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Bøger udgivet af Curiosmith

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    118,95 kr.

    Tip was a disobedient boy in school, but when he heard spiritual truth, it caught in his mind. Tip became a Christian but was faced with an onslaught of testing immediately. Tip learned the Bible and how it was a lamp for his life. He realized that he had a great work to do helping people to become Christians. Soon God worked in family and friends to bring them to Himself and change their lives. Tip went away from his home to work for a merchant where he learned about business and character. An important verse is Psalm 119:105-"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

  • - A Tale Dedicated to Childhood
    af Maria Louisa Charlesworth
    153,95 kr.

    The author's purpose-"This story has been written to show, as in a picture, what ministering children are. There is no child upon Earth, who may not be a ministering child; because the Holy Spirit of God, even the blessed Comforter Himself, will come to every one who asks for Him. Even the beloved Son of God, when He came down from Heaven to Earth, came to minister to those who were in need-He Himself tells us so." This book was written from twenty years of first-hand experience of making cottage visitations with her father who was a rector. The characters in the narrative visited the sick, the poor, and the lonely. They brought clothes, food, and firewood. They read the Bible to those who could not read. An important verse is "And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?"-Matthew 21:16. Children were taught to serve others by this very popular book in Victorian England.

  • af Charles H Spurgeon
    118,95 kr.

    Whoever you are and whatever you have done, the comfort of gospel help is available. Spurgeon speaks of the grace of Christ in the topics of: help for those depressed in spirit, those who feel they are outcast, those in affliction, those needing rest, those of troubling circumstances, those needing inner strength, those who have broken hearts, and non-Christians who are seeking answers. He has concern for souls being lost and gives an exhortation for others to save souls. The names of the twelve sermons that are included: Good News for You, A Sermon for the Most Miserable of Men, Compassion for Souls, For the Troubled, Good News for the Lost, Good Cheer for Outcasts, Aeneas, Rest for the Laboring, A Cheery Word for Troublous Times, A Great Gospel for Great Sinners, The Rest Strengthening Medicine, Christ's Hospital, and an Exposition of Psalm 147.

  • - Asleep and Awake
    118,95 kr.

    Ester endured life as a half-hearted Christian, unhappily going through the motions of her housework. "O, Ester was asleep! She went to church on the Sabbath, and to preparatory lecture on a week day; she read a few verses in her Bible, frequently, not every day; she knelt at her bedside every night, and said a few words of prayer-and this was all!" She traveled to New York and was excited to be in her cousin's wedding. Abbie, a strong Christian, brought much reflection into Ester's life. "Ester saw with wide, open eyes, and thoroughly awakened soul, that there was a something in this Christian religion that Abbie had and she had not." This popular story by Pansy illustrates Ester's journey to become a stronger, more committed Christian.

  • af T De Witt Talmage
    98,95 kr.

    Five pastors expound on different aspects of the parable of The Prodigal Son. Moody calls the sinner to come home to God. Moorhouse says anyone whose heart is away from Christ can be said to be in the far country of the prodigal. Spurgeon talks of the prodigal's process of turning away from sin. Aitken deals with a person "coming to himself" and not wasting the treasure of one's life. Talmage describes the symbol of the ring the father puts on the son's hand. Both Christians and non-Christians can be helped by understanding the process of sinning and repenting as exemplified by the parable of The Prodigal Son.

  • af Amy Le Feuvre
    88,95 kr.

    Young Eric was disappointed as he sat trying to get well. Captain Graham, a stranger he met on the beach, became a good friend. One day his dog retrieved an old book, the Gospel of Mark, from the ocean and it was used by God for opening his mind to Jesus. Eventually Eric's whole disposition was changed and he was made happy in Christ. Eric became a positive influence in the lives of those around him. A quote from the book: "'Ah! well!' he muttered, 'I envy that child's faith and happiness, and more than half feel inclined to follow his example. It is not a religion he has got hold of, but a real Person-it makes a vast difference, I fancy!'"

  • af Daniel W Whittle
    98,95 kr.

    Daniel Whittle, a major in the Civil War, shares his insights into spiritual warfare. He challenges the reader to the trumpet of the Gospel. He begins with realizing the necessity to be born again by the Holy Spirit for warfare to be possible. He explains that Satan is a real person and is deceptive, and to use the Word of God to overcome him. Being dead to sin, he explains, is being dead to God's judgment, in relation to God's Law of sin, but spiritual warfare still exists. A quote from the book: "The Holy Spirit in regeneration is not to change the nature of the flesh at all; but to implant a new nature-Christ formed within by the Holy Spirit, in the power of which the believer does indeed deny the flesh, and is no longer living as minding the flesh. But the flesh is still there, unchangeably evil in its nature, with no improvement to be looked for in it.".

  • af Mary M Sherwood
    78,95 kr.

    Little Henry was raised in India by his bearer, a servant who takes care of children. He was taught the Hindu religion until a missionary lady from England taught him about Jesus Christ, and he embraced salvation wholeheartedly. When she left she told him, by God's grace, to try to bring his bearer to Christ. It wasn't until Henry was on his deathbed, at 8 years old, did his bearer come to Christ. This narrative was very popular in the early 19th century and reportedly sold numerous editions and was translated into many languages.

  • af Elizabeth Prentiss
    128,95 kr.

    The diary began after Katherine received a new desk and writing utensils for her sixteenth birthday. Her journal contained many thoughts about herself, life and God. She came face to face with her own selfishness, weakness and lack of spiritual interest, but struggled onward. Soon married life brought many challenges and reflections. A quote from the book: "And I think some of the best, most contrite, most useful of men and women, whose prayers prevail with God, and bring down blessings into the homes in which they dwell, often possess unlovely traits that furnish them with their best discipline." Earnest Christians are sure to be pleased with the wisdom for everyday life contained in this book. (This edition has been proofread, formatted, and Bible verse references have been footnoted.)

  • af Amy Le Feuvre
    98,95 kr.

    The children enjoyed exploring the large manner house, where their imaginations could soar. When they secretly plotted against their older half-brother the mischief began. A story about King Arthur and the knights, set Gypsy, the little girl, to be interested in searching for the "Holy Grail." In Gypsy's mind, the search for the "Holy Thing" soon became a search after Jesus, as described in Luke 1:35. An important verse is Proverbs 8:17: "I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."

  • af Hesba Stretton
    78,95 kr.

    Ruth Medway, a Christian mother, brooded over her eight children who had left home. Ishmael, her beloved ninth child, took the schoolmistress' daughter to a cave and roasted some wild eggs. The unusual consequences of this event shaped his life greatly. "Where can we find a home again, mother?" he asked at last; "there's no place like home." "Up there!" she said, lifting her dim eyes to the great sky above them; "if God gives us no other home here in this world, He's got one ready there for thee and me." "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; I go to prepare a place for you."-John 14:1, 2.

  • af Amy Le Feuvre
    98,95 kr.

    A proud Teddy tells the story behind a button taken from his father's coat after he died in battle. The new neighborhood girl, Nancy, dressed in a sailor's outfit brings challenges and trouble. Teddy loves all things related to soldiers and becomes a soldier in the Lord's army. This story highlights the everyday inner battles that a Christian faces, such as contention. An important verse is "His banner over me was love."-Song of Solomon 2:4.

  • - The Lord's Method of Dealing with His Chosen People
    af Charles H Spurgeon
    108,95 kr.

    Spurgeon discusses many aspects of the promises of God. What are the promises of God? Who are the promises for? Where can you find them? Why does God give promises for the future that require faith? "There can be no true believer apart from the promise of grace, and the grace of the promise." Spurgeon discusses how important Jesus is to God's promises, and that God promises salvation and eternal life to all who believe on his Son. "If God does not give to us according to the riches of his grace, we are then worse than naked, and poor, and miserable; we are utterly and altogether undone." This book is a companion volume to "All of Grace."

  • af Jonathan Edwards
    78,95 kr.

    "God's Awful Judgment in the Breaking and Withering of the Strong Rods of a Community," was preached at Northampton, Massachusetts, on the Lord's day, June 26, 1748. The sermon was a memorial to John Stoddard, Jonathan Edwards' maternal uncle. It speaks of the nature and character of leaders who are the strong rods of a community. The Application of the sermon describes John Stoddard's superior qualities, ability to reason, and relationships to others.

  • af Jonathan Edwards
    78,95 kr.

    God Glorified in the Work of Redemption, by the Greatness of Man's Dependence upon Him in the Whole of It, was preached on the Publick Lecture in Boston, July 8, 1731. (First preached in the fall of 1730 in Northampton.) This Thursday lecture was traditionally held at the First Church of Boston. Jonathan Edwards was 28, and it was to become his first printed sermon. People are dependent on God because of their insufficiency, helplessness, and sinfulness and this sermon explains how God is glorified by this condition. This edition includes the introductory advertisement by Rev. Thomas Prince (Old South Church) and Rev. William Cooper (Brattle Street Church).

  • af Hesba Stretton
    78,95 kr.

    In this sequel to "Jessica's First Prayer," Jessica, Daniel and the minister were at the church when a tragedy occurred. Daniel went home and discovered Jessica's mother crouching on his doorsill. She looked like a heap of rags and defiantly demanded Jessica. Daniel grew spiritually closer to God as he sought to know how Jesus might respond. This edition includes the five illustrations from the initial publication of Jessica's Mother in "Sunday at Home" magazine in 1867.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    108,95 kr.

    Enoch Roden began his apprenticeship in printing with a bad accident, but as the story progresses, his training becomes more spiritual. Mr. Drury, his boss, trusted in God's provision for his business but when business went bad, it led to confession of his faults. Enoch questioned his attitude of despising God's daily gifts, thinking he was in rebellion like the Israelites. Trusting God's providence when it doesn't seem like He is paying attention is a training many go through. An important verse is Psalm 37:7-"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him."

  • af Hesba Stretton
    153,95 kr.

    Roland Sefton fled England mysteriously after he stole 10,000 pounds from his own bank. As time progressed the widely varied effects of this wrongdoing included isolation, ruined lives, shame and death. Toward the end of the story only time, circumstances, forgiveness and the grace of God could heal what had occurred. "He could not unravel the warp and woof of his life. The gossamer threads of the webs he had begun to weave about himself so lightly in the heyday of his youth and prosperity and happiness had thickened into cables and petrified; it was impossible to break through the coil of them or find a way out of it."

  • af Hesba Stretton
    98,95 kr.

    Captain Norcott talked Peter Blake into sailing on his ship, but Peter was concerned about the soundness of the vessel. After the launch it was determined not to be the real Dolphin ship and sailor's lives were dependent upon a business owner whose only concern was to make money. This greediness resulted in many ships and crews being lost for the collection of their insurance, but how can restitution be made? What becomes of the women left behind? An important Bible verse is Isaiah 40:12-"Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?"

  • af Hesba Stretton
    108,95 kr.

    A farm family lived by Lake Heron, during the Civil War. The father left home to fight in the war and the children were sent to Cloverley, England. The life with their cousins in Cloverley is an adjustment with less heavy labor and more education. The coal mining town is out of work until the new shaft is completed, but first the will of God must be trusted. The theme of the story is submission to the will of God in all things. An important verse is Matthew 6:10-"Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven."

  • af Amy Le Feuvre
    108,95 kr.

    Brownie is aptly described as a young girl having "a tiny, rather delicate little face, with large brown eyes, looked out of a frame of thick brown tresses." Her mother, Mrs. Eustace makes her living by writing stories. Brownie and Buffie were playing in the woods when they heard what sounded like an angel, and Angelo became their new friend. Brownie tells Angelo about Jesus, but he has barely heard of the name. Soon Angelo needed a new guardian and they thought that God would miraculously provide for him, but this did not happen without the testing of their faith.

  • af Daniel Tyerman
    78,95 kr.

    Joseph Wallbridge, the Dairyman, was born in Dorsetshire and moved to the Isle of Wight when he was twenty years old. He married when he was twenty-seven and raised four children: Elizabeth, Hannah, Robert and William. His daughter, Elizabeth, was the subject of the well-known "Dairyman's Daughter," and had an influence on his spiritual development. This narrative of the dairyman, is told by Daniel Tyerman, who lived on the Isle of Wight. The two became acquainted when the Dairyman attended Rev. Tyerman's church service. This testimony of the Dairyman's character and life is from that relationship.

  • af Hesba Stretton
    98,95 kr.

    One stormy night Gip was missing. "Gip" is short for Gipsy because she had dark black eyes and black hair. Sandy continued to search for Gip and made good friends with John and Mrs. Shafto, who became his spiritual mentors. Mr. Shafto, a Scrooge-like character, badly needed a change of heart and is helped by Sandy. A street preacher spoke of Christ seeking those that are lost, which becomes the theme of the story, with John 19:10: "The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."

  • - A Story of Manchester Life
    108,95 kr.

    It was a rainy day in Manchester when little Phil went to the courthouse to try to free his wrongfully accused brother. But the judge told Tom about Jesus and gave him money to start a business. Tom prospered but then trouble developed in several ways. Tom struggled with a Christian religion that was stern obedience, with no grace from Christ. The concept of a loving heavenly father was difficult when all he knew was his natural father. A key Bible verse is Revelation 21:7: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son."

  • - Presented to the World in a Familiar Dialogue between Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Attentive
    128,95 kr.

    This allegorical tale is a two person dialogue to help Christians understand and avoid deceptive and evil behavior. Mr. Wiseman, being wise, explains the nature of bad behavior to Mr. Attentive, who is attentively learning. Mr. Badman is the third person example of bad behavior. As George Offor explains "The author's object is to warn poor thoughtless sinners, not with smooth words, to which they would take no heed; but to thunder upon their consciences the peril of their souls, and the increasing wretchedness into which they were madly hurrying. He who is in imminent, but unseen danger, will bless the warning voice if it reach his ears, however rough and startling the sound may be." This edition uses the George Offor text with his introduction, notes and chapter divisions. Also included are the side notes (in the page margin), scripture references, and five woodcut engravings from the first edition. The pointing hand symbols are included which were used to signify "things either fully known by me [John Bunyan], as being eye and ear-witness thereto, or that I have received from such hands, whose relation, as to this, I am bound to believe."

  • - The Power of Prayer and Personal Effort for the Souls of Individuals
    af William A Hallock
    118,95 kr.

    Harlan Page (1791-1834) was born in Coventry, Connecticut. He became a Christian at the age of 22. He worked as a teacher and for the American Tract Society. "He had one definite object before him: it was not fame, or family, or ease, or pleasure-but to honor Christ in the salvation of men." "He prayed as if all the efficiency and praise were God's, and labored as if duty were all his own. His sense of dependence threw him on his knees, and his sense of duty summoned him to effort; and prayer and effort, and effort and prayer were the business of his life." He focused on one individual at a time and had an aggressive inquiry into their lives to know if they were a Christian and if not, to press them to a decision.

  • - Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, Shown to Be Both a Scriptural and Rational Doctrine
    af Jonathan Edwards
    78,95 kr.

    "A Divine and Supernatural Light, Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, Shown to Be Both a Scriptural and Rational Doctrine," was preached by Jonathan Edwards in Northampton, Massachusetts in 1734. Jonathan Edwards explains how the flesh and blood of the natural world differs from the work of the Holy Spirit. He contrasts having an intellectual knowledge of the matters of God, with having supernatural experiential knowledge of the matters of God.

  • - The Sphere of the Believer's Life
    af Arthur T Pierson
    98,95 kr.

    This book explores seven characteristics of being "In Christ Jesus." These themes include a Christian being "justified" as shown in Romans; "sanctified" as shown in the Corinthian letters; crucified (to the world) as shown in Galatians; "ascended with Christ" as shown in Ephesians; "satisfied" as shown in Philippians; "complete" as shown in Colossians; and "glorified" as shown in the Thessalonian letters. "If there be one truth of the Gospel that is fundamental, and underlies all else, it is this: A new life in Christ Jesus."

  • af George Whitefield
    78,95 kr.

    Whitefield explores the doctrine of genuine regeneration and how little it is understood. He warns that "nothing short of a thorough sound conversion will fit thee for the kingdom of heaven." What does it mean to be in Christ and to be a new creature? He explains the reasoning why this must be the case. He explains what practical effects this has in life. "Let each of us therefore seriously put this question to our hearts: Have we received the Holy Ghost since we believed? Are we new creatures in Christ, or no?"

  • af George Whitefield
    78,95 kr.

    "Whoever is acquainted with . . . the propensity of his own heart . . . must acknowledge that self-righteousness is the last idol that is rooted out of the heart . . . it is natural for us all to have recourse to a covenant of works, for our everlasting salvation." This sermon explores the doctrine of the righteousness of Jesus Christ being imputed to mankind, taken from the text of Jeremiah 23:6. It explains who the Lord is and how He is man's righteousness. Four objections are covered and also the ill consequences of denying this doctrine. Finally an exhortation for all to come to faith in Christ. The "Lord Our Righteousness" is one of George Whitefield's most popular sermons.

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