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Bøger udgivet af Christian Faith

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  • af Stephen A. Ibeh
    152,95 kr.

    The church in America has fallen in deep sleep and needs to wake up! In the current state, we are to stand in the gap with God and intercede for her. This book is about spiritual discernment of the vices that are currently hindering the church as well as prayers for these vices. According to Jesus's words, we are to watch and pray so we will not enter temptation (Matthew 26:42). Let us then arm ourselves with prayers while keeping an eye on those things that crept into the church unawares.

  • af Betty B. Hilton
    217,95 kr.

    This story is about young love, loss, and heartbreak. You will see how God works to show His glory.A young couple that has to make choices that rips their lives apart. Making the decision to put their child first made them choose to live with the consequences of that choice. The agony, hurt, and heartbreak was beyond anything they could have imagined.Years later, God in His infinite wisdom begins to change the lives of this couple to show His magnificent glory. It is astonishing and amazing to see the works of God. His fingerprints are all through this story.It also shows that you do not have to destroy your child before it is born, put it in God's care He will make sure it is cared for.You will see that if you put yourself in God's hands, He will give you the desires of your heart that you could never imagined or conceived.

  • af Doris Guggisberg
    207,95 kr.

    Adam Wallace thought he had his life all planned out until he couldn't get a job in his field of study after college. Rose Miller's life was drastically changed when a medical mishap put her in a wheelchair in a nursing home. Beth Young, sister to Rose and an employee of Adam, had the perfect suburban life with her husband and three children until she and her husband were in a car accident that changed everything. Samantha and Dwayne had a love that couldn't be. A police investigation, lawyer suppositions, missing persons, embezzlement, and a funeral bring them all together, along with mystery, revenge, inspiration, and romance. Will any of them turn back to God in time?

  • af Connie Erisman
    177,95 kr.

    Discover the journey of an orphaned baby calf to finding his place with a new family. This family is very different from the farm cows in the pasture where he once lived. He experiences the joys of being cared for, well-fed, loved, and remembered.Wesley represents every child who may have lost a loved one through death, divorce, or through other unfortunate circumstances. The kindness shown to Wesley gives hope to all children that even though they may experience sadness, they can feel joy again! They can feel safe again. They can feel accepted and loved.Even as Wesley gets older, he never forgets his new family, and they never forget him.

  • af L. Vega-Sanabria
    197,95 kr.

    After a teaching career of more than thirty years, having taught across all grade levels and a broad range of subject areas, Friendship and Fellowship in the Local Church: a 21st Century Perspective is a product of an encompassing ministry experience in the local church for both Spanish-speaking and English-speaking congregations as a teacher, deacon, and pianist--a research-based study with a pragmatic and practical view on the needs of one of the most unrecognized and misunderstood populations: those of the inmate believers.The Gospel message is clear, and the members of the body of Christ have a responsibility to "encourage one another and build each other up" (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV). The message of our Lord Jesus Christ is as real today as it was centuries ago: "I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest (John 4:35 NIV).Believer inmates are members of the body of Christ; their conversions are real, their transformations are evident, and their faith is strong. Yet they, too, need the support of other members of the body of Christ, for the Holy Spirit works through each member, as he or she is gifted in order to address and attend to the unique needs of the incarcerated believer inmates. Hear their silent cries as they are revealed in the Friendship and Fellowship in the Local Church: a 21st Century Perspective.The Gospel of John states the reason Jesus visited Samaria: "Now he had to go through Samaria" (John 4:4 NIV). And in NKJV, it states, "He needed to go through Samaria." For Jesus, it was a need.Jesus knew the importance of reaching out to those who were marginalized, who were ostracized, and who were highly criticized and judged. They had been abandoned, but Jesus had other plans.Later he met the Samaritan woman, and through her, her village and her town received the Good News about the Messiah: "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony" (John 4:39 NIV).His own disciples were blind to this need; they were subject to the day's misconceptions and misinterpretations and biases. Later, Jesus pronounces one of the most significant statements of the Gospel message: "I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest" (John 4:35 NIV).Friendship and Fellowship in the Local Church: a 21st Century Perspective is a call to reach a group of people that have been abandoned and rejected: to address their needs--spiritual, social, emotional, and psychological. It is like Jesus said, "A field ripe for the harvest." It is an eye-opener--a pioneer research study addressing the needs of one of the most deserted and neglected populations, considering it covers a topic difficult to discuss and is of much controversy.Paul said, "Remember my chains" (Colossians 4:18 NIV). When Jesus was accused of associating with those that were outcasts, his reply was, "For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners" (Matthew 9:13 NIV).

  • af Rachel Vanderwood
    297,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af G. Brian Christie
    197,95 kr.

    The 12 Marks of a Man of God draws a biblically balanced portrait of the aspirations of every Christian man. Marks 1-3 address our personal relationship with God, particularly how to have a regular quiet time and how to walk by the Spirit. A flourishing personal relationship with God is the essential foundation on which the other marks are built.Marks 4-6 focus squarely on the three primary challenges we men face on a daily basis: sexual temptation, money, and pride. Marks 7-9 address the critical areas of our words, our work, and our lifestyle. Marks 10-11 focus on our two key ministries: our families and our church. Mark 12 completes the portrait with a call to the indispensable character quality of perseverance.Each chapter can be read in about ten minutes--ideal for busy men. Read one chapter a day for twenty-one days as an individual study or use a chapter or two a week as part of a men's Bible study group.G. Brian Christie (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; JD, University of Texas), a transactional (deal) lawyer, business executive, and company director, has preached and taught men's Bible studies in churches in Texas, California, and Virginia over the past forty-five years.

  • af Jennifer Horn
    152,95 kr.

    Landscapes in fall seasons can be beautiful, bold, and quickly changing. God shows out with His created abundance in the earth that can sustain life. Do you recognize the wonders of abundance around you in your outside landscapes? God created these to reflect His creative provision for you, both in your outside world and inside heart gardens. Because you are individual in your abilities and reactions to the world around you, He sent His Holy Spirit to those who believe to lead, guide, and help with life's unique challenges and tasks. Take some time to connect with your caring creative God with the help of this book so that at the end of your harvest, you will be full of thankful praise to the God who created you.

  • af Greg Huddleston
    397,95 kr.

    There in that enchanted forest known as Goldenwood, hidden deep within a glade, a tiny cottage stood. Bekunn (pronounced as "beacon") is a resident of a magnificent ancient forest that is shared with all types of woodland creatures. Bekunn is a friend to all, as they are to him. His favorite daily activity is a nice, quiet walk in the woods. One fateful day, Bekunn stumbles (quite literally) upon an object lying in the pathway. It is something he has never seen before! His first instinct is to try and communicate with it, but he has no success. As Bekunn continues to speculate what it is he has discovered, forest animals begin to join him. After many guesses between them, they still cannot solve the mystery.Finally, Wise Old Owl comes forward and reveals exactly what the object is. It is indeed a treasure! Not all treasures can be measured in silver and gold, however. Along with Bekunn's story is a section that is an introduction to the alphabet for your beginning reader. This section is not meant to teach words, but is rather designed to teach them to identify particular letters within those words, hopefully providing some preparation for those first steps into organized education and those professional educators that can't wait to watch your child grow. As long as you have that loved one on your lap reading Bekunn's story, let's take a moment to teach!

  • af Anna Pendergrass
    177,95 kr.

    We have heard it said, "The Lord works in mysterious ways." Although worded differently, Romans 11:33-36 illustrates that concept: "Who has known the mind of the Lord?" The passages speak about the richness of how God works.Through realism as well as illusionary moments, God is working through people in dreams, and at times, through Mr. Samuels's fear and confusion. In The Long-Nosed Rooter, the Samuels family sees some of the mysterious works of the Lord in the way he answered their prayers.Mr. Samuels goes from uncertainty to understanding that something just wasn't right. From fear to determination. From homelessness, hopelessness, and unemployment to having a job and a place of his own to share with his family. The story illustrates the scriptures of "seeking God first, and the rest will be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).The story all takes place in an entertaining manner. The Long-Nosed Rooter is suspenseful at times, funny at times, and mysterious. I am sure it is a story the young and young at heart will want to read and tell over and over at family gatherings.

  • af Amanda H. Cooper
    177,95 kr.

    Are you afraid of thunder? Cookie is. Her mom and dad tell her ways that she can be brave during a storm. She tries them out, and soon, she realizes that being brave actually works! I bet you can be brave if you try them too.

  • af Amy Rogers
    177,95 kr.

    It's just a normal afternoon when Amy's life takes a completely different turn, when she is carjacked in broad daylight. A million thoughts race through her head as she is held at gunpoint in her own vehicle. But God is there in the midst and gives her peace, clarity, and a sound mind to survive. Things did not turn out like she wanted, but God was with her. He would continue to carry her throughout the difficult time to come.A few years later, she and her husband wanted to start a family. After many months of trying to conceive, Amy's dream of carrying a child was crushed. You will read how God carried her once again through another tragic time. God shows her again that He is in control and has a plan for her life. You'll see a perfect picture of the gospel as she shares the adoption stories of her two beautiful boys.Amy's story reminds us that God is always at work even in the midst of our deepest pain.

  • af Kenneth C. Parsons MD
    257,95 kr.

  • af Mark Trager
    197,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Collin Colosky
    177,95 kr.

    In this book, Tommy goes on a mission to discover the answer to his question, "What is water?" Tommy the Tadpole teaches kids that sometimes you have to step back from a situation for a new perspective while also teaching about many creatures found in a pond. It is told in a fun-filled way that is both simple enough for kids to understand and thought-provoking enough for adults to enjoy reading. It teaches the importance of asking questions and not giving up.

  • af Karen Kazimer Shockley
    167,95 kr.

    Do you feel like you can't explain many events that happen in your daily life? Karen feels this way too. In Angels, Saints, and Spirits, Karen takes you through real-life experiences that seem to be precipitated by spiritual events. As you read her stories, you, too, will be able to identify times in your life when the unexplained has no apparent rhyme or reason. It just happens. That is the time to look beyond yourself and into the world of a greater power.The events depicted in this book helped solidify Karen's belief in Christianity. As you read these stories, she hopes that you, too, can understand those times when God has intervened in a most special way.

  • af Bruce Robert Bickel
    232,95 kr.

    A collection of two hundred sayings, short stories, and analogies to enlighten you to the beauty, power, and glory of Almighty God.A self-guide (God will help) for anyone who believes and has faith. It includes * "A Current Message" for us during this present time, * a table of contents listing each mustard seed,* a list of definitions of frequently used Bible terms,* a comprehensive list of godly traits and ungodly traits for the reader to make their as-needed corrections, and* a chart on Christian living, the Ten Commandments (for reference), a guide on some common Bible translations, and an epilogue to emphasize the point of Jesus's imminent return.

  • af Lisa Harris
    192,95 kr.

    This book is for all the people out there who are dealing with struggles in relationships of dating and marriage. I hope this book will help you get a better understanding of what you need to do to become a better woman and a better man so you can have a better family. It was a great pleasure to write this book and to share the ins and outs of the dating world, as well as adultery and abuse, so that you may be responsible for your behavior. May God continue to bless you, strengthen you, and keep you.

  • af D. W. Quinn
    337,95 kr.

    Life was perfect! Walter was so happy snuggled in the nest with his two sisters. Then Walter's contentment changed. Father said it was time to learn to fly. While Walter's sisters were excited, Walter was worried. What does he need to do? Walter couldn't fly! How could he get the confidence to try?

  • af Deborah Conroy
    272,95 kr.

    Have you ever been on a journey? Journeys can be fun like going on an awesome trip. We all enjoy this type of journey. But journeys can also find you walking through some hard times and finding yourself worn out. There are twists and turns and unexpected situations as you continue your journey of seeking purpose and guidance from the One who created us.My journey has seen some amazing things as I sought God to walk with me. There were some painful and difficult situations to walk through also, but I was never alone. God was walking with me through so many ups and downs.In this book, you will get a peek into a real family with real issues at times. Through the years, God has worked in our hearts and lives, and for that I am very thankful. Our journey is still continuing, but for now I hope you enjoy and are encouraged by the stories from a clueless Christian.

  • af Pastor Mike Kiley
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Nancy A Lydic
    272,95 kr.

    In Pursuit of Joy cleverly depicts a comparison between happiness and joy as it carries you on a journey of choices. The author shares her life through the wilderness of cancer, meeting helpful people at every turn, resulting in blessings of abundance. Her mother of ninety-five plays an intricate part in her ability to endure, just knowing that she sacrifices her life to support her youngest daughter. Over time, it becomes apparent that people are drawn to her mother's energy, good health, and strong spirit. The uniqueness of their relationship stands out everywhere they go, giving way to interesting conversations with strangers. The author presents a convincing argument as to the value of joy rather than happiness. She brings out the facts about joy through scripture, revealing that joy can only come from God. Her life exemplifies joy through positive attitudes and wise choices. In the author's opinion, there are virtually only two choices: living a life of happiness that is only temporary or choosing a lifetime of joy with God. Joy runs deep and never runs out. The perspective of this book is enlightening and eye-opening, as it weaves its way into your heart.

  • af Madeline Gandy
    177,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Monee Michaunne McKenna
    152,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Eugene Christopher
    242,95 kr.

    Our virtues play a very important role in our lives. They fill us with passion and bring meaning to our very existence. So often it seems we take them for granted and fail to recognize their true potential. Despite our neutrality toward them, they remain constant and pure, just waiting to express themselves through our actions. It is so easy for us to get caught up in our own realities and become blind to their calling. Blind to the basic truth that there is a beautiful simplicity and infinite energy that surrounds every human life, including our own.Recognizing and relating to this simplicity and energy is the basis for essentially all of our relationships. Of all the virtues we are capable of, there are three that stand out above them all--faith, hope, and love. In this nutshell, we will take a look at these virtues and their significance in our lives. We will look at love as it pertains to our relationship, both with ourselves and with others. We will look at hope as it pertains to our relationship with the world around us. Lastly, we will take a look at faith and how it pertains to our relationship with our God. In this nutshell, we will challenge ourselves to reclaim our virtues and live a life of purpose.

  • af Olga Ondina Dakdduk
    282,95 kr.

    Sabina had no dress to wear for her first graduation. Her family presented her with a gift. It was a dress, the most-beautiful yellow dress Sabina had ever seen! But during the night, there was a flood caused by a hurricane, and she had to leave her home and her yellow dress behind.As she was leaving in an old school bus to safety, she looked back at her home knowing that she might never see it again. All she could think with tears rolling down her cheeks is, "Will I ever see my beautiful yellow dress again?"

  • af Miemie M
    197,95 kr.

    Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God's presence. (Proverbs 27:9 TPT)A seventeen-year-old high school student, Melanie, in her senior year about to graduate, battles with forgiveness and coming to grips with past events.During her senior year, her first-period teacher introduced a secret buddy initiative. The aim is for the secret buddy to add some cheer into the life of their allocated buddy without revealing who they are until the last day of school.At one time or another, we all may face grief, anger, sadness, and loneliness, but with a little help from a friend--a secret buddy--can Melanie regain her joy?

  • af Keith C. Snyder
    297,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Barbara C. Robinson
    257,95 kr.

    Poems of Eternal Value may possibly lead a person to God's gift of eternal life. Jesus Christ is God's gift to the world and is eternal life. When one receives Christ by His grace through faith, that person immediately has everlasting life.

  • af Billy Case
    192,95 kr.

    Why does God allow tragedies and bad things to happen to us? Is everything that happens in my life God's will and plan for me? Is God judging and punishing me? Is God angry and displeased with me? How am I supposed to pray? Does God still physically heal our bodies today? Why is it so important to understand the difference in the covenants God makes with us? Does God determine how long we live and when we die? Where do all these temptations and trials in my life come from?These are just a few of the many tough questions we all ask and yearn for answers. In this book, these questions and many other misconceptions are addressed in a plain, precise, and scripture-based explanation to provide insight for the reader. Whether you are an unbeliever, new believer, or a lifelong believer, this book truly has something for every human being on the face of the earth and can be the key to experiencing freedom and peace in your life. Satan has deceived and disconnected us from the life God has planned for us. The revelation knowledge provided in this book will allow you to see God as your loving Father and recognize the many deceptions of Satan. May you walk with love that transcends, peace that empowers, and hope that endures.

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