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Bøger udgivet af Christian Faith

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  • af Reginald Barnes
    207,95 kr.

  • af Susan Fearn
    177,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Susanne Beeman
    177,95 kr.

    'Twas the day before Christmas when all through the home,Beau, the dachshund, was starting to roam.He smelled, and he scratched, and he searched here and there,He looked high and low and under the chair.The sights and the smells were so enticing,What happened next was most surprising!

  • af Sarah Elizabeth Beach
    197,95 kr.

    Caterpillars change into butterflies all the time, but true miracles are dead butterflies coming back to life.Resurrecting the Butterfly Graveyard is a collection of forty poems about wrestling with God during a time of confusion, anger, and hurt. It's a story about being vulnerable and expressing frustration with God and His plan. It's a story about losing everything you love and feeling alone and abandoned. However, it's also a story about new life being breathed into dead lungs. The Lord wants to strip away everything that we cling to, the things that have caused our souls to feel cold, dead, and empty, and give us a fresh start and a clean slate. Disappointment and pain are a part of life, but we need to place them on the altar and let God be God. Let Him resurrect broken hearts, burned relationships, and dead dreams.

  • af Emmanuel Muyumba
    242,95 kr.

    Prayerless PrayingThe Wisdom We Need to Rebuild a Life of PrayerYour prayer life needs just a little help.Prayerless praying is a problem of both faith and discipline. Learning to commune with God is what led the disciples of Jesus to come one day to ask him to teach them how to pray like John the Baptist taught his disciples. The interesting answer Jesus gave them was that "when you pray, not if you pray." Prayer then is vital in the life of a believer. Without prayer there is no growth. Think of prayer as learning to speak. So also, when you became born-again, learning how to speak with your father is key to meaningful relationship. This book will remind you how that is like and help you understand the place and importance of prayer, help you rebuild a life of prayer.Prayerless lives are powerless lives. Emmanuel has addressed issues at the very core of Christian living and has directed the reader to the truth of a peaceful, powerful life; that is prayer.--Kate Bougthon, dean of Emmanuel Bible Institute

  • af Kathleen Deronde
    297,95 kr.

    Judge On Trial is an in-depth analysis of the 1983 "Amy" case, where a twelve-year-old girl was confined to juvenile hall for her failure to testify against her physician father who had confessed to molesting her. It occurred during the same week that ABC released its breakthrough incest drama, Something about Amelia, which attracted sixty million viewers. The mainstream media crucified the decision to hold the girl, calling it a Kafkaesque legal fiasco--the system punishing the child it was designed to protect--but local news media, legal experts, and victims of child abuse disagreed. This is the story of the case as written by the judge's wife, Kay DeRonde, detailing the pressure applied to the girl by the mother, the father, and their attorneys to drop the case so that the family could stay together. Its further goal was to save the doctor's medical license. The commentary in this pivotal book raises even larger questions: Are child witnesses free to testify? Should admitted molesters be able to access the victim by attorneys, acting through the mother? And was justice served by dismissing the case? This book provides the answers and confronts the legal, moral, and faith-based dilemma raised by the stunning series of events.

  • af Gisela Norat
    232,95 kr.

    In this memoir, childhood recollections become the springboard for depicting the challenges of a Latina, an immigrant, and a bicultural mother in the United States. The vignettes of life under communist rule in her native Cuba help readers glean a harsh contrast with the civil liberties Americans enjoy.Infused with humor and candid introspection, the writing tackles the pitfalls, the contradictions, and the cultural scrimmages that emerge after marriage to an Anglo man and during the upbringing of their bicultural daughter.When her enthusiasm for Spanish language immersion at home meets with the child's resistance, the author is forced to question the visceral attachment she feels for her birth language. Stumbling through motherhood, she ponders how to live an authentic sense of self while mothering in English.She resolves not to push the daughter to speak Spanish and risk damaging their mother-daughter bond. Instead, the author begins to write and crafts this family legacy as an invitation for her daughter to embrace her Cuban-Spanish lineage.This Latina mother's journey of self-reflection dredges memories of her birthplace, family, exile, cultural adaptation, and social integration. Through the narrative lens of a child, refugee, daughter, wife, mother, professor, and an acculturated Cuban American, the author depicts the culture-clashing complexities of her biculturalism.It is while examining the precariousness of family relationships that the author arrives at a deeper understanding of the nuances of ethnic identity. Through this writing, she achieves a genuine embrace of the extraordinary adoptive country that irrevocably ties her to her beloved American daughter.May you, reader, be inspired to collect and stitch for posterity your tapestry of family stories.

  • af Jeannette F. Jordan D. Th
    177,95 kr.

    Jeannette's heartfelt passion is to educate the public about the unconditional love of Jesus Christ for each of us. She wants everyone to know that God is always here for us. This book, Relentless Trust, encourages readers to hold on to God's unchanging hand regardless of life challenges. Giving up on God and the church should not be an option. Readers are encouraged to trust God in everything, trust God for everything, and trust God through everything.Sometimes the unexpected happens in our lives, and we don't understand what to do. I say just hold on and hang in there with God. God is faithful, and he is a promise keeper.Trust in God with all your heart. Allow him to lead and guide you, and he will not let you fall!You can depend on God. Trust him relentlessly, and never ever give up!

  • af Godwin Airuoyuwa
    192,95 kr.

    You get hit with cancer, considered a terminal disease; and you are left wondering, Is this the end of the road for me? But then, you realize, as a believer, that the disease considered terminal by man is not necessarily terminal with God. This was my state of mind in 2016 when I was diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer. The confusion, fear, and anxiety that followed the diagnosis made it look to me like a death sentence. As a believer, I know that God can do all things, and He is always faithful in keeping His promises. But am I faithful enough to trust Him with my problems? If ever I was to answer this question, this diagnosis was the opportunity. So I resolved to see it as a test of my faith.For those who may say that cancer is now treatable, the following quotation from the America Cancer Society (ACS) will give you an idea of the true state of affairs: "In 2004, 21 out of 100 people diagnosed with lung cancer were living 3 years after their diagnosis. By 2018, that number had risen to 31 out of 100 people." This report was meant to show progress in the fight against lung cancer. Notice however that out of one hundred patients diagnosed, sixty-nine died after diagnosis; only thirty-one were found still living three years later. What is not reported is the quality of life of these thirty-one and what happened to them after three years. If the efficacy of any treatment is only 31 percent and it is efficient only for three years, it is as good as administering placebos. The doctors recommended surgery or radiation therapy for my problem, but I chose none because I had no faith in any of them; the Scripture says that believers shall live by their own faith. Instead, I sought the mind of God, and He chose a pathway for me. This book explains that pathway, and how it can be sought. It also reminds all especially the faithful in Christ that God makes a way even where there seems to be none.

  • af Stacey A. Delaney
    152,95 - 216,95 kr.

  • af Yolanda "Cookie" Doyle
    177,95 kr.

    My husband and I have five adult children. In September 2021, our only son died of a drug overdose. Over the years, I've learned to obey the Scripture to hide God's Word in my heart so I will not sin against him, even in the worst circumstances that bring the deepest pain. When I received the news of his death, through the tears, I asked God, "Please help me see opportunities to bless you through this loss." I wanted to walk through this with hope, not bitterness; joy, not self-pity.This study is the compilation of my working through my grief, biblically. The Lord brought David's life to mind, with particular attention to Psalm 34. David says, "I will bless the Lord at all times; his praises shall continually be in my mouth." His life was a rollercoaster of devastation. God called him "a man after my own heart" because David was determined to live for God through any obstacle, even with repentance when he failed. David's life offers such amazing examples of blessing God through pain, loss, and fear.Running life's race with faith is a day-by-day choice to offer pain, self-pity, and bitterness to God in exchange for humility, joy, and hope. God's power will be made perfect in our weaknesses, he promises. I'm praying that by the end of this study you will learn how to exchange any obstacle for an opportunity to "bless the Lord." Not just to do that, but to bless the Lord at all times, letting his praises continually be in your mouth.

  • af M. L. Moncayo
    217,95 kr.

    Padre Pio is known as the priest with the stigmata, the five wounds of Christ, which he bore for fifty years. They are many books telling of his miracles, healings, spiritual gifts of bilocation, reading of consciences, prophecies, and many more. There are none written specifically on the theology of Padre Pio--the spiritual principles he lived by. These principles can be summed up in the understanding of Redemptive Suffering. It was "the way of Padre Pio." In his own words, St. Pio tells us how to love the Mass, his participation in the Mass, the Madonna, how to pray, to survive the Dark Night, as well as its purpose, the importance of purgatory, and how to use the pain in our life to sanctify ourself and others. Most importantly, he tells us why God allows suffering, its purpose in our lives, and how to heal others with it. Any spiritual child of Padre Pio who seeks to know and understand this saint will find, in simple words, how to live out the spiritual principles he lived by.Filled with over four hundred citations and sixty references from St. Pio and other Redemptive Suffering saints, such as St. Faustina Kowalska, St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and St. Teresa of Avila, The Way of Padre Pio is well documented. Each saint offers their understanding and experiences of suffering and how they used it to live joyous lives, and not only live joyously but heal others with it.The Way of Padre Pio weaves the basic tools of Redemptive Suffering--penance and reparation, which take the form of suffering and sacrifice--into common areas of life and how to use them to sanctify ourself and others. It is how to live the Redemptive Life in all circumstances and answer Mary's call at Fatima to offer ourselves as Victims for the salvation of the world.There are additional resources through the website,, that include bookmarks, prayers, and reading materials, as well as how to begin a prayer group at your parish.

  • af Timothy R Williams
    217,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Walter Sawyer
    197,95 kr.

    Growing old, I have many things to be grateful for. The young lady I met after getting out of the Navy (I still can see her after fifty years), the petite five-foot skinny long brown hair to her shoulder, brunette, she wore blue slacks with a checkered blue-and-white blouse. I will never forget the first sighting of her; the monument will live in my mind forever.I am grateful for my three children, my seven grandchildren, and my five great-grandchildren.Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. After the loss of my wife after thirty-one years and firstborn, who found life too hard to handle, took the easy way out, not realizing that we all belong to someone other than ourselves; yes, it is my life, but is it? Who do we leave behind, and what is the repercussion from it? Without a doubt, people's lives well be changed.I have many memories of our adventures, traveling to the many states across the United States of America."The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page" (St. Augustine).No one wants to live in the past. Anyone who is above the age of seventy has lived to tell you this is true.The worst thing about growing old is the ones you leave behind. Even worse are the items they left behind: the items you can touch remembering who gave them to you or the items you gave to them.For every house that has lost someone, their ghost or angel is still there walking around keeping you warm, a breath of fresh air with a scent when there is no scent for you to smell. Most individuals live on memories, wishing they could do some of their past again.My book is about life, and I am sharing it with you. I have made many mistakes; maybe you can adjust your life to make it a little better for those you care for.

  • af Krista Ann Taylor
    192,95 kr.

    Approaching thirty, Elizabeth is trying her best to follow God's plan for her life. She has always dreamed of being with someone who shares her calling. Now she is beginning to wonder how long she is going to have to wait before love finds her.David is waiting for his life to "begin." He's been living one day at a time, not sure what he's meant to do with his life. Is love what he's been searching for? Will God bring these two together at just the right time?

  • af P. J. Day
    267,95 kr.

    The author, P.J. Day and his two brothers and two sisters grew up in the magical valley of Tesuque (Tazookey), located about five miles north of Santa Fe, New Mexico. One of the family pets was a little gray burro they had named Pedro, who was less than a year old when he came to live with them. While reminiscing about that marvelous childhood on Christmas Day 2001, the first book, A Burro's Tale was conceived. Some years after that, the story continued in Call of the Burro and now the third book in the series; The Burro's Colt.The setting for The Burro's Colt continues to be the Tesuque Valley. Some of the original burros from A Burro's Tale and Call of the Burro remain on the ranch. Many of which have become too old to rent out for any serious work, but continue to be loved and cared for by Raphael and his family. In this third book in the series the burros are more in the background of the story rather than the story revolving around the burros many adventures.A twist of fate places Pedro in the position of serving Jesus once again in his time of need. Jesus and the Holy Family have returned to Jerusalem after being gone for some eighteen years. The Burro's Colt places the reader in numerous situations throughout the book that the reader must determine what they themselves may have decided to do under the same circumstances. Especially, if they were put in the kind of danger that taking the wrong side might have placed them in, within what has undoubtedly become the greatest story ever told.

  • af Christy Mollet
    177,95 kr.

    While playing in the park one afternoon, Madison Links and her friend, Taylor Nelson, find a wallet with money in it. Taylor wants to keep the wallet, but Madison thinks Taylor should give it back to the owner. Will Taylor give the wallet and money back, or will she keep it? Will Madison and Taylor continue to be friends? Follow along in this second book of the Madison series, as Madison prays and relies on God through this sticky situation.

  • af Curtis D. Yax
    217,95 kr.

    The Book of Visions fulfills God's promise to grant visions in our time. Take a spiritual voyage through space-time and see for yourself Christ's glory. Visit hell and its denizens. Experience the Gift of Tongues. Receive the Christ light. See God create our planet, and find out why the dinosaurs became extinct. Go from one awe-inspiring vision to the next, then witness what befalls humanity. Forty-four years in the making, the book climaxes with the prophecy of world war. Find out who is nuked first with the whole world involved and what becomes of the United States. All this and much more in Curtis Yax's The Book of Visions.

  • af Jessica Lorraine
    192,95 kr.

    A story for all ages about the purpose in life's difficulties. Discovering that identity is more than an outward image, but the product of how you receive the process that would forge it."You are being created. I am shaping you with a purpose. That you may have a destiny and become all I am shaping you to be," is what the master said.

  • af Joseph L. Salmieri Sr.
    162,95 kr.

    This book is to let people know that the trials in life set before us are for our good in order to grow closer to Christ. They are also set before us so we learn to be thankful in the bad, the good, and the things that happen to us in our everyday lives. It is to grow us and get us ready for eternity and to share with others what God has promised us and, ultimately, to show how God provides for us in times of need.

  • af Steven Richmond
    177,95 kr.

    The title A Collection of Me is a collection of poems that are about my life experiences, my thoughts, my hopes, and my prayers. There are some poems that deal with my alcoholism, my family losses, and my emotions about those times in my life when I felt no hope. Others are of times when I was grateful for people who were there for me in my time of need without my even expecting them to show. There are poems about dear friends that struggled with the same affliction as myself and how hopeless I felt to help them. They are my prayers spoken to my God about how I felt at different times of my life. These are the sights, sounds, and smells of my world and how they affected my outlook for that particular day. I put into words my feelings, and I put to paper thoughts that I cannot speak to others.Words are the extension of the feelings I have for myself and the world I live in. They give me a sense of peace, a calming embrace, and an overall feeling of well-being. When I'm angry or afraid, confused or overwhelmed, tired or wound up tight, I pick up my pen and start to write. The words flow so quickly, and before I know it, another poem gives me the answer to my problem, whatever it may be. It's as though God himself was talking to me through my own words and giving me the solution. I find that writing is the outlet and the inspiration I need to live my life to the fullest with humility and gratitude. Gratitude for God helping me to be the best at what he wants me to be. Humility to serve others with love and genuine concern for their emotional and mental well-being.My hope is that you find this collection beneficial in your own struggles in life and that you can use these as steps toward healing.

  • af William Sauser
    427,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Yvonne Copeland Msw Lcsw
    192,95 kr.

    She sees one, she wants one, she must have one because, after all, her best friend has one! But she is not alone in her quest for more! No matter the age, at some point, comparison invariably enters the thought life of every individual. But, if left unbridled, what begins as a seemingly innocent comparison can eventually overtake the heart and mind of the unsuspecting and may even lead to ill-advised decisions or worse, devastating consequences.The Comparison Trap: How to Break Free, How to Stay Free exposes the often hidden subtleties and dangers inherent in the comparison trap. In this timeless, compelling work written in layman's terms, Yvonne Copeland, MSW, LCSW, skillfully intersects biblical principles and therapeutic concepts to respond headlong to the deleterious effects of the comparison trap and the negative consequences that can ensue when comparison is left unbridled and runs amok. The author not only targets the overlooked implications of entanglement in the comparison trap, but she correspondingly provides essential strategies to successfully break free and stay free from its insidious stronghold!

  • af J. Merritt
    207,95 kr.

    Freedom, One Step at a Time is an in-depth study for the Bible scholar. It is focused on seven tribes of the Old Testament. By being committed completely to Jesus Christ, we are able to free ourselves from our sinful, soulish natures by the power of the Holy Spirit and walk in freedom one step at a time--our lifetime. Our goal always is "more of Him, less of me."

  • af K. Torde Torvike
    162,95 kr.

    Straw for Stray Sheep is a refreshing study of arguably the most beloved passage of Scripture in Christendom--the twenty-third Psalm, which the author calls the People's Psalm. In an era when relevance and significance are the buzz words of a global culture, the book highlights the story of a former shepherd who finds much contentment in his new status as a sheep of another Shepherd. The Shepherd whose care he willingly endears himself is none other than the Lord God Almighty.In professing his Shepherd's love and care for him, the new sheep apparently ignores the existence of other sheep belonging to his new Owner. So he comes across as the only sheep in the Master's sheepfold. This is David's fascinating posture in Psalm 23 that Straw for Stray Sheep uncovers and defends by urging the public to accept the lone-sheep motif as the truth of God's relationship with each of His children.The work concedes the mind-boggling concept of one sitting comfortably to partake of a meal in the presence of one's enemies. But it quickly points out the unlimited power of God in protecting, providing for, and preserving everyone who trusts Him by faith for His name's sake.In a nonthreatening language and step-by-step approach, Straw for Stray Sheep presents its author's take on the twenty-third Psalm in four parts. The reflection section at the end of each chapter helps and challenges the reader to look deeper into the text and make an honest assessment of his or her walk with Christ.

  • af Hope
    177,95 kr.

    The families we are born into differ vastly. To say that I wish I had been born to a different father would be an understatement. Have I begged God a million times to give me a time machine so that I could go back and try again? Yes! I have finally realized and accepted that God is not giving me a 'do-over' in this life. I have no choice but to live with the consequences of my actions. The pain is unrelenting.My story is documented in this book to alert readers to the mistakes that I have made, leading to excruciating pain, sorrow and regret. I have learned the hard way that it is impossible to live a life to be proud of without putting God first and at the center of every area of my life. We must put our trust and hope in Him. I am inspired by Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.I am convinced that if we stay under the protection of God's unfailing love, we will not have to live with the sorrow that comes from making choices without first seeking God's wisdom and guidance.

  • af Cristy Sison
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Alia Freeman
    177,95 kr.

    Are you running fast through life? Have you been avoiding people, situations, or circumstances that require you to be patient or communicate hard things? We all reach this point of life at times, but it's a choice whether to deal with it or to run from it.This book is filled with poems, prayers, and short stories of daily life challenges and obstacles that can help you develop a relationship with Christ, gain a deeper understanding of him, or become more intimate with Christ. We have a choice between dealing with the weight of the world on our own or doing it like Christ does.Running into Whole will help you become whole while growing through the hardships.

  • af Ross Lanphere
    177,95 kr.

    As you read this book "Naturally Supernatural", you will discover who you have been since you became "One Spirit" with Christ. (1Cor 6:17)God has already given you His Divine Nature when He created you in His image and likeness.This book will show you the exciting plan that God had for you before you were even born.You will discover your" True Identity" in Christ. You will also discover why the Bible says so many wonderful things about you, that you never thought were possible or even true.But now you will begin to see that everything God said and everything He has promised you is absolutely true and absolutely possible!You will never be the same again!

  • af Vicki Coffman
    197,95 kr.

    God creates everyone uniquely. It's our uniqueness that makes us special and brings different degrees of success. Those who have not found their unique potential may not be as successful as others, but it is not due to limitations others have placed on them. You determine your own level of success by the decisions you make every day. When you know the truth about who you are and what you believe, and that belief is rooted in truth, you can live with confidence. When you set a goal and take action to achieve it your actions must be intentional in order to achieve that goal. People are living their lives consumed by fear. They fear the next pandemic, the impending financial crash, or the end of their marriage. The Bible warns that we are not to fear because fear steals your joy, your success, and ultimately it can steal your life. You must stop running away from things you don't want and start running toward the things you do want. If you want change to happen in your life, you must change your focus from fear to truth and live intentional. Vicki Coffman is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has helped thousands live the life they always wanted. Vicki founded Encouragers Counseling and Training Centers Inc. in order to help the hurting masses. If you would like to learn more about the amazing work she is doing go to have become a world torn asunder. We are the most rude, crude, and downright abusive people toward each other. We make decisions to criticize rather than confront and physically assault those who oppose us rather than have a discussion, with intention to find clarity and compromise. We have become a society of whiny crybabies who stomp our feet, clench our fists, and blame others instead of taking responsibility for ourselves.For many decades, we have been told to not think independently, that we need to trust others to provide for a life they design for us. Often, when the pathway leads to a dead end, we find ourselves alone, helpless, and hopeless. Depression sets in as we realize the parade has left us and took with them not only the loss of community but everything that gave us a passion and purpose. Within the pages of this book is the pathway back to who you were meant to be. If you are ready to live your best life, the life God intended for you to live, then you must learn to live intentional.You don't need to see every step of the way; you just need to see the next step.

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