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Bøger udgivet af Cecilia Porter

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  • af Price
    177,95 kr.

  • af Cary Hundley
    162,95 kr.

  • af Marlie Clarke
    177,95 kr.

  • af Lashonda C. Henderson
    177,95 kr.

  • af Abdur R. Mohammed
    177,95 kr.

    The aftermath of a massacre forges new alliances which set out to save humanity from a rising evil, before the awakening of the ancient ones.The forces of darkness unify to fulfil plans set in motion a millennia ago. Secrets are revealed, fealty tested. Persephone's heir emerges to herald the return of humanity's progenitors from the stars.Atlantean forces are gathered to proclaim vehement war on the world, with only a band of misfits in their path.The Great Houses of Enlil and Enki draw the battle lines in the end-times - JUDGMENT DAY.

  • af Jiyah Fennell
    177,95 kr.

    A teenage girl named Jiyah wants to take you on a journey with her through the exciting streets of Atlanta. The reader will be able to experience all of the reality spots seen on tv shared by reality stars. Atlanta has grown to be the next Hollywood and she will share some must do places while in the "A"! It will be up to the reader to choose the order of the adventure because you will decide your own direction for each location. Please use this book as a guide if you go, want to go, or dream about going to a place that will inspire you to follow your dreams...Atlanta.

  • af Kenneth Lee McGee
    177,95 kr.

    The "Emmy's Story" series begins when Emmy isfour-years-old and quickly progresses to focuson her teen years and beyond. In this book, "Gideon's Tree: Emmy's Story, Part 15,"Emmy's comfortable life is changed by an online article."What are you looking at? Have you been crying?" Kenny asked."I was reading this article about a baby who passed away last year.He only lived for forty-three days."Kenny scooted around the couch. "What happened to him?""His heart didn't work right," Emmy said."What was his name? Does it say where he lived?""He lived in Florida. His name was Gideon.His parents would sit on a bench under anoak tree every morning to pray for him."She stresses over the girls getting older, Heather's interest in a local boyand is stunned by a friend's health crisis.Emmy slipped on the wet parking lot as she ran to her car.She thought about Kenny. I'll call him when I get to St. Bart's.There's no need to tell him about Gideon until I know more. She turned onto Canton Lane and headed to the hospital.She made it through several green lights, but then caught a red one at Townsend Avenue.Emmy pounded the steering wheel and muttered,"Come on change. How long can you stay red."The light changed.Emmy let out the clutch and floored the accelerator.The front tires struggled to gain traction on the damp pavement."Come on!" Emmy yelled.A split-second later the car was filled with flying glass and thescreeching sound of metal grinding against metal.The driver behind Emmy slammed on his brakes, slid sideways, came to a stop and swore."Holy Jesus!" his wife shouted as she was thrown forward."You better call 9-1-1.

  • af Jacob Devlin
    162,95 kr.

    In the aftermath of the great battle that left Wonderland in ruins, Crescenzo DiLegno and his two best friends have reunited with their families in Florindale, but the war wages on in every kingdom. The Order of the Bell is scattered, presumably left to the mercy of Queen Avoria, whose grip on the New World grows tighter every day. Cities have already fallen, the shadows have spread, and a fortress of nightmares has appeared in the heart of New York City. Determined to take back his home and restore order to the worlds, Crescenzo must rally all the people he's met from his adventures, from the troubled prince to the rebellious Lost Boys, and storm Avoria's castle of illusion. The Carver's war against the wicked Ivory Queen brews to an explosive finale, but dark secrets about her true nature have yet to emerge, and not everybody will be prepared to survive them.

  • af Jan Marquart
    182,95 kr.

    La serie de libros "¿Puedes Encontrar Mi Amor?" fue desarrollada por la experimentada psicoterapeuta Jan Marquart, quien comenzó su carrera trabajando con niños y sus familias en centros residenciales. Como autora, su Método de Instrucción de Amor + Aprendizaje ahora ayuda a los niños a retener información a través de asociaciones de imágenes, interactividad artística y refuerzo positivo.

  • af Kenneth Lee McGee
    177,95 kr.

    "About time you called me. I miss you. What's up?" Liz asked."You know I've been helping out at SoHam First, right?""Yes.""Well, they don't want me back. I don't fit in with their style of worship,"Emmy said with some bitterness."I thought you were only filing in over there. This is your real home.You belong here, Em. We need you.""Ha! Riordan doesn't need me. He says he has lots of singers.""Emmy, everyone can sing. It's just a matter of making a noise.But you have a special gift. You have a beautiful voice, and you know how to help people worship. We are missing that right now.""What do you mean? Riordan and Sadie know how to worship.""Yes, they are very talented, but I've noticed the church doesn't have the same spark without you there. The band and singers can do a perfect job, but if the spirit isn't there, it doesn't work. We need you. Please come back, Em!" Liz waited for an answer."Em, are you crying?"Emmy nodded."We would be all right if you never made another dime from the band," Emmy said."We could cut back on expenses.""I could get a job teaching music.""I could get my education degree and teach school."Kenny laughed. "Who are we kidding, Em.My dream has always been to be a rock star.""I know," Emmy's eyes sparkled. "And if you keep working at it, one of these days it might come true, m'lord."The "Emmy's Story" series begins when Emmy isfour-years-old and quickly progresses to focuson her teen years and beyond. In this book, "A Lifelong Dream: Emmy's Story, Part 14,"Emmy records a new CD, writes another book, tours with her band and deals with feeling unwantedby the new worship team leaders.Kenny faces a decision about the future of his band.

  • af Jan Marquart
    177,95 kr.

    La serie de libros "¿Puedes Encontrar Mi Amor?" fue desarrollada por la experimentada psicoterapeuta Jan Marquart, quien comenzó su carrera trabajando con niños y sus familias en centros residenciales. Como autora, su Método de Instrucción de Amor + Aprendizaje ahora ayuda a los niños a retener información a través de asociaciones de imágenes, interactividad artística y refuerzo positivo.

  • af Michael Carter
    177,95 kr.

    Imagine experiencing the love of God so powerfully that it transforms your life and flows through you to help and heal others in your life.Whenever your thinking has become as broken as the culture around you-when you feel judgmental, irritable, or apathetic toward the people in your life, and when loving others seems an insurmountable challenge-Jesus offers you His love.Michael Carter, senior pastor of The Life Church in Bloomington, Indiana, has spoken to believers around the globe. In this book, he explores the life-changing effects of embracing God's extravagant love for you.As you read, prepare to: Embrace the greatest force in the universe-the love of GodDiscover how God's love for you can enable you to truly love othersCommit to love that takes action to help the hurtingLearn four key "one another" principles to guide your lifeUnderstand how God's love can transform you from the inside outPlus, workbook questions and action steps accompanying each chapter will help you put into practice what you are learning.We can never see real-life transformation in ourselves or others apart from God's love. Begin reading Loving Jesus, Transforming Lives today to deepen your understanding of how powerful ministry can flow naturally out of a life that has been changed by the love of Christ.

  • af Larry J. Mouton
    172,95 kr.

    Do you know some things about Jesus, or do you truly know Jesus?Hearsay isn't enough when it comes to the Savior of the world! If you don't know the deep truths of the Bible-about who Jesus is, why He came, and what He accomplished during His time on earth-then the time to learn is now.Larry J. Mouton, Jr., is the Pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Tampa, Florida. With nearly two decades of experience preaching and teaching God's Word, he is passionate about helping God's children grow into healthy, mature disciples.This personable and practical book will offer you: Insights into the key events and episodes of the GospelsPractical lessons you can apply from Jesus' lifeGreater motivation to share your faithRenewed appreciation for your Lord and Savior-and for His distinct brand of love for every person!Ideal for personal devotions or small group study, this book also includes reflective questions and action steps to help you intentionally demonstrate Jesus' agapelove in your daily life.Whether for the first time or the first time in a while, are you ready to encounter the Way, the Truth, and the Life that Jesus offers you? Then begin reading No Greater Love today-and find refreshment in the loving life, and life-changing love, of your Lord!

  • af Jill Sinclair
    157,95 kr.

    After my marriage ended, I took some time off to regroup and have some "Jill Time." Then after three years, I woke up one morning, and said to the Universe "I want to be in love again. Bring it on!" Well, all hell broke loose and it started raining men. All I can say is that I should have been more specific.This is the story of my Johns'. No, not THOSE kind of Johns'. Gimme some credit. It's the story of my weird, perilous and sometimes (often) hilarious world of dating. I've named them ALL John and assigned them a number. Do you really think that I can remember all 47 names? Not likely.Buckle up ladies and gents. I went through this, so you don't have to.You're welcome.

  • af Kenneth Lee McGee
    177,95 kr.

    Emmy opened her eyes and jerked her head to her left as she heardsomeone pounding up the stairs. She rose to her feet as the door openedand Kenny slid into the room. Water dripped from every part of him."Emmy, I need to tell you something. I need to confess,"he said as a bolt of lightning flashed and thunder boomed."We have to talk about our future."Emmy bit her lip. She took a step forward but then stopped."Oh, Kenny." She closed her eyes. "I don't know if we have a future,"she whispered as she turned away."Don't move! Get on your knees and put your hands on top of your head,"Detective Warren Sanders shouted.Six other SoHam officers trained their weapons on the man. The man looked around for an escape route."Don't do it," Detective Sanders said.The man watched the six officers closing in, sighed and dropped to his knees. He placed his hands on his head."Cuff him," Detective Sanders ordered. "We've been looking for you, Ronald.""You got the wrong guy. I ain't done nothin'.""And it's going to stay that way. Get him out of here."Detective Sanders turned and waved to a man standing next to the south stands.The man waved back and whispered to Diane, "It's over. He's in custody.""Thank you, Rosco." Diane looked toward the area."So that was Ronald Delaney?""Yes, Todd's older brother. He was wanted in three states out west.""Do you think Emmy suspects anything?" Diane asked."I certainly hope not. If we're lucky, she'll never know this incident ever happened."Diane looked up and decided to hug him. "Will I ever know your real name?"The man she knew as Rosco Sandchek smiled. "Not if I do my job properly.""And you are very good at your job, right?""Yes, Mrs. Diane, I am," he said with a straight face and walked away.The "Emmy's Story" series begins when Emmy isfour-years-old and quickly progresses to focuson her teen years and beyond. In this book, "Remember the Struggle: Emmy's Story, Part 12,"Emmy combines her busy life as a mother, a memberof the worship band, her singing careerand faces a new challenge.

  • af Kenneth Lee McGee
    182,95 kr.

    This book differs from the previous Emmy stories. This book combines Emmy's present life with her efforts at writing a book about her life."But God! I write songs! Are you sure? I don't know if I can do that."She paused again and listened. "Okay, in Psalms 28:7, it says 'The Lord is my strength and my shield;my heart trusts in him and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.'My song, Lord. That's what I do.I write songs, not what you are asking." She closed her eyes and wept until Philippians 4:13 popped into her head."I can do all this through him who gives me strength."She sighed and took a deep breath."Fine! I won't fight you because you always win."At that moment Kenny entered the control room."You okay, Em. I thought I heard something.""That was me fighting against God," she said and then grinned."Did you win?""Of course not," she said . "But this is crazy."He tilted his head. "What? And why would you fight God?""Because I'm stubborn and because of what He wants me to do.""What is He asking you to do?"She raised her hands. "The Holy Spirit told me to write a book.""A book? Are you sure? You write songs."She looked up at Kenny, and he saw the sparkle in her eyes. Kenny let go of her hands. "What will you do?" She shrugged. "I'll do what He told me to. I don't know what good it will do, but I'll do it. I'll write a book about my life.Like anyone will want to read that."She laughed. "This is crazy. Where in the world would I start?"Kenny kissed her cheek. "I'm sure you will figure it out, m'lady."The "Emmy's Story" series begins when Emmy isfour-years-old and quickly progresses to focuson her teen years and beyond. In this book, "But God! I Write Songs: Emmy's Story, Part 13,"Emmy struggles with the need to do as God askswhile dealing with her busy family life

  • af Tanya Eby
    177,95 kr.

  • af Cathrina E. Gaba
    107,95 kr.

    Mary Sue Ellen Samantha McClue is a daring young girl who uses her imagination to take her to new heights!

  • af Feroshia Knight MCC
    122,95 kr.

    Kokoro MindStyle Guidebook is the companion booklet for Coach Training World's Kokoro MindStyle Cards and the StoryArtistry Workshops

  • af Julian Haber
    177,95 kr.

    Learning how to get gigs - the economic reality in the gig economy - is the new survival skill of our times. Technological change is a disruptive force, and many jobs today are changing or disappearing entirely. Freelancers who can adapt and respond to the new opportunities being created will emerge as winners in this new gig economy. But how do you become a freelancer? There's no university degree in freelancing, and jumping in cold can be exhilarating but also disorienting. Julian Haber's book Gigonomics: A Field Guide for Freelancers in the Gig Economy will guide you on your path to becoming a prosperous freelancer.Designed to show you how to start small, quickly and right now, this book is packed with practical advice for launching your freelance career. Topics covered include: -How to think like a freelancer about time, money and work-How to find a steady stream of new clients (and hold on to the ones you have)-How to sell - and keep on selling -How to network effectively offline and in the real world-How to use technology to market, be found and be chosenWhile the creative domains have long been filled with freelancers, the future of freelancing will see many more professions convert to contract work. You may be: -a new graduate, looking for ways to build up a professional reputation and start putting your education to work;-a first-time freelancer setting out to conquer the world;-an older or displaced worker looking to leverage your experience and skills or build a second career;-a recovering corporate warrior with a new outlook on life, looking for ways to parlay your contacts into rewarding contracts;-a recent immigrant, highly trained but having trouble breaking into the traditional job market;-or a seasoned freelancer just looking for some fresh ideas.Julian Haber has spent the past 15 years building a thriving career as a freelance photographer, one gig at a time. In his book, he shares everything from how to turn awkward small talk into a big contract, to many trail-tested techniques for finding your niche, avoiding pitfalls, getting gigs and building a sustainable practice. Whether you're already freelancing and looking for ways to grow your client list, or are starting out brand new to the game and want to learn how to play, this book is for you.

  • af Dorothy Parker
    102,95 kr.

    Full of cynical humor, lighthearted wisecracks, and hilarious satire, her poems mercilessly skewer sentimentality and provide rapier sharp commentary on everything from friendship and love to aging and death with sparkling burlesque.

  • af Leigh Ebberwein
    162,95 kr.

    Her company was the prize in a late-night poker game.Maggie didn't need her Marketing degree to drive a trolley around Savannah for the past 14 years. When her father wins a run-down kayaking company in a poker game, she trades in her trolley uniform for a paddle and jumps at the opportunity to get paid for doing something she loves: kayaking.He is a gondolier escaping from shame in Venice.Leo once thought that being a gondolier was everything he ever wanted, but that all changed after his father's accident and the circumstances surrounding it. When Leo decides to leave Venice, he is drawn to where his family spent their carefree summers: Tybee Island.Will the water that brings them together divide them in the end?Maggie must find a way to help Leo without losing what she loves. Beautiful places and lovable characters make this novel a stay-with-you-forever read.

  • af Ferne Godfrey
    112,95 kr.

  • af John Barnes
    145,95 kr.

  • af Cecilia D Porter
    247,95 kr.

    HELLO MY CHILD!Are you a Christian who is looking for a tool to accompany you on your walk with God?Do you want to obey scripture by praying every morning and evening?Is becoming confident in the words God has told you about your life one of the things you want to do?If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then worry no more because this book is exactly what you need.Drawing from her experience, Cecilia D. Porter teaches how to build a life of constant prayer and intercession. She shows us in every chapter how your relationship with God is important. She also takes it a step further by making you see how you are important to God.She makes us see that God has promised to be with us at all times and at all places.Understanding that the word of God is sweet and should not be difficult to understand, Cecilia D. Porter wrote this book in easy-to-understand English. The structure of this book also makes it easy for you to read in Bite sizes, leaves out time for you to meditate on what you are reading, and also pushes you to apply all that you are learning.Cecilia D. Porter has poured her heart and soul into this book which has made it a true masterpiece for every Christian irrespective of your color age gender or location. Waste no time again scroll up, hit the buy now button, and get yourself a copy of this book. You can also offer this book as a gift to a friend, relation, or fellow church member.ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Cecilia D. Porter, a native of Atlanta, a proud Georgian is the oldest of six children. From a young age, Cecilia embraced hard work and desired to be a role model that her siblings could follow. That desire was the catalyst that led Cecilia to be the first in her family to graduate from college.Cecilia graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in Risk Management and Insurance. Following graduation, Cecilia spent the next twenty years in the corporate world until she realized her dream of becoming an entrepreneur.Cecilia was the proud wife of Claude David Porter, Sr., a marriage that lasted for forty-three and a half years. Cecilia has one child that is an Educator.What started as a means of soothing an unfillable void in her life (the loss of her husband) has evolved into a mission of enriching souls by building up children's self-esteem. She, with enthusiasm, enjoys telling people that God inspired her to write these books and that they came from God and God alone.

  • af Cecilia Porter
    217,95 kr.

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