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Bøger udgivet af Christian Faith

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  • af Brandon Nicholson
    217,95 kr.

    For forty years in the desert wilderness, the Tabernacle was the focal point of the Israelite camp. It served as the meeting place for God and His people. He gave specific instructions on the design of this structure in order to provide a place for Him to dwell with His special creation. Dwelling with His people has always been God's greatest desire. However, there was always a barrier that prevented that intimate relationship with God. Ever since the Garden of Eden, sin had corrupted humanity and kept God at a distance. A sinful humanity could not approach a holy and perfect God.The wilderness Tabernacle followed a specific God-given design in order to provide a way to deal with this sin issue and give God's people a way to worship and approach Him. Every element had a practical function and a purpose but more importantly pointed ahead to something greater. This structure was designed to be just a temporary fix to deal with sin, but it would foreshadow a way or, more accurately, a person that would be capable of putting an end to this sin issue forever.As we spend forty days on a journey through the Tabernacle, we will talk about every element, discussing its function and symbolic meaning. As Christians today, the Tabernacle is not the focal point of our worship like it was for the Israelites, but by studying this ancient structure, we can still learn so much about God and His love for His creation. Join me on this journey through the Tabernacle and discover all that God had in mind when He gave Moses the blueprints. The Tabernacle was built so He could dwell with His people again. As you will see along this journey, that desire to dwell with His people still holds true today.

  • af Troy D Gunderson
    232,95 kr.

    Uri Mokovich, a young Russian lad, is raised by his immigrant parents in rural south-central North Dakota during the 1930s and 40s. Hard living and schoolhouse bullies ignite a dream of escaping into the prairie and living off the land like native inhabitants once lived. Tragic circumstances prematurely force him into his adventure. Uri's many skills learned from his parents and his fascination about Indian ways help him survive the prairie for a while. But self-sufficiency, instilled by his father, comes into direct conflict when offered the help he so desperately requires. A gift from a caring librarian and the wisdom from an unexpected visitor helps Uri find the faith he never knew he needed.

  • af Otis Davis
    337,95 kr.

    Some of the things that I have been able to accomplish in life might seem unbelievable to others, but with God's help and guidance, I managed to survive, and only a daredevil can accomplish.I was born in the segregated south, but it did not stop me from being ambitious and striving to be the best that I could be.There was always a feeling that somewhere, someday, I would have opportunities to show the world what I could do and encourage others to not give up and not give in.

  • af Susan Popovic
    192,95 kr.

    Why Everyone Must Know the Sermon on the Mount:One of the greatest speeches ever given serves as a blueprint for the development of personal integrity, which is the starting point of creating an environment that provides equality and fair treatment of all.Christ's indisputable classic sermon offers penetrating words and demands action from Christians and non-Christians to stamp out a malaise of poverty and injustice. When the two powerful chapters recorded in the Book of Matthew are truly comprehended, they will move the reader out of their comfort zone, and prompt them to start making small steps to make changes to help others wherever they find themselves.Jesus Christ's first public preaching in the synagogue declared that His arrival brought hope to all: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed" (Luke 4:18 NKJ).To become an agent of change, we must begin with ourselves. In order to allow God's love to transform the hatred that we may feel toward someone, it involves unlearning the negative traits that were absorbed over the years; just like the blind man who begged Jesus to see, we too need to recognize that our own vision may be impaired, and we need to abandon the old biases and old way of doing things. Absorbing the learning is necessary until it becomes part of your character.Unfortunately, the transforming process appears to be weak for some Christians, and some live in a manner that is not very different from their unbelieving neighbor; their lives are inconsistent with the righteous principles found in the sermon. We need to be different from our unbelieving neighbors and thus embody the salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). A life that is not transformed does not possess the saltiness that would differentiate it from others, nor is it able to be a light in the darkness. The sermon should demand a change in our behavior and challenge our convictions as to what is happening in the world around us. We need to be the "salt and light" in the world where there is much darkness to recognize that in order to inherit the eternal kingdom of heaven and enjoy a good life on earth, we must be concerned about providing a good life for others.What would the world look like if we really did follow Jesus's teachings and combined our efforts and resources to help others? Jesus warns against those who are just listeners and who do not adhere to His teachings: "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:13-14).

  • af Rilous Carter
    232,95 kr.

    We currently live in a world of tremendous chaos and confusion, with many not knowing what to believe as truth and what is simply made up to satisfy the lust of the flesh or the pride of life--the same things that have plagued mankind since Adam and Eve. And the Bible and the scriptures are no exception, with many in today's society wondering if the Bible is still relevant and how they apply the scriptures to their lives. This book does just that: by breaking down scriptures that apply to some of the issues and concerns we as Christians face or may be facing every day. To some, the scriptures can be intimidating, based on one's Biblical knowledge, but the topics in this book are explained in terms that even the beginner can understand. Also, you'll find that various versions of the scriptures were used to enable the readers and enhance understanding; hence, the title, The Scriptures: The Antidote for a Chaotic and Turbulent World. It is written in a style that allows you to utilize topics as daily devotionals, Bible class study topics, or as personal encouragement or inspiration.Hopefully by reviewing how the scriptures are applied to everyday occurrences, we can also avoid some of the distractions and trappings that befall us and cause us to question our faith or God's word. The topics are nonfiction, just as God's word is nonfiction and never-changing.The readings in this book are a great gift to light the path of those who are new babies in Christ or for those who may have strayed from the path of righteousness. Either way, it is a great reminder of how the Lord works wonders in our lives and helps all of us separate ourselves from the wiles of the devil that are dividing our communities, our states, our country, and the world.

  • af Edward Karinen
    207,95 kr.

    There are many books on the market today about rightly dividing. Many of them simply tell you what people have said or believe. This book takes you to the parameters of rightly dividing so that you can not only rightly divide the scriptures but have a better interpretation of the scriptures. Which ones apply to whom? How can it apply to you? Should we build an ark like Noah? These questions and many more are answered in this book, What Did He Say? It looks at what the three speakers of the Bible say--man, devil, and God. These are the main speakers, for the devil speaks through a serpent, and God speaks through angels, animals, and men. The book does not look at what men say but what the King James Bible says.

  • af Tonya Raby
    197,95 kr.

    "Spending Time Alone with God Daily" will bless and strengthen your life, it will cause you to live a life of peace, love, joy, and happiness.-Tonya RabyOne of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God. Spending time alone with God daily will allow you to get to know God, and the more you know God, the more you will trust God, and the more you trust God, the more your faith will increase in God.Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.Hebrews 11:1This level of faith, an unshakeable one, comes from a continued and consistent trust in God, His Word, and His Promises. When you develop this unshakeable faith, it will give you the strength to change things in your life that you never imagined you could. Faith in God changes everything! It is my hope and prayer that, Good Morning God, will inspire you to spend time alone with God. God loves you completely and unconditionally, and He wants to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. A relationship with God is one of the best relationships you could ever have! God is the best listener, He hears, and He answers, in His own time, in His own way.Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.James 4:8

  • af Lorene B. Williford
    177,95 kr.

    Hard knocks are not always detrimental as they can sometimes be blessings in disguise. This book of short stories takes the reader on a journey from farm life in the 1930s and 1940s to sixty-seven years as a pastor's wife, mother, and administrator. The fifty short stories begin with some of the humorous experiences of the author while growing up on a farm in Missouri where her godly parents instilled in her the value of reaping the fruits of hard work, integrity, and good work ethics.Balancing motherhood and supporting the ministry of her husband while holding secular positions had some challenges. It is hoped that readers of this book will find that the hard knocks we all encounter occasionally, even from Christians, can become blessings. Hard knocks, whether in secular workplaces or in religious settings, are often the Lord's way of humbling us and teaching us some valuable lessons.These stories will motivate laypeople in our churches to encourage and pray for their pastor, pastor's wife, staff, and their families. Pastors may view hard knocks differently when they can view these as opportunities to bless their ministry with a renewed commitment to meet each challenge with a spirit of love and compassion. Secular workers will see that Christians can achieve success and advancement in the corporate world without compromising their biblical standards.These short stories are laced with some humor that makes for an easy and entertaining read.

  • af Bishop Leonard Austin Th. D.
    152,95 kr.

    Victory through Suffering talks about the ups and downs that believers face while traveling and navigating their daily lives, as well as teaching and leading others to Christ. During difficult times, one learns to reflect on oneself very deeply as well as how to go through rough times. Difficult times enable us to do God's will to love ourselves and others as well as to lean on his word to become stronger. When we are victorious, we can overcome any circumstances, as the Bible tells us that we are overcomers (1 John 5:4-5). We suffer when we resist the will of God, and we prevail when we obey his will.

  • af Olivia Kapfunde
    177,95 kr.

    For all that you so hope for; let you find peace and solace.Awaiting, an outpouring of his love in his glorious tenderness, for "Only He Can."As you embrace yourself to knowing thy self, with thy inner knowing. When you know what you know, the steps of faith.Jehovah-Rapha, by his name thou ought to know.In Trinity, we seek, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • af Zipporah Lucre
    192,95 kr.

    I Am the Woman at the Well was inspired by the story from the Holy Bible in John 4:1-25. This was a woman who had been with multiple men, none titled as her husband. Even though her lifestyle might have looked like one of a nonbeliever, she was a believer. I believe that like myself, she was looking for someone to notice her and love her flaws and all. I believe Jesus spoke to her because he knew what she needed to hear and that He knew she would share her story "spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ."Like her, I have had many men in my life and made plenty of wrong choices. I was looking for love without ever acknowledging that Jesus loves me all because I did not see him physically. Yet despite my ungodly behaviors, Jesus spoke with me, forgave me, and gave me a purpose in life. Like the Samaritan woman, I am telling my story about my encounter with Jesus and how he changed my life and continues to change my life.There are many women out here who are just like this woman and me. They need to know that Jesus is real. He is with you, and he loves you.

  • af Martha Elizabeth Mills
    297,95 kr.

    I feel that God's Loving Light is an encouraging book to give to children and everyone as a true reminder of God's love for them along with all of God's creation. There is so much darkness and negativity around that we need to shine God's loving light. Explaining what animals see in their everyday surroundings of God's love can help us all to understand and enjoy the love we see God provides us all. May God be given the glory. Oh, what loving light and blessings we see when we open our lives to God's will.My dear mama and our Christian family have certainly been a tremendous shining light for me throughout my many years already. I pray that all of you and yours will be able to see the miraculous blessings God has provided everywhere every day and night. Let us be filled with thanksgiving and God's loving light. I love you, and of course, God does too!

  • af Paula S. Alston
    177,95 kr.

    The Adventures of Amazing Amos is a short collection of children's stories loosely based on the antics of a spirited and loveable Great Dane once owned by the author. Her dog was often the center of attention and not necessarily for good reasons. But he was always loved despite his misgivings. In this collection, what makes Amos so amazing is that he receives grace no matter what he does.Amazing Amos is adopted by a family who loves and cares for him very much. The family tries to train him and curb his appetite for mischievous and silly antics. After arriving at his new home, Amos endlessly finds new ways to get in trouble.The family sends Amos to obedience school, the circus, and the Army desperately hoping the training he receives will help him settle down and behave. But no matter where he goes, Amos's playfulness takes over, and he starts a commotion.Whenever Amos gets in trouble, a blinking golden halo appears over his head as if asking for grace, and like the author's dog, he is always forgiven. Amos is eventually introduced to Mandy, another Great Dane. Amos is enthralled with her, while Mandy lovingly puts up with him. Over time, Mandy instills a sense of peace and calm to everyone's delight.The book describes, in a way relatable to children, the role forgiveness plays in our lives. Through the wonderful grace God extends to each of us every day and through Jesus Christ, we are all forgiven.

  • af Leandro (Lany) Maniwang Tapay
    257,95 kr.

    I am not strong enough to derail God's plan for my life. He uses people and events to accomplish his plan for my life.He is like a good chess player: he arranges situations to accomplish his plan for my life.I call it divine orchestration.

  • af Ira E. Williams
    192,95 kr.

    Saul's Damascus Road event is one of the most dramatic events in the Bible, and for so many different reasons that can and has directly impacted the lives of so many Christians. The reasons for that event that have so impacted my life are the following: Jesus spoke to Saul, and that alone would be enough, but Jesus also identified Saul as being, "My perfect tool," and Saul, the zealous Pharisee, because he was so well-versed in God's Word, rapidly recognized that beginning with Abram (before Abraham) God's plan would eventually include both Jew and Gentile. Jesus's resurrection from flesh to spirit and Saul's transformation from zealous Pharisee to becoming the apostle to the Gentiles has helped me see how God's plan includes me.But Saul's Damascus Road event took place thousands of years ago, and Christians today are left to marvel at how Saul and his many associates could begin to travel those well-established Roman roads and slowly, and oh so painfully, begin to create nests of believers within the throngs of idol worshippers and more importantly how those widely scattered nests would take root and slowly become the Church that Martin Luther would feel compelled to challenge.Jesus and Martin Luther are the only two who have walked this earth and been able to initiate historical eras; Renaissance to Reformation is a historical milestone that got its birth because one isolated monk in one of the fragmented provinces of ununified Germany finally recognized what allowed Saul/Paul to create those original nests of believers so long ago-- justification by faith of Romans 1:17. Dozens of books have been written about Saul/Paul and Martin Luther and a dozen of books about all the popes, beginning with Peter. But connecting the dots over those fifteen centuries allowed Paul's final, monumental letter to the Romans to really come alive. Both Paul and Martin Luther were making history while they were writing history, and history comes alive by connecting the dots.

  • af Victoria Hicks
    177,95 kr.

    Dictionaries have multiple definitions for both the word common and the word sense/senses. Together, they represent all of humanity, along with the animal functions of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste.Several years ago, Victoria participated in a women's retreat. The theme was "Taste and See: Experiencing the Goodness of God." The scripture reference was Psalm 34:8, which has become a favorite of hers. She says of the retreat, "It changed my writing, and in several ways, it changed my thinking, my life."Take a walk through Eden, as Eve makes a choice that changed lives forever. Sit on a grassy pond bank and watch the meandering of a small flock of sheep. Let your heart feel the love of a young, new mother holding her hours-old, tiny son. Feel the wind tearing through trees as Elijah hides from God in a cave. Smell the perfume. Hear the whispers of men as a woman dares to intrude and anoint the feet of Jesus. See their shock when he tells her, "Your sins are forgiven." Hear a child's long-awaited first, "I love you," to his mother--understand and feel her inexpressible joy.Walk with Victoria through experiences both biblical and personal, as she explores some of the ways God has used his gifts of senses to work in people--past, present, and for all of time to come.Come. Taste and see.

  • af Lesa Tyler
    192,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Harold Wilson Sr
    177,95 kr.

    T. H. Wilson Sr.As the day of judgment draws nigh, the world becomes more dangerous. This age of relativism has a declaration of war against God's Word and inalienable human rights. Weak nations will be trampled, and freedom-loving nations will be challenged. This book is presented to be read with an open mind. It is written with love for the souls of humans that will spend eternity in heaven with God or in the ---- of fire with the devil (Rev. 20:10-15).

  • af Beth Anna Moonray Ferguson
    177,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Brotha Smitty
    177,95 kr.

    Imprisoned: By My Own Damn Mind is a journey through the life thoughts of a child arriving to adulthood, who is unable to maintain any kind of relationship with any human being because of the negative thoughts in his head.How did those thoughts get in his head? Who put those thoughts inside his head and made him believe that the thoughts were absolutely true?Labels were inaccurately placed on this young child without any explanation. Educators accepted this term without any understanding of the impact to the child. The child was separated from a normal setting and put into an abnormal setting and asked to behave normal. Other children in the same age-group of our child noticed him and his new environment. Then the flood of horrible name-calling came in and drowned our child in misery. Of course, our child internalized all this pain. That gave voice to the prison guard in his head. He got locked up in his head by the thoughts he think about himself daily.Is there any freedom from this mind prison? It's a sad tragedy when your closest friend is suicide. You think he (suicide) has the only way of escape from all of the horrible pain you feel inside you.Welcome to my tormented loneliness--imprisoned by my own damn mind.

  • af Kayla Maximovich Ogg
    192,95 kr.

    In a world where society promotes spiritual falsehood and the occult, it's easy to take the wrong path in times of trouble. After years of suffering from sleep paralysis and demonic attacks, Kayla longs for an escape. As she fights for the ability to control her sleeping consciousness, Kayla stumbles upon a mysterious spiritual universe accessible through her dreams. This place is unlike anywhere on Earth, as the laws of physics do not apply. She journals in depth about the otherworldly dimensions she explores. But when her interest in the spirit realm becomes a fascination, Kayla dives headfirst into a dangerous downward spiral. Although raised a Christian, her obsession with "spirit-seeking" slowly tugs her heart far from the truth. What happens when obsession takes over? Time is running out. On the brink of spiritual disaster, Kayla falls to her knees and cries out to God. But nothing could prepare her for what she would see when God turns on the lights. In this eye-opening memoir, join Kayla in an unimaginable journey as the light of Christ restores the truth and exposes the darkness!

  • af Gwendolyn Jackson
    257,95 kr.

    The title, Mayberry: Tales from Within, was created while sitting for nine months, waiting to go to prison from Clay County Jail. Since the prison was full, ladies were held here in what we called Mayberry Jail, waiting to go to Julia Tutwiler PrisonWe called this jail Mayberry because the officers there were nice like the Andy Griffith Show characters. The book was born out of my and other ladies' pain. Clay County Jail had an officer that reminded me of each of those characters in the town of Mayberry. I give credit to each officer for the writing of this book, Mayberry: Tales from Within. Some stories are mostly truth and others, completely fiction. It will be up to the reader to figure out which. However, all stories will touch the reader's heart.

  • af Jimmy H. DeMoss
    152,95 kr.

    Some two thousand years ago, a man appeared in Palestine, a man who was different from any other person in the world. He made some stupendous claims. He claimed to be the Son of God, to be able to forgive sins, to be eternal. Moreover, He claimed that He had come from God and that the words that He spoke were God's words. And He backed up these claims by casting out demons, giving sight to the blind, and raising the dead. He was indeed special in every gracious way.Throughout human history, there has been no one like Him. He alone had two natures: He was both God and man in one person. He alone was perfect in every way: in thought, word, and deed. He alone had miraculous powers that could heal the sick, make the invalid whole, and calm the troubled sea. He alone came to this world like no other person. He came specifically to die for sinners and to make salvation accessible to the world.Who is this man? He is Jesus of Nazareth. He is the Son of God. He is the Savior of sinners. He is the person you will read about in this book, The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ.

  • af Jessica Szitta
    242,95 kr.

    The Language of Lament is an experience of grief. Written after the loss of a child through a second trimester miscarriage, this book is an authentic expression of suffering well when your soul is unwell.Offering the reader an inside look at the mental, emotional, and spiritual wrestling of grieving, it gives voice to the varied experiences and questions of the heart and soul that have been devastated by loss.Does suffering well mean smiling through your grief?Does crying out in hopelessness mean you are not grieving with hope?Do moments of joy invalidate your loss?Can sitting in silence be comforting?Is there a time limit on sharing your experience?Does God really care? And can his word really heal?Whether you are experiencing grief firsthand or walking with someone who is, may The Language of Lament be a comforting companion in your journey.

  • af Wakai Senshi
    287,95 kr.

    Join street fighters Taiyra Morioka and Hu Feng Cheng as they are thrust into battle against the satanic forces of the Daughters of Damnation and Lord Tokachi. On their journey they encounter the legendary heroine, the Angel Goddess, and her allies. The very state of the world and their souls are at stake in this epic adventure. In Japan, follow Gregg Marshall, former member of the black budget United States covert operations unit called Buffer Zone, as he seeks revenge for his family against his most hated enemy, the Black Demon and his ninja clan. What is the Black Demon's connection to Lord Tokachi and the impending doom looming over Asia? Join our heroes as they discover the total depravity of man, the true nature of the demonic, and the overwhelming incomparable power and love of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in the Evil Within Vol. 1 Rise of Influence.

  • af Don Ella Cruz
    177,95 kr.

    How often do we pray for our children and their struggles? The struggle for Justin to graduate his senior year kept me in the presence of God, seeking Him for direction. I heard God telling me, "He's going to graduate." His words gave me the strength to persevere and not give up, not knowing I would be walking from my son's life to his life in glory.My flesh struggled with not being ready for God to allow what had been settled in heaven. I had to spiritually process it without sharing a word. God kept me from telling anyone because they could have interfered with His plan. When the appointed time had come, no matter how my heart cried with continuous prayers, knowing God's perfect love for me, there was no changing His mind. I struggled with surrendering my will. "Turn him over to me," I heard God speak in an audible voice, "so I can allow what is going to happen."My flesh had to come into an agreement with what God was doing. I remember saying, "Not my will, Lord. Your will be done." Justin took a step from graduation to glory. When Justin's feet no longer touched the earth, his final steps were from flesh to spirit. God told it all to me, but the point of when I had to experience it--that's when I really knew. I was able to see that God has many great things to do with Justin but not here.God, You made that be our secret.

  • af Bonnie L. Dunlap
    152,95 kr.

    Little White Bird is based on true story about a little white dove that flew into my dream the day I died. The revelations that followed God was there with me! I felt his love, I heard the prayers, I heard the voices of conversations, and I felt all the love from family and friends and from strangers that I have yet not met! The truths that came through the revelations that I must share! My story begins the day I awoke! Was this real? Did this happen? Was this a dream? A three-week ventilator visit and fifty-eight days, I was going home! January 17, 2020, BC (Before COVID). I am a miracle. I returned home on March 12, 2020.

  • af Tina M. Moore
    217,95 kr.

    Perhaps you or someone you know exhibits patterns of instability in a particular aspect of life. This fluctuation may show up as erratic mood changes, excessive fears or worries, extreme feelings of guilt, bouts of depression, double-mindedness, addictive behaviors, sexual bondage, etc.In the New Testament, Paul teaches us that our struggle is not against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.The evil spirits that Paul referred to here are synonymous with the "wild beasts" that tempted Jesus in the wilderness for forty days. As a matter of fact, they are the same spirits that pressure us today, compelling us to the bitter realm of what the Bible refers to as outer darkness. The Old Testament reveals that these spirits embodied animals, the metaphorical doleful creatures mentioned in the book of Isaiah and throughout the entire Bible. However, God's desire is to shine a light on these irritants so that we can cast them out and be made whole again. After all, Paul encouraged us to be openly aware of Satan's devices, lest he should gain an advantage over us. The revelation knowledge you receive from this book will give you the insight you need to recover the parts of your life you've once lost or handed over to the enemy.

  • af J. Mark McDonald
    232,95 - 297,95 kr.

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