography to knocking over the Christmas tree. Can she remember the advice of her dance teacher in time to prevent a Christmas ceilidh catastrophe? Whimsical watercolour illustrations by Nathasha Pilotte complement award-winning author Riel Nason's rhyming verse with a reassuring message for every dance student.

  • af Catriona Nicìomhair Parsons
    137,95 kr.

    In this Scottish Gaelic poetry collection, Catrìona NicÌomhair Parsons takes us from the memories of her upbringing on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, to the "new Edinburgh" of New Zealand, to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia where she now makes her home. The poems focus on themes of emigration, the endurance of Gaelic language and culture, Christianity, aging, nature and the changing seasons. A section of songs and hymns rounds out the collection. The poems are in Gaelic with facing English translations by the author.

  • af Angus MacLeod
    247,95 kr.

    There are things known, and things unknown, and in between...are the doors. Fifteen short stories of eldritch horror and fantasy slip through doorways in and out of parallel worlds: a Stone Age village, the Viking mythos, a fairy glen, a mysterious shop. Tales of revenge, redemption, harm and healing play out in ocean, fen, and forest, in castle and city street. This is the English translation of Dorsan, the second Gaelic graphic novel from Cape Breton author-artist Angus MacLeod. Black and white.

  • af Seumas R. Macdhòmhnaill
    137,95 kr.

    This is the Scottish Gaelic translation of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Once upon a time, a family of three bears lived in a house in the woods. One day while the bears were out, a girl named Goldilocks walked into their house... The Gaelic translator of Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit brings us another tale perfect for Scottish Gaelic language learners of all ages. The formulaic repetition naturally teaches basic points of Gaelic grammar while expanding vocabulary. Accompanied by the charming Edwardian vintage illustrations of Leonard Leslie Brooke and William Morris.

  • af Riel Nason
    127,95 kr.

    This is the Gaelic translation of Disaster at the Highland Games by award-winning Atlantic Canadian author Riel Nason. Kate loves going to Highland dance class each week and is thrilled when her teacher suggests she compete at the Highland Games for the first time. Kate agrees to practice, but quickly changes her mind when she finds out that dancing at home by herself is not as much fun as dancing with friends in her class. Besides, she figures her dancing is already good enough. Everything will be fine. Or will it?Is fìor thoigh le Ceit a bhith a' dol gu clasaichean dannsa Gàidhealach gach seachdain agus tha i air a dòigh glan nuair a tha an tidsear aice a' moladh dhi feuchainn air farpais aig na Geamannan Gàidhealach airson na ciad uarach. Tha Ceit ag aontachadh gun dèan i deasachadh. Ach tha i ag atharrachadh a h-inntinn gu luath nuair a tha i a' faighinn a-mach nach eil e a leth cho spòrsail a bhith a' dannsa leatha fhèin aig an taigh seach a bhith a' dannsa còmhla ri a caraidean sa chlas. Cuideachd, tha i dhen bheachd gu bheil an dannsa aice math gu leòr mar a tha e. Bidh a h-uile càil ceart gu leòr...saoil nach bi?

  • af Riel Nason
    127,95 kr.

    Kate loves going to Highland dance class each week and is thrilled when her teacher suggests she compete at the Highland Games for the first time. Kate agrees to practice, but quickly changes her mind when she finds out that dancing at home by herself is not as much fun as dancing with friends in her class. Besides, she figures her dancing is already good enough. Everything will be fine...or will it? A single misstep sets off a hilarious chain of events across the whole Highland Games field in this over-the-top tale. Winner of the Alice Kitts Memorial Award for Excellence in Children's Writing, New Brunswick.

  • af Aonghas Macleòid
    257,95 kr.

  • af Terri M. Roberts
    107,95 kr.

  • af Terri M. Roberts
    107,95 kr.

  • af Angus MacLeod
    247,95 kr.

    Out of the twilight arise creatures magical and human, worlds strange and familiar. This debut Gaelic graphic novel, now translated into English for the first time, is a collection of a dozen original short tales. Cape Breton author-artist Angus MacLeod draws inspiration from the storytelling, history, and ancient beliefs of the Scottish Gaels, Lovecraftian horror, and 1950s comic books. Illustrated in black and white.

  • af Seoige Nicdhòmhnaill
    127,95 kr.

    This collection features new Gaelic poetry from eleven writers with Nova Scotian connections. In formats both modern and traditional, the authors explore joy and loss, connection and disconnection... and cookies! The poems demonstrate the tenacity of the Gaels and their language in the diaspora. Poems are presented in Scottish Gaelic with parallel English translations.Tha an leabhar seo a' cruinneachadh bàrdachd Ghàidhlig ùr bho aon sgrìobhadair dheug aig a bheil buinteanas ri Alba Nuadh. Ann an dòighean ùra agus tradaiseanta, bidh na h-ùghdairean a' seòladh dhuinn àgh agus bròn, dìlse agus aonarachd...agus briosgaidean! Tha na dàin seo a' dearbhadh gu bheil na Gàidheil agus an cànan fhathast buan air feadh an sliochda. Tha a' bhàrdachd air an taisbeanadh ann an Gàidhlig le eadar-theangachaidhean Beurla.

  • af Migi Macnill
    142,95 kr.

  • af Aonghas Macleòid
    247,95 kr.

  • af Nicola White
    317,95 kr.

  • af Mickey MacNeil
    127,95 kr.

  • af Migi Macnill
    137,95 kr.

  • - with a foreword by Diana Gabaldon
    af Margaret MacKay
    127,95 kr.

    Thirteen-year-old Iain Robertson is homesick for the Highlands of Scotland. It's September 1773, and he has just arrived in Nova Scotia with his parents and little sister after the long, disastrous, Atlantic voyage of the ship Hector. They wanted a new life in New Scotland-but the land agent lied to them. With no money, no food, no shelter, and winter fast approaching, how will they survive? Author Margaret MacKay of Pictou County, Nova Scotia, draws on the experiences of her ancestors to weave a tale of the first Gaels to settle in Nova Scotia.

  • - Aibidil de Chultar nan Gaidheal an Albainn Nuaidh
    af Shelayne Hanson
    131,95 kr.

    Welcome to the world of Nova Scotia's Gaelic culture! This picture book is a first step for children and adults looking to understand and connect with Gaelic history, culture, and identity in Nova Scotia. Through joyful illustrations and creative concepts, readers will have the opportunity to explore and celebrate what it means to be a Gael. The book is for children, teachers, parents, grandparents, and anyone who wants to learn more about Gaelic language and culture in Nova Scotia. This is the Scottish Gaelic translation of G is for Gael: An Alphabet of Nova Scotia's Gaelic Culture. This is the Gaelic Orthographic Conventions (GOC) edition.Thigibh air chèilidh air Cultar nan Gàidheal ann an Albainn Nuaidh! 'S e toiseach-tòiseachaidh a th' anns an leabhar seo do chloinn agus inbhich a tha ag iarraidh tuigse fhaighinn agus ceangalaichean a dhèanamh ri eachdraidh, dualchas, cànan agus fèin-aithne an Albainn Nuaidh. Tro dhealbhan tlachdmhòr agus smuaintean innleachdach, bidh cothrom aig an luchd-leughaidh air rannsachadh agus moladh na tha e a' ciallachadh a bhith nan Gàidheil. Tha an leabhar seo airson sgoilearan, luchd-teagaisg, pàrantan, seanairean, agus do dhuine sam bith a tha ag iarraidh barrachd ionnsachadh mun Ghàidhlig agus cultar nan Gàidheal ann an Canada.

  • af L M Montgomery
    274,95 - 467,95 kr.

    137,95 kr.

  • - A traditional Gaelic tale illustrated by Emily MacDonald
    127,95 kr.

  • af Robert Munsch
    137,95 kr.

    This is the authorized Scottish Gaelic Translation of The Paper Bag Princess. When the fiercest dragon in the whole world smashes Princess Elizabeth's castle, burns all her clothes, and captures her fiancé, Prince Ronald, Elizabeth takes matters into her own hands.

  • - Sgeulachd thraidiseanta air a dealbhadh le Eimilidh Dhomhnallach
    137,95 kr.

  • - An Alphabet of Nova Scotia's Gaelic Culture
    af Shelayne Hanson
    134,95 kr.

    Fàilte means "welcome"-welcome to the world of Nova Scotia''s Gaelic culture! This book is a first step for children and adults looking to understand and connect with Gaelic history, culture, and identity in Nova Scotia. Through joyful illustrations and creative concepts, readers will have the opportunity to explore and celebrate what it means to be a Gael. The book is for children, teachers, parents, grandparents, and anyone who wants to learn more about Gaelic language and culture in Nova Scotia.

  • af Emily Mcewan-Fujita
    357,95 - 592,95 kr.

  • - Dain
    af Calum L Macleoid
    137,95 kr.

    The first Gaelic poetry collection from Calum L. MacLeòid, 2016 winner of the Scottish Book Trust Gaelic New Writers Award for prose. Topics include urban culture and landscape in Canada and Scotland, relationships failed and successful, the lives of everyday objects, and emigrant life as a Gael mediated through the internet. This book is a Gaelic-only edition.Anns a' chiad chruinneachadh bàrdachd Ghàidhlig bho Chalum L. MacLeòid, ùghdar an nobhail A' Togail an t-Srùbain, tha na dàin gar toirt bho Phlateau Mont-Royal ann am Montréal, Canada, gu cladach a' Chluaidh ann an Glaschu. Am measg nan cuspairean tha cultar bailteil agus cruth-tìre ann an Canada is Alba, measaidhean air dàimhean soirbheachail agus fàilligeach, beatha fhalaichte nan nithean làitheil, agus beatha mar eilthireach is mar Ghàidheal air eadar-mheadhanachadh tron eadar-lìon.

  • - Dain Rumi airson a' Mhiosachain Ghaidhealaich an Albainn Nuaidh / Poems of Rumi for the Gaelic Cultural Calendar in Nova Scotia
    af Coleman Barks & Lodaidh Macfhionghain
    137,95 kr.

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