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  • af Guohua Sun
    597,95 kr.

    The theory of socialist democracy and the rule of law with Chinese characteristics is one of the important contents of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is also a basic component of the theoretical system of socialist law with Chinese characteristics. To understand the theory of socialist democracy and the rule of law with Chinese characteristics, we must connect with the great practice of Reform and Opening-up in contemporary China, and we must also connect with the overall context of the development of Marxist jurisprudence theory. Systematically sorting out the ideological origin, formation and enrichment process of the theory of socialist democracy and rule of law with Chinese characteristics, focusing on explaining the basic content and major characteristics of the theory of socialist democracy and rule of law with Chinese characteristics, clarifying the social functions, social foundations, leadership, promotion process and promotion methods of the socialist theory of democracy and the rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and placing the socialist theory of democracy and the rule of law within the "Five-in-one" overall layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics, "A Research on Socialist Democracy and Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics" reveals the relationship between democracy and the rule of law and economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization. In addition, it also expounds the internal relationship between democracy and the rule of law, the cause of human rights, and the leadership of the party. The theoretical elaboration of these issues constitutes a complete system that together explains why a large Eastern country like China needs to build democracy and the rule of law, what kind of democracy and rule of law to build, how to build democracy and rule of law, and how to comprehensively promote the rule of law in the current historical process of Reform and Opening-up, social transformation and development, thus explaining the "Chinese characteristics" and "socialist characteristics of the primary stage" of the theory of democracy and rule of law, etc.

  • af Hong Chen
    207,95 kr.

    The dragon is the incarnation of the Chinese ancestors, the phoenix is the ideal for the nation to fly. Dragon and phoenix are the totems of the Chinese nation. Dragon and Phoenix Harbingering Prosperity symbolizes the Chinese nation's journey of formation in its diversity and unity, embodies the Chinese culture's strength in its combination of vigor and suppleness and the harmony of yin and yang, and symbolizes the advent of a peaceful and prosperous world. With dragons flying and phoenixes dancing, Chinese culture is one of unremitting strive for self-improvement. It is characterised by its submerged and ascending nature, its longevity and daily renewal; it features a simple and delicate structure, one that is balanced and versatile; it has a majestic and elegant spirit, one that is moderate and vigorous. Let's talk about dragons and phoenixes and enter the beautiful hall of Chinese culture.

  • af Enfu Cheng
    537,95 kr.

    People often regard political economy as the "crown" of humanities and social sciences. As a fundamental and backbone subject of the whole economic discipline and humanities and social sciences, political economy has the characteristics of general education in universities and essential knowledge for modern civilized people. This book provides a panoramic view of the Marxist political economy that comprehensively expounds capitalist and socialist market economy. In the light of the system of Marx's Capital and the six-part system of the political economy (which is supposed to consist of the studies respectively of capital, land ownership, wage labor, state, foreign trade and world markets). For the first time in the international academia, the book creates a "five-process system". In addition to the introduction and the conclusion, the first part analyzes the direct process of production, the second part analyzes the process of circulation, the third part analyzes the general process of production, the fourth part analyzes the national economic process, and the fifth part analyzes the international economic process. This book abandons the method of narrating the political economy by dividing it into such two parts as capitalist and socialist ones, or by dividing the cross-linked economic systems, economic performance, and economic development into several parts and then, wherein, arranging specific chapters to respectively narrate about the capitalist and socialist methods. Instead, for the first time, this book chooses to expound with the general-specific category analysis method within every chapter. For example, within the chapter of State Monopoly Economy, state monopoly economy in general is firstly explained, then followed by capitalist state monopoly economy and socialist state monopoly economy specifically; for the part dealing with the market economy, the common features of the market economy are firstly stated, and then respectively its capitalist and socialist characteristics are discussed. Besides applying the approaches of historical materialism and materialist dialectics, this book adopts mathematical method, as well as the method of new institutional economics, the game theory, and input-output analysis. This book vigorously absorbs the latest research achievements of the political economy both at home and abroad about capitalism and socialism. For example, its introduction and analysis of such great deal of new theories and terms such as wealth, electronic currency, enterprise form, labor relations, poverty alleviation, the network economy, capital financing, growth model, input and output, transaction cost, economic cycles, financial instruments, incomplete information, resource conservation-oriented society, recycling economy, humanistic index, administrative monopoly, economic security, comparative advantage trap and community with shared interest, demonstrates its merits in theoretical exploration. Our elaboration of such issues as research object and scope, the nature of economics, fairness and efficiency, class and stratum, functions of state-owned economy, advantages of independent intellectual property, economic globalization, national economic security and its countermeasures, economic system and its evolution, demonstrates the novel and unique research of this book, besides, it highlights the academic and stability. Moreover, this coursebook includes information columns with new or typical materials.Based on the economic situation of China and the world in the 21st century, the compilation of this coursebook embodies the collective wisdom of Chinese scholars. This coursebook is suitable for teachers and students of universities around the world to study relevant courses, as well as for general readers to understand an international view of left-wing political economy and the economic theoretical basis of the "miracle" of China's economic and social development.

  • af Dong Liu
    277,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist Teil der Trilogie von Professor Liu Dong über den Rationalismus vor der Qin-Zeit.Aufgrund der einzigartigen Perspektive der vergleichenden Forschung schleicht sich der Autor unter dem starken Kontrast des atheistischen Existentialismus zurück in das ursprüngliche Feld des Konfuzianismus. Der Autor sieht in den modernen Anfängen von Sartres Philosophie einen ähnlichen Ausgangsgedanken wie die Konfuzianer vor der Qin-Zeit. Die Lehren des Konfuzius, die die Menschen wohl, lebendig und inspiriert fühlen lassen, wann immer sie in seiner Nähe sind, wurden aus einer traurigen Selbstreflexion über die Endlichkeit des Lebens geboren. Mit der Metapher von den dunklen Wolken am Himmel bekräftigt der Autor, dass der Konfuzianismus neben dem Geist des Glücks in der gegenwärtigen Welt ein nüchternes Urteil über die Ungewissheit der Geschichte, die Zufälligkeit und Unbeständigkeit des Lebens und die Unergründlichkeit und Grausamkeit des Schicksals hat, und es ist dieses Verständnis, das die Grundlinie der chinesischen Zivilisation bis zum heutigen Tag bewahrt hat.Viele der vorherrschenden Interpretationen der chinesischen Kultur bewertet der Autor nacheinander auf der Grundlage seines eigenen Verständnisses. Der ¿Abbruch des Umgangs zwischen Himmel und Erde" wird als Ausgangspunkt vorgebracht, um damit die alte These von der ¿Vereinigung von Himmel und Menschheit" auszugleichen. Das einstige ¿Ethik-Prinzip" wird durch den ¿Primat der Erkenntnis" revidiert. Mit der These von der ¿Gegenseitigen Ergänzung von Konfuzianismus und Yangismus" wird die zuvor behauptete ¿Komplementäre Beziehung zwischen Konfuzianismus und Daoismus" korrigiert. Außerdem wird die Lehre von der ¿immanenten Transzendenz" mit dem Urteil von ¿Immanent aber nicht transzendent" verneint.

  • - Eine Neulekture der Philosophie Marxens
    af Yang Geng
    472,95 kr.

    Das Buch bietet eine eingehende Untersuchung der grundlegenden Gesichtspunkte der marxistischen Philosophie, die in den traditionellen Lehrbuchern der marxistischen Philosophie ignoriert und vergessen wurden, eine systematische Begrundung der Fragen und Gesichtspunkte, die Marx zwar erortert, jedoch nicht vollstandig entwickelt hat und die von groer aktueller Bedeutung sind, und eine Neubetrachtung des historischen Prozesses und der Denklogik der Begrundung eines neuen Materialismus durch Marx. Ausgehend von Marx' Ansichten wird eine Analyse des Postmodernismus, des Postkolonialismus und des Postmarxismus sowie der gedanklichen Wenden von Lukacs, Husserl, Derrida und anderer Denker, eine Verteidigung Marxens und eine Relekture der Marxschen Philosophie geleistet. Verteidigung Marxens. Eine Relekture der Marxschen Philosophie hat seit ihrer Veroffentlichung einen groen Einfluss auf die philosophischen Kreise in China gehabt und wurde durch das Bildungsministerium mit dem Preis fur hervorragende Leistungen in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften ausgezeichnet. Es ging kurzlich erfolgreich in die dritte Auflage.

  • af Wang Xiaoxi
    287,95 kr.

  • af Yibing Zhang
    472,95 kr.

  • af Yuming Lian
    352,95 kr.

    Die heutige Welt befindet sich in einer Zeit gravierender Veranderungen, wie es sie seit einem Jahrhundert nicht mehr gegeben hat. Es gibt zwei Krafte, die unser Leben, die gesamte Welt und mithin die zivilisatorische Ordnung verandern. Zum Einen das Digitalgeld, das zu allseitigen Umwalzungen im wirtschaftlichen Bereich fuhren wird, und zum Anderen die digitale Identitat, die das Governance-Modell im gesellschaftlichen Bereich rekonstruieren wird. Der Wissenschaftler Stephen Hawking sagte, dass wir an der Schwelle zu einer schonen neuen Welt stehen; es ist ein aufregender wenn auch ungewisser Ort. Diese Ungewissheit stellt uns nicht nur vor groe Herausforderungen, sondern birgt ebenfalls groere Moglichkeiten mit sich. Der Vorschlag der Souveranen Blockchain wird eine unvorstellbare neue Welt eroffnen, deren groe Bedeutung darin besteht, die Welt neu zu starten.

    337,95 kr.

    Die Menschheit hat soeben die Schwelle zum dritten Jahrzehnt des neuen Jahrtausends überschritten. Die Welt scheint in eine Ankerlosigkeit eingetreten zu sein und einem noch nie dagewesenen Dilemma der Unordnung gegenüberzustehen, wo das Einzige, dessen man sich sicher sein kann, die Ungewissheit der Welt ist. Heute, wo die Wissenschaft und Technologie die Welt drastisch verändern, kommt es darauf an, den Ausgang zu studieren, bevor alles eingetreten ist. Allein durch den gemeinsamen Aufbau einer Schicksalsgemeinschaft der Menschheit können wir das Entwicklungsungleichgewicht, das Governance-Dilemma, die digitale Kluft, die Biosicherheit, den Kampf der Kulturen und andere gemeinsame Herausforderungen bewältigen. Das Internet der Ordnung und die Souveräne Blockchain sind die neuen Schlüssel zum Starten einer Schicksalsgemeinschaft der Menschheit.

  • af Shen Yang
    167,95 kr.

    Proceeding from the ideational and theoretical basis of the innovative Marxist concept of "e;society building"e;, the book gives a detailed account on the recent achievements made by China in education, health and people's wellbeing, focusing on the tremendous achievement of building a socialist governance system with Chinese characteristics and strengthening and innovating social governance, unfolding the new ideas and strategies in society building and social governance in China since the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China (2017).Readers will find numerous facts about today's China including COVID-19 pandemic governance and an unpretentious and fairly objective assessment of the modernization drive at an unprecedented pace in human history towards a prosperous society in all respects, and the socio-political structures that underpin and interact with this drive. It will be of interest to academics, professionals, students and the general public seeking a comprehensive understanding of China.Another salient feature of the book is the several show cases and oral stories that epitomize the new height of the prevention and control system for social security in China: the "e;Xicheng Aunties"e;, the SWAT Corps of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the "e;Chaoyang Masses"e;, the Command Hall of the Traffic Administration Bureau, the "e;Pharaohs"e;, the Shuangyushu Fire Brigade, the Beixinqiao Police Station and the On-Duty Office of Network Security, Fengheying Checkpoint into Beijing...

  • - Throughout His Ordered Masks
    af Yibing Zhang
    610,95 kr.

    This book prefers a hard polemic on Baudrillard's post-modern turn, and deals in a direct and frontal debate against refutations claimed by early (young) Baudrillard to historical materialism and his deconstruction of Marxian theory of labor value. Making advantage of the brand-new method of Marxist context constitution, the author makes a critical and detailed reading of Youth Baudrillard's three most important academic books: For a Critique of Political Economy of Signs, The Mirror of Production and Symbolic Exchange and Death. And he makes a deep analysis on the academic and thinking basis of the Young Baudrillard, namely his logic of symbolic exchange based on grassroots' romanticism inspired from Mauss-Bataille; Furthermore, the author makes a clear distinction of the utmost secret transformative process of critical logic in the development of Baudrillard's thinking: from the dissolution of the ideographic material to the symbolic value of coding structure, then to the quasi-real existence without a model. And in the end the symbolic miscoding of death becomes the hopeless desire of Baudrillard's tentative salvation of the world. This is a death trilogy, which occurs in Baudrillard's academic scenery and in which the real existence is murdered. The thought of late Baudrillard, is something like a virus and paranoia. This kind of logical violence by theoretical violence has become an absurd modern academic cartoon in the excessive rational interpretation.

  • - Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind
    af Yue Chen & Ping Pu
    237,95 kr.

  • - New Frontier Essays
    407,95 kr.

  • af Cheng Enfu
    417,95 kr.

    This book, edited by Cheng Enfu, is one of the results of the discipline construction and theoretical research of the Marxist Theory implemented by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and is one from the book series The Discipline Construction and Theoretical Research of the Marxist Theory. This book mainly contains the representative and high-level articles on Marxist economics published nationwide in 2013, which are the representative, cutting-edge and authoritative results of current theoretical research in China on Marxism.

  • - Restore the Truth of History
    af Shenming Li
    317,95 kr.

    In recent years, historical nihilism in the studies on the history of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese history and Mao Zedong Thought has proposed all kinds of erroneous viewpoints, such as overgeneralizing, ignoring the overall picture while seizing upon one point, deliberately distorting, misinterpreting in the name of exposing mysteries, or reversing black and white, and achieving total denial through an infinite outline. The articles included in "Restore the Truth of History" are specifically selected by researchers of the history of the CPC and national history to clarify some erroneous arguments. Starting from historical facts and using the standpoint and method of historical materialism, they put forward facts to reason and clarify them in a reasonable and theoretical way.

  • af Yang Ruilong, Luo Laijun & Yang Jidong
    457,95 kr.

  • - Negotiating China in the Translations of Lin Shu, Yan Fu and Liang Qichao
    af Li Lu
    297,95 kr.

  • - Der philosophische Diskurs im Kontext der OEkonomie
    af Yibing Zhang
    812,95 kr.

  • - Yellow Book of World Socialism - Year 2013
    372,95 kr.

  • - A New Interpretation of Marxist Philosophy
    af Geng Yang
    622,95 kr.

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