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  • af Mirjam Augstein
    782,95 kr.

    Personalized and adaptive systems employ user models to adapt content, services, interaction or navigation to individual users' needs. User models can be inferred from implicitly observed information, such as the user's interaction history or current location, or from explicitly entered information, such as user profile data or ratings. Applications of personalization include item recommendation, location-based services, learning assistance and the tailored selection of interaction modalities. With the transition from desktop computers to mobile devices and ubiquitous environments, the need for adapting to changing contexts is even more important. However, this also poses new challenges concerning privacy issues, user control, transparency, and explainability. In addition, user experience and other human factors are becoming increasingly important. This book describes foundations of user modeling, discusses user interaction as a basis for adaptivity, and showcases several personalization approaches in a variety of domains, including music recommendation, tourism, and accessible user interfaces.

  • af Ari Katorza
    232,95 - 1.127,95 kr.

  • af Angela Kuttner Botelho
    182,95 - 1.055,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Aguirre Quiroga
    182,95 kr.

    The fall of 2016 saw the release of the widely popular First World War video game Battlefield 1. Upon the game's initial announcement and following its subsequent release, Battlefield 1 became the target of an online racist backlash that targeted the game's inclusion of soldiers of color. Across social media and online communities, players loudly proclaimed the historical inaccuracy of black soldiers in the game and called for changes to be made that correct what they considered to be a mistake that was influenced by a supposed political agenda. Through the introduction of the theoretical framework of the ¿White Mythic Space¿, this book seeks to investigate the reasons behind the racist rejection of soldiers of color by Battlefield 1 players in order to answer the question: Why do individuals reject the presence of people of African descent in popular representations of history?

  • af Rebekka Mallinckrodt
    232,95 kr.

    While the economic involvement of early modern Germany in slavery and the slave trade is increasingly receiving attention, the direct participation of Germans in human trafficking remains a blind spot in historiography. This edited volume focuses on practices of enslavement taking place within German territories in the early modern period as well as on the people of African, Asian, and Native American descent caught up in them.

  • af Doron Bar
    232,95 - 1.127,95 kr.

  • af Frank Jacob & Carsten Schapkow
    232,95 kr.

    Nationalism was declared to be dead too early. A postnational age was announced, and liberalism claimed to have been victorious by the end of the Cold War. At the same time postnational order was proclaimed in which transnational alliances like the European Union were supposed to become more important in international relations. But we witnessed the rise a strong nationalism during the early 21st century instead, and right wing parties are able to gain more and more votes in elections that are often characterized by nationalist agendas. This volume shows how nationalist dreams and fears alike determine politics in an age that was supposed to witness a rather peaceful coexistence by those who consider transnational ideas more valuable than national demands. It will deal with different case studies to show why and how nationalism made its way back to the common consciousness and which elements stimulated the re-establishment of the aggressive nation state. The volume will therefore look at the continuities of empire, actual and imagined, the role of "foreign-" and "otherness" for nationalist narratives, and try to explain how globalization stimulated the rise of 21st century nationalisms as well.

  • af Benoît Henriet
    232,95 - 1.052,95 kr.

  • af Max Kemman
    182,95 - 727,95 kr.

  • af Carolyn Strong
    194,95 kr.

    Ethical approaches to marketing offers a dynamic and inspiring perspective on how powerful marketing can have a positive and ethical impact on society. It brings together a wealth of internationally acclaimed academics who share their thoughts on a broad range of ethical approaches to marketing. With the continued and unwavering criticism of marketing across the globe, with accusations of persuasion, exploitation and manipulation and more this book aims to open the minds of the reader to the constructive and progressive approaches of ethical marketers. It reframes the way we think about marketing and society offering a number of emotional and motivational topics written by world leading academics, bringing together the great minds of ethical academics in a profound and dynamic monograph. The range of scholars includes new and upcoming academics taking on the opportunity to publish their work alongside eminent scholars. Contributions support the notion that marketing is good for society and impacts on consumer wellbeing, lifestyle, communities and positive consumer behaviours. This book asks the reader to think differently, feel the change that is rapidly developing in marketing through the interconnections of personal ethical values which are becoming interdependent with professional marketing values. "As problems linked to health, the environment and social injustice mount during the 21st century, harnessing the power of marketing to help find and promote positive solutions is going to be crucial for all our futures. Billy Bob Thornton once claimed publicly that ¿Marketing is the Devil¿, but this collection demonstrates the potential for marketing and marketers to make important contributions on the side of the angels." (Professor Ken Peattie)

  • af Jeffrey Gunn
    232,95 - 1.262,95 kr.

  • af Sarah van Ruyskensvelde
    347,95 kr.

    This volume brings together important theoretical and methodological issues currently being debated in the field of history of education. The contributions shed insightful and critical light on the historiography of education, on issues of de-/colonization, on the historical development of the educational sciences and on the potentiality attached to the use of new and challenging source material.

  • af Svetlana Suveica
    567,95 kr.

    In the former Russian province of Bessarabia united with Romania in 1918, local inhabitants tried to make sense of the new reality by mastering geopolitical visions and making their own identity choices. Profoundly marked by the World War I, the disintegration of the Russian Empire and the growing Bolshevik danger, a group of Bessarabians, of both imperial and revolutionary elite, refused to imagine the fate of their region alongside Romania but looked for political alternatives, either in autonomy inside Romania and Ukraine or as part of a restored (monarchic or democratic) Russia. The book tells the story of a transnational network of Bessarabians and White Russian émigrés in Paris and other European capitals who during the 1919 Peace Conference played wisely on the "Wilsonian moment" to propel the idea of a pro-Russian "will" of the Bessarabians. Though unsuccessful in solving the Bessarabian "question" in Paris in their favor, they succeeded in animating anti-Romanian feelings and impacting personal and group identities inside the region.

  • af Rahul Kumar
    1.062,95 kr.

    Football and Fascism. The Politics of Popular Culture in Portugal tells the hidden history of football and discusses its political, social and cultural foundations, during the longest running authoritarian regime in Europe. Theoretically grounded on Bourdieu's field theory, and using a multi-scalar methodology, this award-winning research explores the political tensions between the nationalization of sports envisaged by the Portuguese "New State" and the integration of national football in a globalized urban popular culture. Mobilizing unexplored archival sources, and a wide array of primary materials, this groundbreaking work offers new insight on the administrative structures of the corporativist state, the making of an authoritarian cultural program, and the relation between state institutions and civil society. Besides broadening the scope of existing transnational histories of football, this study also puts into question the conventional geographies and political chronologies adopted in sports history. For his oustanding research, Rahul Kumar won the 2015 "Mário Soares Award - EDP Foundation" for best work in Portuguese history by researchers under 35 and received an honourable mention, also in 2015, in the "CES Award for Young Portuguese speaking Social Scientists", attributed by the Centre for Social Studies of Coimbra University.

  • af Crislayne Alfagali
    692,95 kr.

    This study analyzes the establishment of an iron foundry in the interior 18th-century of Angola. It was a fruit of the Portuguese Enlightenment, which encouraged investment in manufacturing, particularly of iron, a metal indispensable for military and technological purposes. However, the plans faced the resistance of African blacksmiths and founders who refused to learn foreign techniques and work processes. By emphasizing Central African agency, the book highlights the successful strategies of historical actors who scholars have largely ignored. Based upon a wide variety of sources from Brazilian, Portuguese, and Angolan archives, the book reconstructs how Africans were taken to work at the foundry and the important role they played in developing the form of production employed there. By emphasizing continuities with African technology and the quality of the iron produced, it counters interpretations of the project as an example of the failure of the Portuguese Enlightenment. The analysis demonstrates the circulation of knowledge about iron production, thus revitalizing debates that have posited knowledge transmission as unidirectional. It also highlights the relationship between local political leaders and the colonial government, in addition to elucidating the processes by which workers were organized.

  • af Andrea Ebarb
    1.287,95 kr.

    In 2016, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that Max Brod's posthumous papers which included a collection of Kafka's manuscripts be transferred to the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem. If Kafka's writings may be seen to belong to Jewish national culture and if they may be considered part of Israel's heritage, then their analysis within a Jewish framework should be both viable and valuable. This volume is dedicated to the research of Franz Kafka's late narrative "The Burrow" and its autobiographical and theological significance. Research is extended to incorporate many fields of study (architecture, sound studies, philosophy, cultural studies, Jewish studies, literary studies) to illustrate the dynamics at work within the text which reveal the Jewish aspects implicitly thematicized. Examination of the structure created, the nature of sound perceived, the atmosphere experienced and the acts performed by the protagonist serve as the foundation of this analysis and offer new access to Kafka's work by presenting an interpretive, space-semantic approach. "Der Bau" is presented as a life concept given the task of constituting identity, highlighting the critical link between the literary and biographical Kafka and demonstrating the necessity of understanding the author as a Jewish writer to understand his late narrative. For her outstanding research project, Andrea Newsom Ebarb was awarded the "Forschungsförderpreis der Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Mainz e.V." in 2023.

  • - The Development of the Power Generation Gas Turbine at BBC - ABB - Alstom
    af Dietrich Eckardt
    682,95 - 757,95 kr.

    This book tells the story of the power generation gas turbine from the perspective of one of the leading companies in the field over a period of nearly 100 years, written by an engineer. Especially in times of imminent global economic crises it appears to be worthwhile to reflect on real economic values based on engineering ingenuity and enduring management of technological leadership. Though the book is primarily designed as a technical history of the BBC/ABB/Alstom power generation gas turbines, its scope is sufficiently broad to cover general development trends, including parallel competitor activities. A special benefit is the historical breakdown to the gas turbine component level, so that the book actually outlines the development of axial compressors from early beginnings, the progress in combustion technology towards extraordinary low emission values and that of axial turbines with special emphasis on early turbine cooling innovations.The sheer length of certain engineering developments over several decades allows interesting historic observations and deductions on inherent business mechanisms, the effects of technology preparations and organisational consequences. A look into the mirror of the past provides revelations on the impact of far-reaching business decisions. 2017 Winner of the Historian Engineer Award of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers

  • af Heinz Kußmaul
    387,95 kr.

    Sowohl für Studierende und Lehrende als auch für Praktiker aus den Bereichen der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Steuerlehre und des Steuerrechts gibt dieses Buch eine übersichtliche Darstellung der wichtigsten Steuerarten in Deutschland. Die einzelnen Kapitel liefern fundierte Kenntnisse über steuerliche Grundlagen, das Steuersystem, die Einkommensteuer, die Körperschaftsteuer, die Gewerbesteuer, die Grundsteuer, die Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer, die Umsatzsteuer, weitere wichtige Verkehr- und Verbrauchsteuern sowie den Einfluss der Rechtsformwahl auf die Besteuerung. Auf dem gesicherten Rechtsstand Januar 2023 wurde das Buch aus der renommierten 4. Auflage "Steuern" weiterentwickelt. Neben dieser Aktualität zeichnet sich das Buch besonders dadurch aus, dass die Leser mit Hilfe der theoretisch fundierten und durch zahlreiche Abbildungen und Beispiele sehr gut nachvollziehbaren Darlegungen ihr gelerntes Wissen anhand von zahlreichen Fallbeispielen mit Musterlösungen überprüfen können.

  • af Gideon Botsch
    662,95 kr.

    Der Rechtsextremismus begleitet die Geschichte der Bundesrepublik seit ihren Anfängen. Dazu gehören u.a. Parteien, im Hintergrund arbeitende Kulturorganisationen, Jugendbünde, aber auch militante und terroristische Gruppierungen. Die Existenz vielfältiger Organisationen und Zusammenschlüsse, ihre inhaltliche Ausrichtung und die Vernetzung untereinander waren und sind in hohem Maß auch durch das Engagement einzelner Akteure und Akteurinnen geprägt. Der Band versammelt biografische Studien zu 24 einschlägigen Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten des bundesdeutschen Rechtsextremismus. Der akteurszentrierte Ansatz vertieft die geschichtswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über diese "besondere politische Kultur" (Peter Dudek/Hans-Gerd Jaschke) in Deutschland. Die vorgestellten Lebensläufe stehen exemplarisch für unterschiedliche Alterskohorten, Sozialisationsverläufe und politische Ausrichtungen im rechtsextremen Milieu. Gleichzeitig führen sie eindrücklich vor Augen, in welcher Weise politische und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen die "Erfolgsfähigkeit" der hier vorgestellten Akteurinnen und Akteure mitbestimmten.

  • af Gisela Hürlimann
    297,95 kr.

    Jahrestage und Jubiläen spielen im ¿Doing History" eine zentrale Rolle: Sie erweitern qualitativ und quantitativ die Kreise der Personen, die ¿Geschichte" konsumieren und produzieren, zugleich korrespondieren und konkurrieren im Jubiläum verschiedene Medien der Geschichte: Fach- und populärwissenschaftliche Schriften sind dabei nur eine und zumeist nicht die wirkmächtigste Erzählung der Vergangenheit: Auch über Feste und Feiern, Spiele und Inszenierungen werden individuelle und kollektive Identitäten adressiert und Zugehörigkeiten zu (gedachten) Gemeinschaften (re-)produziert. Auch in der Geschichte von Hochschulen und Universitäten spielen Gründungsjubiläen eine zentrale Rolle. Denn Jubiläen generieren eine spezifische Aufmerksamkeit für die Institutionen und produzieren nicht selten eine Vielzahl an Geschichtssorten, in denen nicht nur die Geschichte der Institution thematisiert, sondern die Institution selbst reproduziert, reifiziert oder auch reformiert wird. Das Geschichte-Machen ist somit Ausdruck des Ringens um das institutionelle Selbstverständnis zum Zeitpunkt des Jubiläums und eignet sich, um reflektierte und unreflektierte Selbstzuschreibungen zu untersuchen. Die Beschäftigung mit Hochschuljubiläen ermöglicht dadurch nicht nur die Perspektivierung vergangener Gegenwarten, sondern rekurriert auch auf vergangene Zukunftserwartungen und die Rolle, die Geschichte darin spielen sollte. Der Sammelband adressiert diese Fragen anhand zwei eng verwobener Schwerpunkte ¿ der identitätsstiftenden Funktion von Jubiläen und den in ihnen zutage kommenden Geschichtssorten ¿ am Beispiel verschiedener Hochschultypen in Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Österreich und der Schweiz in einer longue durée von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis in die Gegenwart.

  • af Andreas Praher
    297,95 kr.

    Ausgezeichnet mit dem International Ski Association's Ullr Book Award 2023 Die Geschichte des nationalsozialistischen Skilaufs in Österreich beginnt nicht erst mit dem ¿Anschluss¿ im März 1938. Schon davor kann eine Hinwendung großer Teile des organisierten Skisports zum Nationalsozialismus nachgezeichnet werden. Eine zunehmende Ideologisierung des Sports führte zu einer Ausgrenzungspolitik im ÖSV, die in der Radikalität der NS-Diktatur seine Entsprechung fand.Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beleuchtet Machtstrukturen und Handlungsspielräume des österreichischen Skisports vor und während der NS-Diktatur und geht der Frage nach, inwieweit dieser zum Träger des nationalsozialistischen Unrechts-Systems werden konnte. Im Fokus stehen besonders die handelenden AkteurInnen, ihre individuellen Handlungs-, Beteiligungs- und Deutungsmuster. Dabei erzählt die Publikation sowohl die Geschichte der TäterInnen als auch der Opfer, der Ausgegrenzten und Verfolgten und befasst sich ebenso mit dem österreichischen Skisport in der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit bis 1955 und wie dieser ungeachtet der NS-Verbrechen zu einer nationalen Sportart und seine Aktiven zu ¿HeldInnen¿ stilisiert werden konnte.

  • af Paulina S. Gennermann
    1.157,95 kr.

    Über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten. Oder doch? Im Rahmen einer Forschungsarbeit zur Entwicklung von Aromastoffen und zur (Be)Deutung von Natürlichkeit und Nicht-Natürlichkeit kann über Geschmack durchaus gestritten beziehungsweise diskutiert werden. In "Eine Geschichte mit Geschmack" geht es um die Prägung von Geschmacksvorstellungen und -wahrnehmungen in der Gesellschaft und um den Umgang mit synthetischen und künstlichen Aromastoffen mit Fokus auf Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert. Im Kern steht dabei die Frage nach Natürlichkeit, denn das Verständnis von "natürlich" und "nicht-natürlich" ist essentiell für den Umgang mit Aromastoffen. Anhand des Ersatzstoffdiskurses und des Natürlichkeitsdiskurses wurde die Entwicklung von Produktion, Verbreitung, Konsum und Regulierung dieser Stoffe nachgezeichnet und in ihren Spezifika analysiert. Vanillin, als der erste chemisch-industriell synthetisierte und als der am meisten verbrauchte Aromastoff, dient dabei als herausstechendes Fallbeispiel. Durch die Analyse von Produktion, Verbreitung, Konsum und Regulierung von Aromastoffen treten die sich verändernden und sich zwischen unterschiedlichen Interessengruppen unterscheidenden Verständnisweisen der Begriffe "natürlich", "synthetisch" und "künstlich" zu Tage. Begriffe, die bis heute nur schwer zu fassen sind, aber dennoch regelmäßig gebraucht werden.

  • af Friedrich Kießling
    292,95 kr.

    Die neue Darstellung der Geschichte Europas zwischen 1890 und 1918 in der Reihe Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte. Zuverlässig und gut lesbar zeichnet der Band die Dynamik der inneren Entwicklung der europäischen Staaten an der Schwelle zu Massenpolitisierung und Demokratisierung ebenso nach wie die Dynamiken des internationalen Systems oder die Folgen der europäischen Expansion im "Zeitalter des Imperialismus". Eine konzise Darstellung des Ersten Weltkriegs, in dem viele der vorangegangenen Entwicklungen kulminierten, schließt den Band ab, der mit dem Abgang Bismarcks als deutscher Reichskanzler im Jahr 1890 beginnt. Auf dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung entsteht so das vielgestaltige Porträt einer Epoche, in der sich Europa endgültig auf den Weg in die Moderne machte - mit allen positiven wie negativen Konsequenzen.

  • af Chris Saunders
    967,95 kr.

    It is now widely recognised that a Cold War perspective falls short in unfolding the complex geographies of connections and the multipolarity of actions and transactions that were shaped through the movement of individuals and ideas from Africa to the "East" and from the "East" to Africa in the decades in which African countries moved to independence. Adopting an interdisciplinary, transregional perspective, this volume casts new light on aspects of the role of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the decolonisation of Africa. Taking further themes explored in a collection of essays published by the editors in 2019, the twelve case studies by authors from South Africa, Czech Republic, Portugal, Russia, Hungary, Italy, Canada, Serbia, and Germany draw on new sources to explore the history of the ties that existed between African liberation movements and the socialist bloc, some of which continue to influence relationships today. Chapters contribute to three relevant main themes that resonate in a number of scholarly fields of inquiry, ranging from Global Studies, Transregional Studies, Cold War Studies, (Global) History to African Studies, Eastern European, Russian and Slavic Studies: Reconsiderations, Resources, and Reverberations. Drawing upon newly opened archives and combining transregional perspectives with sources in different languages, chapters explicitly point out the shortcomings of past research and debates in the respective field. They highlight new avenues which have been developing and which need to be further developed (Reconsiderations). Selected case studies address the resources of those being active and involved in decolonisation processes, be it in East, North, West and South. They reveal: Which resources (both material and intellectual) are the actors drawing upon? On the other hand: From which resources are individuals on one side or the other reciprocally or intermittently (intentionally) kept away? (Resources). Finally, the third theme puts an emphasis on the historicity of the processes depicted. Studies point to the gaps and dead ends of international support, the paths that peter out, but also to repercussions and reverberations up until today. (Reverberations) Taken these three themes together, the individual chapters contribute to the overall question of: Which general historical narratives about the second half of the 20th century are changing based on these new research findings?

  • - Wege der Forschung
    af Thomas Schlemmer
    220,95 kr.

    Es ist unbestritten, dass der Faschismus als Weltanschauung, Herrschaftssystem und soziale Praxis zu den Signaturen des 20. Jahrhunderts gehrt. Dafr ist die wissenschaftliche und politische Auseinandersetzung ber das Wesen des Faschismus umso kontroverser gefhrt worden - und sie ist bis heute nicht zum Abschluss gekommen. Was hielt die faschistischen Bewegungen, die nach 1919 in ganz Europa entstanden, im Innersten zusammen? Was verband und was trennte Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus? Diese und andere Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt des vorliegenden Bandes, der eine Bilanz der internationalen Faschismusforschung seit den 1990er Jahren zieht und dabei Autoren aus Deutschland, Grobritannien, Italien und den USA zu Wort kommen lsst.

  • af Peter Runia
    447,95 kr.

    Marken sind aus dem Alltag der Konsumenten nicht mehr wegzudenken und haben weiter an Bedeutung gewonnen. Auch in der Marketingpraxis bildet die Marke den Dreh- und Angelpunkt des marktorientierten Handelns. Das vorliegende Lehrbuch schließt die Lücke zwischen Markenmanagement und Marketingprozess, indem die Markenperspektive in einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung eingenommen wird. Insbesondere werden die Kernbegriffe Markenidentität, Markenpositionierung und Markenimage in einen klaren Zusammenhang gestellt. Zudem erfolgt eine grundlegende Unterscheidung in Marketing- und Markenstrategie. Abschließend werden Modelle zur Markenbewertung vorgestellt. Somit erhalten sowohl Studierende als auch Markenverantwortliche in der Praxis einen kompakten Überblick über alle Elemente der Markenführung.

  • af Giacomo Bonan
    1.287,95 kr.

    The material and energy flows that characterized the metabolism of preindustrial and industrial societies were organized through complex infrastructures based on interwoven social and natural elements. Analyzing infrastructures from many methodological and thematic perspectives, the present volume adopts an extensive periodization to identify the changes caused by industrialization and the persistence of pre-existing features and dynamics.

  • af Jacob Tovy
    1.372,95 kr.

    The Israeli-West-German Reparations Agreement from September 10, 1952, is considered an event of paramount importance in the history of the State of Israel due to its dramatic and far-reaching implications in multiple spheres. Moreover, this agreement marked a breakthrough in international law. It recognized the right of one country to claim compensation from another, in the name of a people scattered around the globe, and following events that took place at a time when neither polity existed. Post-Holocaust Reckonings studies this historical chapter based on an enormous variety of sources, some of which are revealed here for the first time, and it is the first comprehensive research work available on the subject. Researchers, lecturers, teachers, students, journalists, politicians and laymen who are curious about history and political science might take a great interest in this book. The subject of indemnification for damages resulting from war or war crimes would also be of interest to societies and communities worldwide who have experienced or are currently experiencing human and material tragedies due to national, ethnic or religious conflicts.

  • af Wolfgang Torge
    652,95 kr.

    The fifth edition of this textbook has been completely revised and significantly extended in order to reflect the revolution of geodetic technologies, methods and applications during the last decade. The Global Geodetic Observing System established by the IAG utilizes a variety of techniques to determine the geometric shape of the earth and its kinematics, the variations of earth rotation, and the earth's gravity field. The societal importance of geodetic products was highlighted by the UN resolution on the Global Geodetic Reference Frame. In this context, both space and terrestrial techniques play a fundamental role. Recent space missions are monitoring climate-relevant processes such as mass transport in the Earth system and sea level changes. The analysis of the time variation of the geodetic products provides the link to neighboring geosciences and contributes to proper modelling of geodynamic processes. New satellite mission concepts and novel technologies such as quantum gravimetry and optical clocks show great potential to further improve the geodetic observing system in the future. The book especially addresses graduate students in the fields of geodesy, geophysics, surveying engineering, geomatics, and space navigation. It should also serve as a reference for geoscientists and engineers facing geodetic problems in their professional work. The book follows the principal directions of geodesy, providing the theoretical background as well as the principles of measurement and evaluation methods, which is enriched with numerous figures. An extensive reference list supports further studies.

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