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  • af Sascha Eichstädt
    1.813,95 kr.

    This book introduces the concepts at the basis of dynamic measuring systems: vocabulary, modelling, calibration, measurement data analysis, uncertainty evaluation. It also provides the mathematical foundations for signal processing, stochastic processes and control theory, necessary for the analysis of dynamic measurements. Concepts and practical approaches for dynamic calibration and dynamic measurement are introduced to the readership through concrete examples ranging from mechanical quantities and medical ultrasound to the Internet of Things (IoT).

  • af Beat Jeckelmann
    1.763,95 kr.

    Metrology is part of the essential but largely hidden infrastructure of the modern world. This book concentrates on the infrastructure aspects of metrology. It introduces the underlying concepts: International system of units, traceability and uncertainty; and describes the concepts that are implemented to assure the comparability, reliability and quantifiable trust of measurement results. It is shown what benefits the traditional metrological principles have in fields as medicine or in the evaluation of cyber physical systems.

  • af Cameron Kunzelman
    233,95 - 1.198,95 kr.

    While the formal speculative qualities of written material and films are well known and understood, the techniques of speculation that are unique to games are undertheorised. By looking to two short games (VA-11 HALL-A and The Hard Way) whose primary mode of interaction is the click, the book elucidates the moment when video games generate speculation.

  • af Torsten Meyer, Helmut Maier, Michael Farrenkopf & mfl.
    848,95 kr.

    Der Sammelband geht zurück auf den ersten Workshop des vom BMBF geförderten Forschungsverbundes "Umweltpolitik, Bergbau und Rekultivierung im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich. Das Niederlausitzer Braunkohlenrevier, das Ruhrgebiet und die Wismut (1949-1989/2000)". Die versammelten Beiträge untersuchen die jeweiligen Praktiken der Rekultivierung in den genannten Revieren und binden diese an staatliche Umweltpolitiken zurück. Der gewählte deutsch-deutsche Vergleich lässt dabei umwelthistorische Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der BRD und DDR erkennen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auch dem Verwissenschaftlichungsprozess der Rekultivierung geschenkt, der nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs in beiden deutschen Staaten einsetzte. Ergänzend finden sich Abhandlungen, die sich der oral history des Uranerzbergbaus der Wismut, der einbettenden Umweltgeschichte der DDR und methodischer Reflexionen widmen.

  • af Eva Giloi
    1.913,95 kr.

    Staging Authority: Presentation and Power in Nineteenth-Century Europe is a comprehensive handbook on how the presentation, embodiment, and performance of authority changed in the long nineteenth century. It focuses on the diversification of authority: what new forms and expressions of authority arose in that critical century, how traditional authority figures responded and adapted to those changes, and how the public increasingly participated in constructing and validating authority. It pays particular attention to how spaces were transformed to offer new possibilities for the presentation of authority, and how the mediatization of presence affected traditional authority. The handbook's fourteen chapters draw on innovative methodologies in cultural history and the aligned fields of the history of emotions, urban geography, persona studies, gender studies, media studies, and sound studies.

  • af Frank Jacob
    223,95 kr.

    Sport is everything, but never solely sport. The commodification of human pleasure in or about many sports led to an increased political interest and dimension with regard to the major leagues and their stars. Corruption and scandals increased, while the human being in sports was and still is very often exploited or mistreated. These problems often relate to the political dimension as well. Consequently, it seems very promising and necessary alike to take a closer look at the interrelation of sports and politics. The present volume addresses this interrelation from different angles, when talking about issues like racism, gender inequality, or classism.

  • af Johan Östling, Charlotte A. Lerg & Jana Weiß
    898,95 kr.

    The theme of the first issue of the yearbook History of Intellectual Culture deals with "Participatory Knowledge". It will target the various ways knowledge is rooted in society through the participation of individuals and groups. Topics may include different kinds of knowledge harnessed within or through communities, modes of producing, circulating, and recording knowledge content.

  • af Robson Pedrosa Costa
    1.128,95 kr.

    In this book, the reader will come across one of the lesser known sides of slavery, marked by a highly institutionalized Paternalism, which imposed a sense of family, obedience and punishment on slaves, who were immersed into a religious and castrating morality ideology. Monks became large slaveholders and had to learn to deal with the stubborn resistance of those who refused to peacefully surrender their bodies and minds.

  • af Eveline Bouwers
    673,95 kr.

    Demystifying the Sacred: Blasphemy and Violence from the French Revolution to Today offers a much-needed analysis of a subject that historians have largely ignored, yet that has considerable relevance for today's world: the powerful connection that exists between offences against the sacred and different forms of violence. Drawing on cases from revolutionary France to the Russia of Vladimir Putin, the international authors probe the nature and agency of local blasphemy accusations, the historical and legal framework in which they were expressed and the violence, both physical and symbolic, accompanying them. In doing so, the volume reveals how cultures of blasphemy, and related acts of heresy, apostasy and sacrilege, were a companion to or acted as a trigger for physical action but also a form of how violence was experienced. More generally, it shows the importance of religious sensibilities in modern society and the violent potential contained in criticism or ridicule of the sacred and secular alike.

  • af Jolita Zabarskaite
    1.033,95 kr.

    This book is the first systematic study of the genealogy, discursive structures, and political implications of the concept of 'Greater India', implying a Hindu colonization of Southeast Asia, and used by extension to argue for a past Indian greatness as a colonial power, reproducible in the present and future. From the 1880s to the 1960s, protagonists of the Greater India theme attempted to make a case for the importance of an expansionist Indian civilisation in civilizing Southeast Asia. The argument was extended to include Central Asia, Africa, North and South America, and other regions where Indian migrants were to be found. The advocates of this Indocentric and Hindu revivalist approach, with Hindu and Indian often taken to be synonymous, were involved in a quintessentially parochial project, despite its apparently international dimensions: to justify an Indian expansionist imagination that viewed India's past as a colonizer and civilizer of other lands as a model for the restoration of that past greatness in the future. Zabarskaite shows that the crucial ideologues and elements used for the formation of the construct of Greater India can be traced to the svadesi movement of the turn of the century, and that Greater India moved easily between the domains of the scholarly and the popular as it sought to establish itself as a form of nationalist self-assertion.

  • af Yves Mühlematter
    878,95 kr.

    The main subjects of analysis in the present book are the stages of initiation in the grand scheme of Theosophical evolution. These initiatory steps are connected to an idea of evolutionary self-development by means of a set of virtues that are relative to the individual's position on the path of evolution. The central thesis is that these stages were translated from the "Hindu" tradition to the "Theosophical" tradition through multifaceted "hybridization processes" in which several Indian members of the Theosophical Society partook. Starting with Annie Besant's early Theosophy, the stages of initiation are traced through Blavatsky's work to Manilal Dvivedi and T. Subba Row, both Indian members of the Theosophical Society, and then on to the Sanâtana Dharma Text Books. In 1898, the English Theosophist Annie Besant and the Indian Theosophist Bhagavan Das together founded the Central Hindu College, Benares, which became the nucleus around which the Benares Hindu University was instituted in 1915. In this context the Sanâtana Dharma Text Books were published. Mühlematter shows that the stages of initiation were the blueprint for Annie Besant's pedagogy, which she implemented in the Central Hindu College in Benares. In doing so, he succeeds in making intelligible how "esoteric" knowledge was transferred to public institutions and how a broader public could be reached as a result.

  • af Luiz Burlamaqui
    1.248,95 kr.

    In 1974, the Brazilian sports official João Havelange was elected FIFA's president in a two-round election, defeating the incumbent Stanley Rous. The story told by Havelange himself describes a private odyssey in which the protagonist crisscrosses two thirds of the world canvassing for votes and challenging the institutional status quo. For many scholars, Havelange's triumph changed FIFA's (International Federation of Football Association) identity, gradually turning it into a global and immensely wealthy institution. Conversely, the election can be analyzed as a historical event. It can be thought of as a political window by means of which the international dynamic of a specific moment in the Cold War can be perceived. In this regard, this book seeks to understand which actors were involved in the election, how the networks were shaped, and which political agents were directly engaged in the campaign.

  • af Philipp Scherzer
    1.398,95 kr.

    While in the last twenty years perceptions of Europe have been subjected to detailed historical scrutiny, American images of the Old World have been almost wantonly neglected. As a response to this scholarly desideratum, this pioneering study analyzes neoconservative images of Europe since the 1970s on the basis of an extensive collection of sources. With fresh insight into the evolution of American images of Europe as well as into the history of U.S. neoconservatism, the book appeals to readers familiar and new to the subject matters alike. The study explores how, beginning in the early 1970s, ideas of the United States as an anti-Europe have permeated neoconservative writing and shaped their self-images and political agitation. The choice of periodization and investigated personnel enables the author to refute popular claims that widespread Euro-critical sentiment in the United Studies during the early 21st century - considerably ignited by neoconservatives - was a distinct post-Cold War phenomenon. Instead, the analysis reveals that the fiery rhetoric in the context of the Iraq War debates was merely the climax of a decade-old development.

  • af Mark E. Blum
    1.248,95 kr.

    The text will present a history of the phenomenological method, with a special focus upon its use in the writing of history and historiography. The inquiry method of phenomenology can be tracked from Aristotle through Hellenism into the Italian Renaissance and Northern European History. A careful focus will be upon twentieth century phenomenology and its turn to the writing of history and historiography.

  • af Sjaak Braster, Frederik Herman & María del Mar del Pozo Andrés
    578,95 kr.

    With respect to public issues, history matters. With the worldwide interest for historical issues related with gender, religion, race, nation, and identity, public history is becoming the strongest branch of academic history. This volume brings together the contributions from historians of education about their engagement with public history, ranging from musealisation and alternative ways of exhibiting to new ways of storytelling.

  • af Marko Demantowsky
    288,95 kr.

    «Wir danken der Gerda Henkel Stiftung (Düsseldorf,, dem Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft (Essen,, der Artemed-Klinikgruppe (Tutzing, und der Pädagogischen Hochschule FHNW (Basel/Brugg-Windisch, für die großzügige Finanzierung der¿Dießener Klausur Mensch|Maschine|Zukunft 2019¿und damit auch für die Ermöglichung dieses Buches.» Die Digitalisierung von Schule und Hochschule ist keine Frage von digitalen Endgeräten, sondern von Wissen, Ideen und Infrastrukturen.Der Band versammelt Essays von Expertinnen und Experten aus Schulen und Hochschulen, Politik, Journalismus und Computerwelt. Sie formulieren mit aufmerksamer Nachdenklichkeit Konzepte und Erwartungen an Lernen und Lehren der Zukunft, wenn alles digital wird.Das Buch richtet sich an alle, denen die Zukunft der Schule eine Aufgabe und ein Anliegen ist.

  • af Michael Fahlbusch
    358,95 kr.

    Völkische Forschungsparadigmen wirken über die NS-Zeit hinaus und können bis in die Gegenwart verfolgt werden. Erst 1998 stellte der Historikertag in Frankfurt die Verstrickung der Lehrer führender deutscher Sozialhistoriker ins Rampenlicht. Im Zentrum des Bandes stehen die Ursprünge und Auswirkungen völkischer Stereotypen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert und die Radikalisierung, Nazifizierung und Mobilisierung von Wissenschaftlern im Dienste rechtspopulistischer Wissenschaftsfelder in den Jahren bis 1945. Untersucht werden langfristig wirksame Netzwerke und die Kontinuität von Antisemitismus und rassistischem Nationalismus.

  • af Heike Amos
    308,95 kr.

    Welche Auswirkungen hatte die Wende auf die Karrierechancen von ostdeutschen Wissenschaftlerinnen? Verschlechterten sich insbesondere für Frauen aus den neuen Bundesländern die Berufs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten? Heike Amos untersucht am Beispiel von Physikerinnen erstmalig, welche Folgen der Transformationsprozess für Wissenschaftlerinnen hatte. Die Umbrüche, so ein Ergebnis, trafen Physiker und Physikerinnen zunächst gleichermaßen, erst nach 2000 wurde die Physik in den neuen Bundesländern wieder ¿männlicher und westdeutscher". Anhand von vielen ungedruckten Dokumenten aus zwölf Archiven und eigens geführten Interviews mit Physikerinnen zeichnet Heike Amos die Berufswege der Wissenschaftlerinnen nach und erstellt eine ¿Gruppenbiographie". Zu den bedenkenswerten Aussagen der Befragten gehört, dass sie ¿ obwohl der Herbst 1989 von ihnen mehrheitlich als politisch befreiend erlebt wurde ¿ die Jahre nach der Wende negativ erinnern. Sie nahmen diese Zeit als belastend, enttäuschend und undemokratisch wahr.

  • af Christian Meyer
    243,95 kr.

    Fragt man nach der Rolle des Privaten im Nationalsozialismus, werden meist zwei Thesen aufgeführt: Das Privatleben im Dritten Reich wurde politisiert, andererseits hat ein Rückzug in private Nischen stattgefunden. Unabhängig davon wurde dem zeitgenössischen Verständnis bislang nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit zuteil. Diese Studie rekonstruiert unterschiedliche Bedeutungen des Privaten während des NS-Regimes und versteht das Private als ein Deutungsmuster, mit dem gesellschaftliche und politische Prozesse analysiert wurden. Auf der Grundlage von autobiographischen Beiträgen deutscher Emigranten, die 1940 in Harvard gesammelt wurden, zeigt der Autor, dass es zu einer zentralen sprachlichen Praxis wurde, zwischen Privatem und Politischem zu unterscheiden. Ausgrenzung und Verfolgung drangen selbst in die Sprache des Privaten ein. So werden bisherige Forschungen zum Nationalsozialismus um eine neue Sichtweise aus der Historischen Semantik ergänzt.

  • af Uta Karstein
    338,95 kr.

    Das Einführungsbuch bietet einen kompakten Einstieg in die Kunstsoziologie. Vorgestellt werden wichtige Grundlagenwerke und die mit ihnen verbundenen Perspektiven auf die Kunst, sowie aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten, in denen diese Perspektiven aufgegriffen und fruchtbar gemacht werden. Darüber hinaus vermittelt das Buch einen Einblick in die Entstehungsgeschichte der Kunstsoziologie. Die Darstellung folgt dabei der These, dass sich in der wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit Kunst drei Zugangsweisen identifizieren lassen, die die Dynamik der Auseinandersetzungen lange Zeit wesentlich bestimmt haben. Thematisiert werden in diesem Zusammenhang auch Grenzziehungsfragen zu den Nachbardisziplinen sowie wichtige Begrifflichkeiten, die in der Kunstsoziologie häufig eine Rolle spielen (so u.a. Wahrnehmung, Praxis, Profession und Organisation). Integriert ist darüber hinaus ein Methodenkapitel, in denen auch neuere Überlegungen zu einer ästhetischen Forschung aufgegriffen werden.

  • af Sitta von Reden
    2.958,95 kr.

    Der Band bildet die Forschungsgeschichte, Quellen und theoretische Forschungsansätze sowie die Bandbreite der wirtschaftshistorischen Sachgebiete der Alten Geschichte ab. Der Rahmen reicht dabei von ca. 1000 v. Chr. bis ca. 400 n. Chr., den Mittelpunkt bildet die "Kernzeit" der griechisch-römischen Antike von 700 v. Chr. bis 300 n. Chr. Dabei stehen althistorisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse- und Darstellungsmethoden im Vordergrund.

  • af Sara Bender
    948,95 kr.

    Die in Bauprojekten verwendete Planungsmethode Building Information Modeling (BIM) tangiert auch die Kostenermittlung im Bauwesen. Die sogenannte modellbasierte Kostenermittlung bietet neue Chancen durch die Verwendung von digitalen Bauwerksmodellen als zentrale Informationsquelle. In der derzeitigen Forschung werden die in der Praxis fehlenden Standardisierungen und mangelnde Datenqualität als bestehende Prozessbarrieren aufgezeigt. Es wird ein standardisierter, zielgerichteter Prozessablauf benötigt, um unterbrechungsfrei und effizient arbeiten zu können. Aufbauend auf bestehenden Forschungsarbeiten und dem konventionellen Kostenermittlungsprozess wird der Prozessablauf modellbasierter Kostenermittlung mithilfe von Expertenbefragungen erarbeitet. Dabei werden in dieser Publikation sowohl Prozessschwierigkeiten als auch Prozesslücken beleuchtet und eine Anwendungsempfehlung ausgearbeitet, um bestehende Unterbrüche und Barrieren in der Anwendung zu beheben. Das Ziel der Forschungsarbeit ist die Verbesserung der Anwendung modellbasierter Kostenermittlung im Bauwesen, um ein zeit- und arbeitseffizientes Vorgehen sowie ein belastbares Kostenergebnis zu ermöglichen.

  • af Carole Naggar
    1.363,95 kr.

    "He used his camera like a doctor would use a stethoscope in order to diagnose the state of the heart. His own was vulnerable.", Cartier-Bresson wrote about David Seymour, who liked to be called Chim. Chim is best known as one of the cofounders of photojournalism's famous cooperative Magnum Photos. Weaving Chim's life and work, this book discovers this empathetic photographer who has been called "The First Human Rights Photographer". In 1947, Chim was one of the four cofounders of the Magnum Photos cooperative with Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson and George Rodger. He also wrote Magnum's 1955 bylaws, which are still in effect today. But he is the only one of those famous photographers who does not have a full biography to his name. This book examines his life and work from Poland to France to the Spanish Civil War, his work for British intelligence during World War II, his reportage on Europe's children after the war, his reportages on Italian actors, illiteracy and religious festivals in Southern Italy, his coverage of Israel's beginnings before his 1956 death during the Suez war. His complex itinerary is emblematic of the displacements and passages of the XXth century.

  • af Stylianos Perrakis
    1.353,95 kr.

    Lela Karayanni was a prosperous housewife with seven children, who had no experience in politics or military affairs, and yet she managed to build a formidable escape, espionage and sabotage organization that interacted with the highest levels of British intelligence service agents in Occupied Greece. She joined the SIS shortly after the German occupation of Athens and was betrayed, arrested and executed one month before the Germans¿ departure.

  • af Enrique Martino
    1.013,95 kr.

    Touts is a historical account of the troubled formation of a colonial labor market in the Gulf of Guinea and a major contribution to the historiography of indentured labor, which has relatively few reference points in Africa. The setting is West Africa's largest island, Fernando Po or Bioko in today's Equatorial Guinea, 100 kilometers off the coast of Nigeria. The Spanish ruled this often-ignored island from the mid-nineteenth century until 1968. A booming plantation economy led to the arrival of several hundred thousand West African, principally Nigerian, contract workers on steamships and canoes. In Touts, Enrique Martino traces the confusing transition from slavery to other labor regimes, paying particular attention to the labor brokers and their financial, logistical, and clandestine techniques for bringing workers to the island. Martino combines multi-sited archival research with the concept of touts as "lumpen-brokers" to offer a detailed study of how commercial labor relations could develop, shift and collapse through the recruiters' own techniques, such as large wage advances and elaborate deceptions. The result is a pathbreaking reconnection of labor mobility, contract law, informal credit structures and exchange practices in African history.

  • af Mark Charles Fissel
    1.098,95 kr.

    The Military Revolution and Revolutions in Military Affairs updates two central debates in military history--the one surrounding the concept of military revolution, and the one on military affairs--whilst advancing original research in both fields. Only a handful of publications consider the military revolution and the RMA in tandem. This book breaks new ground conceptually and appeals to an exceptionally large and diverse readership. Comparative revisionist studies of the military revolution and RMA better enable us to comprehend the historical continuum and reveal the new RMA for what it is. And for what it is shortly to become. This book presents original contributions within the "epicentre" of the military revolution debate, the 1500s, with an emphasis on gunpowder revolution (offensively and defensively). The connections with the Revolution in Military Affairs are then made explicit by scholars, a practitioner, and an analyst, with an emphasis on airborne lethal autonomous weapons systems. This is a chronologically broad and unique methodological approach to a historical debate that begs for clarification as we enter an era where killer robots will almost certainly take from humans their monopoly on violence.

  • af Ylva Grufstedt
    1.353,95 kr.

    Ylva Grufstedt investigates the role of counterfactuals in uses of history through game designers and through digital strategy games. It discusses the content, form and perspectives that define different types of counterfactuals in the context of game-making ¿ an effort to outline and detail the values and frameworks that shape the past in this popular media.

  • af Nikolaos Mavropoulos
    1.128,95 kr.

    The comparison of early Italy¿s and Japan¿s colonialism is without precedence. The majority of studies on Italian and Japanese expansion refer to the 1930¿1940s period (fascist/totalitarian era) when Japan annexed Manchuria (1931) and Italy Ethiopia (1936). The first formative and crucial steps that paved the way for this expansion have been neglected.This analysis covers a range of social, political and economic parameters illuminating the diversity but also the common ground of the nature and aspirations of Japan's and Italy's early colonial systems. The two states alongside the Great Powers of the era expanded in the name of humanism and civilization but in reality in a way typically imperialistic, they sought territorial compensations, financial privileges and prestige. A parallel and deeper understanding of the nineteenth century socio-cultural-psychological parameters, such as tradition, mentality, and religion that shaped and explain the later ideological framework of Rome's and T¿ky¿'s expansionist disposition, has never been attempted before. This monograph offers a detailed examination of the phenomenon of colonialism by examining the issue from two different angles. The study contributes to the understanding of Italy's and Japan's early imperial expansion. In addition, it traces the origins of these states' similar and common historical evolution in late nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century.

  • af Christopher GoGwilt
    1.033,95 kr.

    The word "West" is omnipresent and often unquestioned. The goal of this volume is to elaborate a critical reflection on this concept and make these implicit processes explicit. The articles focus on spatio-temporal practices regarding the production and representation of westernness. Taking critical perspectives, which view the West from the inside and the outside, they address issues of highest political and social relevance.

  • af Sarah M. Ross, Barbara Staudinger, Katrin Keßler & mfl.
    483,95 kr.

    How was the re-emerging Jewish religious practice after 1945 shaped by traditions before the Shoah? To what extent was it influenced by new inspirations through migration and new cultural contacts? By analysing objects like prayer books, musical instruments, Torah scrolls, audio documents and prayer rooms, this volume shows how the post-war communities created new Jewish musical, architectural and artistic forms while abiding by the tradition. This peer-reviewed volume presents contributions to the conference "Jewish communities in Germany in Transition", held in July 2021, as well as the results of a related research project carried out by two university institutions and two museums: the Bet Tfila - Research Unit for Jewish Architecture (Technische Universität Braunschweig), the European Center for Jewish Music (Hanover University for Music, Drama and Media), the Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, and the Jewish Museum Augsburg Swabia. For the first time, post war synagogues in Germany and their objects were researched on a broad and interdisciplinary basis - regarding history of architecture, art history of their furniture and ritual objects as well as liturgy and musicology. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) during the years 2018 to 2021 in its funding line "The Language of Objects".

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