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Bøger udgivet af Brill I Schoeningh

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  • af Rebecca Hagen
    1.277,95 kr.

    This book examines the retranslation of Hamlet in Germany in the 20th and the early 21st century.It adopts a comparative approach, juxtaposing four retranslations (the versions by Hauptmann, Fried, Günther, Schanelec and Gosch) of Shakespeare's Hamlet to Schlegel's canonical translation of the Long Nineteenth Century. By comparing and contrasting the succeeding translations to the Schlegelian translation as well as their direct predecessors, it can be assessed to what extent retranslators have engaged with previous solutions, thereby benefitting the creation of a translating tradition. Beyond the linguistic examination of the translations, it is the author's aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the process of retranslation as a whole.

  • af Alena Marková
    1.407,95 kr.

    The book sheds light on processes of Belarusian nation-building and identity formation during the interwar period. It provides a complete analysis of the Soviet policy of Belarusization in interwar Belarus (1924-1929). The analysis covers issues pertaining to the formation of national identity, the incorporation of the Belarusian national language into educational and administrative spheres within the policy of Belarusization and its acceptance by the different strata of the multi-ethnic society in the BSSR of that period. The monograph also sheds light on the reasons for the launching and ceasing of that policy as well as on the interrelation between the Communist Party and the Belarusian national intelligentsia.

  • af Pauli A. Heikkilä
    1.407,95 kr.

    The book expands the history of the Cold War to Eastern European emigrants and their networks.The "Assembly of Captive European Nations" was a major organisation for Eastern European emigrants in the US since 1954. The cooperation of exiled politicians from nine countries opened up for them new opportunities for lobbying and publications. This book focuses on Estonian contributions to the ACEN. Besides successes, the book reveals troublesome relations with the American authorities, schisms among Europeans and extended national disputes. The ACEN was quickly forgotten after its dissolution in 1972. Based on extensive archival research, this book reflects the ACEN's aspirations and personalities.

  • af John Sanders
    1.277,95 kr.

    The first book with a focus on free will theism with Christian and Muslim contributions on Divine Action. Muslims and Christians both believe in a personal God who cares for humans and is present in the life of religious believers. They address God in their petitionary prayers, give thanks to God for God's mercy and they long for God's justice. But is it still possible to give thanks to God for our lives if so many others around us seem to suffer without just cause? How can we rely on the power of intercession and divine involvement, if so many other urgent pleas to God appear to go unanswered? This book formulates Muslim and Christian responses to these questions from important contemporary scholars from both traditions - as Ebrahim Moosa, Muhammad Legenhausen, Juliane Hammer, Gregory Boyd and both editors of the book.

  • af Kurt Appel
    1.147,95 kr.

    This volume shows that the vulnerability and mortality of life are the starting points of its transcendence which exceeds all representability.Only by renouncing fantasies of omnipotence of a theological, philosophical and scientific nature, human beings can advance to their destiny and introduce a New Humanism enabling a bond between all that is alive and between human beings and their transcendent dimension. This includes an understanding of time that no longer follows chronological-mechanistic constraints, a non-instrumental understanding of language that finds its dimension of depth in prayer and an understanding of God in which God is inseparably related to the openness of human existence. In traversing the arising avenues of thought, the four-part volume, written by three authors but to be read as a unity, is oriented towards a philosophy of central biblical passages, Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit, Musil's Man Without Qualities, Hölderlin's poetry and Lacan¿s psychoanalysis.

  • af Carola Baumann
    672,95 kr.

    Philosophen, Ethiker, Psychologen, Pädagogen, Ökologen, Theologen und Juristen haben mit Beiträgen zu dieser Festschrift dafür gesorgt, daß sie eine außergewöhnliche Bandbreite an Themen aufweist, die für jeden weltanschaulich und human-ethisch Interessierten und für kritische Beobachter des Zeitgeistes höchst aktuell und bedeutsam sind. Diese Festschrift ist also nicht nur Ehrung für einen großen Gelehrten, Philosophen und Religionswissenschaftler, sondern auch eine Fortentwicklung, Ergänzung und Bereicherung der Wissenschaftsdebatten, die im Zusammenhang mit den in diesem Buch behandelten Themen und Problemen permanent geführt werden: Gerade die im Untertitel der Festschrift angeführten Themen führen momentan zu teilweise hitzigen Diskussionen in den Medien.

  • af Elena Marushiakova
    1.917,95 kr.

    This ground-breaking book is an impressively extensive collection of primary historical sources in various languages that reflect the history of the Roma (formerly referred to as 'Gypsies' in local languages). The selection of the included materials reflects the authentic voice of the Roma them - selves, and presents their visions and the specific goals pursued by the Roma civic emancipation movement. The source materials are published in original and translated in English, and are accompanied by explanatory notes and summarising comments discussing the specific historical realities and their interrelation to the Romani emancipatory movement in Central and Eastern Europe, thus presenting a comprehensive picture of the historical processes.Romani Studies (2022), 32 (1)"The exhaustive analyses of the sources, summarisation after each chapter and generally for the whole book, and the entangled historical approach used in the reviewed monograph will definitely change the paradigms in Romani studies. For the first time here we see a new approach to the study of Roma history being offered [...]"(Julieta Rotaru)

  • af Anna Maria Riedl
    1.147,95 kr.

    Judith Butler is regarded as one of the most popular philosophers of the present. Famous for her theory of gender her wide-ranging work explored such themes as language, power, recognition, vulnerability, mourning, and grievability, revolutions, democratic movements, and resistance. This book provides an overview of Butler's rich scholarship and utilizes selected examples to present opportunities for a theological approach to her work. Of particular interest in this regard are the clear parallels between Butler's thought and progressive theologies, such as Liberation Theology or the New Political Theology founded by Johann Baptist Metz. With attention to Butlers Jewish background, this unique interdisciplinary investigation bridges Butler's thought, political philosophy, and Christian theology. Judith Butler and Theology considers how the reflections and insights of this critical intellectual can help set a constructive theology for the challenges of our century.

  • af Elisabetta Chiodo
    1.022,95 kr.

    The book presents the annotated texts of 21 songs of Eastern Mongol shamans. The transcriptions are kept in the Archives of Oral Literature of the Northrhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Düsseldorf.The publication contributes new knowledge of the history, ritual practices, beliefs and customs of the Qorcin (Khorchin) Mongol shamans of eastern Inner Mongolia in particular. It focuses on 21 shamanic songs performed for different purposes. They are sung by 8 shamans who were born in the first decades of the 20th century. The Mongol texts of the songs are supplied with an English translation, extensive commentaries, and melodies in numeric notation. The author analyses the 21 songs by making use of passages from songs belonging to the repertoire of other Qorcin Mongol shamans. The 21 songs were placed within a broad framework of Mongolian oral legends and heroic epics, showing that they also evoke themes recurring in different contexts. The book contains 18 photos taken by the author during field trips among the Qorcin shamans.

    517,95 kr.

    Archäologie der Kirchenkrise: Das Buch zur Enzyklika »Humanae vitae«, durch die Papst Paul VI. 1968 die Empfängnisverhütung durch die »Pille« verbot, analysiert die tiefgreifenden und bis in die Gegenwart spürbaren Folgen dieser heftig umstrittenen Entscheidung.Wie kam es zu dieser folgenreichen Entscheidung des Papstes? Wie reagierten die Katholiken, Priester und Laien, Männer und besonders Frauen? Welche Konsequenzen zogen sie daraus? Inwiefern stellte dieses Ereignis eine Zäsur in der Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland und der Welt dar? Welchen Platz sollten Kirche und Katholiken in der modernen Gesellschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Zukunft einnehmen? Intensive Recherchen in lange verschlossenen Archiven lassen erst jetzt ein Bild dieser dramatischen Zeit entstehen. Namhafte Forscherinnen und Forscher aus dem In- und Ausland tragen in diesem Buch ihre Erkenntnisse zusammen. Diese Einsichten sind von großer Bedeutung für gegenwärtige Diskussionen über kirchliche Reformprozesse, weil sie an die Wurzeln der Krisenphänomene der Gegenwart zurückführen.

    1.522,95 kr.

    Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales reúne diversas contribuciones que estudian, desde una perspectiva pluridisciplinar (con enfoques que van de lo literario a lo antropológico, pasando por lo histórico-arqueológico), la evolución del poder femenino y su expresión pública desde la tardoantigüedad hasta el período bizantino tardío.Los trabajos aquí reunidos consideran tanto la evidencia literaria como la material (pintura y escultura, numismática, epigrafía monumental). Por su carácter interdisciplinar, esta obra permite observar desde diversos ángulos las estrategias que facultaron a estas mujeres para ejercer el poder. Con su liderazgo en las cortes imperiales y reales, las mujeres que transitan por estas páginas consiguieron trascender el papel de meras madres de emperadores y reyes para convertirse en auténticas protagonistas de la política contemporánea.

  • af Robert Svaton
    1.277,95 kr.

    For decades, Christians of different confessions in Central and Eastern Europe were linked together by the experience of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, which also significantly codetermined the relationships between Christian churches. After 1989, these churches became part of the life of a free society and found themselves in the midst of profound social, political, economic, and cultural changes. Thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain presents an opportunity to reflect on what form the local ecumenical communities of churches are taking in this process of transformation. The authors of this book not only share experiences that reflect the specific historical and local context of churches in Central and Eastern Europe but also seek to perceive particular issues in the context of the changing global paradigm of the ecumenical mentality. The book explores the place of ecumenism in the lives of individual churches, opens up questions about the continuity of historical memory, analyzes new challenges addressed to the Christian community, and asks about the form and quality of mutual relations between Christian churches in the region. The volume wants to be a contribution to the search for a valid and reliable ecumenical hermeneutics for the 21st century, which uses the immediate ecumenical experience in the midst of a changing world. The book contains texts by Piotr Kopiec, Péter Szentpétery, Jaroslav Vokoun, Cristian Sonea, Andriyj Mykhaleyko, Robert Svato n¿ , L'ubomír Batka, and Reinhard Thöle .

  • af Anna Usacheva
    1.277,95 kr.

    This volume explores the long-standing tensions between such notions as soul and body, spirit and flesh, in the context of human immortality and bodily resurrection. The discussion revolves around late antique views on the resurrected human body and the relevant philosophical, medical and theological notions that formed the background for this topic. Soon after the issue of the divine-human body had been problematised by Christianity, it began to drift away from vast metaphysical deliberations into a sphere of more specialized bodily concepts, developed in ancient medicine and other natural sciences. To capture the main trends of this interdisciplinary dialogue, the contributions in this volume range from the 2nd to the 8th centuries CE, and discuss an array of figures and topics, including Justin, Origen, Bardais·an, and Gregory of Nyssa.

  • af Sven Externbrink
    517,95 kr.

    Blick ins BuchHinter die Kulissen des Lebens Ludwigs XIV. schauen, eines Monarchen, mit dem sich so viele Klischees verbinden, und einen Eindruck vom "wahren" Leben hinter dem roten Samtvorhang vermitteln - das will die Biographie von Sven Externbrink. Ausdrücklich richtet sich dieses Buch nicht nur an Fachhistoriker, sondern bringt auch dem historisch interessierten Laien eine sehr ferne und fremde Epoche nahe. Dabei bricht die Biographie mit der traditionellen chronologischen Darstellung eines Lebens, beginnend mit der Geburt und endend mit dem Tod. Statt dessen blicken wir aus verschiedenen Perspektiven auf den Sonnenkönig - beginnend erstens mit seiner Person, zweitens mit dem Blick auf Zeitgenossen, Untertanen, Monarchie und Ludwigs Regierung, drittens auf Ludwig und Europa. Eingeschoben werden "Miniaturen", in denen aus nächster Nähe Schlüsselereignisse seines Lebens thematisiert werden. Wie kaum ein anderer Monarch vor ihm in Europa hat Ludwig XIV. die Kunst in den Dienst der Monarchie gestellt. In der Person Ludwigs tritt dem Leser daher auch ein "Künstler", und zwar ein "Schauspieler" entgegen, der zeitlebens die Rolle des Königs gespielt hat, als Schauspieler auf der Bühne der Welt und des Lebens.

  • af Athanasios Despotis
    1.277,95 kr.

    Philosophy is an enterprise that was construed in various ways by early Christian theologians. These essays examine the relation between philosophy, the New Testament and the exegetical works of patristic interpreters. Though scholars often recognize the significance of philosophical traditions for allegorical interpretation, they have paid less attention to early Christianity as a kind of ancient philosophy, i.e., a philosophical way of life and art of exegesis. This volume scrutinizes in new depth how early Christian authors integrated philosophical concepts and practices into their interpretation.

  • af Junghun Bae
    1.147,95 kr.

    In recent years, there has been significant scholarly focus on John Chrysostom's appropriation of ancient philosophical therapy, but relatively little attention has been devoted to his use of this medicalized discourse in relation to almsgiving. Adopting an interdisciplinary research between Greco-Roman philosophy and social ethics in early Christianity, Junghun Bae pursues a giver-centered analysis which has largely been ignored in the previous research. He argues that for Chrysostom almsgiving is one of the most powerful remedies for healing sick souls. The concept of Christianized soul therapy is a new key framework for understanding his approach to almsgiving holistically and has the potential to off er a new reading of the discourse on almsgiving in late antiquity.

  • af Vladas Sirutavicius
    1.472,95 kr.

    This book aims to create an integral picture of the social, economic and cultural history of the Jews in Lithuania during the course of more than six hundred years - from the Middle Ages to the 1990s. It is a translation of the study "Lietuvos zydai. Istorine studija" (Engl. "Lithuanian Jews. Historical study"), published in Lithuanian in 2012. The Book was written by an international group of scholars from Lithuania, Israel, the United States of America and Germany.The world of Lithuanian Jewry is reconstructed through different aspects of the development of community and society: demography, social and economic activity, self-government institutions of the community, cultural and religious movements, literature and the press, education, discriminative policy of the authorities and relations with the dominant church, segregation, assimilation and changes of identity, anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust.

  • af Paolo Astorri
    1.857,95 kr.

    It is clear that the Lutheran Reformation greatly contributed to changes in theological and legal ideas - but what was the extent of its impact on the field of contract law? Legal historians have extensively studied the contract doctrines developed by Roman Catholic theologians and canonists; however, they have largely neglected Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Johann Aepinus, Martin Chemnitz, Friedrich Balduin and many other reformers. This book focuses on those neglected voices of the Reformation, exploring their role in the history of contract law. These men mapped out general principles to counter commercial fraud and dictated norms to regulate standard economic transactions. The most learned jurists, such as Matthias Coler, Peter Heige, Benedict Carpzov, and Samuel Stryk, among others, studied these theological teachings and implemented them in legal tenets. Theologians and jurists thus cooperated in resolving contract law problems, especially those concerning interest and usury.

  • af Ralf Koerrenz
    630,95 kr.

    The Lost Mirror traces cultural patterns in which the interpretation of learning and education was developed against the backdrop of Hebrew thought.The appreciation of learning is deeply rooted in the Hebrew way of thinking. Learning is understood as an open and history-conscious engagement of man with culture. The consciousness of history is shaped by the motif of the unavailability of the "other" and the difference to this "other". This "other" is traditionally remembered as "God", but may also be reflected in the motifs of the other person or the other society. The Lost Mirror reminds us of a deficit, which is that in our everyday thinking and everyday action, we usually hide, forget and partly suppress the meaning and presence of the unavailable other. The book approaches this thinking through portraits of people such as Janusz Korczak, Martin Buber, Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Francois Lyotard and others.

  • af Christof Mandry
    1.187,95 kr.

    Medicine, ethics, and theology embrace various ideas and concepts regarding human suffering - ranging from pain, suffering from loneliness, a lack of meaning or finitude, to a religious understanding of suffering, grounded in a suffering and compassionate God. In the practices of clinical medical ethics and health care chaplaincy, these diverse concepts overlap. What kind of conflicts arise from different concepts in patient care and counseling, and how should they be dealt with in a reflective way? Fostering international interdisciplinary scientific conversations, the book aims to deepen the discussion in medical ethics concerning the understanding of suffering, and the caring and counseling of patients.

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