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  • af David A Cicci
    713,95 kr.

    During my 30-plus years of teaching orbital mechanics in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Auburn University, I carefully developed the material I taught. I intended to cover the introductory topics that were essential for aerospace engineering students. The material I developed during my teaching career is now offered in Orbital Mechanics: The Essentials. I believe it's presented in a simplified yet thorough manner, which facilitates understanding for students as well as working professionals. The topics are covered on a comprehensive level that also provides a solid background for students in other fields of engineering and science who might be interested in learning orbital mechanics. My description of the topics assumes readers have an introductory knowledge of differential and integral calculus and differential equations. However, individuals without such a background can still benefit from this textbook. Orbital Mechanics: The Essentials is an in-depth discussion of the two-body problem and includes an introduction to satellite perturbations. It contains hundreds of problems designed to improve student understanding. Special effort was taken to select problems that demonstrate applications of the concepts covered. The problems were taken from homework and examinations that thousands of Auburn aerospace engineering students worked during their time in my classes. As an engineering professor, my primary goal was to simplify difficult technical concepts so all students could understand them. For that reason, Orbital Mechanics: The Essentials is organized in a module-based learning format, where each module only covers a few important concepts without a multitude of derivations and mathematical proofs. Each module also includes several example problems with solutions and a larger selection of problems with answers, which are appropriate for homework assignments or in-class exercises. The material in this textbook is presented in more of an outline/powerpoint type of display rather than in wordy and overly detailed descriptions many books include. I've found much of the information in standard textbooks is too complex and overwhelming to undergraduate students, which discourages rather than motivates them. It's my belief that if students learn the fundamentals there are many reference books available from which they can expand their knowledge base about any specific topic. Orbital mechanics is not easy, but it's been my goal to make it enjoyably simple once the basic laws are understood. To do so, I've attempted to present the difficult concepts as clearly as possible to facilitate that understanding. I hope all who use this textbook find it understandable and useful. I guarantee that those working through it will learn a tremendous amount about orbital mechanics.

  • af Stormy McDonald
    173,95 kr.

    Sha'iry - priests of the dark god, Sutekh - are taking over Parlatheas, kingdom by kingdom. Those who resist them have fallen to plague, civil war, and invasion. In this dark hour, it seems all hope is lost... Roger Vaughn, thief and spy in service to the Highlord of Gallowen, has one task: steal back the country of Carolingias. To do so, he must help the few remaining Knights of Carolingias find someone both the nobility and peasantry will follow: a Battenberg heir to the throne. Sole survivor of an attack against the royal family by the infamous dærganfae assassin known as The Archer, Ambrose Battenberg lives in fear. Hiding among the peasant rebels of Carolingias, she has learned some hard lessons about life and survival. Only with Camber, the rebel leader, does she feel safe - until Roger Vaughn uncovers her identity, thrusting Ambrose into the center of the plot to reclaim Carolingias and into The Archer's sights. It will take all of Roger's wits - along with some help from the Highlord, a jaded pirate captain, and an idealistic paladin - to save Ambrose and Carolingias. Their quest will lead them into a world unlike anything they ever imagined: 1969 Charleston, SC. Will Roger and his companions complete their mission, or be trapped in Terra forever? Get your copy of Thief on King Street today and find out! Set thirty years before the events of the Cayn Trilogy, Thief on King Street is an Urban Fantasy novel bridging the worlds of Gaia and Terra.

  • af Madeleine Taylor
    193,95 kr.

    New Yorker Faith Astor is a successful fashion photographer. Living in Manhattan and parading glamorous parties, she seems to have it all, yet nothing could be further from the truth. When a female personal trainer shows up on New Year's Day, she regrets booking the kickstart session in a drunken haze, but the woman likes a challenge and won't take no for an answer. After years of struggling with an eating disorder, Silva Carter finally has her life back on track. With a careful balance of exercise, healthy living, and a strict routine, she keeps her anxiety at bay, but breaking her ankle forces her to let go of the control she so desperately needs. When she's unable to tackle the staircase in her apartment, her beautiful client Faith offers Silva her spare bedroom for the duration of her recovery, and they soon learn they have more in common than they realized. Faith is fascinated by her cute trainer, who seems to understand her better than anyone else, and for the first time, she finds herself attracted to a woman. But after a run-in on a high-profile photoshoot, that could be the least of her worries.

  • af Scott D Johnson
    378,95 kr.

    "Your First Government Contract" by Scott Johnson offers a concise guide to winning government contracts. It provides strategies for proposal writing and securing opportunities, which is essential for businesses entering the public sector.

  • af Sadir S. Samir
    218,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Cristoforo Baseggio
    298,95 kr.

    Venetian front, 1915. The Austro-Hungarian army has taken control of key mountain locations facing the plains. The Fassa Alps are well guarded, and heavy casualties are expected. Mount Collo and Mount Saint Osvaldo are excellent launch points for an all-out offensive which is already in the works behind the grim vista of the Glockenthurm. The Italian High Command is paralyzed by outdated methodology, wasting precious time with failed assaults and flanking maneuvers that end with red snow. Men watch from their trenches, hiding along the parapets with their guns pointing at no man's land, and the tension in the Italian lines has taken the form of a grim silence, as if the men already know their doom is approaching and wish only for it to envelop them quickly. Colonel Baseggio of the Italian Royal Army, a veteran of many mountain engagements in Africa, creates a new section, based not on doctrinal tactics, but on intrepid actions which he calls "Ardite." Assembled with volunteers drawn from the entire Italian Royal Army, his hastily trained company strikes deep into Austro-Hungarian lines, shocking the world with their courage and daring, often carrying the day with little more than knives and grenades. In the mud and snow of the Carso mountains, the "Arditi Company Cristoforo Baseggio"-the first of the famed Arditi formations-grows to carry the name of The Death Company. This first hand historical account details one of the most fascinating military phenomena of the Great War. Antelope Hill Publishing is proud to present Cristoforo Baseggio's The Death Company, for the first time in English, to preserve and expand access to the story of these extraordinary men.

  • af Teresa Skinner
    213,95 kr.

    En lo alto de la Montaña de la Esperanza, anidado en una enorme aguilera, se encuentra un huevo. En un día de tormenta, el huevo cae del nido y todo parece perdido hasta que Joven Pastor se tropieza con él, Huevo Solitario.

  • af Steve N. Lee
    288,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Katarina Jakobsson
    388,95 kr.

    Vad är sojaböna?Sojaböna (Glycine max) är en relativt ny gröda i Afrika. Under de senaste åren har dess produktion ökat avsevärt, delvis på grund av forskningsframsteg för att "tropicalisera" baljväxten.De flesta livsmedelsbutiker har en mängd olika sojaprodukter, inklusive sojamjölk, köttimitation och modersmjölksersättning. Till skillnad från de flesta växter är soja ett komplett protein, vilket innebär att det innehåller alla essentiella aminosyror. Detta gör att soja kan ersätta animaliska produkter, som är de vanliga kostkällorna för komplett protein, och gör soja till ett välkommet tillskott till växtbaserad kost.Sojabönor produkterA. SojamjölkAtt mala, blötlägga och sila sojabönor skapar en mild smakande vätska som kallas sojamjölk. Sojamjölk är vanligtvis en lämplig ersättning för mejerimjölk. Vanilj och choklad sojamjölk säljs ofta tillsammans med smaklös sojamjölk, som alla vanligtvis förpackas i aseptiska behållare. En 1-kopps servering sojamjölk har i genomsnitt 104 kalorier, 6 gram protein och 3,5 gram fett. Berik sojamjölk är en bra källa till kalcium, järn, vitamin B-12 och vitamin D.B. TofuSojabönsmassa - eller tofu - skapas genom att soja curdling med ett koaguleringsmedel. Tofu, som har minimal smak, kan lätt absorbera kryddor och smakämnen. Fast tofu är tät och användbar i röror eller soppor. Mjuk tofu är mosigare och fungerar i stället för yoghurt i smoothies. En 1/2-kopps portion fast tofu har 88 kalorier, över 10 gram protein och 5 gram fett. Krämiga desserter med tofu är vanliga i livsmedelsbutiker, liksom vanliga tofublock med varierande fasthet. De flesta10asiatiska marknader har färsk tofu, som har en mjukare konsistens och smak.C. SojasåserSojasås är en av de vanligaste sojaprodukterna som finns. Denna mörkbruna vätska med salt smak görs genom att sojabönor jäser. Shoyu och tamari är vanliga sorter av sojasås och är vanligtvis tillgängliga i olika nivåer av mörker. En 1-tsk servering tamari har 4 kalorier och 335 milligram natrium. Grönsaks-, kött- och tofurätter kräver ofta sojasås, men det används till och med i vissa kakrecept.D. SojabönsoljaEnligt The United Soybean Board innehåller de flesta margariner, matfetter och salladsdressingar sojaolja. Dessutom är det mesta av "vegetabilisk olja" du ser i mataffären ren sojaolja. American Heart Association listar sojabönolja som ett säkert fett för att upprätthålla hälsa och livslängd. En 1-tsk portion sojaolja har 40 kalorier, 4,5 gram fett och mindre än 1 gram mättat fett. Sojaolja är mestadels smaklös, vilket gör den till en icke-påträngande ingrediens i de flesta rätter.E. Andra sojaprodukterSojabönor är en otroligt mångsidig ingrediens som används för att göra många produkter som finns runt om i världen. Några exempel är vispad sojatopping, sojaost, sojayoghurt, sojanötssmör, sojagryn, sojaglass, sojaköttalternativ och sojanötter. Yuba, som är ett tunt ark tillverkat av sojabönor, är användbart för att göra wraps och soppor; tempeh är ett pressat, fermenterat block av sojabönor; miso är en fermenterad sojabönsblandning som används i soppa; natto är en klibbig, fermenterad sojabönsrätt

  • af 1058, &107, &1072, mfl.
    281,95 kr.

    Что такое ирландский паб?Пабы являются основной частью ирландской социальной жизни, и независимо от того, являетесь ли вы трезвенником или любителем пива, они должны быть частью вашего путешествия сюда. Будь то в сельской местности или в оживленном Дублине, паб представляет собой расширенную гостиную, особенно в Великобритании или Ирландии, где можно купить и выпить алкогольные напитки и где часто есть еда.Традиционная ирландская едаA. Полный ирландский завтракB. Черный пудинг и белый пудингC. Ирландский РашерсD. булочкиE. Ирландский лососьF. КолканнонG. Пирог пастухаH. Ирландский БокстиI. Ирландский пабJ. Ирландское рагу (баранина с картофельным пюре, луком, морковью и зеленью)K. Супы и супыL. Coddle (бекон, свиные колбаски, картофель и лук, тушеные слоями)M. Рыба и чипсыN. Воротник и капуста (вареный бекон, покрытый панировочными сухарями и коричневым сахаром, затем запеченный и подается с капустой)O. Боксти (картофельные оладьи с начинкой из рыбы, мяса или овощей) иP. Чамп (картофельное пюре с молоком и луком).Q. Содовый хлеб

  • af &16, &1606, 1579, mfl.
    278,95 kr.

    تاريخ الشوكولاتةقبل أن تقضم قطعة حليب ألبان ناعمة وغنية ، يجب أن تعلم أن الشوكولاتة لم تكندائمًا هذه الحلوى اللذيذة. كانوا تقليديا مشروبًا مرًا. تم العثور على الشوكولاتة فيالأصل في الغابات الاستوائية المطيرة في أمريكا الوسطى.كان سكان أمريكا الوسطى يزرعون الشوكولاتة ، وكانت القبيلة القديمة تعتقد أنالشوكولاتة تحتوي على قوى غامضة. كانت معروفة أيضًا بخصائصها المثيرة للشهوةالجنسية ، وصفاتها الروحية. كان المايا يعبدون حبوب الكاكاو. وكانت مخصصة فقطلأفضل الشخصيات والحكام والمحاربين والكهنة. كان أيضًا شكلًا من أشكال العملة فيمنطقة المايا.في عام 1828 ، تم تأسيس معصرة الكاكاو. ستفصل هذه الآلة زبدة الكاكاو ومسحوقالكاكاو عن حبوب الكاكاو. في عام 1887 ، قرر صانع شوكولاتة سويسري وضعالحليب في الخليط. كان يبحث عن طريقة لحفظ شوكولاتة الحليب لفترة طويلة ،وبالتالي ، تم تقديم شوكولاتة الحليب إلى العالم. منذ ذلك الحين ، أصبحت الشوكولاتةمتاحة بسهولة للجماهير. مع التسويق والمزيد من الإنتاج ، أصبحت الشوكولاتة الآنمن الأطعمة الشهية التي يمكن للجميع الاستمتاع بها

  • af Rick Kempeler
    188,95 kr.

    Raissa and Brandon loved each other deeply and talked oftenabout starting a family together. Raissa left, leaving Brandon toponder what went wrong, but fate had other intentions.In the third year after leaving, she returns. Bran is determinedto discover the reason she left and to regain her love.

  • af Leah Lewis
    113,95 kr.

    Worship is so much more than a song. Worship defines our relationship with God. It is what we do on a daily basis: how we think, the words we speak and the actions which follow. Worship is a lifestyle, and we are all called to live it. What we worship, and who we worship all comes down to how we live! As a follower of Jesus Christ, the journey out of the familiar world around us, into the Kingdom of Light, can be a tough one. Being transformed from the person you once were into who God has called you to be, can be as painful as it is beautiful. This book is here to help you navigate through this spiritual journey of transformation. If you are ready to live a life of victory, healing, obedience, faith and hope, where you say goodbye to the old version of yourself; one where you KNOW who you are as a child of God, and can confidently follow Jesus Christ no matter where you have been, or what you may have done in the past...then this is the right book for you! This book was written for every believer in Jesus Christ who desires to live in their true identity as His son or daughter. Allow this book to broaden your views, increase your understanding of the supernatural, and help to deeply strengthen you for life in the Spirit. Simply taught, you will learn: - The true meaning of worship, from a prophetic standpoint;- How to make the transition from a worldly lifestyle to a holy one, through transforming your entire mindset;- How to recognize God's call upon your life;- The relationship between the human body, soul & spirit;- The link between the heart & the mind;- How to be led by God's Holy Spirit;- How God can uniquely speak to you, and how to hear His voice;- How to overcome fear and walk in faith;- How to become clothed in the glory of God;- The real meaning of victorious living, and so much more. Reading this book will bring spiritual growth by the will of the Holy Spirit. It is an investment in your life that can surely bring you a rich reward of growth, enlightenment and equipment for the days ahead. Be sure to get your copy today.

  • af Linda Anthony Hill
    228,95 kr.

  • af Ellen Palestrant
    178,95 kr.

    A book for ALL AGES - 4 to 104! Poetry, song, poetic prose & humor abound. This is the black & white paperback version of Ellen Palestrant's unique and beautiful coffee table book, The World of Glimpse, where art, literature and theater combine. THE WORLD OF GLIMPSE is a fantasy realm of contagious rhythms and luminous color. Because Glimpse, the world of the Glimpsibles, is a world of creativity, and Sooma Sooma, the world of the Dreaded Drooma, is one of destructivity, the two worlds collide. Glimpse needs a seventh Glimpsible Spark to complete its color-tight alliance and prevent the Drooma, those begrudging, color-sucking, spectroscopic parasites, from destroying their world. Glimpse is a unique fantasy world which reflects both our own individual strengths & foibles. It also mirrors the world in which we live, the magnificence we need to preserve and the negativity we must address & counteract. A thought-provoking trip into fantasy, philosophy, and wonder. This book has a Glossary called a Glimpsary.

  • af Jizzixious Bishop
    433,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Nash Russell
    428,95 kr.

    Divinity's Twilight: Remnant is the sequel to Divinity's Twilight: Rebirth, which won the 2020 OZMA Award for Best Fantasy and the 2021 American Fiction Award for Best Epic Fantasy. Includes 12 illustrations, including 2 maps

  • af Salah El Moncef
    398,95 kr.

    Is it possible to hold onto hope when you lose everything else?Tariq Abbassi, hospitalized and disoriented, has trouble reconciling the life he imagined with the one that greets him upon waking in a trauma center. Soon enough, he realizes the reason behind his current condition: both of his beloved sons died after a horrifi c act of negligence. Struggling to face the dark truth, no matter the cost, he must sift through his confused memories to resolve how he got here. With ravishing beauty and uncanny profundity, Salah el Moncef's internationally acclaimed novel tells a stunning story of loss, hope, and the sometimes insurmountable obstacles we face on the road to redemption. The Offering is powerful testament that there is beauty in everything-even in that which destroys us.

  • af Salah El Moncef
    153,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Raven Howell
    263,95 - 413,95 kr.

  • af Victoria Dougherty
    223,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af Victoria Dougherty
    223,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af Mark Macedonia
    258,95 - 388,95 kr.

  • af K. Bromberg
    353,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling author, K. Bromberg, comes three full-length novels about wanting what you can't have . . . The Player: Easton Wylder is baseball royalty. The game is his life. His passion. His everything. Scout Dalton's out to prove a female can handle the pressure of running the physical therapy regimen of an MLB club. And that proof comes in the form of getting phenom Easton Wylder back on the field. But getting him healthy means being hands-on. And hands on means they might get more than they bargained for... Hard to Handle: Dekker Kincade's job is to woo the only man who has ever broken her heart, hockey phenom Hunter Maddox, over to her agency. If getting him signed can help save her family's business, she'll swallow her pride and do what's asked. But sometimes old feelings are hard to forget, and even harder not to act on . . . Cuffed: Police officer Grant Malone knew he was in love with skydiving instructor Emerson Reeves in the third grade. Little did he know it would to take over twenty years for them to cross paths again. Their shared past is what divides them. A little girl in trouble is who unites them. Can they see past what's holding them back to realize they are each other's futures? (All three books have been released previously.)

  • af 1052, &1051, &1054, mfl.
    276,95 kr.

    В наши дни кажется, что тема снижения уровня холестерина у всех на слуху. Вы видите статьи об этом в местной газете и рекламу лекарств по телевизору, и это становится общей темой для разговоров. Возможно, вы читаете эту книгу, потому что ваш врач сказал вам, что уровень холестерина у вас высокий или пограничный. Кажется, что такие термины выбрасываются постоянно. Возможно, у вас уже есть другие проблемы с сердцем или сосудами, которые могут усугубляться повышенным уровнем холестерина. Или, возможно, вы просто пытаетесь придерживаться здоровой для сердца диеты.Как мы видели, существует ряд факторов, влияющих на уровень холестерина и общее состояние здоровья сердца. Некоторые из них, такие как генетика и возраст, мы не можем контролировать. Но другие мы делаем. Когда дело доходит до этого, есть три основные вещи, которые мы можем сделать, чтобы снизить уровень холестерина. Одним из них является лекарство, и это то, что нужно обсудить с врачом. Другое дело - упражнения. Исследования показали, что регулярные физические упражнения могут снизить уровень холестерина и снизить риск сердечных заболеваний и инсульта. Мой кардиолог рекомендует как минимум 30 минут ходьбы в день. Это не так уж и сложно, но требует обязательств.Последним фактором является диета. И это причина для этой книги. Есть несколько вещей, которые мы можем сделать с диетической точки зрения, которые помогут. Первое, что идет рука об руку с физическими упражнениями, - это поддержание надлежащего веса тела. Избыточный вес является известным фактором риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.Второй, как упоминалось ранее, заключается в ограничении количества насыщенных жиров в вашем рационе. Хорошей новостью является то, что на этикетках пищевых продуктов теперь требуется указывать количество насыщенных жиров, так что это довольно легко отслеживать. Но насыщенные жиры - не единственный вредный жир.

  • af Stephanie Bruce
    263,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive guide for songwriters who are looking to expand their musical concepts beyond common practice templates. It covers all aspects of songwriting including Lyrics, Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, and Form. In addition, the author, an active songwriter who has been creating, performing, recording, and teaching music for nearly 40 years, shares her personal insights and experiences in describing the process, from the first spark of inspiration to the recording and performance of original songs. This book is especially helpful for songwriters looking to understand music theory at a level that will bring more interest and color to the music they write. Many styles of music are referenced here and the book seeks to engage interest in a broad range of sources and genres.

  • af S. A. Christianson
    210,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Yvette Kendall
    188,95 kr.

    Delilah gives SciFi a Try! is a short book about a young girl looking to expand her world through reading. She has read everything there is to read, or so she thinks. After a night of hoping, wishing, and dreaming, Delilah goes to school for a surprise of a lifetime. The author of this book, Yvette Kendall, is a SciFi writer as well and wants to shine a light on hidden possibilities. She decided to write this book in hopes of inspiring a new generation of girls to write or explore Science Fiction at an early age. More children's books by this author are "A Zombie For Mommy! and A Werewolf For Mommy!".

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