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Bøger udgivet af Deborah A. Cooke

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  • af Claire Delacroix
    205,95 kr.

    Ramsay MacLaren owes a debt to the daughter of the Hawk of Inverfyre, one he will never forget' for the beguiling beauty helped him escape her father's dungeon, saving his life and capturing his heart. When he hears that she is to wed a man he knows to be a knave, Ramsay must warn her, though he believes he can never claim Evangeline for his own.Rebellion in her heart, Evangeline Armstrong hopes for the best from her arranged match with a stranger, dreaming all the while of a single encounter with Ramsay MacLaren, a handsome outlaw, her father's sworn enemy, and a man whose very name makes her heart leap. Brigands attack her party en route to the wedding, and Ramsay himself corners her, insisting she must not make the match, then steals a kiss that will haunt her dreams.Evangeline soon learns the truth of Ramsay's claim when she is the sole witness of her betrothed's heinous crime. Without allies in his abode, she flees his attack upon her with Ramsay's aid-who insists they wed for her own protection. Their night together only awakens a desire for a thousand more-and makes Evangeline yearn for a forbidden union that she fears can never be. Can she trust a warrior whose kiss stirs her very soul, choosing him over her own family? Even if Ramsay can defeat his lady's betrothed and defend her honor, can he win the heart of the lady who holds him in thrall?

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 kr.

    When the grim Lord de Tulley bequests his legacy to his niece and decides to arrange her marriage, the maiden in question knows that no man of sense will decline such a rich prize of a bride. Her jest, undertaken to ensure her survival and ease an old man's loneliness, has become deadly serious. To Heloise's dismay, Tulley chooses Lothair the Viking as his successor. Lothair is unlike the other knights in his company-just as powerful and decisive as his fellows, quiet Lothair is also perceptive. His very presence makes Heloise's heart flutter and not just because she fears he will uncover her deepest secret. A man of honor like Lothair can only reveal the truth to Tulley and Heloise dreads the result. Can she charm her taciturn betrothed for the greater good?A warrior and a healer, Lothair is accustomed to being caught between objectives. Still, experience has not prepared him for the temptation of Lady Heloise, the beautiful niece of his overlord. The maiden's very presence steals his wits and renders him mute, while her barest glance fills his heart with wild yearning.When Lothair discovers that Heloise is not the maiden she pretends to be, he is once again snared-between honor and duty, his dawning love for his new wife, and the lady's determination to keep her secret. Can he dare to trust the woman who has stolen his heart, or is he just a willing pawn to his lady? Can Heloise trust the knight who swears to defend her forever instead of fleeing-or will her past demand its due from both of them first?

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    172,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Cooke
    212,95 kr.

    The ancient magic of darkfire scorches the history of the Pyr, dragon shifters sworn to defend the treasures of the earth, spreading chaos in its wake. Periodically commanded by Pyr with the rare ability to hold it in thrall, blue-green darkfire burns with relentless power through the centuries, shattering boundaries and provoking change. The Darkfire Chronicles tell the stories of those Pyr illuminated by darkfire's spark. One kiss will unveil the secrets of the past...Cast through time with his fellow Dragon Legion Warriors, Orion follows the spark of his firestorm, the sign of his destined mate's presence. Only when he's left behind, alone in a different time, does he discover the darkfire's deception. His firestorm might be a feint, but the woman touched by its golden radiance is one who could capture Orion's heart forever. When Slayers attack, Orion is determined to defend her and her secrets, no matter the price to himself.Grad student Francesca is more interested in her career and research than in getting married. But then, she's never met a man like Orion, a fierce protector whose presence ignites an undeniable desire within her-although the seductive power of his kiss isn't the only thing Francesca can't explain. Orion also creates a glow inside the vase said to contain the voice of the Cumaean Sibyl. When that light is released, Francesca hears the voice of the past and is revealed as Orion's destined mate-making her the Slayers' target.On the run, Orion and Francesca join forces to solve the Sibyl's last riddle. Will success provide the key to their shared future? Or will the unpredictable darkfire snatch Orion away as abruptly as he arrived-along with Francesca's memories of the dragon shifter who has claimed her heart? How much will either of them sacrifice to save their their unborn son and defend their future together?

  • af Claire Delacroix
    147,95 kr.

    She wed once for duty but will only wed again for love...For as long as she can remember, Eliza North's heart has been in the possession of her older brother's friend, Nicholas Emerson. But Nicholas has always been oblivious to Eliza, and when he bought a commission and sailed to war, she wed sensibly instead. Returned to her brother's house a widow, she meets Lieutenant Emerson again and realizes neither of their feelings have changed. She accepts his request to chaperone his younger sister, Helena, hoping she might win his attention yet, with the assistance of the mysterious Mrs. Oliver and her guide for seduction.Nicholas Emerson could never aspire to wed the daughter of a duke, especially one so pragmatic as Eliza has always been. That she married for the whimsy love makes him wonder how well he knew Eliza after all. She is still the only woman who captures his attention, but he knows his injuries mean he can never marry. Still, he cannot resist the chance to request Eliza's assistance with Helena's second season, and the chance to share her company.Neither of them anticipate Helena's wild behavior or their necessary alliance to defend her reputation. Entrusted with the manuscript of Mrs. Oliver's advice on the seductive arts, Eliza puts its counsel to use, much to Nicholas' delighted astonishment. How can he refuse the woman he loves, even knowing that he can never ensure her happiness? Caught between honor and love, Nicholas must accept his legacy from the war for this pair to have a future-is Eliza the woman who can heal his wounds forever?

  • af Claire Delacroix
    162,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    217,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    217,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    237,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Cooke
    212,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Cooke
    212,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Cooke
    212,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    162,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 kr.

    Gaston kämpfte für Pflicht und Ehre ... bis Ysmaine ihn dazu verführte, um ihre Liebe zu kämpfen ... Als der Tempelritter Gaston unerwartet den Besitz seiner Familie erbt, weiß er, dass er eine Frau und einen Erben braucht. Eine Vernunftehe mit einer hilfsbedürftigen Witwe erscheint als eine praktische Lösung. Betraut mit dem Überbringen einer Fracht für die Templer, verlässt das frisch vermählte Paar Jerusalem. Das Leben, wie Gaston es seit seiner Jugend gekannt hat, ist vorüber, und er stellt fest, dass nur noch wenig nach Plan verläuft - besonders, was die Beziehung zu seiner geheimnisvollen neuen Frau angeht, deren Gegenwart ein unerwartetes Feuer in ihm schürt ... Zweifach verwitwet, zweifelt Ysmaine daran, dass sie je wieder eine Ehe eingehen wird, schon gar keine, die ihr zum Vorteil gereicht - bis der schroffe Streiter, der sich als ihr Retter entpuppt, ihr Herz erobert. Sie ist entschlossen, Gaston zu beweisen, dass eine Ehe für sie beide mehr bereithält als einen Erben, aber zuerst muss sie das Vertrauen des Mannes gewinnen, den sie so impulsiv geheiratet hat ... Keiner von beiden weiß, dass Gaston ein kostbarer Schatz des Templerordens anvertraut wurde - und dass jemand in ihrer Reisegruppe diese Beute um jeden Preis für sich haben will. Kann Gaston, umgeben von Fremden, es wagen, seiner neuen Frau zu vertrauen? Kann Ysmaine ihn davon überzeugen, ihr anzuvertrauen, was er weiß? Können sie das Rätsel gemeinsam lösen, bevor der Schurke seine Pläne in die Tat umsetzt und alles verloren ist?

  • af Delacroix Claire Delacroix
    212,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Cooke
    182,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    237,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    237,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    317,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Cooke
    212,95 kr.

  • - A Christmas Romance
    af Deborah Cooke
    142,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Cooke
    212,95 kr.

  • af Claire Delacroix
    122,95 kr.

    Eurydice Goodenham is convinced that a marriage of convenience with the notorious Sebastian Montgomery, Earl of Rockmorton, would be ideal: in exchange for one child, she can retreat to the library of his country house to write, while he continues his scandalous life in London. But when she finds herself falling in love with her unpredictable, mischievous and secretly honorable husband, does she have any hope of claiming his heart?Sebastian is bored with the world's amusements, until his friend's ward makes a startling proposal. He can't help but challenge Eurydice's expectations in return. A wild escape to Gretna Green convinces him that his unexpected bride is perfect for him-except that Eurydice doesn't believe in love. Can Sebastian win this bluestocking's reluctant heart in time to save a Christmas-and a marriage-going awry?

  • - A Regency Romance Novella
    af Claire Delacroix
    112,95 kr.

    Rupert Haskell has always thought that Anthea, his friend Alexander's younger sister, would make an excellent choice of bride, but the loss of his inheritance made it impossible for him to court her. Caught between his honor and his heart, the only way he can show his esteem for Anthea is remove the stain from her name-even if that means having to watch her marry another man.Anthea Armstrong left London in her debut season when she was falsely accused of theft. Now that the real villain has been apprehended, she's returned to town to arrange her brother's wedding. She hopes to once again encounter the mysterious suitor who stole her heart with a kiss at a masquerade ball...when she realizes the mysterious man is none other than Rupert Haskell, can she convince this proud man of honor to take a chance on love?

  • af Claire Delacroix
    212,95 kr.

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