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Bøger udgivet af Christian Faith

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  • af Wendy Gill Rocco
    232,95 kr.

    The positioning of this book JWJ centers around how, after surviving multiple years of uncertainty as a world, we are all reprioritizing what is important to us--thinking of our life's Journey overall as an ongoing adventure with a purpose.As humans, we must live the life we were created for, and we ALL have the power to make a difference in this world right where we are, with Jesus at the helm.You will read about the amazing things that God has done both in my life as well as many others to not only provide and sustain us but to BLESS us in both good and seemingly bad situations. This book's focus is primarily on hard times because we all go through them, and when we do, we typically get side-blinded by being in the moment, and we forget to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. And that's an amazingly hard place to be...BUT THERE IS ALWAYS LIGHT. Let's prepare for all things unknown by staying positive now and allowing God to intervene and support the then. Your relationship with God can make it a very different experience because truth is, we don't always know the beauty that can result from difficult and seemingly bad situations--but GOD DOES!Read on and be inspired, and more importantly, let this inspiration equip you to face life's challenges with the joy in knowing that God has a better plan for your life. Everyone is given different challenges, and some are directly based on the choices we've faced and decisions we have made with our gift of free will. Find true purpose and your legacy by building your relationship with the living God today, and let your Journey begin.Jesus came so you might enjoy your life most abundantly (John 10:10).

  • af Tom O'Connell
    272,95 kr.

    2 The book recounts the recollections of the author's experiences and positive perceptions of his thoughts as he worked his way through life. He had a stroke at age nine, which took away the use of his right side and his articulation. While most people would consider this a bad break, he looked at the occurrence as a part of life, accepted by him with peace and tranquility. The author has always looked forward to the next day and all the expectations it holds. The challenges presented by the stroke and other changes in his path have enhanced his life, not lessened it. He considers himself a fortunate person for all that has come his way. The stories are humorous. Most of them are told from a little boy's perspective and the amusing adventures one finds himself in when he has one functional side. He hopes that his writings will help people by giving them a different way of looking at life. Keep trying and good times are sure to come.

  • af Suzanne Logan
    177,95 kr.

    It was not a special day. I was getting my husband's food ready for work, feeling like I had been running on autopilot for the last two years because of COVID I thought. When Ruby Red Slippers suddenly was in my thoughts, Why? I wondered. I did not think further until it continued over several days.I read once that when you had been through a trauma, it causes you to remain there emotionally before that time. I had recently been through a lot, and people were amazed how I seemed to survive without a scratch but realized I did not and need to find out more.I believe this book will be an inspiration to many, knowing their hidden struggles are not theirs alone, and there are answers.

  • af R. Thomas Walker
    192,95 kr.

    Through riveting, and sometimes heartbreaking, personal accounts of trauma and loss, Tom uses real-life events to testify of God's forgiveness and undying love. Captain Walker's dynamic messages inspire others to seek a life with Jesus Christ, as well as to challenge them to seek God in everything they do. Even seasoned believers are rejuvenated and encouraged to find renewed trust in the Lord.

  • af Eva Kucsma
    217,95 kr.

    In today's fast-paced and dangerous world, children's freedom is extremely limited. The workload of parents doesn't allow families to regularly spend enough time together. As a result, children grow up emotionally injured, emotionally weak, withdrawn, and lacking love, encouragement, and support, which they need so desperately. At the same time, single parents raising children or brutal divorces damage children's mental and intellectual development, resulting in depression, causing insecurity, lacking self-respect and self-esteem. Then I rightfully ask myself, "What can I, as an educator or writer, do in this case?" These readings provide an opportunity for a wide range of knowledge and early learning skills which can help children develop psychologically and intellectually and thus more easily understand their place and their role in the family and in the community. My goal with God Gives Me a Gift series is to help children find their way back to us and prevent those children, who may be close to a breaking point, find their strength and start feeling a sense of hope and inspiration. Start believing in their strength, feel a sense of relief, and understand that God's gift is given to all of us. To carry out our mission, we must first discover our talents and further develop such gift. I encourage the readers to understand they are not alone and are strong enough to make it through whatever they may be experiencing at the moment. I help them realize that they are worth it, they are not to blame, and know that they deserve to be happy and feel safe. But most of all, I guide them to realize that someone loves them unconditionally, and someday they will get everything that they hoped for.

  • af Barbara Fields
    192,95 kr.

    Wow, look inside and see what running for Jesus in life's experiences is really about. Come inside my journey and read about tearful moments, awesome roller-coaster rides, and sweet, peaceful realities--what Jesus has done and is still doing. Imagine yourself in one of these situations, knowing the best is yet to come--to see what Jesus can do for you. All my poems are inspired by God. Read the poem "At Lily's House." Oh, it will make you cry. The event actually took place when she was three years old.

  • af Eleanor P. Lopez MD
    177,95 kr.

    There was an adventurous, fun-loving boy who enjoyed the spring rains that create puddles filled with tadpoles and other springtime treasures. One day, he happily scooped up several tadpoles and took them home in a plastic sandwich bag. There was no place inside his room for the tadpoles. The birdbath nestled among the orange cape honeysuckle next to the fence was the perfect place. He could see the birdbath from his bedroom window. He gave himself a pat on the back. He was so happy with the surprising changes that were made by his very clever pollywogs.

  • af Charles Misori
    242,95 kr.

    Some people believe that there is a difference (albeit inconsiderable) between a Christian and a believer. They argue that a Christian has not completely understood the valid, valuable, and invaluable role that the Holy Spirit plays in serving Christ. They aver that a believer, on the other hand, is a Christian who has learned and developed a conviction born from experience that, without a daily contact and yielding to the Holy Spirit, could not be true to God, let alone communicate with Him.The question is, are you willing, hungry, and determined to communicate with God on behalf of lost souls in ways that would enrich your participation and discipline your understanding about the great commission as a prayer warrior?Prayer warriors are believers who have made a conscious effort to intercede for lost souls and to reach the world for Christ. They believe and have this inveterate conviction that prayer undergirds witnessing, and witnessing cultivates a culture of absolute and undeviating dependence on the Holy Spirit. They also believe that the church exists to witness for Christ.This book is about the Holy Spirit and His influence on all aspects of prayer. That is why any church qua church that does not have a group of dedicated men and women whose avowed mission is to pray for souls (prayer warriors) is making itself irrelevant in preparing for the second return of Christ.As you read, whether it is the chapter on prayer and the knowledge of God, prayer and the will of God, prayer and praise, prayer and faith, prayer and witnessing, prayer and the sovereignty of God, or secret prayer, you will discover, as I did, that the Holy Spirit stands ready to transform your own life because "He that watereth shall himself be watered" is an inflexible Biblical principle.My hope is that the Holy Spirit will not only fight for His outcomes as you read and apply these principles in your own life but also leaven your conviction.

  • af Connie A. McCall
    192,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Marcia Quainoo
    172,95 kr.

    Are you ready for The Perfect x-change? We are back with our third installment of the journey we are taking together. In this body of work, the Holy Spirit has prompted me to create a self-paced guide to help us change our "inner light" from dark to light. Luke 11:34 states, "The eye is the lamp of your body." When your eye is clear (spiritually perceptive, focused on God), your whole body also is full of light (benefiting from God's precepts). But when it is bad (spiritually blind), your body also is full of darkness (devoid of God's word) (AMP). In short, in life, when we see things through darkness (perceiving through our eyes), our lives become dark, and our countenance/image becomes dark. Yet when we see things through the light (through the perspective of God's Word and through His light), we are filled with that light. Our lives are filled with that light! Family, how many of us are ready to turn on our lights? Take this fifty-day journey with me as we begin to cultivate the art of exchanging our darkness for His light.

  • af Mischa A. McMorris
    337,95 kr.

    Physical death is inevitable, and mourning and grieving the loss of a loved one is a normal process every human will experience at least once in his or her lifetime. Whether the loss of a loved one is expected or unexpected, God desires you to depend deeply on Him during this challenging season of your life. God desires this for you so He can provide you with the comfort, peace, community of people, and love you will need to support you during this journey. God also desires you to depend deeply on Him so that your faith and focus remain in Him. Many of God's people have become stagnated in life and have lost hope because they did not have an understanding of His promises to be with them in this time and provide every tangible and intangible need they needed. However, this will not be you. You will receive and know God's goodness, grace, promises, and unshakeable love for your life. Hold on to EVERY word of this devotional written just for you, and remain confident during this season of your life and the seasons to come that God is with you always. May God's love, peace, and grace be multiplied to you!

  • af Susan Gullett
    367,95 kr.

    Druzilla (Boozie) and Lauwanna were sisters who loved to hunt: deer, coon, fish, squirrel, rattlesnake, crawfish, turtle, and most of all, turkeys. This book tells of their adventures and the places they went to do what they loved to do-hunt.

  • af Octavia Praetorius
    152,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Howard H Smith
    217,95 kr.

    Confidence in parenting? Is that a joke? Nobody has much confidence in that! But why not? When the author of this book, originally written as a gift to his grandchildren so they would not forget the "why" of how they had been parented, began teaching these concepts to young parents, and a few grandparents, the most common comment was "Why didn't I know this before?" There are plenty of books and studies on "Christian" parenting, but as one pastor reader expressed, "You must publish this. I've never seen anything like this in print before!" Then the first grandchildren to have a child said they were sharing it with their friends and also mentioned how helpful it would be in book and study form. Your servant, the author, is pleased that others might prosper from this information and will be strongly successful and confident Christian parents.Within the pages of God's revelation to mankind are so many "helps" and so much "encouragement" for the parent who follows God's design, they can't help but be successful.First, this plan has been tested by the author and his wife before being presented to you. Their discovery, it works very effectively.Second, God is in charge with this style of parenting. No guesswork about what we should do, just His magnificent leadership revealed.Third, the plan is laid out by easily understood sessions, by age, by special circumstances, and finally by God's blessing.Finally, you will be introduced to how to be the agent of God's blessing to your children, grandchildren, and to those in your sphere of influence.Be confident. Parenting is a joy, under the Lord's care!Included in the pages of this book is a complete teaching outline, with suggestions for the group leader for each session.

  • af Cherice Tyrhonda Peagler
    152,95 kr.

    Candy Apples is a story that helps sharpen the character of being honest, showing integrity, and being content with delayed gratification. The story reminds the reader to not get weary of doing well. If one can be trusted with smaller things, then one can be trusted with the larger things.The main character, Cameron, will be challenged by his friends to make a choice going against his principles taught. Cameron will get the opportunity to thoroughly process the situation being presented and the reward or consequences that each decision may present. Candy Apples will assist the parent, guardian, or leader in forming questions when speaking to a child to help him or her to better understand how to develop the character trait integrity. The story will give the child a visual example of being presented with a real-life situation that requires one to make a positive decision with the influence of peers and a trustworthy adult. This short story will encourage adult/child dialogue to help bring awareness to positive character. The literature will suggest questions to help foster healthy decision making. Candy Apples can be read, used, and understood by an older child for individual character building; however, it is also an opportunity for a guardian or leader to read with a child as a way to spend quality time.

  • af Rodney Daniel
    272,95 kr.

    Saved but Stuck is an inspirational book using scriptures and biblical lessons to help people of GOD both embrace this dichotomy of loving GOD as committed Christians but finding themselves still being stuck in some area of their lives and unable to get past certain points of their individual struggles. Sometimes this bondage that they're experiencing is connected to internal struggles, such as depression, loneliness, fear, or complacency. At other times, we may find ourselves stuck in external situations--such as relationships, jobs, financial barrenness--or even stuck with issues within ministry. This book utilizes the Word of GOD to identify how we may have become stuck and then pinpoint the ways to gain and maintain our liberty.

  • af Angela Paganelli
    177,95 kr.

    Imagine for a moment, you are being whisked away from the only home you have ever known. The future is uncertain and you aren't even aware of your destination. The smell of train tracks carrying you farther and farther away as you clutch your favorite blanket, which is the only certain thing in your world at the moment. You may ask why this is happening, but the only person who can answer that is silent. That is the beginning of this story and one that is felt all over America as children are placed into foster care. The deafening noise of uncertainty as they enter the unknown. What about the other side? The foster parents who are just as nervous to open their door to a child that they just learned existed 3 hours ago. The unpredictability of knowing that they could love this child with every fiber of their being, and she could leave them in a moment's notice. There is also a broken first family somewhere who may not know where their child is sleeping. Is he crying for me? Is he thirsty and the family doesn't understand him? They don't know he sleeps with his blanket every night. The thoughts swirl as the lack of control as a parent weighs heavy.What is the responsibility of Christians in all of this? Church, let's show up. Let's be the voice they hear praying for them, loving them, and living out all that James 1:27 really encompasses. This is the heart of Foster Blessings.

  • af Edward V. Robinson Sr.
    177,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Marcia Quainoo
    177,95 kr.

    And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. -John 17:22-23 ONE Flesh is inspired by the Holy Spirit as an extension of my last book BEULAH HalleluYAH. e groom meets the bride and the two become one esh. It was written over three-month period which includes random inspired texts, thoughts, and experiences my husband and I shared together. After the husband meets the wife, what is next? Is it the perfect union? If not, what makes it perfect? I myself did not really understand this inspired title at rst; however, as I journal the three months, my vision has cleared up. It is all about maintenance. ONE Flesh means the same as whole body. Now what? Who makes up the whole body? ONE Flesh gives us an exclusive look into the whole body. What I loved about this journey is the fact that it was short, simple, and pretty much to the point. Hopefully, you all will be able to answer these questions for yourselves as we take this journey together. Let us just see what the ending will be.

  • af Eugene Walker
    272,95 kr.

    On May 15, 1967, God fought for Israel and provided a Six-Day War victory over four Arab countries surrounding Israel. God fights for Israel in many ways in the Bible and for His people who serve Him. He still fights for people today. This book will share some of those miraculous ways that God prepares victory for those who love Him. I have shared many of these victories in the book and how that God helps us in many different ways.The book shares that good people can be delivered into bad situations. Men like Job, Daniel and his three friends, the disciples, and even Jesus suffered at the hands of wicked men. In Psalm 22:1, David asks, "Why have you forsaken me?'' This same feeling was shared by Jesus on the cross as all the sins of mankind were upon Him. How do we handle suffering and affliction? You will read how God has helped those who suffered in the past, the present and will help those in the future. He provides victory through our battles.You will see that we can find Jesus in the lives of many in the Bible. Moses was like Jesus in many ways. Jesus and Moses were shepherds, leaders, judges, mediators, prophets, priests, and deliverers. Moses's rod was God's right hand of power and victory, and Jesus is at God's right hand. Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Daniel and his three friends, David, Solomon, and others all had similar traits and trials that Jesus bore. The God-inspired Bible is designed for a Savior, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins and lead us to glory. Please enjoy this book and share it with others.

  • af Judy Worsham
    137,95 kr.

    Maple Grove is having a Founder's Day, and all the Barnhill family is taking part. Tom and Jake are in charge of the cornhole game; there's a parade down Main Street with people coming from far and wide. The men of the church are grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, while the ladies of the church are selling slices of homemade cakes and pies.Who would ever suspect that trouble was about to come to this nice quiet village? What could a bank robbery in West Virginia have to do with Tom and Jake? Here are some clues, a hobo, a train, and a kidnapping. It makes for the most exciting and dangerous mystery of the boys' lives.

  • af Rahimah S. Phillips
    242,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Jeremiah Sluss
    162,95 kr.

    In the Christian life, we have an enemy that has been honing his craft for a very long time. He's a master at what he does, and his focus is to do everything possible to destroy your relationship with Jesus. How does he do it?Through the same methods he used against Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan's goal is to make you think and believe lies so he can get you to a point of isolation away from God.This book will help you see Satan's methods, understand how and what the enemy is trying to do, and how to avoid falling prey to his tactics.

  • af Veronica Warwick
    197,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Gianna
    257,95 kr.

    Cradle to Comfort is exactly what God Himself did for me. Throughout the years, he is an ever-present guide in my life. He took what others denied and kept every promise for a beautiful life, one of which I can only acclaim to be His. I certainly could not have accomplished everything I have without the Lord. In Cradle to Comfort, I found strength, courage, faith and so much more I never imagined possible. I owe my life and all I am to Jesus Christ.I pour my heart out there so that others may know just how empowering a faith walk can be. From recovery to restoration, struggles to find inner strength, and all the mysteries of life can result from the choice to follow him and trust in him. I am who I am because of others along the path, but mostly because God designed me to stand out, not fit in. To God be the glory for lost Janie finding her way in life, no longer be scared of what might be or what wasn't meant to be. She was that eagle that got her wings clipped, wounded, and hurt yet healed and mended beyond all I ever thought possible.

  • af Elizabeth Ann Kuhn
    347,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Latonya R. Forrest
    152,95 kr.

  • af Maureen McGuire Bosley
    322,95 kr.

  • af S. D. Shadden
    217,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Delgado
    177,95 kr.

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