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  • - Eugenics, Lobotomies, Using X-Rays to Speed Up Evolution, and Other Dangerous Ideas Inspired by Darwinism
    af Jerry Bergman
    207,95 kr.

    This is the second book to support the fact that Darwinism has caused enormous harm in society. The first book covered how Darwinism fostered scientific racism. This book covers 17 of the most harmful ideas and hoaxes committed in the name of evolution, often concocted to support Darwinism. These few examples of the many available illustrate how Darwinism has misled scientists, researchers, and the general public. Most were birthed by Darwinism and several were a direct result of the Darwinian worldview indoctrination. Two were awarded the Nobel Prize, and several resulted in enormous harm to a large number of innocent people. Some caused financial harm, and a few caused harm to health. In some extreme cases death has resulted, such as among frontal-lobotomy patients. This book is the 12th volume written by Dr. Bergman documenting the harm to society caused by Darwinism. In short, it is beyond question that Darwinism has caused an enormous amount of harm to humanity.

  • af Herman Dooyeweerd
    162,95 - 372,95 kr.

    En el ocaso del pensamiento occidental fue publicado originalmente a partir de una serie de conferencias dictadas por el Dr. Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977) entre los años 1957 y 1959, en diferentes lugares de Estados Unidos y Canadá. El libro fue posteriormente revisado y reimpreso varias veces. La presente traducción corresponde a la edición más reciente, la cual agrega características importantes como la incorporación de referencias bibliográficas (la obra original no contenía ninguna); la reorganización del texto en partes, secciones y subsecciones; así como la retitulación de prácticamente todos los capítulos.La relevancia de esta traducción es que en sus páginas Dooyeweerd mismo nos presenta una excelente introducción a su filosofía, la cual puede verse como un marco teórico distintivamente bíblico para el pensamiento y la acción del pueblo cristiano, tanto en la iglesia como en el mundo de hoy en general.Por su corta extensión pero gran profundidad, la lectura de este texto resultará atractiva para diferentes públicos; ya que resume en buena medida el desarrollo de las ideas presentadas por Dooyeweerd en el primer volumen de su obra magna Una nueva crítica del pensamiento teórico con sus implicaciones reformadoras para las concepciones filosóficas de la ciencia, la historia, la teología y la antropología (esta última desarrollada muy ampliamente en su extensa obra Reforma y escolástica en la filosofía) desde una perspectiva radicalmente escritural.

  • - Las opciones pagana, secular y cristiana
    af Herman Dooyeweerd
    164,95 kr.

    Esta es la obra más accesible de Dooyeweerd. Proporciona una comprensión de las orientaciones de vida griegas, medievales y humanistas modernas en su desarrollo histórico y su interpenetración, confrontadas a lo largo de todo el texto con las implicaciones de una comprensión bíblica integral de la condición humana, la sociedad humana y el lugar y el llamado de la reflexión académica. Muestra un sano sentido de solidaridad y crítica con estas diversas tradiciones. Desde un punto de vista puramente histórico, Dooyeweerd escribe, por ejemplo, que el Humanismo ha hecho más por el reconocimiento de la libertad pública para las convicciones religiosas de lo que hizo el calvinismo del siglo XVII. Particularmente instructivo en esta obra es el desvelamiento por parte de Dooyeweerd del origen de la ideología moderna de la comunidad a principios del siglo anterior y sus efectos subsiguientes en el Nacional-Socialismo.El filósofo holandés del siglo XX, Herman Dooyeweerd (1894-1977), dejó tras de sí un impresionante canon de obras filosóficas y ha seguido influyendo en una comunidad académica en Europa y América del Norte, la cual ha extendido, criticado y aplicado su pensamiento en muchos campos académicos.

  • af Cipriano de Valera
    162,95 - 194,95 kr.

    Lo que tienes ante ti es una joya reformacional del reformador español Cipriano de Valera (1531-1602). En su Tratado (1594), originalmente escrito para aquellos creyentes protestantes esclavizados por los piratas o corsarios de Berbería, Valera conforta, exhorta y edifica magistralmente, al tiempo que proporciona una deconstrucción del catolicismo romano, el judaísmo y el islam. Quizás lo más notable es su ánimo a aquellos fieles cautivos de dar testimonio a sus captores, tanto en palabra como en acción de vida, albergando en lo profundo la esperanza de que la semilla del evangelio plantada por los cautivos produciría fruto transformador de vida en sus captores. Valera tuvo la audacia de creer, como todos deberíamos, que el evangelio puede transformar los corazones de aquellos a quienes podríamos percibir como nuestros enemigos más acérrimos. Eso debería provocarnos a tener una fe igual o mayor en lo que el evangelio puede lograr por el poder del Espíritu de Dios.

  • - Exodus
    af Cántaro Institute
    129,95 kr.

    This WEB Scripture Journal positions the full text of a Bible book opposite of lightly lined blank pages for writing. In your own personal Bible reading, reflection, or even for group Bible studies and sermon preparation, you have the freedom and space to write your notes and prayers.

  • af Steven R Martins
    152,95 - 237,95 kr.

  • af Bernal Diaz del Castillo
    542,95 kr.

    Originally titled Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España (The True History of the Conquest of New Spain), this first-person narrative by the military adventurer, conquistador, and settler Bernal Díaz del Castillo (1492-1584) recounts the fall of Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II, the defeat of the Aztec Empire, and his participation in the Spanish military campaigns that brought them about. Díaz served in three Mesoamerican expeditions, that of Francisco Hernández de Córdoba to the Yucatán peninsula (1517); that of Juan de Grijalva (1518), and finally the expedition of Hernán Cortés (1519) in the Valley of Mexico. Amongst chroniclers, Díaz was most celebrated as Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) was amongst novelists.Beyond the sheer adventure and conflict, Díaz del Castillo's work serves as a crucial document for understanding the complexities of Spanish colonization, the clash of civilizations, and the inevitable changes it brought to the New World. His account not only sheds light on the strategic military maneuvers and alliances formed with various indigenous groups but also reflects on the cultural exchanges, misunderstandings, and the human aspects of this epochal period. The Conquest of New Spain stands not just as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the conquerors, but also as a poignant reminder of the worlds that were irrevocably changed in the wake of their ambitions.

  • af Adolfo Garcia de la Sienra
    127,95 kr.

    El Dr. Adolfo García de la Sienra Guajardo es Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Stanford, California, y recibió el Doctorado Honoris Causa en Teología por el Seminario Teológico de Edinburg (Texas) debido a su distinguida carrera académica, en la que destaca la traducción de varios libros fundamentales de la filosofía de la idea de la ley, particularmente Una nueva crítica del pensamiento teórico de Herman Dooyeweerd.[García de la Sienra] es "una figura central, asociada al instituto Cántaro, de Ontario. . . Puede ser considerado el más grande conocedor [de grootste kenner] de la filosofía reformada en el mundo de habla hispana".-Bas Hengstmengel, en "Neocalvinisme in Zuid-Amerika"¿¿¿Dr. Adolfo García de la Sienra Guajardo holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Stanford University, California, and received an Honorary Doctorate in Theology from the Edinburg Theological Seminary (Texas) due to his distinguished academic career, in which he is noted for translating several fundamental books on the philosophy of the concept of law, particularly A New Critique of Theoretical Thought by Herman Dooyeweerd.[García de la Sienra] is "a central figure, associated with the Cántaro Institute, in Ontario... He can be considered the greatest expert [de grootste kenner] on Reformed philosophy in the Spanish-speaking world."-Bas Hengstmengel, in "Neocalvinism in South America"

  • af Carl E Koppenhaver
    127,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Cornelius Van Til
    182,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af H. Evan Runner
    212,95 kr.

    Concordando con su misión de poner al alcance de los hispanohablantes las obras más importantes de la filosofía cristiana, el Cántaro Institute se complace en presentar este segundo volumen de la Biblioteca de Filosofía Cristiana, que reúne en un solo tomo las significativas Conferencias de Unionville del profesor H. Evan Runner.El profesor Runner ha sido, indudablemente, uno de los más consistentes y lúcidos defensores de la tesis de que es necesario reformar la academia y la política desde una perspectiva escritural. Para él, el conflicto entre la fe cristiana y la fe humanista no es, en primer lugar, un conflicto teórico, ya sea teológico o filosófico, sino un conflicto de la vida en su práctica concreta: en política, cultura, arte, enseñanza, entre otros. Esta postura, recientemente respaldada y ampliamente difundida por el autor Chuck Colson en su exitoso libro Y ahora, ¿cómo viviremos?, es sin duda provocadora para aquellos que separan la religión de la vida social fuera de la iglesia.Esta tesis tiene sus raíces en el protestantismo reformado en Holanda, específicamente en el concepto del cientifismo y soberanía de las esferas, al cual el profesor Runner se ha referido con valentía, claridad conceptual y fundamento bíblico en estas páginas.Se podría afirmar que este texto es una de las mejores exposiciones de la ética protestante. El lector encontrará en él una exposición coherente de la filosofía evangélica de la educación y la práctica política, así como una idea precisa de cómo debe vivir y pensar el cristiano.

  • af Cornelius Van Til
    182,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Casiodoro de Reina
    162,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Jerry Bergman
    247,95 - 417,95 kr.

    It is commonly assumed that C S Lewis was a theistic evolutionist. In fact, he was one of the most effective anti-evolutionist of the last century. He did not make his case against evolution from biology, but rather from logic, reason, and history. This book is another reason to appreciate the life and work of Lewis and his contribution to Christian thought.

  • af Kon Blacke
    87,95 kr.

    Karl Meddings is what you would call an ordinary guy in every way. He loves his best friend-with benefits-Sagan, with all his heart, and leads a good life. The only unusual thing about his world is the fact he shares it with saurians-the modern-day ancestors of dinosaurs. But now, Karl's boss, a rather attractive tyrannosaurus by the name of Benedict Tumbold, has an interesting proposal for both Karl and Sagan-a proposal that could turn Karl from an ordinary guy with no real prospects to someone special. A hero... Will Karl accept his boss's offer? Will Sagan? Or will an ordinary life be all that Karl's destined for?

  • af Timothy Black
    92,95 kr.

    The erotic and exciting adventures of Charlotte Frost, Tantric Aviatrix, continues... In a world where sex is magic, Captain Charlotte Frost is confronted with the mystery of her world's origins. Having narrowly escaped the Matriarchy with the enigmatic, sentient, and shapeshifting Doll, they now find themselves trapped in the mysterious Temple of Ishtar, long buried in the past under the sands of the Syrian Desert. Together, Charlotte and the Doll must face the trials and tribulations of a secret past about the magic of the Aviatrixes that threatens both their beliefs and their very survival.

  • af Francisco Aular
    182,95 kr.

    Perlas del Alma es un devocional semanal que brinda una perspectiva bíblica sobre asuntos cotidianos, basándose en las Escrituras y en la experiencia de vida del autor. ¿Cómo deberiamos vivir? ¿Cómo alumbra la Palabra de Dios a nuestros pies? Francisco Aular, pastor, plantador de iglesias, evangelista y misionero, nos invita a caminar con él en su meditación de la Escritura. Disfrute de este devocional, ya sea individualmente o con su familia, y atesore las perlas de las Escrituras.

  • af Deborah Alcock
    317,95 kr.

    On a burning autumn afternoon, in the Sixteenth Century, which had then passed its meridian by rather more than ten years, Don Fray Tomas de San Martin, the stately prior of the great Franciscan monastery of Ciudad de los Reyes, now called Lima, was sitting alone in his private apartment... In spite of physical languor and exhaustion, an expression of satisfaction lit up his countenance as he finished his second careful perusal of a letter he held in his hand. Then he laid the document on the table before him, pausing, however, to glance, with a slight smile, at the pompous armorial bearings inscribed on the seals with which the floss silk that bound it had been secured.

  • af Steven R. Martins
    162,95 kr.

    What is the gospel? How well can we articulate the gospel? If our gospel is solely about forgiveness of sin and entry into heaven in the hereafter, we have missed the true substance of the gospel. The gospel is more than a private spiritual experience, the gospel is all-encompassing in its nature and scope. Contrary to what many Christians might think, the gospel has significant ramifications for the here and now.

  • af Steven R. Martins
    142,95 kr.

    ¿Cómo podemos estar seguros de que la Biblia es la Palabra de Dios? ¿Cómo podemos saber que la Biblia es confiable y verdadera? Para empezar, la Biblia es el único libro religioso importante que afirma ser la Palabra inspirada de Dios. Esta verdad fundamental sienta las bases para responder a las preguntas que siguen.

  • af Thomas M'Crie
    317,95 kr.

    It was only a few years ago that the Christian church celebrated the 500th anniversary of the protestant reformation, that historic day when the German monk and scholar, Martin Luther, nailed the 95 Theses to the chapel door of Wittenberg castle. What Luther likely thought was an otherwise insignificant event at the time turned out to be the much-needed spark to light an ecclesiastical movement towards reforming all life and thought to the teaching of God's Word alone. And while much is known about the history of the Reformation in general, much of what transpired in the Spanish-speaking world remains obscure and forgotten.Here then enters Thomas M'Crie, the knowledgeable guide who takes readers on a tour throughout the history of the Spanish reformation as it unfolded. M'Crie's History of the reformation in Spain, originally published in 1829, is an invaluable gem of scholarship that deserves wider exposure and distribution, and, in an effort to make it more accessible to modern readership, has been reformatted and retitled to the History of the Spanish Reformation. M'Crie's objective was twofold, (i) to contribute towards the history of that reformational movement that affected all of Europe and the New World, and by doing so, (ii) rescuing the Spanish reformation from obscurity.- From the Foreword

  • af Steven R. Martins
    162,95 kr.

  • af Charli Mac
    177,95 kr.

  • af R. M. Ballantyne
    267,95 kr.

    "Reader, I take for granted that you are tolerably well acquainted with the different modes of life and travelling peculiar to European nations. I also presume that you know something of the inhabitants of the East; and, it may be, a good deal of the Americans in general. But I suspect-at least I would fain hope-that you have only a vague and indefinite knowledge of life in those wild, uncivilized regions of the northern continent of America that surround the shores of Hudson Bay. I would fain hope this, I say, that I may have the satisfaction of giving you information on the subject, and of showing you that there is a body of civilized men who move, and breathe (pretty cool air, by the way!), and spend their lives in a quarter of the globe as totally different, in most respects, from the part you inhabit..." - Chapter 1

  • af Oliver Mowat & Steven R. Martins
    197,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Alcock
    112,95 kr.

  • af Michael Wagner
    142,95 kr.

    Dr. Wagner presents a brief but powerful summary of the case for National Covenanting, and particularly, the case for the obligation that yet rests upon the Anglosphere Nations (i.e. the entirety of English-speaking civilization) to own their broken covenant with God, The Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Kingdoms (1643). For those who may be unfamiliar with the covenanted obligation that lies upon the Anglosphere Nations, this concise primer will provide the reader with an excellent overview of why God will not forget the sacred National Covenant that England, Ireland, and Scotland (along with all the Dominions of Great Britain) made with Him, who is Governor among the Nations (Psalm 22:28) and who keeps truth forever (Psalm 146:6). What makes this a matter of the utmost importance is that lawful covenants made with God (whether personal, ecclesiastical, or national) cannot be dissolved, repealed, or antiquated by the mere passage of time, by wars of independence, or by crossing an ocean to plant a daughter-kingdom. For the sacred duty of all those bound by lawful covenants is squarely founded upon the moral obligation of the Third Commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain" (Exodus 20:7).

  • af Paul Aurich
    317,95 kr.

  • af Felyx Lawson
    172,95 kr.

    Rider Williams is a typical high school student. He has classes, plays guitar, and dreams of being a journalist. He's out at school, even if it wasn't his choice, and he's secretly dating a boy from the basketball team. Okay, so he's not your typical high school student. While Rider might be out, his relationship with Cameron Walker is not. Cam loves their time together. What he feels for Rider is something he's never felt before, but despite being head over heels for each other, both struggle to say how they truly feel. Maybe the class trip to New York City will be the push they need to grow even closer? Or maybe not. Turns out Rider and Cam have to share their room with Octavius Spencer and Michael Myers-two of Rider's biggest enemies. Relationships are difficult in high school, and even more so when they're half in the closet. Can Rider and Cam survive their senior year? There's still plenty of the school year left, but Rider knows L.I.F.E. is just getting started.

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