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  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    198,95 kr.

    HoneyI was destined to marry another man when I first met Dawson.He was charming, deadly, and everything my father hated.And I lived by my father's rule, which happens when he's a king of the underworld.That was until I managed to escape and somehow straight into the arms of the man who sells your desires for a living.But did I have a price?Or was he willing to share me for free?DawsonInnocent and breathtakingly beautiful, she was as her name described.Honey suited her perfectly in all senses of the word-soft, sweet, and a little sticky.My world and hers should not have mixed.But something as sweet as honey is meant to be enjoyed.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    227,95 kr.

    Dear Miss RicciYou don't know this yet, but you will be my wife.SincerelyYour soon-to-be husbandHe thought I was his-that's what his emails indicated.He thought that because our families signed on the dotted line many years ago, it was a done deal.But I ran away from that life for a reason.Little did I know, he would find me. And he wasn't going to take no for an answer.Crue wanted me to be his wife.And all I wanted was him in my bed.

  • - The Spiritual Significance for Maori New Zealand's Lost Legacy
    af Charles Ihaia Hita-Brown
    297,95 kr.

    The history of the Maori race holds a story so unique that it is unprecedented in the history of human evolution. More especially from the time of the arrival of the European to New Zealand and the Maori world of almost unparalleled savagery and cannibalism, that "arrival" set in train a course of events that ultimately resulted in a race completely transformed from the "old". In very short order through inter-tribal battles primarily set in place by my cannibal ancestor Hongi Hika, "Hongi the man-eater", slaves taken in battle were subsequently instructed by resident missionaries and later set free. Through a line of Maori Religious Prophets, a new religious ethos based on the teachings in The Bible developed within the Maori race and psyche. This ordained process culminated in the greatest, T. W. Ratana. He it was who, when in London prior to the Second World War, prophesied the bombing of that city. His journey to Europe at the time should have resulted in the recognition of the primary Event of the 20th century, but it did not. Hence, New Zealand's Lost Legacy. Among many prophecies, he stated the following in 1929, a crucial year for global humanity. "Soon, very soon in the future you will no longer speak, but instead a very different person (generation) will reveal to you all the fruits of these prophecies. Not only will it be revealed exclusively to you the morehu only, no but to the whole country..." When was this to occur? On the 11th November, 1936, the Prophet, Ratana, stated thus. "...and at that time you will see a woman rising up from the Labour Party who will become Prime Minister..." . That woman is Helen Clark, now Administrator, U.N. Development Programme. In this book, you will therefore discover the true state of Maori spirituality and the spiritual purpose they could once have fulfilled.

  • - What it Brings - Even Now - And Why!
    af Charles S Brown
    237,95 kr.

    Apocalypse: 2. a. A prophetic disclosure or revelation. 3. a. An event marked by violent destruction and upheaval. [Middle English Apocalipse, from Late Latin Apocalypsis, from Greek apokalupsis, revelation, from apokaluptein, to uncover.] As far back as the Eighth century B.C., the great Prophet, Isaiah, in brutal visionary prophecy, warned that humankind would reach this very point that we are now fruitlessly struggling with. In just two short sentences he described the what, how and why of a future complete cleansing of Earth of the very many humans who simply refuse to accept that there really are precise and final Creation-Laws that we must obey - or 'pay the hard price'. Who, today, would be stupid enough to say that global societies are models of peace, harmony and prosperity? Only a fool! And the world is full of them. There is no finger that comes out of the clouds to arbitrarily harm or destroy we humans and our works as so many millions fervently, fatalistically and foolishly believe. Such a view is an appalling distortion of that which sustains and maintains the world that we can see, and that which we cannot: - Perfect Laws: Creation-Law! "The Earth is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the decrees, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore has the curse devoured the Earth, and those that dwell therein are desolate..." Isaiah. Simple! And, yes, necessarily brutal. Religious claptrap? Many will think so. Yet there, in those two sentences, is revealed the true, exact and singular reason why global societies are fracturing and collapsing at an exponential rate. For that is what we have brought about. We are the architects of our own intransigent stupidity. One does not need a degree in science, theology, politics or anything else to recognise the everyday obvious. We should long ago have awakened to the fact that, as a global humanity, we could not possibly have been "getting it right". Now, we are already beginning to "pay the ferryman". How do we "turn it around"? Unfortunately for most, it is already too late. ["...and few men left". Isaiah.] For those 'few', the way into a very different future world will only be achieved by seeking out Isaiah's Laws, Decrees and Covenant - now on Earth - and explained in the Works of Crystal Publishing. Sourced from a crucially-profound Teaching and further added-weight-to from various spiritual/religious writings, documentaries, scientific findings and commentary etc., this book explains the lawful processes - primarily generated through the Forces of Nature and already bringing serious destruction to man and his works - that will finally fulfil Isaiah's visionary prophecy. Perhaps more especially his allusion to the effect of "Plate Tectonics" - "And the earth's foundations shake." A message for earth-scientists: Prior to the 2004 Tsunami, you really did not know whether or not the whole earth "could shake". Now you do. So do not be foolish enough in your often crass intellectualism to arrogantly dismiss other similar kinds of warnings - past and present. One of the greatest of your discipline, Einstein, stated that he never came across any of his discoveries "...through the processes of rational thinking". He noted that intuition, inspiration and revelation were the keys to true knowledge. So, reader; learn the Laws of Life - and live! "Bear witness to me, now, Heavens and Earth! I place Life and Death before you, - the Blessing and the Curse! Therefore choose for yourselves the Life, - that you and your posterity may live!" [Deuteronomy 30:19. Fenton.] The endless and ultimately pointless academic arguments and debate over whether or not we possess free will are exactly that: ultimately pointless. Our poisoned and degraded earth, our increasingly dysfunctional global societies, our deadly blood-thirsty religions and politics; all ours set in place through our inherent free-will attribute. Isaiah was right!

  • - The Crucial Knowledge for Humankind
    af Charles S Brown
    112,95 kr.

    Global humanity in crisis! From the full spectrum of global media, the facts bombard us continually: Pollution, poverty, disease, ethnic savagery, tribal butchery, increasing crime and human rights violations and financial meltdown. Despairing global societies struggle to cope with this multi-faceted and socially-destructive 'tsunami'. Despite that obvious reality, we all still want the world to be our way and all answers to be our answers. Ludicrous, and bordering on insanity; yet that is precisely 'how it now is'. The truly ludicrous notion among many religions that God 'causes everything to happen' brought forth perhaps the ultimate in stupid comment when some of the Jewish survivors of the Nazi death camps declared that God was dead because of their experience. Do we therefore believe that God built the death camps and set up the Nazi regime? Of course not. Stupid in the extreme, yet such is human religious thinking. Relatively few in number, The Spiritual Laws take no account of religious, cultural, scientific or even political determinations and proclamations. Neither do they take into account whether or not humankind is even aware of them. They simply are. Only with the knowledge of them and thus how they work in their flawless individual and collective outworking, can earthly humanity ever hope to understand not just why the world is in crisis, but why concerted international efforts by so many well-meaning groups find it difficult to effect long-term fundamental and sweeping change for the better. Thus, global societies continue to unravel despite such efforts. The perfection of Creation-Law offers us the mechanism of automatic and self-acting immutable Law in which parameters we, through our free-will attribute, bring upon ourselves joy or pain, harmony or hardship. Each one of the six primary Creation-Laws [known in their entirety by "only the few" and therefore not taught in any Church, religion, culture, school, university or scientific discipline anywhere], nonetheless unfailingly fulfils its immutable outworking in our individual lives and our societies. The interlinked outworking of all six Laws drives all of our free-will decisions to their commensurate outcomes, both in our individual lives, and within the global collective. Thus, through their automatic activity and outworking, we - in the final analysis - judge ourselves through The Law. As far back as the Eighth century BC, the great Prophet Isaiah even then foresaw the point that we of latter-day global humanity would reach. He stated why: "The Earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the Laws, changed the decrees, broken the everlasting covenant.' Therefore has the curse devoured the Earth, and those that dwell therein are desolate..." Without Revelation a Nation fades. But it prospers by knowing the Law! Proverbs. 29:18

  • - The Son of Man and The Son of God What the Bible "Really" Says
    af Charles S Brown
    92,95 kr.

    For 2000 years, Christians, theologians, scholars and historians have broadly accepted these two designations as describing One Person - Jesus: The Son of God. However, a serious and brutally-logical analysis of the actual Scriptures which pertain to these two Titles, along with connecting Scripture that add irrefutable and clarifying reinforcement to the primary axiom here, clearly show that belief to not be the case at all. To that particular end the clear statement: "No man hath seen God at any time..." irrefutably destroys the singular, supposedly sacrosanct, tenet we allude to. If you, Christian reader, or you, Bible scholar, apply the above reality to certain passages in Revelation concerning "He Who is Enthroned" - and Jesus - then you must surely see that the present general Church interpretation/belief about Who It is that occupies that Throne, cannot possibly be correct. In fact, of all distortions of Biblical Truth - and there are very, very many - this crucial error of The Two Sons of God stands as the most appalling, and therefore the most destructive for all of global humanity, to what Jesus described as the All-Truth. The contentious nature of what we are unequivocally postulating will therefore place this "immutable fact" in direct opposition to the standard and long-held position of global Christendom. That position states that it is Jesus Who is to return, for, - according to Christian wisdom - He is the only Son of God! John 16 holds the warning from Jesus that upon the Coming of the Ordained One, that: "He, Himself, [personal pronoun] will honour Me." And from Jesus: "I return to The Father and you will see Me no more." Are we just playing with words here, and/or are we distorting Bible Scripture? Well, there is, of course, one outcome that will prove our case - the Event itself. An earth-changing Event of which it is warned that: "Only the few will [recognise] know." Not the roughly two billion of global Christendom: No, only the few!

  • - A Revisionist Analysis of the "Sacrosanct" Christian Viewpoint
    af Charles S Brown
    92,95 kr.

    This booklet purposefully offers the revisionist view simply because there are clear and very disturbing discrepancies between the "official theological standpoint" surrounding the life and death of Jesus, and that which The Bible states. The blind acceptance of teachings that defy rational logic and which therefore transgress all natural processes - The Creator in His Divine Perfection being the Absolute of all that is natural - means that any incorrect interpretation, religious or otherwise, denies the very Perfection inherent in Him and His Will, of which Jesus was, and is, Part! And since He came "...not to overthrow The Law", an associated question must be: 'What Law?' 'Whose Law'? It is certainly not human law. It must therefore be The Law - from out of The Divine! In terms of the Christian Church's primary beliefs surrounding Jesus - naturally derived from The Bible of course - global Christendom seems not to register the obvious fact that when it is warningly-stated by the Very One Whom they profess to follow to "get it right" or suffer destruction, it logically follows that all incorrect teachings and beliefs surrounding the life and person of Jesus - irrespective of how or why derived - along with the architects of such beliefs, must finally completely collapse. You cannot have it both ways. Hot or cold, no fence-sitting. For all that is wrong, all that is incorrect, inherently opposes the Perfect Will of the Most High, and must therefore - in 'religious speak' - be "cast out". By way of example: The sub-heading, "Crucifixion of The Son of God, Medical Forensics Speak" - - offers a blow-by-blow medical analysis and description of the horrific journey of suffering and torture of Jesus - the most innocent of all - from His flogging at the hands of the Roman soldiers, to His Crucifixion on the Cross. From a History Channel documentary, "Crucifixion", screened on Black Friday, 2009, the medical analysis of Jesus' suffering could only be described as 'harrowing'; far more so than Mel Gibson's "The Passion", itself a "difficult watch". Contributors to the program included trauma surgeons, bio-medical engineers and forensic biologists. This documentary should be mandatory viewing for all Christians, but more especially for those who strangely believe that Jesus came for the express purpose of dying to save them from their sins. What virtually all religions have in common is the curious propensity of the believers to somehow strive to establish a personal relationship with the "bringer" of 'their religion'. This means, of course, that such a notion removes what should be the primary concern and objective of the follower of the teaching; "To heed the Word of it." Instead, a strange, almost emotional, personalised paradigm takes its place. In the case of Jesus, the gulf is so wide that to even contemplate such a thing as a personal relationship is simply ludicrous. For it means that global Christendom - including the hierarchy of the Church - do not even begin to understand the humanly-incomprehensible gulf of separation between we on earth in the World of Matter, and the greater, non-material, part of Creation. The beautiful Scriptural-description of "...the great wailing and gnashing of teeth..." will apply primarily to the great body of global Christendom who will at that time finally and fearfully recognise that Bible prophecy had been fulfilled, and that He - not Jesus - did come " a thief in the night..." whereby the moment was missed by "the Christian crowd".

  • af Charles S Brown
    227,95 kr.

    "Societal Collapse"? Clearly a "today" event grabbing headlines on all mainstream and social media! Analysed, ad nauseum, by a myriad of "experts" and agonised over by the hapless millions caught up in the desperate struggles that now characterise "societal collapse", the international conferences ostensibly designed to bring "peace" and "reconciliation" for the affected societies rarely achieve true unification of the warring parties. The great far-seeing prophet, Isaiah, declared it succinctly for exactly this time in our evolutionary journey. "Take counsel together, and it will come to nought." Isaiah 8,10. Whether triggered by politics, racial tension, religious or cultural/tribal differences, it matters not. The increasing number of such events should surely reveal to any onlooker that "something" in our human make-up is seriously "out of kilter". Were that not so, the world, quite obviously, would not be in the mess that it currently ... "is in". So what has gone wrong? Clearly, the myriad laws and rules that we humans formulate for our societies, in the very final analysis simply do not work. Isaiah also has the answer here too. He, in just "one sentence", explains exactly why we fail so miserably to achieve mutual peace and harmony in and between our global societies of planet earth. From Isaiah 24:4-6, "The Earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have 'transgressed the Laws', 'changed the decrees', 'broken the everlasting covenant'. Therefore has the curse devoured the Earth, and those that dwell therein are desolate..." Religious claptrap, or clear and obvious Truth? The evidence before our eyes is surely sufficient to show that Isaiah's far-seeing warning to us would take place if we did not live correctly. And, brutally-obviously, we have not! In the final analysis, Isaiah's hard words resonate with simple, but nonetheless scientific, principles. And since 'Bible "Mysteries" Explained' really does explain the "Science" that can be read very clearly in The Bible, the great questions to life are answered therein. Specifically for "failing America" and Americans. From George Washington: "Above all, the pure light of revelation has had an influence on mankind, and increased the blessings of society. It is impossible to 'rightly' govern the world without God and The Bible." Since The Bible is ultimately a book of Spiritual and scientific Truth and Law, the "Science" in The Bible powerfully supports the Truth of Washington's statement.

  • - What the "Hubble" Will Never See Sir Isaac Newton's "Plan of the World"
    af Charles S Brown
    92,95 kr.

    Sir Isaac Newton: Scientist, theologian, astronomer and mathematician; the "scientist's scientist"! NASA's space program is founded on "Newtonian physics". Newton the theologian assiduously sought within the Bible for "The Plan of The World". At the heart of Newton's unshakeable belief - that contained somewhere in the Bible was the key to understanding the plan of the world - lay three major points: 1 - A rational God made a rational universe. 2 - All wisdom lay in the knowledge of numbers. 3 - Only a few natural laws apply to the whole universe. Albert Einstein: A colossus of science. His seminal "Theory of Relativity" and the great equation E = mc2, have advanced the science of astronomy more than any idea since Newton's time. So, despite all of our subsequent technological advances in astronomy, it was still these two non-empirically minded colossi of science, who, using primarily their intuition and intellect, produced the most significant advances in the physics/theory of astronomy and thereby laid the foundation upon which all future advances now stand. Einstein stated that he "...never came upon any of his discoveries through ...rational thinking". Einstein understood the necessary connection between empirical science and what was for him clearly more productive, the non-empirical aspect. Many modern scientists would probably be dismissive of Einstein's non-empirical side of the equation. Yet the very same could not even begin to match either Einstein or Newton. So, using Einstein's superior non-empirical intuitive methods we have, in this work, clearly explained the true significance of "The 7 Churches of The Revelation" and thereby revealed Sir Isaac Newton's "Plan of the World".

  • - The Origins of Man Genesis and Science Agree!
    af Charles S Brown
    92,95 kr.

    Creation versus Evolution: The great debate that rages on. Theory after theory after theory is proposed, with not even a hint of "middle ground" from either of the two opposing camps. To not be able to come to a definitive answer or conclusion for our human origins quite simply means that "they" do not know. It's all guesswork. The clear reality for both sides of this ultimately foolish and corrosive debate is that we humans are here on earth. We exist, we are here. Descartes: "I think, therefore I am." So irrespective of Bible Scripture, theological musing, empirical scientific skepticism or any other notion, the very fact that we are here on earth very logically means that only one process - obviously the same for all races - actually brought it about. Moreover, to decide or conclude that we "can never really know" is a nonsense-notion. For it is not possible for a question to not have an answer. Of course we can know. Is that not our purpose on earth; to know? If not, what is the point? The crucial Bible Scripture: "BUT MAN BECAME A LIFE-CONTAINING SOUL" - actually provides the key for both science and Christian fundamentalism. It reveals that the quantum leap from primate to human was not one given life by human genetics through simple 'brain development' by normal but slow 'evolutionary processes'. It was a quantum leap precisely because a new and very different Life-force and power was required for humans to be human, completely distinct and very far removed from the animal primate. The Bible thus notates and explains the "human/chimp split" a very long time before science reared its oftentimes strange head on earth. Moreover, that absolutely necessary change therefore precluded any possibility for primates to simply evolve into humans! The 98.4 percent of similar DNA in both monkey and man thus concerns the respective physical bodies only. And that is why they - the genes and the respective types of bodies - both rot away at death. We are not our physical body! Notwithstanding that ultimate reality, there was still the necessity for evolutionary development of that material form. Thus: "...evolution by descent from a common ancestor is clearly true... The God of the Bible is also the God of the genome." Dr. Francis S. Collins. M.D. Ph.D. The sticking point in this whole debate is perhaps not actually that of Creation versus Evolution, but probably more that of the time-frame required for both together! For if a time period for such a thing as "Evolutionary-Creation" can be logically established then both viewpoints can be accommodated in perfect harmony. In our view, therefore, the one key question in this debate that must be considered - yet rarely is - is: "Can Creation also be Evolution?" And/or vice-versa? Our reply is an unequivocal: - Yes, it can. And, moreover, it is! The ongoing problem in this case is one of incorrect interpretation. SO: WHAT IS THE CORRECT INTERPRETATION? The correct interpretation lies in recognising the fundamental differences between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of The Book of Genesis. The misinterpretation from Christian orthodoxy thus lies in attempting to ascribe two very different processes - one, Creation, the other, primarily Evolution - to a singular, 7 earth-day, Creation time-frame in Chapter 1, and attempting to also include in that time-frame the completely separate processes that Chapter 2 explains. That includes the erroneous belief that the First Creation of Man - both male and female - refers to man on Earth. The Christian Church, earthly science and committees of PhD and degree-toting Bible "scholars" are the "triune" of earthly power and defective education which persistently clings to, and continues to intellectually debate, this ridiculous and corrosive divide. Backing the so-called "expert" opinions and Bible translations, the main Bible Publishers continue to reproduce the same appalling errors.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    222,95 kr.

    I can't stand her, but my dog f***ng loves her.I need a break from Manhattan. My carefree, serial-dating life has been seriously cramped by my family and past catching up with me. I've taken a "temporary" vacation until I realize my money's been drained from my bank account and I'm stuck in an archaic small-town. One night, snowed in, I'm forced to lodge with the local café-owning, dog-loving, ridiculously handsome lumberjack, Eric Dawson. Did I mention how grumpy he is?Cassidy Carrington's a brat. A bubbly, sing-song, cheerful, tiring brat. The type I like least. Her positive "everything's going to be okay" personality is damn annoying. It's armor that tells me she's hiding something. I've yet to figure out what kind of trouble she's in and the chaos she might've brought to town. She's not my problem but I can tell she's scared. And even worse... my dog f**king loves her.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    222,95 kr.

    I couldn't stand him. And somehow, we'd ended up accidently married.Infuriating. That's the best way to describe Alex Fields. I secretly married my brother's best friend one drunken night in Vegas, but he left me in the lurch. Sure, he's attractive but he has that thing where he only sleeps with a woman once-we didn't even get that far-so I ran away. Six years later, all I want is to try to and forget him... except we've just been assigned to work on the same project at Be True magazine.Rage. So much fury burns behind Sotiny Bryer's beautiful, intelligent eyes. Marrying her was a mistake, but I can't help craving her. Working with her is torture-the proximity killing us both. I'm a playboy. She's a virgin. Yet, we can't seem to stay away from each other. And if I touch her, I break my promise to her brother.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    222,95 kr.

    I can have him if I pay.Delicious. Mysterious. Paid for. That's the best way to describe male escort Damon.One night and one condition: Pretend to be the perfect boyfriend while seriously irritating my boss at our magazine's masquerade campaign. Problem is... I actually like him.Clover Granture should not have curves and wit like that-the kind that provoke my primal needs. As a client, she's off-limits. Worse, she works for Candice Fashion Magazine drawing me too close to the spotlight. And yet, when she pulls me into her "fake boyfriend" schemes, I find myself enjoying it. But if she finds out my true identity, it could ruin everything I've built.*Previously publishing as 'My Escort' with new characters, dual POV and major changes*

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    227,95 kr.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    222,95 kr.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    197,95 kr.

    The vampire covens and Token Huntress, Esmore, now have one more enemy. The Human Government has stepped out from the shadows, creating a lethal, mutated species with the ability to turn humans into wolves. Their target for vengeance? Vampires.Esmore and Chase are coming undone, her dark, impulsive nature threatening to drive a deep wedge between them as he wearily borders on the verge of becoming a saber. What was once their greatest strength is twisting into their greatest weakness. If she doesn''t gain control of the intoxicating power now, it might cost her all that she wishes to protect forever.As new secrets are revealed and unlikely allies come forth, Esmore must decide who''s worth saving and what this wild gamble will cost.The monster is coming undone, and following rules has never been her specialty. But if she gives in to its voice...she may never come back.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    132,95 kr.

    Kyran Klaus is the prince of Grand Klaus, his reputation honoring him the title of the Mad Hatter Vampire Prince. Crazy, deadly, lustful, and utterly bored with life. Sasha Pierce is one of a kind. Having been experimented on by her mother as a child, she's become a human weapon who's looking for answers beyond the walls where her kind aren't enslaved to vampires. When the Mad Hatter Prince takes a sudden interest in Sasha and her work, she scarcely begins to cover her tracks and hide her secrets. What she doesn't anticipate is being a pawn in his most sinister performance yet. Disturbingly Wicked! This novella is not for the fainthearted. Lust, Gore, Wit, and Malicious Humor. Prepare to be deliciously tainted.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    227,95 kr.

    In this world, there are creatures lurking in the shadows. As a child, I once played with them. As a teenager, I began to fear them and became victim to their attacks. As an adult, I now realize that no matter how much I try to escape the grasp of this world, I was inevitably born into it.Now reborn as a Guardian in the year of 2986, Vivian Lair must uphold the treaty between Angels and Demons on the human world and city of Shabeah. Contracted to seven demons who she can shift into while taking direct orders from the Underworld Lord, Haymen, it wasn't exactly her ideal rebirth. Involving herself with the Angel of War, Gabe is even worse.Still fighting those who try to possess her during her sleep, Vivian must now record and try to hunt the Volv through the Shadow Minds Journal. Now stuck between the hatred and lust of two of the most powerful entities in all worlds, Vivian is involved inevitably in the upcoming conflict.Blood. Lust. War. She must kill before being killed.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    102,95 kr.

    A man who tries to tame himself, starting with a list of five women... this should be fun. Striking one woman from his list, Hayden continues his journey in the attempt to choose his 'forever girl' and settle down. Sexy, and downright dirty. How do you choose between four beautiful ladies who only want to be pleased? How does a once well known 'lady pleaser' show them that he's something more? With women demanding his attention and trying to narrow his field, Hayden discovers that although he once thought he was entirely in control, women sometimes have a mind of their own. With the support of his colleagues at Zilch Enterprises, Hayden finds himself in some peculiar situations. Can Hayden stop at the taste of just one woman or is he starting to realize that maybe one woman is more then he can handle?

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    102,95 kr.

    "Remember my name because you will be begging me for more. This is my promise to you." Meet Hayden Zilch: entrepreneur, sports manager, investor. Cocky, tantalizing, and an utter womanizer. He is a man who loves pleasuring women. He can show you a world you have only fantasied about. So what happens when this sex-mad womanizer decides to finally find The One? Starting off with a list of five women, Hayden sets out to learn the difference between lust and love. His adventures have him laughing, crying in pain, and begging on his knees as he battles to tame himself. Can Hayden really control himself around these five beautiful temptresses? Taming Himself is the first in this five-book series which tells the story of Hayden's search for both love and pleasure.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    222,95 kr.

    Token Huntress, Esmore, must recover since her near-death fall during a battle that saw her draw on the darkness within.Lacking in control of her newfound vampirism, she is on the hunt to rescue her familiar and secure his safety. Chase is the only one who can keep her from slipping into darkness forever, but he has been taken, and the thread that once connected them is wearing thin as time passes.Unable to return to Cesar's coven and left out in the open, Esmore and her brothers must form unusual alliances to fix what was lost and secure their futures.Esmore has never toed so close to the edge. Can she reach Chase in time, before the last vestiges of her humanity slip away for good?

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    192,95 kr.

    The world within the Hunter's Guild has turned into chaos. Esmore, Token Huntress, has been cast out and targeted by her Guild, and is on the run. Now, reunited with her mother and true father, Cesar, Esmore is hiding within Cesar's coven with the family she didn't know existed. With her newly found vampirism unearthed, she must learn to control the heightened urges and emotions that consume her-blood, lust, vengeance, protection, and love.Armed with only a few allies and her familiar, Chase, they must strive to find a place in the new world as the rules that guided them once, now have no meaning. The darkness inside Esmore is bubbling below the surface, threatening to consume her, and Chase must teach her to rein it in, for if she doesn't, he may lose her entirely or worse, watch her turn on those she loves most.Esmore is soon to learn what she is and, most disastrously-the danger she's become.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    192,95 kr.

    Being born a hunter, Esmore has been raised with one purpose: to hunt and kill the vampire race that destroyed the world as it was known. At eighteen, Esmore's a Token Huntress in her Guild, surpassing her mentor's expectations of her, despite having no magical ability, like all hunters before her. During a raid in the once iconic San Fransisco, Esmore's team is ambushed, and a mysterious vampire that she is drawn to captures and takes her to the Vampire Council as a prisoner. Her captor-Chase, a lethal, immortal, sexy, and charming vampire who will stop at nothing to claim her as his familiar. While in captivity, Esmore learns information that makes her question everything she's been taught. Now in the year 2341, Esmore fights for her survival. But who exactly is she fighting against? The very people who nurtured her or the evil she's supposed to hate?Dark. Romantic. Dangerous. Your newest obsession awaits...

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    242,95 kr.

    We all have our secrets. Mine is that I hired a male escort to end my boss's taunts regarding my love life. Problem is, I actually like him.Clover is determined to become the next big travel columnist. The only problem is her merciless boss, Debra Coorman, who refuses to let her step up the corporate ladder. When an opportunity presents itself, Clover will do anything to make the most of it- including dialing the number on a simple black business card, she swore she'd never need.Hiring male escort, Damon, to play the role of "doting boyfriend" was meant to be easy. A simple transaction that would begin and end in one evening-until an unsigned check has him on her doorstep the very same night.What started as a business deal is flipped on its head as Clover finds there's more to Damon than meets the eye. Hearts are involved, and emotions are running deep. Clover needs to determine if feelings are real or if Damon is playing a part beyond the date she paid for.★★★★★ "It's funny, romantic, testing and sad just to name a few and just amazing! This book is brilliantly written." Amazon Reviewer★★★★★ "If you're looking for a fast read that has laugh out loud scenes, than go grab this book!!!" Amazon Reviewer★★★★★ "Don't even get me started on Damon. Can I please have one of him?" Amazon Reviewer★★★★★ "I couldn't help but smile the whole time I was reading it, and I finished it in one sitting!" Amazon Reviewer

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    147,95 kr.

    Eighteen years have now passed since the Phantom Wolf, Sia, faced her greatest challenge when she was forced to kill her lover, Kiba--the rightful heir to the throne. Sia murdered the dishonorable King Taleb for his transgressions before resting in peace among her Spirit Pack. Saith and Keeley now rule over the Kingdom, endeavoring to restore peace and allegiance throughout the land. Their actions are clouded in secrecy so that their daughter--whom they named Sia--should remain protected and unaware. But what are they preparing for? Sia, now almost eighteen years of age, must face her own journey to discover the mysteries her world has to offer. In order to uncover her true potential, Sia must confront her feelings for Trim. When her name is called, she sees him cringe as he remembers the love he once held for the Great Phantom Wolf before her. Mistrust and lies decay the Kingdom's solidarity. Sia's curiosity is piqued by the fear that shadows all wolves: the threat of the humans. So what happens when she comes across one?

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    152,95 kr.

    Forgiveness is never easy to ask from those who are already dead. Awarded 'Best New Author of 2015' by AusRomToday. Phantom Wolf is revered as beautifully haunting. Prepare to find despair, anguish and love in the darkest of places. A book that is so dynamic and can pull my emotions free so easily is a 5 star novel. ¿¿¿¿¿ - Paranormal Trance Reviews Sia is a Phantom Wolf. Neither dead nor alive--and rotting from the inside--she is on the edge of her curse. Once a Phantom Wolf has been created, they hunt their blood pack and slaughter all their loved ones. Except for Sia, who woke years after her death to find herself rampaging through the land on a lonely path. She continues to run from the rival pack that hunts her because she is a Phantom Wolf. Attracted to a scent, Sia finds her old best friend, who is now a grown woman. Having once saved Keeley, Sia takes the role of protector yet again, despite Keeley's involvement with the mysterious Alpha, Kiba, and his kin brother, Saith. An ambush separates the pack and the four of them blindly fight the new warriors that attack them: desperately needing to find out where the attacks are coming from, as Sia has vowed to protect Keeley. But at what cost? Now being chased, Sia finds herself conflicted by the mortal and spirit world while trying to protect her kin. Sia must confront her fears, as well as the human lover who killed her many years before. It is not only survival Sia contends with, but her own façade that must be broken so that she may find peace within herself once more.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    147,95 kr.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    147,95 kr.

  • af Kia Carrington-Russell
    147,95 kr.

    Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments and Wicked Lovely. The Three Immortal Blades is an urban action-packed series that you won't be able to put down! Awarded 'Best New Author of 2015' by AusRomToday and as seen in UK Glamour Magazine. Discover why readers can't put this action-packed series down. Karla Gray is an ordinary seventeen year old. At least, that's what she thought until she met Lucas. When her body starts reacting in weird ways and shutting down to the point of death, she quickly learns that her kidnapper might be her only fighting chance to stay alive. Karla is a Shielder; an exceptional fighter born with the rare ability to project a Shield for protection. Without her family and surrounded by an unknown institute, Karla must learn to fight and defend herself against the Starkorfs who are hunting her. The war has been raging for centuries but Karla might be their last hope to end it all. Only if she can unravel the purpose of her curse and battle an unknown presence manipulating her thoughts; a mysterious woman who may be dormant for now, but has every intention of possessing Karla- mind, body, and soul. Within this new reality that Karla faces the search for the Three Immortal Blades begins.

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