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  • af Colin Knight
    167,95 kr.

    As POTUS, Donald Trump pushes his exclusionary, racist and divisive agenda on the US and the world, a delusional wealthy aristocrat, in London, England has already taken the next frightening step.While stoking the fires of racial and religious intolerance, funding atrocious activities of extreme right-wing groups, and deceiving his MI5 co-conspirator, a Muslim is forced to implement a horrific terrorist attack to create victims that will suffer for decades and fuel a nation-wide xenophobic backlash.Drawn from my own experiences as a National Security Advisor in the Canadian Privy Council, and prompted by growing Western anti-immigrant attitudes, national discriminatory policies and the rise of European Nationalism, this story details the consequences of ';bad intelligence analysis' and how the fate of thousands can be determined by the most unlikely of people.Next time you hear a POTUS discriminatory rant, or a watch a YouTube video of an attack on innocents, or turn away from an injustice against a fellow human, think about Bad Analysis and what could, or is happening in the world today!Bad AnalysisIn London, a delusional racist aristocrat, invisible, privileged, and well-protected by his station, ruthlessly coordinates a diabolical attack, a slaughter disguised as a domestic terror assault.Deep in the core of MI5, a traitor, misuses, redirects and controls official resources.Manipulating a group of cowards, rapists, murderers, and virulent racists culled from the ranks of the English Defense League, the aristocrat and the traitor aim to throw England into a state of xenophobic frenzy.Only two men stand a chance of stopping their fanatical plot.One is a victim of state-sponsored madness twice over, a humble Egyptian cab driver who brought his family to England in search of a better life. Aalim is meant to be a scapegoat for the actions of his captors, a ';rag-head' who can be made to take the blame for their actions lest his innocent wife and son, taken hostage, suffer a terrible fate. The other, Wilson, is a crotchety intelligence analyst. An iconoclastic workaholic, rapidly losing patience with his superiors' political gamesmanship, Wilson relies on his own brand of intelligence analysis when one of the plotters makes the attack personal and when one of his closest friends at MI5 pays the ultimate price for discovering too much.Can Aalim's faith and humanity overcome his fear of the monsters keeping his family captive? And can Wilson overcome the Bad Analysis that infests a system that, from the very beginning, was set against him?

  • af Colin Knight
    197,95 kr.

    David, a failed actor with an incurable social disease has a secret: He’s a delusional murderer who kills unworthy people for an imaginary audience.Robbie, eleven-years old, has a secret: He’s a snoop, obsessed with protecting his mom from bad men.When David dates Robbie’s mom, Robbie discovers David’s secret. Desperate for a father he never had Robbie believes David is a good person who saved his mom from a bad man and ‘only kills bad people’.Trusting David, Robbie confesses. Is Robbie right about David? Can David be the father Robbie never had?Will psychopathy compel David to kill Robbie? Or will David’s imaginary audience recoil at the murder of a child and offer David a chance for redemption?

  • af Colin Knight
    207,95 kr.

  • af Colin Knight
    197,95 kr.

    What would happen if you lost your job?How would you pay the car loan, mortgage, medical bills, and put food on the table?What if you discovered a conspiracy to give someone else your job?Would you roll over, try to re-train and start over or would you fight to save your job and your family?How far would you go?Moreover, how well do you know the person who works beside you?Is she or he a person who co-worker’s comments would say ‘he was a great guy’, ‘a family man,’ ‘never had any problems with her; always a team player and positive’?What would it take to push you over the edge?Would you be in denial if your colleague turned out to be a killer?These situations and dilemmas drive the story of Jeff Parsons in Public Service:Could you become Jeff? Could you become a killer?Public ServiceNot many jobs are for life. Jeff Parsons was angry, angry enough to kill. A reliable, dependable, and mostly honest public servant, Jeff expected to ride the government gravy train undisturbed until his retirement in 2025. On Friday March 2, 2012, Jeff’s train derailed; a confidential email revealed that Jeff’s boss, under the guise of government-wide cutbacks, planned to ‘let Jeff go’ and use the savings to reward and promote their sycophant lackeys and painted whore. Unemployment at fifty would destroy Jeff’s life and threaten the security and health of his children. That was not acceptable. Desperate and determined, Jeff analysed the problem; six deaths in seven days ought to be enough. All he needed was a killer.

  • af Colin Knight
    167,95 kr.

    On April 20, 2017, Ledell Lee, an African-American man in Arkansas, was executed for the 1993 murder of his neighbor, Debra Reesed despite maintaining his innocence until the last moment.On Tuesday, August 22, 2017, at 6 pm Marcellus Williams should, according to the law, have drawn his last breath as a cocktail of lethal chemicals entered his body and terminated his life.Sentenced to death for the 1988 murder of Ms. Lisha Gayle during a robbery at her home, Missouri State Governor, Eric Geitens, delayed Williams’s execution to enable consideration of new DNA evidence.Williams, in addition to the murder conviction, is also serving consecutive terms of life in prison for robbery and 30 years each for burglary and weapons crimes.On August 23, 2017 a Google search for ‘Do Some People Deserve To Die’ returned over 4 million results indicating the scale, scope, and depth of the debate within contemporary society.What is your opinion?Could you decide who should live or die?What criteria would you use to decide life or death?Who would do the killing?Some People Deserve To Die is a story of survival, revenge, and the decisions one man makes to decide the ultimate fate of many people.It is s story of the suffering and degradation forced on the protagonist which over time transforms Alan, a timid teenage boy, in to a ruthless killer.After twenty years of running from his crime, and equipped with frightening skills learned in the violence-laden drug smuggling world, and refined while fighting with mercenaries in Africa, Alan has become a destitute alcoholic roaming the streets of downtown Toronto.A chance encounter, a violent confrontation, and the death of his mother coincide to provide Alan with a chance of recovery.Sober, Alan seeks redemption by punishing those he holds responsible for his original crime.In creating Alan, I sought to develop a character that elicits both sympathy and outrage and force the reader to confront the same moral dilemmas as Alan and ultimately to answer the question: Do some people deserve to die?Some People Deserve To DieGuilt for a despicable and immoral act forces Alan Davies into a life of crime and violence and transforms him from an innocent sixteen year old boy into a merciless, yet sympathetic, protagonist who dispenses brutal justice to those he holds responsible for the death of his sister and destroying his life. Alan Davies, a naive and vulnerable teenager, is tricked into committing an immoral and abhorrent crime. Riven by guilt and remorse he runs, but he can’t outrun his conscience. For twenty years, Alan tries to silence his conscience with alcohol and drugs as fate and chance propel him in to the dangerous world of smugglers, nationalists, guerrillas, and mercenaries. Battling alcohol and drug abuse, Alan dodges death and betrayal as life erodes his humanity and transforms him into a merciless killer until, used up and spent, he returns home. Destitute and dysfunctional, a street scuffle brings him eye-to-eye with the men responsible for his heinous crime. Harnessing skills and cruelty learned through a crime and violence-laden life Alan seeks justice for himself and his victim. But when justice has been served, Alan discovers the devastating truth about his crime, his family and himself.

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