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Bøger udgivet af Cervena Barva Press

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  • af Daniel Lawless
    178,95 kr.

    In joy and terror all at once, the shining elegies and buoyant lovepoems of I Tell You This Now by Daniel Lawless unfold. Lawlesshas the uncanny ability to create piercing elegies that behave liketender breakup poems. His love poems are no less sublime. (Afterminutely describing a farmer's vintage tools, he dissolves them tolingerie... The result is a love poem that ends both very far yet veryclose indeed to those historical implements.) One of the deeppleasures of reading I Tell You This Now is that you never knowquite where you're going until you get there. And getting theremeans getting it: the shock of gorgeous and gruesome recognitionin each upturned world in Daniel Lawless's remarkable poems.-Molly Peacock

    247,95 kr.

    This brief anthology covers six centuries and contains some of the most popular Hungarian poems in addition to many of the translator's favorites.

  • af Marc Vincenz
    152,95 kr.

    As the title implies, he ponders our destination while reveling in the journey, mixing the quotidian and thequixotic with his trademark quicksilver facility. Wondrous.

  • af Lo Galluccio
    167,95 kr.

    This collection is an early work of the author. It was penned mostly in Brooklyn, NYC after a romantic break-up in the early 90s. Lo has also published several other chapbooks and a prose-poem memoir.

  • af Thad Devassie
    167,95 kr.

    This Side of Utopia straddles a fine line between how we think things should go and how they ultimately play out.

  • af Vijaya Sundaram
    197,95 kr.

  • af Mary Bonina
    212,95 kr.

    Literary Nonfiction. Memoir. Set mid-to-late 20th century (with the heart of the book set in the 1950s and '60s), MY FATHER'S EYES is a loving daughter's memoir of a family coming to terms with a legacy of blindness, and a father's heroic efforts to secure independence and dignity."Not many pages into this gloriously moving book, a feeling begins to grow that it would have been a humbling yet exquisite experience to have sat and talked with Biagio John Bonina. What his daughter Mary Bonina has given us is a solid and lasting portrait of a man who was simple and complicated. (That is not a contradiction once you come to know him.)... America is a country of grand men and women who live on a modest scale, and no one fits that category more than he does. Once his eyes began to fail him, he lived even more for his family and its welfare and his efforts and work make him in my mind, the kind of real hero we fail to glorify anymore. So enter this book and come to know her father and his dedicated overwhelmingly loyal daughter, as well as a large stage of family members and friends who are unforgettable and insanely knowable and human."--Edward P. Jones"Mary Bonina casts her considerable spell with exquisite sentences and unerring evocative details. She is a writer of inordinate compassion, formidable intelligence, and unflinching honesty. MY FATHER'S EYES documents a family's coming to grips with the legacy of blindness, a daughter's unflagging allegiance to her father, and one man's heroic determination to live a life of independence and quiet dignity despite obstacles that would crush the strongest of us. The book is an inspiration. When I finished reading it, I walked around for days seeing the world through its lens. Yes, it's that good. It's that important."--John Dufresne"Packard. Record player. Telephone party line. Fallout shelter. Holy Ghost. These and other blasts from the past make up the world of this beautiful, clear-eyed memoir that reads like a novel. It's partly the story of a girl who loved words on her way to becoming a writer. Of all the words in her universe, the most important were eyes and seeing, for this was a girl growing up with a beloved father going blind. Becoming his guide and his eyes, she becomes herself. And what a character he is! We come to know him as if we're all his children, one minute consumed with terror at the dangers he faces, and the next minute awed by his courage, and the next exasperated by his human flaws. And ultimately, we see and feel for ourselves what his daughter means when she says, 'I know about love from being my father's eyes.'"--Ellen Cooney

  • af Daniel Y Harris
    197,95 kr.

    Poetry. HYPERLINKS OF ANXIETY is a post-digital and post-human literary oeuvre whose vortices are replete with the language of kabbalah, alchemy, holy writ and the nuances of digital technology and social media. In illuminating a wide array of literary styles and varied poesis, HYPERLINKS OF ANXIETY balances an amalgam between nihilism and transcendentalism by burrowing through the minutiae of self and identity to conjure the image of a post-human self as an inventor, engraving tropes of originality from the littered density of the literary canon. The book scrapes the periphery of form and style, but not to extol a certain impossible obscurity, futility, abstraction, disdain, flippancy, or the realpolitik of viral media. Technology and hyperreality meet Judaicmidrash and biblical exegesis in stanzas which seek to create a human being from the refuse of bandwidth. HYPERLINKS OF ANXIETY is a new spiritus, geist and religious ethos for the 21st century.

  • af Dmytro Pavlychko
    197,95 kr.

    Poetry. Translated from the Ukranian by Svitlana Bednazh, Gladys Evans, Michael M. Naydan, Dzvinia Orlowsky, Mary Skrypnyk, Aliona Sydorenko, Martha B. Trofimenko, and Walter May. Edited with an introduction by Michael M. Naydan. "In the tradition of poet-statesmen Neruda and Seferis, Pavlychko writes about his twin passions, love and history. Courageous, direct, and plainspoken, he has long deserved a place on the international literary stage and Michael Naydan's skillfully edited selections should confirm it."--Askold Melnyczuk

  • af Gary Fincke
    152,95 kr.

    Gary Fincke's chapbook Them! is packed with poems prompted by films that range from the lowest of the B-Movies of the 50s to A-list horror to Biblical epics.

  • af Denis Emorine
    172,95 kr.

  • af Gregory J Wolos
    222,95 kr.

    The thing about men is that there is no single "thing." The men featured in this story collection are fathers, sons, grandfathers, husbands, lovers, and loners.

  • af Andrew Stancek
    182,95 kr.

    A year in the life of a six-year-old Slovak boy being brought up by his grandparents in Soviet-era Czechoslovakia.

  • af Vassiliki Rapti
    177,95 kr.

  • af Michael Foldes
    152,95 kr.

  • af Alan Catlin
    167,95 kr.

  • af Michael T. Steffen
    197,95 kr.

  • af Beate Sigriddaughter
    92,95 kr.

  • af Milan Djurasovic
    137,95 kr.

    "The bedtime stories of my grandmother, Baba Jela, changed after the Bosnian civil war. Before the shooting began, her stories were ordinary, positive, life-affirming, with a clever hero or good-natured idiot overcoming challenges and a greedy foe soon reduced to a pitiful scrub. At the end, the world would turn out rosy and just, and taking part in it made sense. But after a war of nearly 100,000 deaths, millions of displaced bodies and souls, and decay peering out of every crevice, such propriety seemed unnatural. So Baba Jela decided to get rid of it. While other elderly men and woman decided to end their own lives after realizing that nothing would ever again be the way it was before the war, Baba turned her stories and lullabies dark and horrifying, her own way of refusing to play along with uncontrollable circumstances."

  • af Aleksei Kruchenykh
    177,95 kr.

  • af Doug Mathewson
    167,95 kr.

  • af Nina Rubinstein Alonso
    167,95 kr.

  • af Oriana Ivy
    137,95 kr.

  • af Renuka Raghavan
    182,95 kr.

  • af Harris Gardner
    182,95 kr.

    "Welcome to a world where there is no time for death. It is a place and a state of mind, both for the temporal and the spiritual with space for the mundane and the extraordinary. "No Time for Death" is Harris Gardner's fourth published collection; it is his first in fifteen years. This poetry collection is divided into three sections: An Argument with Time; Contemplating Mortality Instead of My Navel; and Negotiating for An Afterlife. These are serious poems with an undercurrent of humor pervading many of them. The subject matter spans the spectrum of the human condition imbued with faith, hope, and the occasional flicker of regret. It is engaged with the busy-ness of living. "No Time for Death" offers an overarching theme: Take a breath, a revitalizing pause; as for Mortality, slow down; enjoy the most of each day-to-day. What's the rush? Death can wait, can't it?"--

  • af Velaj Alisa Velaj
    182,95 kr.

  • - Poems of Refugees in Sicily
    af Michelle Reale
    132,95 kr.

  • af Denise Provost
    182,95 kr.

    "City of Stories is a full length poetry collection which explores the narratives we construct to shape our world. In three thematic sections, these poems observe the shared experiences of community, reactions to current events, and the imaginative life sparked by interactions with literature. Many of these poems employ formal conventions: Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnets; quatrains, heroic couplets, the ghazal and the ballade."--

  • af George Kalamaras
    182,95 kr.

  • af Mimoza Erebara
    87,95 kr.

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